8. Christmas Cabin Pt. 3
lizabeth's POV
So Scarlett has been calling me 'down bad' and a 'simp' for Y/N... Whatever that means I don't really care.
Right now, we are walking through the Winter Wonderland, there's many roller-coasters, rides and it seems like fun. I'm still however a little pissed at my hellspawn child for cockblocking me TWICE.
Y/N was carrying William in his arms, he was pointing out different roller-coasters that he was probably too short to go on.
Andrew: Hey Y/N, do you want to try the giant tea cups.
Y/N: Haha sure.
Haha no.
Scarlett: (Whispering) He's taking your man.
I glare back at her and she surrenders her hands. We continue walking through until deciding to meet up at this tree. The parents go to get food and have their convos, the established couples leave, the twins, Scarlett and Rose go try out some rides leaving me, Y/N and William.
Y/N: I'm going to go keep him busy.
Elizabeth: Hey do you want to go ice skating in that rink after?
Y/N: Sure. I'll be back.
He leaves with a smile and takes our son to the busy areas of the theme park.
Fuck. Lizzie is so hot today and I don't know why... It's gotta be the makeup or something, she's wearing a coat but her top is exposed, but it's a crop top which reveals her stomach.
Right now, Will and I are in line for a roller-coaster he wanted to go on. When we got closer to the front the ride operator said William was too small and wasn't allowed to ride. William looked defeated but I smiled, with the brightest idea in my head. The two of us walked away to some wooden tables, where people would sit and eat hot dogs etc.
William: I wanted to go on the ride.
Y/N: Oh trust me, we are going on that ride.
William looks up at me with a devilish grin, I feel like I'm staring at the carbon copy of myself. I then proceed to get handkerchiefs and stuff my sons shoes. As I was on his second shoe when I heard voices of a familiar person behind me, more specifically a British accent.
???: Oi! Y/N is that you? Y/N L/N!
I turned to see who it was and I swear I heard a confused sound from William.
It was Christian Bale, who was with his son, not so much older than William.
Y/N: Christian?
Christian: Y/N!
So to get this short, we met at a party for the premiere of the American Psycho reboot. We don't talk much as both of us tend to stay away from public and focus on our family lives and career.
I stand up and pull eachother for a quick hug as the children look around awkwardly.
Y/N: How's it going, you're with your family I presume?
Christian: Going great and yeah, I am... Is that your son? You two look so alike.
He crouches down and greets William with a handshake.
William: Who are you?
Y/N: William you don't know?! It's Batman from the Dark Knight movies.
William: Batman doesn't have a beard.
Christian: Well I used to play Batman but now your dad plays him!
I greet Christian's son and I quickly finish up stuffing William's shoe. Turns out Christian was doing the same for his son too. We were now walking towards the roller coaster line, having a small talk as we waited.
Christian: They didn't give you a zipper?! Make sure you get a zipper to pee. I did three movies with no zipper in my outfit.
Y/N: I had to steal a knife and make a small incision through it.
Christian: I should've thought of that.
We arrive at the operators desk and sees that William and Christian's son are the correct height to go on the ride. We find some seats and the fellow Batman sits behind William and I.
As we got locked into our seats I notice that William is a bit small so I decide to place an arm over him incase he starts flying out. The ride started and William was laughing hysterically at it however I was not. I was happy to see my son enjoying himself but when we reached the air I spotted Elizabeth with a not so friendly reaction, her arms were crossed and she was glaring at me.
After the ride was finished I walked back with Christian who wanted to talk but I told him I was about to get the scolding from my ex girlfriend. Lizzie greeted the four of us before letting William head to MK and Ashley. She then pulled me away from the family.
Elizabeth: That was dangerous, the man said no.
Y/N: Yes.... But William's eyes said please. Not my fault you taught him your eye begging technique.
Elizabeth: I DID NO- But I'm serious. He could've been hurt.
Y/N: He didn't move much and I had my arm around him if anything was going to happen. He was happy and fine.
Elizabeth's POV
I can't even be annoyed at him. I lower my head slightly, knowing he was right. I was then suddenly taken aback by a hug. A warm comforting hug.
Elizabeth: I'm sorry, I just worry sometimes.
I mumble against his chest, I could be in this state forever but we're in public.
Y/N: No need to apologise, he's your son and you were just being a good mother.
Elizabeth: No, I'm sorry. I was just... I was just scared that if anything had happened to him I'd be at fault.
I look up at him and I feel his soft finger guiding my gaze to meet his. I see him lean down and kiss me... On the forehead. He pulled away leaving me in an internally celebrated state. I want more.
Y/N: You are an amazing mother who only wanted to protect her child, don't worry about it. I was the irresponsible one.
I notice William shouting for me, as the Twins and Scarlett have begun to tickle the boy, getting fed up of waiting I decide to leave Y/N and save William.
Y/N: Plus technically you were right, some parts made me think that there was a good reason for a height check.
I turn around instantly, snapping out of my little world to look at my husba- I meant Y/N.
Elizabeth: MAYBE?!
With that I saw Y/N speed away playfully to someone he was talking, from what it looked like it was a brunette woman. Oh nevermind it's Christian Bale with long hair.
I hurried off to where Christian was. He seemed to be talking to someone as his son was probably with his mother. He was talking to a girl who just took a picture with him.
Girl: WOAH... Who's this BABE you're with Christian?
Christian: His name is Y/N and he's not a girl.
Girl: Okay. So Y/N, what do you do?
Y/N: I... Uh act?
Her words seemed to be slurring and she suddenly collapsed in Christian's arms, we decided to take her to the security guard and make sure she was safe. Eventually, we were done and had to say goodbye as he was leaving and I had to go ice skating. He congratulated me and wished me luck on the Batman film.
We were now situated in the ice rink, Elizabeth was putting on her skate shoes on as I did the same. I decided this may be the right time to tell her something.
Y/N: Thank you.
Elizabeth: For what.
Y/N: Thank you for the love that you've shown William. We may have had our differences, but you are the greatest role model ever. You showed us how to love and be loved, and I can't thank you enough for that. I know Will's life wouldn't the same without you, and I- He loves you so much...
I nearly told her I love her... But I was scared to admit it. Especially after what has gone through our lives. I notice the corners of her mouth upturn into a grin and we hug. I then feel her place a kiss on my cheek.
Elizabeth: Thank you for being the best father ever, Y/N.
I smile and pull away to meet her emerald eyes, those same ones I fell in love with.
Y/N: Will you skate with me?
Elizabeth: Yes, yes I will.
She beams and takes my hand and I lead her out into the ice rink. I haven't done this in ages but it instantly brought me back to when Lizzie and I used to do this every Holiday, we'd hold onto eachother and spin eachother around and lots of cute stuff.
I take a moment to adjust to the ice rink and slowly go foward along the other people who were also there, I wave to William who was sat at the bench with the older members of the family, eating dinner.
Elizabeth slowly followed behind and the song instantly changed making the pace change.
Y/N: I hate when that happens!
Elizabeth: Me to-
She let out a little scream and I turned around, my reflexes instantly kicked in and I quickly held onto the woman by the waist as she regained her breath from the initial shock.
Y/N: You okay...?
Elizabeth: Yeah, just haven't done this in a while.
Y/N: Just hold onto me.
Elizabeth: Okay. Yeah.
I could feel her grip tighten around my shoulders and we looked into eachothers eyes. Suddenly, Scarlett's voice broke through.
My cheeks instantly reddened and from the predicament I was in, I lowered my gaze and smiled it off, we regained the pace and started to ice skate and I was instantly brought back to my teenage years when we would practice by holding onto eachother.
Elizabeth: I remember this one... Adult edition?
We both bursy out laughing and I lay my cheek onto the back of her hand as I looked into her eyes dreamily. The song was slow and I felt a heavy lift of weight on my body escape.
Elizabeth's POV
I saw his mouth watering face lay on my hand and I could feel myself giving in, I could see true meaning behind those beautiful E/C colored eyes of his.
I could feel the grip on my waist tighten and my hands trail to the side of his head, we slowly begin to lean in and I shut my eyes as I prepare myself for this kiss.
William: DADDY!
Fuck. Shit. Bitch. Shit. Fuck. NOOOOO.
He pulled away to see someone behind me and it was William skating around us and doing circles and all sorts of different maneuvers that neither Y/N and I have done. But right now I just want to cry like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. THREE TIMES?!
Elizabeth: Ooh. When did you learn how to skate?!
William: Batman.
He says simply, Y/N then decides to test him out on his skills and begins to chase him making the boy scream. Calm down Lizzie, no one will stop you when you'll out the miseltoe. Right? Oh no... I may have to lock William in the cupboard if he pulls another cockblock on me ever again.
Hours pass and we eventually head home late in the evening, I was yet again washing William's face and do it a bit harder, not aggressively but playfully making him whine.
William: Stop it Mama!
He waves his hands aorund and I stop to kneel down.
Elizabeth: William... Now listen here, I love your Daddy so much.
William: I knowwww.
Elizabeth: Do you want Mama and Daddy to be together?
William: Uhhh Yes.
Elizabeth: Then when it looks like I'm about to kiss him you stay silent, okay baby?
William: Fine.
I then smother him with kisses and place him in the bed. I walk out his room after switching off the lights and walk into Y/N and I's room. He's in bed under the covers reading a book with glasses... I've never seen him wearing those but it's giving hot history teacher vibes.
I sit at the edge of the bed and glare at him he sets his book aside and takes off his glasses.
Y/N: Something wrong Liz?
Elizabeth: I'm still mad at you for the roller-coaster...
Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry... What can I do to make up for it?
Elizabeth: A massage.
He then looks slightly shocked at the sudden and specific response he then nods and gets out of bed.
Y/N: Okay...
Elizabeth: Really?! I was only joking.
Y/N: Oh you were joking nevermind.
Elizabeth: Oh no you can't take that back. You're giving me a massage.
Y/N: Fine.... Where are the oils?
Elizabeth: Downstairs. In my bag.
Y/N: I'll go get them.
As soon as he leaves I get undressed, fully naked and lay on the bed chest facing the mattress. He eventually comes through and I wiggle my ass out slightly for him... Hoping it ends the way I do. I can't see anything so I have to rely on his touch.
So my baby momma is on the bed, stark naked and I can see her ass and everything. Okay be respectful and close your eyes, I do that and walk over, peeking to see where I went and avoiding my gaze from her body which was so fucking hard.
I popped the cap open and poured some on her back, after a sufficient amount I put the oil away and close my eyes, I can feel the skin on her back, so soft. My hand drift along to the right places since I know her body inside out, I begin to knead her back to her shoulders and the neck. I could feel her sighs and groans at the relaxation.
I dig my fingers in gently and work on her shoulder blades, trailing down to her waist and making sure not to cross any boundaries.
Elizabeth's POV
Why the hell is he not fucking me right now? I decide to turn my head and open an eye as his hands do his magic on my arms know. I pop an eye open to see that Y/N is doing it with his eyes closed... Right, yeah he's a respectful king. My bad.
Eventually our massage session is finished I take a shower and exit in some sexy sleepwear.
I could see a gulp enter his throat and I smirked to myself. I swayed my hips and entered the bed, after that massage I feel horny but at an omega level type horny. We were now in a position where his front was pressed against my back and I made sure to push my ass out onto the man in PJs. I could feel his breath hitch. Aw he's nervous.
Elizabeth: Y/N what is that~
I say seductively, he can't see my face so he may think I'm just asking but I know damn well it's an erection. His arms begin to shuffle aorund and he pulls out a pen infront of me.
Y/N: Oh, uh. It's uh pen.
Stop lying.
I brush it off and we eventually get to a decent time to be silent. But I know he's awake.
Elizabeth: Is that another pen or... A visit from your friend.~
His tone then changes to a more seductive and realising the situation demeanor.
Y/N: Well when you wear something like that you expect to see my friend.
I was caught off guard and begin to play along.
Elizabeth: This- Is just normal sleep wear.
Y/N: Well Lizzie I'll have to get you more as your nipples are saying your cold, or maybe something else~
Elizabeth: Hmmm.
Y/N: Go to sleep.
(a/n: slightly shorter chapter but i enjoyed nonetheless. btw, would you guys read Scarlett Johansson fic from me?)
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