6. Christmas Cabin Pt. 1
Y/N: Urgh!
I adjust myself and grab a pillow, throwing it at whatever gremlin came into my room. I open one eye to see William now climbing the bed and jumping on it.
I quickly jolt up making the boy scream and grab him into my arms and take him down onto me. I begin to ruffle his hair as he laughs.
Y/N: You've woken up early.
William: Yeah! Mama and Daddy and me are going to Christmas house and all the family!
Y/N: That's right. But we have to have breakfast first.
William: Can we play in the snow and make a snowman?
Y/N: Yes, we'll do everything just get off me and let me get ready.
William: Mama is making sandwiches.
Y/N: Oh is she? Her sandwiches are really good.
William: And they're spicy.
Y/N: I know buddy.
He gets off me and runs out the guest room I stretch my arms out and yawn. Last night was really nice. The movie is gonna get more popular as the more people watch it. Seeing Lizzie's reaction was priceless though. I get out of my bed and do the bed before heading to the shower.
Elizabeth's POV
I place a few sandwiches in a plastic box for us to eat on the road trip because we are bound to get hungry. It's a 5 hour trip. My boy then comes running back with a smile I pick him up in my arms and kiss his cheek.
William: I woke daddy up!
Elizabeth: Did you sing him the sunny time song.
William has created a wake up song that he has been torturing me with every morning if I don't wake up before him.
William: He threw a pillow at me!
Elizabeth: I would've done the same.
I kiss him on the cheeks again and place him dow
Elizabeth: William.
William: Yes Mama.
Elizabeth: Go pack your snacks because we're leaving very soon.
William: Okay!
I set Y/N's breakfast on the Island as Will has already had his. Luckily, I preplanned some of this trip and the Christmas presents were in the cars trunk and the bags with all the clothes, the only the left was the food during the road trip which I had just finished.
Y/N's footsteps then interrupted me, his hair was damp and was wearing a dark red sweater with some black trousers.
Y/N: Morning.
Elizabeth: M-Morning.
He seats himself infront of me at the island and looks at his breakfast before taking a look at what I was wearing. I was wearing a brown jumper with my sleeves rolled up and black leather pants.
Y/N: Nice outfit.
Elizabeth: Yeah, you too.
I need to move away before I drool over him. I head upstairs to check everything was ready and packed the snacks for William knowing damn well he was going to pack junk food. I quickly called MK and she told me that Mom, Dad and Ash were coming over but the others won't since their busy. Andrew and Emma, Tom and Zendaya, Scar and Rose and Y/N's parents were also coming.
One thing I was able to plan well was that this Cabin had many rooms. So the couples had their own rooms, MK and Ash also have their own and so does William. But I'm going to pretend that I made a mistake because... Y/N is going to have to sleep in the same room as me... Hopefully the same bed too. #girlboss
Also, I happen to have packed mistletoes that I'll be using as decorations but my real motive is to 'accidentally' bump into Y/N under the miseltoe and kiss him.
After breakfast, Y/N (DILF) was now dragging our offspring into the car and buckling him into the backseat. I was watching it happen in amusement before looking up into the flip mirror and apply some lipstick.
Y/N then enters the car and starts it.
Y/N: Everyone ready?
Elizabeth & William: Yeah!
We laugh and he drives off, I'm probably the most excited. I can't wait to spend time with the family and most importantly my baby daddy.
William was eating his sandwich and I noticed and became a little hungry, we were on the highway so I was concentrated on that.
Y/N: Hey can I get a sandwich too?
I ask while my hands gripped the steering wheel. Lizzie then passed me a sandwich and took it, thanking her. I then looked down to see the sandwich had a bite in it. I smirked knowing it was Elizabeth's doing.
Y/N: Did a piranha bite my sandwich?
Elizabeth: Maybe.
Y/N: Well then it's a cute piranha.
I take a bite out of the sandwich as it takes me back to simpler times. When Lizzie would visit me on set for Spider-Man or any project I was working on and on every break we'd have little lunch dates.
Elizabeth's POV
I look down, blushing hard. Like really hard. He technically called me cute and we technically kissed that way... Right? I was suddenly pulled out by Y/N's voice.
Y/N: These are really good, Lizzie. Thank you.
Elizabeth: Your welcome.
William: Mama.
Elizabeth: Yes honey.
William: Where were you yesterday?
Elizabeth: Well your Daddy and I watched thr new Spider-Man movie together!
The boy briefly gasps and waves his hands together.
William: I wanna watch Batman.
The one movie where I despise the romantic interest... No.
Y/N: Well The Batman is a bit too old for your age but... I can take the movie home and I can watch it with you guys. How does that sound?
William: Okay.... quand y arrivons-nous ?
Elizabeth: What?
Y/N: Is he speaking French again?
Elizabeth: Oh... He gets mixed up sometimes but he's pretty fluent in French.
So long story short. Y/M/N, Y/N's mother, has always wanted to go to France and has been practicing French so whenever William comes round their house, he's always finding himself learning French with his grandmother which is cute but it's getting to the point where he's getting better in French than in English.
Elizabeth: William baby.
William: Yeaaaa.
Elizabeth: What were you asking again... In English please?
William: Uhh, I said that when are we getting there.
Elizabeth: Just a few more hours honey.
William: Can I get my tablet?
Elizabeth: Sure. But you have to give it back when I ask for it.
I crouch down to get my bag and pull out William's tablet, he does have his own electronics but we put allowances on when he's allowed since he's only a four year old. I reach behind the seat and hand him the tablet.
William: Thank you Mama.
William was pretty much knocked out cold in the backseat and Elizabeth was examining the cars that went past. She had just finished talking to everyone who was coming along and found out they'll be arriving a few hours later because we gave them a different time.
Y/N: You okay?
I asked as my eyes were fixated on the road.
Elizabeth: Yeah... I'm just really thirsty...
Y/N: Wait a sec.
I shuffle my right arm around and find my water bottle, I pass it to Lizzie and I swear she mumbled either a 'that's not what I meant' or a 'thank you' in response.
Y/N: I'm really excited... We can go sledging, it's snowing, we can go to the Winter Wonderland out there too. I heard it's great.
Elizabeth chuckles at my enthusiasm and nods, I turn to meet her with a nose scrunch. Yes, the nose scrunch. I reach out for her hand and hold onto it, turning back to the road.
Y/N: You know you're cute when you do it.
Elizabeth: That's why I did it.
Y/N: But then again you were cute in the first place.
I could feel her hand squeeze tighter and I rub my thumb along her skin. Enjoying the moment.
After a few hours, we arrived at the Cabin. It was in a big patch of snow and was bigger than Lizzie's house.
Y/N: Woah...
Elizabeth: It's big isn't it?
Y/N: Yeah...
We take several minutes but Lizzie and I manage to get through with the luggage and we put our sleeping boy in his room. So he got his own room and now Lizzie is showing me mine.
I follow her up the wooden stairs to a spacious bedroom, brown interior and a double bed. Elizabeth turns around with a sorrowful expression.
Elizabeth: So something went wrong with the booking and turns out we have to share this room.
Y/N: So William gets his own room and I don't?
Elizabeth: Yeah... Pretty much- I can take the floor- Or I mean-
Y/N: Lizzie, we share a son. I'm sure we can share a bed for a few days. It's no big deal.
Suddenly, several knocks come in and I run downstairs to who it is. Opening the door, Lizzie loosely joins behind.
It's literally everyone we invited.
Y/N: You guys came on time...
David: Well we didn't want to miss anything.
Y/N: Well- uh come in.
I step aside and Lizzie's family comes in, then Scar and her daughter, then my parents, then Tom, Zendaya, Andrew and Emma.
I close the door and turn around.
Y/N: So, Lizzie will show you to your rooms I'll just get downstairs sorted.
(3 hours later)
I was currently sat with Tom and Andrew, we were discussing Spider-Man and William, who was now wide awake was sat in my lap.
William: Daddy can I watch the movie.
Y/N: But you don't like Spider-Man.
William: No, I like Spider-Man but not your Spider-Man.
Y/N: Okay that hurt. Whos your favourite Spider-Man then?
William points ahead of him, where Tom was sitting across us on another sofa.
Tom: Yep that's the right answer.
Andrew: No it isn't! I'm your favourite Spider-Man, right William?
William: I haven't seen your movie.
Tom: OHH! Take that!
William: But Daddy's Batman is the best!
He says enthusiastically and I give him a high five.
Y/N: Why don't you go play with Rose. Daddy needs to help Mama with dinner.
Elizabeth's POV
I saw William and Rose running around the halls as the adults were sat around, talking with eachother. I then felt a hand on my shoulders and hearr a yawn.
Y/N: You wanna get the table set?
Elizabeth: Yeah let's do that. You take the plates and I'll tell everyone to sit.
As Y/N takes the plates and cutlery, I call for everyone to have dinner. I hand Rose and William special plates with chicken nuggets as the adults all sit down around the table. I take a seat next to Y/N. Everyone helps themselves to the food and we eat in mostly silence with Y/N catching up with his parents and discussing work.
I then decide to play a little game.
Elizabeth: Daddy can you pass me the gravy.
I then watch Y/N's hand and my dad's hand both reach for the gravy before Y/N gets mistaken and pulls away making my dad look confused. I bit my lip to refrain from laughing as I took the gravy from his hand. So the old pet names do still work.
Y/F/N: So Y/N have you finished filming Uncharted?
I notice Y/N nearly choke on his drink, I didn't know he's filmed THAT many... But Tom is in Uncharted, it's coming out next year.
Y/N: What are you talking about?
Tom: Yeah... Y/N everyone knows you're playing Sam. You don't have to keep secrets.
Y/N: (Clears throat) Right... It was just giving me No Way Home PTSD.
Everyone else laughs at the joke and bring my hand to rub Y/N's back gently, he turns and gives me a soft smile.
After dinner, everyone was either chilling, sleeping or eating dessert on the sofas. I was sat on the sofa chilling. I then put my phone away when I see Will jump of my mom's lap and onto mine.
William: Are you going to be much bigger than me?
He asks innocently.
Y/N: Am I gonna be much bigger than you?
William: Yeah.
Y/N: I don't think so, you're pretty tall. You think you're gonna be bigger than me?
William: Yeh and I'm gonna be like eh- Old.
Y/N: You're gonna be old? Okay, when you're my age, how big are you gonna be?
William: Hey you wanna teach you how to, how I gonna be en franç- Can I teach you how to speak en Français?
Y/N: Yes please. Show me.
William: So...
I look at my child in anticipation, as he fiddles with his toy. Finding the right words to say.
William: Quand vous serez plus âgé, vous allez mourir et retourner dans l'univers (When you're older you're going to die and return to the universe)
I look at him in shock, my mom's been teaching him well.
Y/N: Okay. Tell me what you just said.
William: I said when you're older you're all broken and you're gonna turn back into space.
I start to chuckle slightly and hug him.
Y/N: Did you really say that or are you just making stuff up?
William: Yeh ummmmmmmmmm.
He then laughs and I also laugh.
Y/N: You're a funny guy.
I then notice it's his bed time and take him off my lap.
Y/N: Go say night night to Grandma.
William then runs up to my mom giving her a hug and she kisses his cheek before handing him to me. I walk him upstairs and put the little devil to sleep. I then walk downstairs and start taking the plates off the table to wash. #cooldad
Elizabeth's POV
As Y/N was taking the plates off the table I heard a few notifications from my phone. It was from entertainment weekly on Instagram. Mostly everyone had gotten to their beds and it was only me and Scarlett remaining.
liked by 231,781 people
@/entertainmentweekly Y/N L/N and Zoë Kravitz take off in #TheBatman, a new take on the Caped Crusader that sees Selina Kyle and more challenge his code and unlocks Gotham's secret history.
@/hoe4y/nl/n PETER?! 🙈💦💦
@/zolofans34 how do actors do this and not fall in love.
@/batmanigt THEM> 😩
@/shreksasscheek i don't know who i want to be in this photo.
@/marveldcfans channing tatum and elizabeth olsen looking at these photos like: 👁️👄👁️
What the fuck.
How dare this woman put his hands all over Y/N and look at him like that?! Their noses even touched! And the comments shipping them what the hell... Wait she's with Channing Tatum? Oh, well she doesn't seem to care... Calm down Lizzie it's just a photoshoot... Even the real Y/N is in the same house as you, he even held your hand... Actually no I won't calm down.
Scarlett: Whatcha looking at- Oh.
I was about to go off until a handsome man named Y/N approaches me and takes my dessert bowl from me. I mumble a thank you but I'm so mad... But do I have the right to? I'm not like his girlfriend... Yet.
Scarlett: He looks hot in those pics.
I suddenly turn to see Scarlett with a toothy smirk, knowing she's trying to wind me up but I'm still not having.
Scarlett: You wanna know something... I was speaking with Zoë at Will's party and she's not interested in Y/N.
Elizabeth: What are you talking about.
Scarlett: It's like what you have with Paul. Strictly professional. She said she was considering him but he was always talking about you...
My eyebrows slowly soften knowing that Y/N still loves me.
Scarlett: She respects you but didn't want to lose his friendship... So that's why you're just imagining things like that when in reality he doesn't think of her that way...
I give a soft smile and nod. I'm not mad at Y/N anymore.
Scarlett: But he still is up for grabs. I might have to get a try.
I grab a pillow and smack it at her making her laugh. I get up and say goodnight to her.
Now it's just me and Y/N.
I walk up to the man past the island and behind him, where he was washing the dishes. DILF activities. I slowly but nervously wrapped my arms around his waist and yawned against his back making him chuckle.
Y/N: Yeah Lizzie.
Elizabeth: I'm tired... Can you cuddle me?
Y/N: Uh... Sure.
He then lifts me up and rests over his shoulder making me yelp. I act like I don't like but I really do. He's holding me by my legs and walks me upstairs slowly and into our room.
He then props me down once we enter our room, we were both laughing and smiling like nothing ever happened between the two of us. I quickly brush my teeth and wear my pajamas. I did pack some sexy sleepwear but that would ruin the wholesome moment we have right now. I might use it on another night.
Y/N then comes back in his own pajamas and lays in the bed.
I waste no time in hopping in his embrace and pulling the blanket over us. He feels so warm and wow I can feel his abs against my body... I just have to remind myself to not sweat or do anything embarrassing.
Y/N: Hey... Is it okay if I can take my shirt off... It's kinda hot in here.
Elizabeth: YES! I mean- sure, go ahead.
Oh my, this is happening. This is really happening!!
He takes off his shirt but immediately covers his body with blanket, he then wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. Our faces are quite close but Y/N's face is buried in a pillow.
He eventually falls asleep and we parted bodies naturally. He was sleeping so effortlessly beside me and I was like under him in a way. I was running my hand along his body and his chest but very briskly so he doesn't wake up. I then scoot closer and bury my head into his chest, my lips leaving a few pecks on his... pecs.
These next 8 days are gonna be the most interesting 8 days. I'm so excited.
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