5. No Way Home
Before this chapter starts I'll brief everyone on the "Spider-Man" Career of Y/N. In this story, Tom starts in 2017 and Andrew leaves the role in 2013. In terms of plot, your basically the PS4 Spider-Man. Your first movie was the origin, the second one was basically the PS4 plot with the sinister six and that. And the third, was basically based off the DLCs which makes sense to why it performed really badly.
I'm so excited today. Because today is the 15th and I'm going to be watching SPIDER-MAN NO WAY HOME. I can't wait to experience the reactions. Right now, it's like 7 PM and I'm driving my way to Lizzie's. Apparently Mary Kate and Ashley are there too to watch over William so hopefully Lizzie can come.
Parking infront of the house, I walk out and stand infront of the house.
Y/N: Psst! Lizzie! -- Elizabeth Olsen!
I whisper shout trying to receive her attention and her head sticks out immediately out of the window, she had makeup on and her hair was done in a cute bun with her bangs on her forehead. Cute.
Elizabeth: Y/N, Hey.
Elizabeth's POV
I swear I could've nearly fainted seeing him, it reminded me so much of when we were teenagers and he'd come over and sneak me out of my window to watch movies in the cinema. He was wearing something super causal, some trousers, hoodie and a baseball cap. Something you'd wear to hide from paparazzi.
Y/N: Put something warm on, I'm taking you out.
HE'S TAKING ME OUT?! WHERE?! WHAT?! IS IT A DATE ARE WE GOING TO HAVE S- Calm down, Lizzie. He probably just wants to show you something.
Elizabeth: Yes!-I mean sure, wait.
I quickly get into my wardrobe and pull something to wear, warm but not skimpy... Should I show my arms? Something that makes my butt look big? Uhh.
After a few minutes I was able to put together an outfit that wasn't too fashionable or revealing.
I walk down the stairs and say goodbye to Ash and Mary Kate, telling them that I'm going out with Y/N tonight. I stepped outside the door to reveal Y/N who was leaned at the back of his 'dad' car on his phone. I call it a dad car because that's the only thing he has been driving since we had William. For some reason even in some casual clothes and the cap covering his face he still manages to look super hot.
Elizabeth: Where we going?
I ask, making him put his phone in his pocket, he looks at my outfit and nods.
Y/N: Nice. Let's get going.
He walks over to the passenger side to open my door like a gentleman and I seat myself in. He also later seated himself in and started the car, gripping his hands on the steering wheel and driving out of our house.
Elizabeth: You haven't answered my question.
Y/N: Which one?
Elizabeth: Where are we going?
Y/N: To watch the new Spider-Man movie.
I turn my head to see his chiseled jawline in the nightlight and the slight glow of his E/C eyes concentrating on the road.
Elizabeth: Are you in it?
Y/N: No, if I was I would be at the premiere.
Elizabeth: Hmm. Okay.
I haven't looked much onto the No Way Home stuff because I just got off Multiversal of Madness and taking care of William. But he might be right, he wasn't in the trailer.
While he was driving I smiled to myself remembering a memory.
Elizabeth: Do you know what this reminds of?
Y/N: Nope.
Elizabeth: When you snuck me out to watch Spider-Man 3 in 2007.
He then laughs, recognising the memory. When times were simple.
Y/N: Yeah. I'm getting serious Dรฉjร vu now.
Elizabeth: Time flies...
I spoke staring back into the front window, observing cars pass by.
Y/N: I'm so excited.
Elizabeth: Yeah, me too.
I spoke with a soft smile, it waa these moments I needed in my life. Being alone with my love. And even though we weren't together I couldn't ask for anything more.
Moments passed in comfortable silence and we eventually arrived at a theatre in LA. It looked pretty packed but my sight was suddenly directed to Y/N who was now reversing the car, he looked behind his shoulder as his arm gripped the back of my seat. It looked so hot that my eyes were glued onto his arm, he was wearing a short sleeve shirt and I could see the veins and-
Y/N: Alright. We're here.
He got out immediately and I put my phone in my bag and quickly checked in the headboard mirror to see if I looked presentable. My door was opened by Y/N and I stepped out, readjusting my overcoat. I got some sunglasses out and a beanie to avoid any attention as Y/N did the same with his cap. I closed the door and he locked the car.
He put his coat on and we began walking through the car park and eventually into the cinema. It was warm and had a nice feel to it, much better than the tiring red carpets.
Y/N: Can you hold on to me?
You don't have to ask a second time. I immediately loop my arm around his and feel myself in the 'Y/N's girlfriend' shoes again. I gave him a soft smile as we walked up to the snacks area, trying our best to not get spotted.
Y/N: Do you mind getting the snacks... I don't want to get spotted.
Elizabeth: Good idea.
He thanked me and I walked off to get some snacks for the cinema. ONE tub of popcorn so we can share and hopefully our hands can touch eachother on 'accident'. Some M&Ms and a few drinks.
As Lizzie gets the snacks I immediately pull out my phone to text Andrew.
You guys in yet?
Yeah. Emma's here and Tobey and Tatiana. But we're seated in a way so the girls don't actually know that either one of us are here. ๐
Alright. I'll sit next to you and make Lizzie sit on the other side so she doesn't see ya'll.
Elizabeth: I got em!
She spoke making me put my phone back in my pocket. I took some of the drinks out of her hand and we walked to the ticket guy handing them over and he let us in.
Y/N: What screen?
Elizabeth: Screen 9.
Y/N: Okay.
I follow her into the screen, It was pitch black and packed. The only light being the adverts playing. I softly grab onto Lizzie's hand feeling her soft skin as she lead me into the row. Walking past I saw a few familiar people in caps, smirking.
Y/N: Woah, coming through.
Andrew: It's cool man.
Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield.
I wink at them as my Baby Momma leads me near the end of the row. I immediately sit next to Andrew, who was on my right and Lizzie took the seat to the left of me. Luckily this row was like eight people. The other two people being on Lizzie's side.
Next to me was Andrew who was sitting next to Emma, who was sitting next to Tatiana (Tobey's girlfriend) who was sitting next to Tobey at the very end of the row. Elizabeth began to unload everything, we got our coats off and brought the snacks in my lap. I was confused as to why there was only one popcorn tub.
Y/N: Wait. Where's the other tub?
Elizabeth: We can share. It's a big tub.
Y/N: Alright.
I opened the bag of M&Ms and took a few in a mouth. I aimed the bag towards Lizzie who took a few then I aimed it at Andrew.
Y/N: (whispering) M&Ms, you want some?
Andrew: (whispering) Sure, thanks.
He takes some from the bag and gladly takes it, none of us making eye contact. I then feel a gentle squeeze on my right arm.
Andrew: (whispering) Nice biceps.
I nod, smirking as the ads begin to play. Elizabeth opens a can of soda and puts it in her cup holder as I do the same.
Y/N: I like your turtleneck, suits you.
Elizabeth smiles at the compliment and thanks me. I decide to move up the armrest in the middle of us giving the two of us no barrier. Mainly because I wanted to feel her arm on mine. She gives a confused look at first.
Y/N: So we can share the popcorn better.
Elizabeth's POV
Y/N's best decision was lifting up the middle arm rest, hopefully I can 'accidentally' rest my head on his shoulder. I place the popcorn tub in the middle of us and open the flaps so the popcorn is exposed. The film is starting now. I can't wait. Manifesting that Y/N shows up in the movie.
(a/n: So I'm gonna write some parts in italics for the movie but the Spider-Men scene I'll just write the actors name. kapeesh?)
Okay so this film is not doing me any emotional favours. THEY KILLED AUNT MAY and I'm silently sobbing with the audience. The scene then cuts to a house.
Ned and Mj are in Ned's house, trying to reach out to Tom but he's not answering. She debates on sending everyone back using the box.
Ned: I just wish, uh I just wish we could see him.
Suddenly orange sparks glow, Ned and Mj note that and slowly stand up. Very quietly, the theme of Y/N's Spider-Man plays.
The audience gasps, and I gasp louder hearing a familiar tune but I can't put mu finger on it.
Mj: Ned.
Ned: Yeah?
Mj: Do that again.
Ned: I just wish we could see him.
A bigger orange circle appears but then dissappears. Ned begins to do it properly. And the portal opens.
Everyone gasps, in the portal there is a familiar person on the other end, a few people begin to scream as I watch intently.
Mj: Is that him?
Ned: Yeah, yeah. It has to be.
Mj: Peter!
Ned: Hey Peter!
OMG I THINK IT'S Y/N, I can see the white logo on his chest and he was waving on the other end of the portal, he starts running and suddenly jumps into the camera making everyone scream and gasp and cheer.
Y/N: Calm down.
Y/N: Hi. Hi. Hi. It's okay. I'm a nice guy!
He then rips off his mask making everyone scream and cheer with joy, I've never experienced this energy. I scream and cheer at the top of my lungs.
???: Daddy!
Mj: Who the hell are you?
Y/N: I'm Peter Parker... I'm Spider-Man... From my world.. But yesterday, I was just, I was just here.
Ned:(To MJ) This has to be because of the spell.
Y/N: Spell? Like magic spell? Magic's real here too!?
Ned: Yeah.
Mj: No.
Ned: If we opened the portal to the wrong Peter Parker...
Y/N: Try again until you find your Peter?
Ned: Yeah!
People were having immense joy and shock from this, even more so when Tobey and Andrew showed up. But I was just happy to see my Peter Parker, my Spider-Man, my Y/N.
Seeing everyone overjoyed and hyped made me happy and Lizzie's reaction made it a hundred times better, I guess my Peter meant a lot to her. The scene was now where the three Peters were now talking to Tom's Peter.
Y/N: I lost my Aunt May too, Peter. It was between her and saving the city. So she told me that I knew what I had to do... And it was the right thing
Tom: I wanna kill him. I wanna tear him apart. I can still hear her voice in my head.... Even after she was hurt, she said to me that we did the right thing. She told me that with great power...
Tobey: Comes great...
Y/N: Responsibility.
Tom: Wait how do you know that?
Andrew: Uncle Ben said it.
Tobey: The day he died.
Y/N: Maybe she didn't die for nothing, Peter.
The four Spider-Men share moments in a school lab, earning amazing reactions from the fans from all the references, especially Elizabeth who somehow became a Spider-Man mega fan during the film.
Andrew: Max was like the sweetest guy... Until he fell into a pool of electric eels.
Tobey: That'll do it.
Tobey begins to crack his back and Y/N and Andrew watch.
Elizabeth's POV
Y/N looks really hot in that spandex costume, and with his bat body under it he's like a super mega sexy man I just wanna use my teeth and peel it off and... I should probably stop.
Tobey: It's just that... My back. Kinda... Stiff from all the swinging I guess.
Andrew: Oh yeah yeah I have a middle back thing too.
Y/N: I don't.
Tobey: Really?
Andrew: Yeah... Want me to crack it?
Tobey gets up and Andrew cracks his back.
Y/N: You need me to crack yours?
Andrew: Yeah. That'll be great.
Y/N gets behind Andrew and picks him up, cracking his back.
Y/N: Anymore backs I need to crack?
Mine? I want my back broken by Y/N.
Andrew: So cool. I always wanted brothers.
Y/N: Me too.
Andrew: So you make your own web fluid in your body.
Tobey: I'd rather not talk about this.
Y/N: No we don't want to.
Tobey: Are you teasing me?
Tom: No no no. They're not teasing you. It's just that we can't do that so naturally we're just curious to how your web situation works.
Y/N: We don't wanna pry if it's personal but I just think it's so cool.
Tobey: No I wish I could tell you but it's just like I don't do it. Like I don't do breathing like breathing just happens.
Andrew: Woah.
Y/N: Does it come out of anywhere else? Yknow... The uh (point down there)
The whole crowd erupts at Y/N's Peter jokes I reach my hand into the popcorn tub and I feel another hand and I hear Y/N groan at my interference.
Elizabeth: Open wide.
He looks at me weirdly before opening his mouth and I insert a few popcorns in his mouth making him hum a laugh.
Tom: Hey. What are like some of the craziest villains you've ever fought.
Tobey: Seems like you met some of them.
Y/N: Haha yeah.
Andrew: That's a good question.
Tobey: I fought a alien made out of black goo.
Tom: I fought an alien too. On Earth and in space. He was purple.
Andrew & Y/N: I wanna fight an alien.
Tobey: I'm still like you fought an alien on earth and on space.
Andrew: I'm lame.
Y/N: We're lame.
Andrew: I fought a bald Russian guy in a Rhinoceros suit.
Y/N: Seriously? I fought mafia boss cyborg who had a big forehead.
Tobey: I can we rewind it back to the I'm lame part cause you guys are not.
Y/N: Thanks.
Andrew: Yeah thanks it no, I appreciate that I'm not saying that I'm lame.
Tobey: It's the self talk we can work cause you're Amazing and you're... Ultimate.
Elizabeth: WOOOO! LET'S GO!
I cheer along the crowd as the movie begins into a fight. Y/N's Spider-Man being the strongest and laying attacks on everyone. I swear most screaming was done by me but only the Y/N parts. I guess I am an Y/N toxic stan.
Andrew: What is going on out there I keep yelling at you Peter 2.
Tobey: Yeah yeah but I thought you were Peter 2.
Y/N: I thought you were Peter 2.
Tobey & Andrew: I'm not Peter 2!
Tom: Stop arguing three of you! Listen to Peter 1. We're clearly not very good at this!
Andrew: I know I know we suck. I I don't know how to work in a team.
Y/N: I've only ever worked with the cops... And my girlfriend.
Tobey: Me niether.
Tom: Well I do. I have been in a team. I don't wanna brag, but I was in the Avengers.
Y/N: No way.
Tobey: The Avengers! That's great.
Tom: Thank you.
Tobey: What is that?
Tom: You guys don't have the Avengers.
Y/N: I do but they're somewhere over in the West Coast. And they ignore my calls.
Andrew: Is that a band? Are you in a band?
Y/N: No they're Earth's mighties-
Tobey: hOw iS tHiS hElPiNg?!?!
Tom: Look that's not important all we gotta do is focus, trust our tingle and coordinate our attacks.
Y/N: It's called the spider sense.
Tom: Oh.
Tobey: Okay. Let's pick one target.
Tom: Great.
Andrew: And we take them off of the board one at a time.
Tom: Now you got it.
Y/N: And we keep the others distracted until we're done with one target.
Tom: Perfect! Peter 1. Peter 2.
Tobey: Peter 2.
Tom: Peter 3.
Andrew: Peter 3.
Tom: Peter 4.
Y/N: (Waving hands around) PeTeR 4!
Tom: Alright let's do this.
Andrew: W-W-Wait!.....
The Spider-Men stop to look at him.
Andrew: I love you guys.
Y/N: I love you too!
Tobey & Tom:... Thank you.
They smile and the four begin running.
As the Spider-Men run out the construction the music begins playing and the whole audience erupts in screams, laughters and overall excitement.
This fight scene is amazing just seeing my Spider-Man with all the other ones is unbelievable I was invested that I hadn't noted that the real Y/N was sitting next to me and here I was fan girling over Peter 4.
Eventually the battle climaxes to where Tom's Peter and Green Goblin began fighting. Tom picks up the glider and is about to stab him until Y/N's Spider-Man stops him. Tom looks into Y/N's eyes painfully and sets it down suddenly, Y/N's Spider-Man gets stabbed by the goblin making everyone gasp in unison I scream for a moment and the camera shifts to Y/N's wound, a whole blade went through him and he collapsed to the ground.
I know it's a film but silently sobbed and my hand instinctively went to the real Y/N's stomach, where the wound was like I was protecting him. I felt his hand on top of mine and he pulled it away and kissed it gently, I scooted closer to him as he interlocked his left hand with my right hand.
After the villains are cured the Spider-Men approach Peter 4 who was able to pull the blade out of his stomach, Andrew webs his wound up.
Tom: I'm so sorry.
Y/N: No you did the right thing.
Tobey and Andrew help him up and hes being supported by their shoulders.
Tom: I think this is it. I think you're about to go home.
Y/N: Okay.
Tom: I uh, thank you, I just wanna, I want you, I wanna tell you. I urgh I really don't know how to say this.
Andrew: Peter.
Y/N: You know what to say...
Tobey: It's what we do.
Tom: Yeah. It's what we do. Right, I gotta find Ned and Mj I-
Tom gives in and hugs the other Spider-Men. No longer counterparts. But friends.
Tom: Thank you thank you. I guess I'll see you...
Y/N: Same.
Tom swings away to his friends as the three spider men watch in awe.
Y/N: Ah.
Tobey: You're in so much pain aren't you.
Y/N: I am.
Andrew: Yeah.
The whole entire crowd claps, cheers, and awes at this but I was still recovering from seeing Y/N nearly get killed on screen. What I didn't realise that our heads were now touching as we watched the movie. I smiled to myself and lightly rubbed his hand with my thumb but continue to watch so he thinks I'm doing it out of instinct.
The film finally ends and it was a beautiful and emotional tale about Spider-Man and I'm so happy I wasn't too concerned about rumours because this experience was like no other. As the first credits roll I see Y/N talking to someone on his right so I peek over to see who it is.
Andrew: (Whispering) Hi!
Emma: Hii!
Elizabeth: Hey! I didn't realise you guys were here.
Emma: Same, Andrew didn't tell me.
Tobey waves from the end and I wave back. We continue to talk in low chatter so we don't bring attention even though most people are still seated for the end credits. Y/N turns back to see me and I fake a frown for him. I slap him on the arm.
Y/N: Ow!
Elizabeth: Why didn't you tell me you were in it?!
Y/N: Because you can't keep secrets.
Elizabeth: Yes I can!
Y/N: Remember when you were pregnant you promised not to tell anyone and the next day I got a congratulations message from Hugh Jackman!?
Elizabeth: Okay you have a point.
Honestly the best part of the experience was probably having Lizzie right next to me and she stroked my hand too. I could melt into her touch any time. The last end credits played and it's the trailer for the new Doctor Strange.
I watch until I see Wanda Maximoff floating and I instantly cheer.
I hear Elizabeth chuckle but then Andrew hits me on the arm.
Andrew: Shh! You're gonna give us away.
The six of us eventually leave the cinema and we decided to stop by for some dinner, we found a discreet restaurant and sat there waiting for our food who Tatiana gladly ordered for us.
Y/N: So what did you guys think?
Emma: It was great. I really liked how Andrew was able to get his redemption with MJ.
Tobey: The 'I love you' scene was hilarious, can't believe they kept it.
Elizabeth: Wait you guys improvised that?
Y/N: Yeah.
I get a call from my manager pulling me out of chat. I quickly answer to hear Matt Reeves voice.
Y/N: Hey Matt. What's up?
Matt: Hey Y/N. Just saw the new Spider-Man and I gotta say. It was beautiful everyone was great. But due to some editing issues we've moved the release date of Batman to January 1st.
Y/N: Ah, that's perfect. I was planning on taking the whole family out to a holiday house for Christmas.
Elizabeth's POV
The girls and I were talking and seeing Andrew squeeze Emma's shoulder or hip made me slightly jealous knowing it could've been me.
I then saw Y/N put his phone back down and yawn. Aw he's tired. He's worked too hard this year.
Elizabeth: Who was on the phone?
Y/N: The director. Apparently, due to editing issues the film is releasing on the 31st.
Tobey: So basically they're waiting for No Way Home to die out.
He speaks with a chuckle.
Andrew: I don't get it I mean they both have Y/N in those films.
Y/N: Oh well. It doesn't affect me I'm getting that cash anyway.
The group laugh but I laugh a little too hard making everyone look at me awkwardly for a while.
Emma: So guy's... Andrew and I have some news to share with you all.
The two look at eachother before turning to us.
Emma: We're getting married!
Tobey: Congratulations!
Y/N: Aw sweet!
Elizabeth: Yeah... Congrats.
I sigh under my breath seeing the couple together, I wish Y/N and I was giving that sort of news. I then feel an arm around my back and to my shoulders and It was Y/N who gently squeezed my shoulder and pullee me in. I slowly rested my head on his shoulder and the two of us seemed to have no problem with it.
Tobey: So what are we invited.
Andrew: You guys are invited to the wedding!
Y/N: Well, Lizzie and I would love to come.
I turn my head in slight shock, he's making decisions for me. Yes!
Elizabeth: Yes.
Y/N: Hey Tobey, so we're having this Christmas get to together road trip and I was wondering if you and the kids or Tatiana would like to come. Tom, Z, Andrew, Emma and some other families will be there for like 5 days in this airbnb.
Tobey: Oh sorry, I can't because I'm filming something and have my own plans. Have fun though and update me.
Elizabeth: No we understand, it would be more fun if all the Spider-Mans come (chuckling)
The food then arrives and the six of us eat in comfortable silence and eventually we leave and hug it out. Y/N and I are now in the car as he drops me off to the house.
Y/N: Hey, is it okay if I crash the guest room?
Elizabeth: Y/N this is your house, you're welcome to stay.
Y/N: I just thought-
Elizabeth: We're past that, okay?
Y/N: Okay.
We eventually arrive the house and MK and Ashley leave once we enter, we quickly get changed and Y/N enters the guest room. I can't wait for the Christmas trip because I have a few devious plans on getting physically closer with him.
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