10. Premieres & Positions (🍋)
Elizabeth's POV
So after Christmas, everyone headed back home. It's the 31st now and as for Y/N, he had to leave for promo and all that and prepare for thr premiere that's coming up. I just really miss him and he left me with a kiss and nearly-sex but I'm so desperate for him now.
William was cuddled up to my side as we watched TV in comfortable silence. When he's not cockblocking William can actually be a sweetheart and a good boy. We continued watching until he broke the silence.
William: Mama.
Elizabeth: Yes baby?
William: When is dad coming back?
Elizabeth: Oh he's just busy with Batman stuff...
William: I miss him already.
I pouted and began to stroke his H/C hair gently.
Elizabeth: Me too.
I sigh and pick up my phone and see multiple messages and missed calls from Y/N... Shit.
Y/N ❤️😩
Y/N ❤️😩
Elizabeth Olsen, hello.
Y/N ❤️😩
Y/N ❤️😩
Are you mad? You normally pick up the phone at this time. Something wrong?
Y/N ❤️😩
I'm sorry. I don't know why I am saying sorry but if I hurted your feelings recently I'm sorry just PLEASEE ANSWER I HAVE SOME NEWS FOR UUUU.
Y/N ❤️😩
Y/N ❤️😩
How come when I search up the best places to eat. 'Elizabeth Olsen' comes up?
Y/N ❤️😩
Sorry. If that sounded creepy... PLEASE LIZZIE I'M BEGGING YOU TO ANSWER MEEE.
Lizzie 😜
Oh no! Y/N I AM SO SORRY. I was watching SNL with Will. My phone was on mute. What did you want to tell me?
😘 (heres an apology kiss)
Y/N ❤️😩
Thank God! I thought you were mad. Basically, I wanted to invite you as my plus one for The Batman premiere (William isn't coming dw 😂)
Lizzie 😜
I would never be mad LOL. And sure, I'll get my team tomorrow morning. What are you wearing for the function?
Y/N ❤️😩
*attached image*
Anything black should match. Is it a date then?
Lizzie 😜
Yes. Yes it is 😏 JKK LMAO.
Y/N ❤️😩
You text like a mom.
A cute mom.
Lizzie 😜
Because I am a mom. LOL.
Y/N ❤️😩
Just take the compliment 🙄
Lizzie 😜
Okey zaddy.
Y/N ❤️😩
BTW. What does 'Zaddy' mean?
Lizzie 😜
Take me out and we'll find out 🙃. Goodbye.
Y/N ❤️😩
Peaked my interests. Goodnight my Elizabeth 💕
Internally screaming. The text conversation was turning me on? HOW. But I need to keep calm. I'm going to a premiere with Y/N, the public will finally see us together and freak out and he's interested in what I intended as sex. This has to be the best day... Well second best after tomorrow. I immediately call my stylists and team and they have prepared me a look for tomorrow night. I CAN'T WAIT.
He even called me 'My Elizabeth'...
Elizabeth: YESSSS!
William: What is wrong with you, Mama.
He gets up and runs upstairs to his bed but I don't care. I'm just a feral beast at this point and he's right.
TODAY. IS THE FUCKING DAY. I haven't told William anything and I don't plan on doing so, Mary Kate and Ashley arrive to look after the house and Will while I wait for my team. Eventually, my team had arrived and I sat in the chair as they applied my makeup and did my hair, my brain starts to imagine what could happen but I don't want to set high standards or anything like that.
William: You look like a princess Mama.
Elizabeth: Aww. I love you.
My team eventually finishes up on my dress and makeup. It's about 8 PM, the team have left and I'm standing infront of the door waiting for my 'Prince' to show up. I had a box of chocolates ready to give to him and I took a few selfies of myself on the new phone I got for Christmas.
I waited for another 5 minutes until a knock on the door pulled me out and I rushed as fast as I could to open it, revealing a very very very handsome, pretty, beautiful, sexy not so young anymore man.
My Y/N.
He was wearing a very luxurious black suit that complemented what I was wearing.
I stood there for a moment, taking in everything. His hair, his eyes, his kissable lips and that light smile of seeing me at the door.
Y/N: Well aren't you going to welcome me?
Elizabeth: Oh- Right! Hey~ Happy New Year!
He enters in and kisses me on the cheek as a greeting, he said hi to the twins and turned his attention to me.
Y/N: You look magnificent by the way...
My makeup was hiding my blush so I could easily keep eye contact with him, with the widest grin ever.
Elizabeth: You look... Hot~
I'm not holding back anymore, we've pretty much established that we want to fuck eachother so I am going to let my real self show. He stifles a laugh at the compliment and wipes his mere blush off.
Y/N: Shall we?
He asked, offering his hand which I softly took and raised my chin with a sly smirk on my face.
Elizabeth: We shall.
I smiled, she looks so hot and those legs have me on my knees metaphorically. I lead her outside and close the door. We enter the back of the limousine and the driver takes us to where the Batman premiere is taking place.
We sit in the car for what seems like ages, we're on our phones showing eachother funny photos and videos and taking goofy pictures of eachother.
The car parked and we looked to our right to see the red carpet awaiting, fans behind barriers cheering and waiting. This was the first time in years I was going to an actual premiere and this could even technically announce that Lizzie and I are... Together. I mentally prepare myself and open the door, taking Lizzie's hand and we walk out.
The two of us get immediate screams, shouts, applauds and yells. Cameras get diretected toward us and we begin to walk side by side, Elizabeth was clutching my hand because it's something we did for eachother during these places, we both have slight anxiety and considering the situation now, it is at an all time high.
We smile and wave and make ourselves onto the main section, we sign photographs take photos and head to the giant poster to where people were taking photos of us. This moment was so special to me and I seemed so happy. Only because of Lizzie.
We eventually made ourselves comfortable and the crowd had finally calm downed, we made it to the sidelines where Elizabeth and I wound up in an interview.
Interviewer: Wow! This moment is just phenomenonal.... Lizzie you're here with the one and only Batman, how do you feel?
Elizabeth chuckled and had her hand on my back, stroking it comfortingly to help with the nerves.
Elizabeth: Well... The atmosphere is great tonight and I know Y/N has worked so hard to get where he is now. The least I could do is support him.
Interviewer: We love that! So a few questions for the nerds... Y/N who do you think would win in a fight, Batman or Wanda?
Y/N: Nice question, I think I would win because according to my son 'Batman solos' but in all honesty I think Bruce and Wanda would be really good friends and have emo babies.
Elizabeth: Agreed.
Interviewer: (giggling) So Y/N, your Spider-Man costar Tom revealed that one of you wore a fake butt... Do you know who it was...
Y/N: Yeah I heard that but it definitely wasn't me or Tobey... I remember accidentally falling ontop of him, don't ask why.
Elizabeth: It's definitely not Y/N. His stuff is natural.
Y/N: Thanks Liz. But yeah... I think it's Tom, it's weird how only HE revealed that information. Plus have you seen his dumptruck? There's no way he gets that through the suit.
The three of us giggle and we make ourselves onto the next interviewer.
Interviewer: You two look so magnificent! So Y/N, 2021 has been quite the year for you and so has this one been, starting the new year with Batman!
Y/N: Thank you so much! I'm just really thankful that the DC family have welcomed me and so have the Marvel family too. I'm just so lucky to be here with the the people I love and I hope everyone enjoys the film when it comes out.
Interviewer: I'm sure they will. So who do you would win... Your Spider-Man or your Batman.
Elizabeth: I think Spider-Man...
Y/N: Whoever wins is up to the writer.
Elizabeth: I kind of prefer his Spider-Man if I'm being honest.
She whispers to the interviewer and I scoff playfully.
Y/N: Of course you prefer Spider-Man, you got a present because of that role.
Elizabeth: What did I get?
Y/N: William.
She blushes at the memory of how we created William and we both leave to where the cast was, Elizabeth waited by the side as she wasn't in the film.
Elizabeth's POV
I smiled and supportively cheered on Y/N, I then noticed Zoë was right there with him and my face immediately straightened. How dare she come close to my man again. Calm down, they're just costars... After everything you're still the one closest to him.
The photographs were now happening and I walked up to Y/N, I placed my hands on his chest and gazed up at him longingly, time to claim him.
Y/N: Hey...
Elizabeth: Yeah...
I whispered, even though no one could hear us from the distance and the sound of flashing cameras. Everyone began to chant 'kiss' and I immediately giggled, even though I was nervous as hell. My stomach was tightening and I didn't know what to do.
Y/N: I hope you haven't forgot about the miseltoe~
He says and I my lips curve into a smirk, we both close our eyes and slowly lean in eachother for a kiss, the world disappears for a few moments and I melt into the kiss as our lips move in a rhythm. This is all I ever wanted... We slowly pull away and our noses gently clash as we do and we both laugh at the sight of our cheesy smiles.
He hooked his arm around my waist, making the goosebumps raise. I began to adjust my dress and he took notice of that and stood infront of me, covering me like the respectful man he is.
Everyone in the background 'awe's at that and we wave farewell, heading into the cinema to watch the batman.
We were now currently watching the film, and it is soo good. Y/N really transforms himself into the character. I was getting uncomfortable in the seats and kept moving which set Y/N off.
Y/N: Oh my God. Just sit on my lap.
Elizabeth: Okay.
I do as he says and seat myself on his lap, I slowly leant back and it was so comfortable despite my dress being twitchy, his arms rested on my stomach giving it butterflies and I bit my lip.
Now there was a shirtless scene in the movie and I could feel myself wet, despite me already am. I accidentally then blurt out.
Elizabeth: Fuck me emo boy.
Y/N: Shhhhh.
His hand then trails down to my thighs, and my eyes follow his fingers that were being illuminated by the light of the film. I bite my lip and shut my eyes as his finger then immediately rubs my pussy, against my underwear making me moan that I had to hold. I missed that feeling.
I obey him and he begins to lay peppered kisses on my neck making me let out erotic breaths.
The film was at an end and Catwoman leaves the scene, I let out a cheer and Y/N, who was probably sick of me talking throughout roughly grabbed me by the neck to passionately kiss me, in hopes to silence me. I felt my body turn to jelly from the kiss.
Elizabeth: You are in so much trouble when we get home Mister~~
Y/N: I wouldn't have it any other way~
We headed out to the theater as fast as we could and it was SO hard trying to keep my hands away from him during the limousine ride. WE HAVE TO HEAD HOME. The two of us were in a heated sloppy smooch but we were cut short as we finally arrived home.
We practically leaped out of the car and made out while walking to the house. He pinned me against the door as I shuffled through to get to my purse which I finally succeeded in.
We slammed the door open and kissed our way through and closer the door.
Mary Kate: William is aslee- that's one way to make an entrance.
Ashley: We should leave.
We ignore them and Y/N picks me up, I moan against his lips as he carries me upstairs into our room.
I shut the door and he presses himself onto me. I gasp, and his mouth swoops down. He's kissing me. Violently. Briefly our teeth clash, then his in my mouth. Desire explodes like the fourth of July throughout my body, and I'm kissing him back, matching his fervor, my hands knotting in his hair, pulling it hard. He groans, a low sexy sound in the back of his throat that reverberates through me, and his hand moves down my body to the top of my thigh, his fingers into my flesh through the black dress.
I pour all the angst and heartbreak of the last few days into our kiss, binding him into me, and it hits me in that moment that he feels the same and is doing the same.
I separate myself from her earning am angry look from her. She's sexually frustrated and so am I. I kick off my shoes as she tosses off her heels, we're both eventually bare footed and I start to take off my clothes.
We do it as quickly and hungrily as we can leaving us both naked. I'm going to skip foreplay. All that teasing must've accounted for it.
Elizabeth then grabs me by the neck and drags me to the bed
Elizabeth: I've wanted this~
Y/N: Shut up.
I stay sternly, as she gently lays me down on the bed, our lust filled eyes connecting and our cold breaths lurking our skin. We began into a hungry kiss ontop of the bed but I wasn't going to have it, I turn her around so I was on top, I guide my erect cock near her dripping core.
Y/N: You're soaking wet baby~
Elizabeth: I'm not catwoman but this pussy needs the Batman~
I cut her off by immediately slamming my hard cock into her wet entrance making her scream in pleasure, God I haven't had sex in years. I started slowly but began to pick up the pace. She was so tight, and she ruthlessly began to rock her hips against my thrusts, I leaned in closer and she wrapped her legs around my back, as I buried my head into the crook of her neck.
Elizabeth's POV
My lips part as I start moaning again.. My breathing becomes heavier and erratic.. My breasts rise and fall.. I lick his earlobe.. As the pace increases, I start sweating.
Y/N: What was your favourite parts?
He asks during the thrusts as I muster up words.
Elizabeth: When you're inside me~
Y/N: I meant the movie.
Elizabeth: Shirtless scenes.
Y/N: How about the plot?
Elizabeth: I was too busy with your fingers around my pussy~
Y/N: Least... favourite part?
Elizabeth: Catwoman scenes. Thank God she left.
He pulls away from my neck and his hands begin to grope my breast as his thumb flicks my hardened nipples. His thrusts begin to get stronger and I pull a pillow under my head so that I could see his cock move in and out of me.. I wilt as I feel pain and pleasure from his thumb flicking my nipples.
Elizabeth: Fuck!~ Harder!
He lets his hand grab my jaw so he could make eye contact with me. He smirks and pushes me into a hungry kiss as his cock begins to go as hard as it can in my wet pussy.
He turns me around so I was now laying on my chest, head in the pillow, he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them against either side of me. I felt peppered kisses on my neck as he began to go as hard as he could. It was painful knowing I hadn't had sex in a long time but it was worth it. He began to go as firm and hard as he could in my pussy as I stayed there having my blissful moments in paradise.
Y/N: I'm gonna cum.
Elizabeth: Cum inside me!
I groan against the sheets and he slides his hand under my neck pulling it to meet his face so we could kiss, I eventually ended up spraying my juices all on his body as he filled my pussy with his seed..
3rd Person POV
After what seemed like a million rounds, the couple were now in bed, exhausted but energised as ever. Elizabeth was ontop of Y/N, both naked as the man comforted his lover by softly caressing her back.
Elizabeth: If you never stopped loving me, why did you let go of me?
Y/N: It was the hardest thing to do but ultimately you have given me the gift in the form of our son so I gave you the gift to do your career. I trusted that if you loved me as much I once loved you... We would get back together... One day.
Elizabeth: All the flirting for nothing.
Y/N: I wouldn't say 'nothing'.
Her face grows a smirk of her own and rolls over, straddling Y/N's hips, sitting on his lap.
Elizabeth: Does that mean I get another round?~
Y/N: Was the last 6 times not enough? I need oxygen. I feel like I've been ran over by a Ferrari...
Elizabeth bites her lip, shaking her head no, whilst wiggling her lap on his.
Elizabeth: No, I waited a long time for this and I plan on enjoying this... Don't worry about oxygen my baby... We can share~
That's all the pair said for tonight as Elizabeth pulled Y/N into a hungry kiss before the 7th round commenced. Thank God the walls are soundproof.
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