013; tell me about yourself
elizabeth smiled at the blonde boy walking over to her. once he finally made his way over to her, he sat down, and let out a dramatic sigh.
"why'd you sigh like that?" elizabeth asked, slightly confused.
"what do you mean?" daniel said in a sarcastic tone, elizabeth rolling her eyes at his comeback.
"boys are so confusing," she turned back to her phone, leaving silence between the two. there was tension in the air for some reason. they both felt it, but they didn't know why there was tension.
"um," daniel broke the silence, elizabeth turning her body to face his, "tell me about yourself."
"me?" elizabeth asked, pointing to herself, furrowing her eyebrows.
"no, jack sparrow. he's sitting in the chair over there," daniel said in once again, a sarcastic tone, rolling his eyes, "yes you."
elizabeth laughed, "well, i'm 17, and a senior in highschool, my 2 best friends, keira and sofia, and i are what i like to call, 'the golden trio.'"
"no, not that kind of stuff, that's boring," he ran a hand through his hair before contuing, "i wanna know, like, where you want to go to college, dream job, life at home. as long as that information isn't too personal."
"oh," elizabeth nodded her head, "how much time do you have?"
"all the time in the world," daniel said with a small smile on his face.
"okay, my dream is to go to harvard. basic, yes i know, but i really want to major in film, or art, that kind of stuff. my home life? i wouldn't say its awful, but i wouldn't say it's good." she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear while looking around the room for a short moment, "my parents are never home. they're either at work, or on a trip for work. most teenagers would love to never have their parents around, but for me, it's a dream of mine."
daniel just sat there and listened to her, he didn't ask anything, or interupt her, because he wanted to hear about her, "my relationship with my parents is... special." elizabeth began fiddling with her fingers.
"i mean, my dad isn't the nicest person on earth. my mom's fine, i guess, but yeah. they're okay people, i tolerate them, but i defiantly wish my relationship with them was different, you know?"
daniel nodded slightly, not knowing if the girl was done with her speech. he wanted to know more about her, but he could tell that she was getting uncomfortable talking about the topic.
"i'm sorry," is all daniel could manage to get out. although he doesn't know much about the girl, he can tell she's in pain.
"it's not your fault," elizabeth smiled slightly, "alright, enough with me, i wanna hear about you."
"me?" daniel mocked the girl, a proud smile on his face, as for elizabeth, she had an unamused facial expression plastered on her face.
"you're so annoying," elizabeth hit his arm softly, letting out a giggle.
"why, thank you," daniel smiled.
"okay, but for real, tell me about yourself," elizabeth put her full attenion on daniel once again.
"i didn't go to college, i finished highschool, of course, but i 'quit' school when my music carrer began to take off," he sighed before continuing, "in 2016, the guys and i decided to form a band. we were all solo artists before we became a band, so we each had our own experience."
"wait that's actually really cool," elizabeth said giving him a genuine smile.
"yeah," he returned the smile, "i was 16 when we formed the band, 18 now, so i kind of had two lives."
"like hannah montana!" elizabeth said excitedly.
"yeah, sure," daniel rolled his eyes at the girls excitement. there was another silence, before corbyn came over to the two, causing elizabeth to look up at him.
"sorry elizabeth, we need to steal him from you again," corbyn smiled at the girl, before looking at daniel, who was still looking at the brunette girl next to him.
"okay, i'll be there in a second," daniel told him, looking up at him, giving him a short nod. corbyn walked away to the rest of the group, "guess i have to go," daniel frowned.
"do you think you could take me home when you're done? as long as it's not too much trouble. if it is i can take an uber," elizabeth asked daniel, receving a nod from him.
"yeah, of course. we should be about an, hour if that's okay with you."
"that's fine," she smiled, daniel nodded once again, before walking back to his friends. elizabeth watched him walk away, sighing to herself.
she looked down at her phone, and smiled to herself. her heart was telling her something that she was very happy about.
AYAYYAYA THIS BOOK HIT 1K READS!!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!! i'll try to update this book more often, now that i kinda have an idea as to where i wanna go with it. also, i didnt read this before i published it so sorry if there's any mistakes. but yeah, until next time :D
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