for vallari
it's not magic!
∞ name ∞
miya ren
∞ age ∞
∞ gender ∞
∞ sexuality ∞
∞ face claim ∞
kathryn bernardo
∞ personality ∞
miya isn't really rude or cruel. she doesn't generally search for moments to be mean, or to consciously push people away, but she's distant. she's always been very neutral, and a bit of a loner.
miya isn't too good when it comes to negative emotions. she is incredibly patient, excellent at keeping calm and pushing off her emotion... but get her angry enough and she'll snap, becoming terrifying, unhinged. get her sad or scared enough, and she becomes cold, lashing out at the people around her.
she is, however, excellent under pressure. she's the calming, soothing voice in a crisis, the one that deescalates and depolarizes. it's mind over matter for her—any situation can be weathered if one is clever and dedicated enough, and miya believes herself to be both of those things.
but does she get ever get involved in those sorts of situations? no. it's her greatest strength and her biggest weakness—she rarely trusts, rarely goes out a limb for others. when she does something for someone, it's because she's indebted, or because they've struck a sort of bargain with her: you scratch my back, i scratch yours.
she's the cautious, neutral, reserved voice. she's a cynicist, but she'll call herself a realist. on a rare occasion, she can be funny, with a mildly endearing brand of dry or sardonic humor. she does openly enjoy laughing and looking down her nose at others. she'll be outspoken about her opinion, and judge from afar, but if someone does something that she disagrees with, she won't attempt to stop them unless there's a potential that it might come back to bite her in the ass.
speaking of biting—animals. miya's tough-girl persona just melts into nothing when she's around her animals. they're her babies. others just don't get it—humans are vile compared to the innocence and purity she finds in animals. even the most lethal creatures have hearts of gold, and she trust them so much more than their human counterparts.
∞ strengths and weaknesses ∞
well, her weaknesses are abundant and quite clear. she rarely trusts anybody. she's a loner. she hates being vulnerable, so she rarely forms connections or makes proper friends. she is cynical and overcautious. when her emotions become overwhelming, she lashes out or loses control.
but are these traits really weaknesses? they're defense mechanisms. in her mind, she can't ever get hurt if she never gives anyone the opportunity to hurt her. of course, one might argue that she's already hurting herself by depriving herself of meaningful connections with human beings... but whatever.
as for her strengths, she's got a few. she's smart, tactical. miya has a way of reading people's thoughts and desires that's helped her in the past. her powers are incredibly useful, as well, and she's learned how to harness them to keep herself safe and exert her power when she needs to.
she's fantastic in stressful situations—the girl just never seems to become panicked or stressed, and when she is, she's awfully good at hiding it. she's excellent at tempering her own emotions so they rarely control her actions. mind over matter, head over heart, all that. she's rarely reckless or impulsive. she has a strong sense of honor and a righteous drive, and she's a particularly strong woman.
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