"WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO?!", hoshimi screamed, making shigaraki tense up a bit.
"y-you..well we bought a house", shigaraki softly said.
hoshimi looked at her father, who just shrugged. "great! can't wait for you two to move out today", he slightly smiled.
"w-wait TODAY?! tomura, why didn't you stop me?!"
"you were very persistent. you wouldn't leave until you watched my sign the papers. and you kept clinging onto the woman's desk whenever I tried to pull you away!! I didn't want to break your arms!"
"breaking my arms would've cost less than buying a house", hoshimi sobbed.
"it's okay. our saving was enough", shigaraki smiled, patting hoshimi's back.
"what about the furniture?!", hoshimi asked.
"there's a thing called a garage sale", aizawa said, drinking his coffee.
"but dad I—"
"nope! no dad. figure this out. you're a grown adult now", he grinned.
hoshimi pouted, but aizawa just ignored it and walked away. she got up from the coach and groaned, rubbing her temples.
"I made you some tea. I'll get the car started. come out when you're ready", shigaraki said, kissing hoshimi's cheek and grabbing the keys.
hoshimi held the cup of tea and chugged it, burning her tongue in the process.
she sighed. "okay, let's do this bitch".
»»————- ★ ————-««
shigaraki drove them to some garage sales that he saw while driving by.
getting out the car, hoshimi immediately saw something she wanted.
"we're getting that bed frame", hoshimi pointed, making shigaraki look over.
the bed frame had cherry wood stilts on each of the four corners. it make a rectangle frame at the top and could contain a queen-sized mattress.
"we could put like one of those white mesh-like drapes over it. and it would be so cool!!", hoshimi excitedly said, grabbing shigaraki's hand and pulling him towards the sale.
shigaraki looked around to see if there were any broken parts or defects. an old man approached them, smiling.
"good afternoon you two. don't worry, I'm only selling this bed frame because my wife and I used to share a bed. but once she passed away, the bed felt too big for me, so I decided to sell it", the old man bitterly chuckled.
"oh I'm sorry! I promise we'll take good care of this bed frame!!", hoshimi promised.
"you know what, why don't you both take it for free? please, count it as a contribution to yalls new start, I suppose", the old man smiled.
he didn't know that they had just bought a house, but once could assume.
"oh no, we really couldn't—"
"of course you can! just take it!! come on", the old man smiled.
hoshimi sighed. "I suppose we can—"
"great!! let me help get this in your trunk".
shigaraki helped the man as they somehow managed to disassemble it and stick all the parts in the back of the car.
after hours of buying furniture and dropping it off at their apparently new house, hoshimi sighed. they still had to order a washing machine and drying machine, reorganize all the furniture, and make dinner. yet hoshimi didn't even know if the stove worked yet.
"can we order soba for tonight?", hoshimi asked from the couch that for some reason in the kitchen area.
hoshimi then texted all her friends, asking if they were free to help move tomorrow.
guys!! r y'all free tmrw??
minaaa💗: the queen herself
has spoken. what do u need bby?!
eijiro💪🏻: I'm free!! what's up? :)
denki⚡️: depends...is there hot
girls there???
denki I'm going to
block you on insta😤
denki⚡️: NOOOOO!! I'M
katsuki💥: WHY ARE YOU
hanta🌝: chill bro, it was only
like 6 texts
katsuki💥: extra practice for a whole
minaaa💗: omg stfu y'all! hoshi
needs our help!
thank u mina! anyways, I
was hoping that you guys would
help me move tmrw??:))
katsuki💥: y would I
help u do that?
hanta🌝: how long is that gonna
denki⚡️: is money involved?
minaaa💗: oMG y'all! SHE'S OUR
I'll help hoshi! FOR FREE
eijiro💪🏻: I'll help too!! it's manly
after all! and no need to pay me :)
thank you mina and eiji🥺
ya'll the real ones!❤️
katsuki💥: can't ur bf
just do it? what? he's too
stfu SUKI! not everyone
works out ok? and plus, I don't
want him to overwork
denki⚡️: so u choose
to overwork is?!
minaaa💗: it's not like u have
anything better to do
denki⚡️: UHM EXCUSE YOU!
eijiro💪🏻: w/ who?
hanta🌝: his bed probably
katsuki💥: no surprise there. but
anyways, what time tmrw?
katsuki💥: obviously! or else I
wouldn't have asked. dumbass!
minaaa💗: oho?? is bakugo
getting soft??
anyways, tmrw @ 2pm? I'll
serve dinner
eijiro💪🏻: awesome!! I'll b
there @ 1:45!
hanta🌝: will b there too
denki⚡️: guess I'll show up too
minaaa💗: same! and make sure ur
not late denki!
awww! thanks guys!
I can't wait to see you
all tmrw❤️
katsuki💥: yeah whatever
hoshimi smiled down at her phone, turning it off.
"they said yes?", shigaraki asked, laying out the bedsheets and pillows on their new bed. the bed was the only thing that was in it's rightful place.
"yep! can't wait to see them tomorrow!!", hoshimi excitedly said as she changed into her pjs.
shigaraki was already in bed, lifting up the covers. hoshimi crawled in and into the warm embrace of shigaraki.
hoshimi sighed as she felt shigaraki threading his fingers through her hair.
"something wrong?"
"I'm sorry for so impulsively buying a house", hoshimi apologized.
"it's okay. it's a nice house anyways. plus, I've been waiting a while to live with you in our own house", shigaraki said, mumbling the last part.
hoshimi looked up to give shigaraki a small peck to the lips before falling asleep.
as the young couple had a long day ahead of them.
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