"SHE wants a castle, but I think a modern two story house is pretty nice too", kirishima said.
ashido rolled her eyes.
aizawa just nodded. "okay. next up is todoroki and bakugo".
since everyone in the class already had a partner, bakugo and todoroki were stuck together, again.
"bakugo prefers a big modern house, but I prefer a japanese styled one. we both agreed on 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms", todoroki said.
hoshimi listened while sketching her halloween costume. every year, her and her friends would have aoyama make them. obviously they paid him, since aoyama always made the best clothes and costumes.
"hoshi. I was thinking we could do a group costume this year. like the 3 powerpuff girls", ashido whispered.
"mm...what about tomura though?"
shigaraki perked up at the mention of his name. he was watching hoshimi sketch a princess peach and mario costume. he wanted to chuckle as he couldn't believe she actually remembered.
"him, dabi, and eijiro could be like the 3 rowdyruff boys", ashido said.
hoshimi looked over at shigaraki. he just shrugged. he didn't particularly care as he didn't even usually dress up for halloween.
"ahem! is what you're saying more important than todoroki's presentation, ashido?", aizawa called out.
"n-no sir", ashido sighed.
»»————- ★ ————-««
"so toga's bubbles, ashido's buttercup, and hoshimi's blossom?", kirishima said.
"yeah! that means shigaraki will be brick. dabi will be boomer, and eijiro will be butch", ashido exclaimed.
"when the hell did I agree to this?!", dabi complained.
"well denki's party is tomorrow and aoyama already made the costumes sooooo".
dabi groaned at what ashido said. he wanted to look cool. not be some lame children's show character.
"can we at least not wear a wig?", dabi scowled.
while toga and ashido bantered with dabi, hoshimi looked over at shigaraki, holding his hand.
"sorry we couldn't be mario and princess peach", hoshimi whispered.
"as long as you're happy", shigaraki replied.
»»————- ★ ————-««
"thank god we didn't have to wear the wigs", dabi sighed.
hoshimi was wearing a pink crop top, pink skirt, and a pink bow. toga and ashido wore basically the same thing, except in blue and green.
shigaraki wore a black and reddish-pinkish long sleeves t-shirt with black pants and a red baseball cap. dabi and kirishima wore the same outfit minus the hat and in blue and green.
"welcome to the partyyyyy!!", kaminari said, opening the door.
the party was held at his house since the dorms were too small for large gatherings.
surprisingly, there were many people people there. many that not even hoshimi knew.
"want a drink, brick?", hoshimi asked shigaraki.
shigaraki cocked an eyebrow at the girl. he wasn't sure if he wanted to drink. after all, he was feeling a bit uncomfortable around so many people. so maybe a drink would help.
"oops! sorry", someone slurred. already, someone was drunk.
shigaraki then remembered that he was driving, so he couldn't drink. he wondered where hoshimi went, as she wasn't next to him anymore.
shigaraki looked around. he saw hoshimi drunk out of her mind, her arms hung over ashido and dabi, who made a disgusted face.
"yo! can you get your drunk girlfriend off of me?!", dabi yelled.
shigaraki scoffed at dabi as he pried hoshimi off of them. he then got a cup of water for her and sat her down outside, on the steps of the porch.
hoshimi then quickly stood up, extending her hand out for shigaraki.
"what are you—"
"come on! I have a mario and princess peach costume in the trunk!!", hoshimi said as she quickly got the bags out of the trunk. turns out, she wasn't drunk at all. she then got in shigaraki's car and somehow changed without flashing anyone.
girls can do wonders.
shigaraki only had to change shirts and wear a overall. he also switched hats and put on a fake mustache, making hoshimi giggle.
"oh ho ho ho! ello! it's a mario!", hoshimi laughed, talking in her best italian accent impression.
shigaraki just smiled as he drove to where hoshimi told him to. realizing that this was hoshimi's neighborhood, he parked in aizawa's driveway.
getting out of the car, hoshimi also pulled out two plastic pumpkin baskets. she handed one to shigaraki, making him look confused.
"are we....??"
"yep!! let's go...TRICK OR TREATING!!", hoshimi said as she first knocked on her father's door.
aizawa opened up, holding a cup of coffee. he looked very unamused.
"do I know you two?", he asked.
"I'm your daughter!! trick or treat!!", hoshimi said, extending her basket out in front of aizawa.
aizawa only sighed. "damn kids", he muttered under his breath. aizawa took two pieces of candy and dropped one in hoshimi's, then another in shigaraki's. he then closed the door, leaving hoshimi laughing.
"come on! there's many more houses waiting for us!!", hoshimi exclaimed as she grabbed shigaraki's hand, pulling him along.
there were many kids who looked and stared. some even came up to them to take pictures, as they thought they were the real princess peach and mario.
"why does mario have blue hair and princess peach have black hair?", a kid dressed like a dinosaur asked.
"because when bowser kidnapped me, he dyed my hair black. and when mario came over to save me, he turned his hair blue as revenge!!", hoshimi said.
the kid was now very intrigued. he nodded his head furiously as hoshimi explained to him the whole story. shigaraki just watched in amusement.
most houses gave them candy, despite them being full on adults. while some....questioned why they were trick or treating.
"aren't you two a little...actually way too old to be trick or treating??", a middle-aged woman asked.
shigaraki was about to say something, but hoshimi stopped him.
"and who are you? bowser?? you gonna snatch me away for trick or treating??", hoshimi mocked.
"great bowser! I'm gonna go because mario and I have to go back to mushroom kingdom", hoshimi said as she quickly skipped away.
shigaraki had to take large strides to catch up.
"you're so weird", he said.
"oh but mario, when am I not?", hoshimi grinned.
shigaraki held hoshimi's hand, smiling. they continued walking to more houses as the moon rose.
shigaraki was glad that hoshimi dragged them away from the party.
"thank you...for being my princess peach", shigaraki whispered.
"what can I say, mario. you're always saving a damsel in distress", hoshimi chuckled.
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