"BUT I need to go to work—"
"NO! you're NOT going to work", hoshimi declared, forcing shigaraki to lay back down on bed.
she dialed chick-fil-a and told them that shigaraki wouldn't be coming in today. she then emailed all her teachers that she wouldn't be attending class.
"you're not going to class??", shigaraki quietly asked. his head was currently burning up, and he was feeling dead inside.
"no. I'm staying here to take care of you", hoshimi said, sitting on the floor and taking out her computer. she was going to work while shigaraki slept.
"I'm leaving", aizawa said.
"bye dad!!", hoshimi called out, getting up to lock the door after aizawa left.
hoshimi then grabbed water, medicine, and heated up some porridge from the previous night.
"alright tomura, let's get you to sit up so you can eat", hoshimi said, placing everything down on the nightstand and helping shigaraki sit up.
shigaraki groaned as he sat up. hoshimi fed shigaraki the porridge, then giving him some medicine.
shigaraki was then laid back down, letting hoshimi tuck him in.
she then sighed as she kissed his forehead, letting him rest. hoshimi sat down on the floor and placed her laptop on the little table. she opened her computer and immediately started to internally cry.
hoshimi had to edit her essay and write an analysis on how her internship went. she also had to start ordering her cap and gown soon, as she was graduating at the end of march.
typing away, she tried to keep the noise level to a minimum, as she didn't want to wake shigaraki up.
after hours of staring at the computer, hoshimi had finally finished her work for the day. she also called hajime to inform him of her absence, as she had to take care of shigaraki.
standing up, hoshimi had left to go make herself some lunch. she took one of shigaraki's sweatshirts, wearing it over her long sleeved green shirt.
she made herself a ham and lettuce sandwich while making shigaraki some okayu with some honey and daikon.
"wake up tomura. it's time for lunch", hoshimi cooed, gently nudging shigaraki.
shigaraki yawned, rubbing his eyes. he was slightly feeling better, but not exactly. he sat up by himself and let hoshimi feed him.
"can we watch dora the explora?", hoshimi asked.
shigaraki looked at his girlfriend weirdly. "what?" he thought that he was hearing things since his head was burning up.
"you know. dora the explora??", hoshimi repeated.
"I'm pretty sure it's dora the explorer, but whatever", shigaraki said, not in the mood to care.
"yeah yeah, same thing!!", hoshimi said, turning on the t.v in her room. she then remembered something and went out of the room, grabbing something.
"I brought snacks!! chips, gummy bears, and pocky!!", hoshimi happily exclaimed, making shigaraki give her a weak smile.
she dumped all the snacks onto the bed. scooting over, shigaraki lifted the blanket up for hoshimi to get in.
hoshimi was also wearing her fuzzy socks, so she was super cozy and warm now.
shigaraki sat up, leaning against the wall. hoshimi sat beside shigaraki, with her arm wrapped around him. usually shigaraki was the big spoon, but today he wanted to be the one that's being babied.
he leaned his head on hoshimi's shoulder, watching dora the explorer with her. she occasionally fed him chips and gummy bears, as she wanted to save the pocky for later.
"we did it! we did it! hooray!!", hoshimi quietly chanted with dora and boots.
shigaraki lightly chuckled at his girlfriend's silliness.
hoshimi took out the pocky and chewed on it like a squirrel. it was entertaining, and you'd be lying if you said you haven't tried that before.
"pocky challenge??", hoshimi asked, turning to look at shigaraki and almost poking his eye with the pocky that was hanging out her mouth.
"I'm sick", he groggily replied.
"of me??" hoshimi gasped, dramatically faking her pained face.
"no no!! you know what I mean", shigaraki replied, rolling his eyes.
"come on!! please?? cuddles and kisses?", hoshimi pouted.
shigaraki sighed. he was too tired to argue with her and sat up so he could bite the other end of the pocky stick.
slowly chewing, their lips inched closer and closer, until shigaraki broke it off.
"I don't want to get you sick", he said.
"I don't care!! we're gonna do it again!!", hoshimi said, determined.
shigaraki continued to break it off right before they could kiss. after 19 tries, he was getting tired of eating pocky.
so on the 20th try, he finally kissed her.
"yay!!", hoshimi cheered.
hoshimi then had shigaraki lay his head on her lap, as he was starting to get tired again. he fell asleep to the sound of dora swinging through the jungle with boots.
hoshimi combed through shigaraki's slightly sweaty and messy hair. her right hand was intertwined with shigaraki's.
shigaraki kissed the back of hoshimi's hand, muttering a soft "thank you". she just smiled as she continued to sooth her boyfriend.
"SWIPER NO SWIPING!!", hoshimi yelled, making shigaraki groan.
»»————- ★ ————-««
"mm...my head hurtsss", hoshimi whined.
"I told you", shigaraki said, calling in work to let them know that he won't be coming in today.
2 days after shigaraki got well, hoshimi started having a fever. he had warned her not to kiss him, but she just didn't listen.
"shut up", hoshimi pouted, cuddling more into the blanket.
shigaraki just sighed as he grabbed the porridge and started feeding hoshimi.
"such a baby", he muttered.
"your baby though", hoshimi retorted.
"you can feed yourself—"
"noooooo wait, I'm sorryyy", hoshimi whined, making shigaraki smile.
for the rest of the day, they spent their time cuddling together.
and no more kisses.
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