"DO we have to dress like this??", shigaraki asked, tugging on his onesie.
"we look so cute though!!", hoshimi smiled, playing with her onesie's bunny ears.
hoshimi had aske—forced shigaraki into wearing matching bunny onesies, as today was a VERY special day.
"but out in public?? where are we even going??"
"walmart! duhhhh". hoshimi grabbed her purse and keys, walking out the door in confidence.
»»————- ★ ————-««
"oohhh, let's get the chocolate cake and frozen pizza!", hoshimi exclaimed, dropping the items into the cart.
people were indeed staring, making shigaraki roll his eyes.
"what? never seen two grown adults wearing bunny onesies shopping at walmart before?!"
hoshimi chuckled. "stop it tomura". she then dragged him to the dairy section of the store. hoshimi got herself some cheese, grapes, wine, and crackers.
the couple paid as they drove to a cliff. they parked the car and watched the sun set.
hoshimi took a wooden board out of the trunk and two wine glasses. how she managed to not break the glasses was beyond shigaraki's mind.
hoshimi made shigaraki hold the two glasses as she poured the wine. she then placed the block of cheese on the board along with some crackers and grapes.
"parfait!!", hoshimi laughed.
"it means perfect in french!"
"two adults in bunny onesies drinking wine and eating crackers in their car for their 1st anniversary", shigaraki said, making a weird face.
"I know I know. I'm so romantic! you don't have to tell me", hoshimi boasted, taking a sip of her red wine.
"damn. no better way to spend our one year than to enjoy the sunset together and eat cheese crackers", hoshimi smiled.
"I suppose. whatever makes you happy", shigaraki smiled. he barely drank, as he knew hoshimi would not be able to drive after 2 glasses of wine.
"remember when we first met??", hoshimi asked, chuckling at the memory.
"yes. you helped me from that one blonde dude", shigaraki said unamused. he ate the grapes as the cheese was not cut up and still in a block.
"why was he all up in your face anyways?", hoshimi asked. shigaraki could tell that she was getting a bit tipsy, as her cheeks and nose started to turn a bit rosy.
"mm...I think it was because I accidentally bumped into him...and he was not having it", shigaraki said. to be honest, he wasn't sure why monoma was being such a douche to him that day.
"that's so sad. why're you always being picked on??", hoshimi pouted, making shigaraki give out a slight chuckle.
"I don't know hoshi. I don't know. does that make me weak?", shigaraki asked, watching hoshimi drink some more.
'the stress must've been getting to her'.
"hm? no no no. baby, you're mentally strong. you have way more endurance when working, than I do", hoshimi smiled, pinching shigaraki's cheek.
she started laughing as she started on her second glass of wine.
"hey tomura?", hoshimi said, totally serious all of a sudden.
"let's do it", hoshimi said, looking shigaraki straight in the eye.
"d-do what?", shigaraki nervously asked.
hoshimi put her hand on shigaraki's shoulder, making him tense. he wasn't sure if he was even ready. I mean, he doesn't even have a condo—
"a house".
"a house. let's buy a house", hoshimi said.
"oh...". shigaraki covered his face as he slightly blushed in embarrassment.
hoshimi suddenly giggled. "right now. let's go buy a house".
"r-right now?"
"yes! drive!! let's go tomuraaaa!!"
hoshimi kept on shaking shigaraki's arm, almost making him spill his wine. when he didn't respond, hoshimi leaned in close and kissed him on the cheek.
shigaraki could smell her alcoholic breath from how close she was.
"pleaseeee tomuraaaaa", hoshimi pleased. she latched onto shigaraki's neck, not letting go.
"okay okay!! sit back and we'll go", shigaraki finally agreed.
"YAY!!" hoshimi sat back in her seat and buckled her seatbelt. it took her a few minutes to buckle, but she managed.
hoshimi held onto the board of cheese, grapes, and crackers while shigaraki put the wine glasses back into the trunk.
hoshimi grabbed the block of cheese and started munching on it. shigaraki had to stop himself from laughing as hoshimi looked like a mouse.
shigaraki parked outside the model house. it was around 8pm, so they didn't close yet.
he opened the door for hoshimi so that she could get out. hoshimi stumbled out the car with the block of cheese still in her hand.
hoshimi wobbled towards the little office, with shigaraki following behind. he sighed as he wasn't sure how this was going to go down.
"hi! how may I—"
"I want to buy a house. right now. like right now", hoshimi smiled.
the woman cocked an eyebrow at her, looking over at shigaraki. he closed his eyes and just nodded.
"u-um alright then. which model house would you lik—"
"I want two bedrooms, one bathroom, a 2 car garage, a nice backyard, one story house, andddddddd an island kitchen!!"
the woman was kind of surprised. she didn't think that a drunk woman wearing a bunny onesie would be so clear and precise on what she wanted.
"s-so I think floor plan c would best fit your requirements. here's the plan", the saleswoman said as she handed hoshimi a paper.
hoshimi squinted her eyes. her vision was a bit woozy, but she could still somewhat make out the floor plan.
"yes", she simply said.
"ma'am, are you sure you—"
"yes. give me all the papers and I'll hand you the money or something. I'm picking my house up tomorrow and moving in", hoshimi said.
"just give me the papers. she's not going to give up until it actually happens", shigaraki said.
"alright sir. this way please".
shigaraki had to pull hoshimi close to him. he looked at her and kissed her forehead.
"hope you don't regret this tomorrow morning".
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