welcome to the hogwarts gossip!
the daily prophet is nothing compared to this. (dont tell them i said that.)
over the past few days, a lot has occurred. so lets go over the gossip together!
whats going on with gryffindor this year?
they've lost every match against slytherin minus one. harry has gotten knocked off his broom about twelve times. even hufflepuff has won against them.
but, oh yeah! slytherin has won a total of seven matches so far. go snakes!! (im not bias.)
ravenclaw is doing pretty good. their seeker, cho chang, has caught the snitch twice.
hufflepuff, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for beating gryffindor.
get your act together, lions!
weaselbee's owl has gone mad, once again.
honestly, almost none of the owls have been in their right minds. crashing into our food, delivering letters to the wrong people. whats going on?
astoria greengrass and draco malfoy have broken up!
why, might you ask? well i know why. but im not going to say that.
anywho, shes single and ready to mingle..? (i regret saying that, but ive rewrote this five times already and stupid ink cant be rubbed off.)
valentines day is after new years, get your lover pants on and find some outfits, for hogwarts is hosting their annual valentines day ball!
ask people out, leviosa the paper hearts to your dream dates, and find your forever person.
im single and lonely.
thats all for this week! until next time from
the hogwarts gossip
- daphne greengrass
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