accounts !
draco malfoy - MalfoyDraco_0fficial (hes inactive so id use official__draco for now)
pansy parkinson - _Miss_Parkinson_
blaise zabini - official_blaise / inactive rip
mattheo riddle - ridde-me-this
theodore nott - official_theo_nott
daphne greengrass - me
astoria greengrass - the_official_Astoria
lorenzo berkshire - officially_lorenzo
tom riddle - ToMmYbOyRiDdLe
autumn lestrange - Obvi-its-Autumn
ines 'nessa' mclean - landosgirl_
tracey davis - tracey_davis
adrian pucey - that1pucey
millicent bulstrode - MilliexBulstrode
harry potter -official-chosen-one
hermione granger - Hermione_officially
ron weasley - r0nweasley0fficial
neville longbottom - official_neville
ginny weasley - -The_Girl_who_Loved-
fred weasley -
george weasley - BetterThanFred
cormac mclaggen - cormactheconqueror
oliver wood - Official_Oliver_Wood
seamus finnigan - Seamus-Finnigan
molly weasley - M-M011y_We4sl3y
bill weasley - R3dh3ad_br3aker
charlie weasley - Ch4rl13_W34sl3y
percy weasley -
minerva mcgonagall -
albus dumbledore -
alice longbottom -
frank longbottom -
dean thomas - Gryffindorsfinest
arthur weasley -
luna lovegood - Official_lunaluvgood
cho chang - chochangofficial
phoenix rosier - the1nonlybl0nde
cedric diggory - -cedric_diggory
orion rosier - St4r_b0y0
mad-eye moody - Al4st0r_M00dy
nymphadora tonks - the_nymphadora_tonks
alienor rosier - Al13n0r_R0513r
viktor krum -
fleur delacour - officiallyfleur
grant chapman -
dudley dursley -
petunia dursley -
vernon dursley -
THE MARAUDERS ARE ON siriusly-siriuss PAGE
lmk if i missed anyone + comment if u want to be listed !
next page is oc's
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