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THE HEAVY SUPPORT JUNE WAS OFFERING TO OCTAVIA WEIGHED HER SIDE DOWN BUT SHE HELD A DETERMINED EXPRESSION. Jasper was in front of them, in the lead, while Bellamy was carrying Finn who had passed out long ago from the pain. The handle of the knife stuck out prominently, surrounded by blood that soaked through fast. Too fast to be considered safe, but having a knife digging in your chest was never considered safe. At the sight of the dropship's gate, June breathed in relief, glad they weren't out of time any longer.
"Clarke!" Jasper shouted as he stumbled through the gate, holding it open for the rest. "Where's Clarke?! Get Clarke now!"
June picked up her pace, keeping her steps steady to keep Octavia balanced. The crowd beginning to circle them, shocked to see their state, had Clarke moving through them from the summoning. June could see her friend's face fall, her eyes become wide and her jaw drop at the sight. "Finn? Oh my god. Oh, oh my god." She shoved her way past June and Octavia, her words falling to a whimper as she pressed two fingers to his neck to check for a pulse. "He's alive."
The two words had June letting out a soft sigh of relief. Finn was alive, for now. "Bellamy wouldn't let me take the knife out," Jasper notified Clarke.
"No, that was a good call," Clarke confirmed but panicking as she gestured behind her. "Get him in the dropship, now. Go!" A small group of males surrounded Bellamy, taking over in carrying the injured male together and carrying him to the direction of the dropship.
June gently tugged on Octavia's arm over her shoulder. "Come on, we should get you there too so Clarke can look at your leg," she tried to insist.
For a moment Octavia allowed herself to be led away before she was shaking her head and pulling her arm away. Clarke, who had finished desperately talking to Raven about the radio, sent her a quick concerned look. "Hey, you okay?" She checked, noticing Octavia's limp as she pulled away from June.
"Yeah," Octavia mumbled weakly, waving both Clarke and June away. "Yeah. Just go."
Clarke hadn't needed to be told twice. To June's surprise, she grabbed onto the sleeve of her jacket before tugging her along. June felt like they were kids again, without the fear, as her wrist was tugged and she ran to keep up. Back in The Ark, where she, Clarke and Wells were a trio, it was common to be pulled from one quarter to another. But that was in space when Wells was alive, and they weren't under a constant threat. Now, June was here, in the dropship, where Finn laid on top of a flat metal table, fighting death.
It doesn't take long for everything to become worse. The sky above them becomes a very dark gray, and soon, rain pours over them in heavy showers. June could hear lightning and thunder booming and flashing just outside, leaving it too unsafe to be outside. To shelter themselves, every delinquent was ordered inside. Besides the weather noises, June could hear Raven in the back of the dropship, speaking into her radio and desperately trying to get it to work.
"This is Raven Reyes, calling Ark Station. Come in, Ark Station. This is Raven Reyes, calling Ark Station. Please come in.."
The mechanic's voice was breaking as she repeated the phrase. It was starting to become tiring to hear, but June didn't want to make the tenseness any worse. The female delinquent observing Raven on the other side crossed her arms over chest before questioning; "Are you sure you have the right frequency?"
Raven's head turned and she spoke with a hard edge in her tone. "Yeah, I'm sure."
Clearing her throat, June put her hand on Raven's shoulder, feeling her muscle relax at the tough. "Raven, you got this. Just take a deep breath, okay?" She said gently. Raven's head lifted to meet her reassuring and tender gaze and she nodded, focusing her attention back to the radio.
"June!" At the sound of her name being exclaimed, June turned to see Clarke studying the wound Finn was still sporting. "I need to change this," she said, pointing to the cloth wrapped around the blade.
Nodding, June left Raven with her radio to fetch some extra and new cloth for it. Finn had already bled through the current one, June noticed when watching Clarke unwrap it. She handed her the new one that was quickly used, covering the injury and knife again until Raven could contact The Ark and could be operated on. She didn't doubt Raven's mechanical skills, but with the storm lingering and becoming worse by the second, it would be entirely the weather's fault if it failed.
The worries about the radio June was having faded when the radio's speaker suddenly cracked and a man's faint voice audible through the static. "This is a restricted station. Who is this? Please identify yourself."
From the distance she was, June could see Raven become excited, but tried to calm and speak quickly at the same time. The delinquents began crowding her in a circle, hushed whispers of delight. "This is Raven Reyes. I'm from Mecha Station. I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive!" After her exclamation of admission, Raven turned her head, peering at Finn. "Please, you need to get Doctor Abby Griffin. Doctor Abby Griffin, now!"
Chief Engineer Jacapo Sinclair responded. "Hang on, Raven. We're trying to boost your signal."
June's hand came up to run through her hair, her stress replacing with excitement as she followed Clarke to the radio. It may have been too late for the three-hundred people they couldn't save, but now, The Ark knew they were alive. The next person to speak was female and easily recognizable. "Raven? Are you there?" It was Clarke's mother.
Instead of answering herself, Raven waved to Clarke, motioning for her to reply. June waited as her friend cleared her throat before talking. "Mom?" She says, coming off strong, but the look of joy from hearing her mother's voice plastered clearly on her face. "Mom, it's me."
There was a beat of silence from Abby's side before the doctor whispered, her voice full of emotion. "Clarke?"
While it was touching the two family members had finally reconnected and knew the other was alive, June's need to protect took over. Finn was still dying and they finally managed to contact their old home with the one person who could save them. "Clarke, we need to hurry," she reminded her friend.
Clarke nodded, showing she understood. "Mom, I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a grounder," she informed.
Expecting Abby to answer, June was taken off guard when Chancellor Jaha's voice filled the room instead. "Clarke, this is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?" He questioned. His low voice was familiar, only without the disappointment that she had heard when she and his son were arrested together.
"Yes," Clarke replied. "The Earth is survivable."
June shook her head. There was more, and Finn was in critical condition because of it. "Chancellor Jaha, there are survivors down here, they survived the radiation," she stated seriously, hoping he could tell who she was by her voice. "One of them stabbed one of us."
Sensing the gravity of the situation from the seriousness in June's voice, Abby spoke to Sinclair, requesting to be patched through to medical. For a moment, June could sigh and catch her breath. That is, until Jaha was conversing with them again. "June, is my son with you?"
The only reason Jaha would have to ask June instead of Clarke was that they had been caught and arrested together, but the question had her heart dropping into the pit of her chest like a heavy rock. "Jaha, I'm - I'm sorry. He's not." She ignored the pitiful looks she was receiving from both Raven and Clarke. June remembered the staining red blood on her hands, and for a moment, she hadn't wanted to talk about it, but this was Wells' father. The least she could do was sum it up. Her voice broke as she finished the sentence. "Wells is - He's gone. He's dead."
A hand came to rest on June's shoulder warmly. She turned her head, expecting it to have been Clarke, but instead came face to face with Raven's compassionate gaze as she rubbed a soft circle into June's muscle with her thumb. For a while, she felt alright, but couldn't get the image of Wells's final moments out of her head. As June relaxed, the moment from The Ark to grieve was over and Abby finally assured Clarke. "I'm going to talk you through it, step by step."
In seconds at the words, Clarke quickly moved towards the table where Finn laid. June stopped leaning over in the direction of the radio, giving Raven one last timid smile before striding after Clarke. She had always been into computers and technology, but the least she could do was lend a hand while Raven worked the radio.
There was a heavy, violent lurch that had the dropship shifting. June gripped onto the corner of the table, catching herself more from the surprise than the jerk. "Clarke - " Abby's voice stammered in the radio, this time not distinct. "Just - find.." The words became less clear, having June's forehead crease as she tried concentrating.
"What?!" Clarke called out, finding it equally difficult to hear. "Raven, what's wrong?"
Although her back was turned, June could sense the panic settling in Raven's voice. "It's not the radio, it's the storm!"
Frustrated with the conditions they were stuck in, June sent a glare to the opening of the dropship, as if that would help. She wasn't sure if they would ever be done fighting through lousy storms too alike to this one.
A short time went by, the storm outside only escalated, effecting the dropship more. June felt as if they were running out of time, from studying the state Finn was still stuck in. Her head picked up when a figure raced towards her and Clarke, holding two silver canisters in each hand. Once Clarke took one and took off the top, it was too easy to smell the powerful alcohol even from the distance she stood.
"Ugh," Clarke grimaced after smelling it. "Monty's moonshine?"
"Pretty sure no germ could survive it," Octavia said, opening hers and leaning over to help Clarke pour a decent amount of it in a small bowl.
There was a clap of thunder from outside, accompanied by wind that flew inside the dropship. June could even feel her blonde hair fly behind her, a few drops of rainwater following in dotting at her face. "Storm's getting worse," Clarke noted. "Monroe, close the doors."
The delinquent with red hair in braids stared back, unsure. "But we still have people out there," she retorted, protesting.
"Monty and Jasper still aren't back yet," Octavia added before her tone started wavering. "Neither is Bellamy."
After a quick scan through the crowd stuck inside the dropship, June could see she was right. "There could be more out there too," she pointed out. "Maybe we should wait a little longer." She hadn't been on Earth long enough to know the weather could get any worse than it already was.
"It's okay," Clarke responded, calm. "They'll find somewhere to ride it out."
Even though June wasn't convinced, she nodded, knowing their safety was more important. "Come on," she said to Monroe who was hesitating, waving her over. "Clarke's right, we have to shut the door." Eventually, Monroe nodded, following June to the lever that would shut the door.
However, just as June's hand is gripping the switch, Monroe is suddenly calling out; "Hey, wait! They're back!" The blonde froze, stepping back to peer outside.
It was difficult to see through the heavy rain, but soon a few shadow figures were close enough to make out. June moved, allowing Bellamy and his followers some room through the opening. Her jaw drops in surprise to see a blindfolded grounder, the same one she saw in the cave that stabbed Finn. June's glad to see he's unconscious, but she couldn't piece together what the hell their leader was doing. He's dropped to the floor carelessly with a heavy thud as Bellamy's sister storms towards him with a cross look.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Octavia snapped, her suddenly dark eyes flickering from the grounder to Bellamy.
Bellamy's frigid stare didn't change as he answered. June looked him up and down, noticing the way he shivered from the way he was completely soaked from being outside for so long. "It's time to get some answers."
"Oh, you mean revenge?" Octavia challenged.
"I mean intel," Bellamy declared before speaking to the same males who carried and threw the grounder down. "Get him upstairs."
As they complied quickly, June shook her head in disbelief before approaching Bellamy from behind. "This is wrong," she stated. "Nobody else has to get hurt."
Bellamy's eyes hardened when they met June's. "Take a look at Finn," he retorted. June had to internally fight with herself to not. "It's been too long. It's time we get answers and justice."
Clarke walked up to Bellamy, overhearing the conversation he was having with June. "Bellamy," she greeted, attempting to convince him as well. "She's right."
But before Bellamy could shoot back; the angry look on his face a response enough, the radio expressed with a crack of Abby's voice. "Clarke, we're ready. Can you hear me?" June could see the way Bellamy's facial expression changed to one of surprise at the noise.
Before answering her mother, Clarke shook her head, bothered. "Look," she said softly. "This is not who we are."
"It is now." Bellamy turned, heading towards the ladder to do what June didn't want to know to the grounder. All she had wanted to do was believe that he wasn't the killer he tried to be.
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