𝟎𝟔𝟐 Roomates & Hildy
Future Tense.
"This is really unnecessary."
Wren sputters, "Don't be ridiculous!" She turns the steering wheel to the side, swerving the car. Emery grips the handle bar next to the window and squeezes her eyes shut. "You're my best friend. And now roommate."
"Which is also really unnecessary." Emery inhales a breath and exhales. "I told Bobby I was fine with living alone."
"Yeah, but he then told Athena, who told me. And we all came to the conclusion that you genuinely aren't fine with living alone and you're just putting up a front."
Emery clenches her jaw, "What if I was? Can you blame me? Everyone's so happy despite the world being so—"
Emery looks at Wren, who then looks at her with a small smirk that read "I know how you feel". "Yeah. Exactly—watch out!"
Wren swerves the car back into the right lane and chuckles. "Whoo! That was a close one, right?"
Emery nervously laughs. "Next time I'm driving."
"Good one, Em." Wren laughs.
Emery rolls her eyes and looks out the window. "So, everything's good with work?"
Wren snorts, "Absolutely not." She looks at Emery. "I mean, you've seen the news, right?"
Emery's gut turns. "I've seen the news. I've always been to some of the protests."
Wren nods her head, "Me too."
"As an officer or a participant?"
"Participant." Wren exhales. "I haven't really been...eager to put the uniform on."
Emery shifts her eyes to Wren, her jaw was clenched and her hands were tight around the wheel. "I was actually thinking about taking my career in a different direction."
"Yeah? And what direction is that?"
Wren drums her fingers, "Detective."
Emery's eyes widen, "Wow." She then turns to Wren, who was anxiously waiting for her friend's input. "Detective Marshall."
Wren shivers, "How do I tell sergeant?"
"Athena?" Emery pulls her brows together. "Oh, you don't."
"Do you want to make Athena feel bad?" Emery scoffs. "I would just tell her your last day as deputy."
"I'm not doing that! I would still be in the same station working with her."
Emery blinks, "Oh, well in that case. Talk to her about it today." She shrugs. "No biggie."
"No biggie—no biggie?" Wren scoffs. "Athena just got back after her injury, which I caused by the way—"
"Stop. Athena says she doesn't blame you. So, why take it a step further and blame yourself?" Emery rolls her head to the side and looks at her friend.
"You guys were doing your jobs." Emery shrugs. "And you did amazing jobs too, you caught the gu—"
Wren made it to the fire station she slams on the brakes, causing Emery to jerk forward.
"Sorry!" Wren winces. "I know we were having a heart to heart."
Emery waves a hand, "It's okay. It's fine, I'm not even that...bothered." She rolls her neck.
Wren frown, "Great, all right, I'll pick you up—"
"No, no, no. I'll get a ride with someone here." Emery quickly grabs her bag, her breathing quick. She had to get the fuck out of this car.
Wren frowns, "You sure? It would just be easier since we're roomies now."
"I'm sure—I'm sure." Emery hurries out of the car with her stomach turning. She mutters a small "thank you" before closing the door.
Wren rolls the window down. "Hey, Em!"
Emery turns back to her friend.
"I needed this." Wren admits. "Moving in with someone. You're right it's been lonely and this idea wasn't just for you. It was for me too."
Emery's eyes soften and her shoulders slightly fall. It comforted Emery knowing she wasn't alone in this. But there was guilt that formed in her stomach knowing she was trying to find all the negatives with having a roommate. There was a slight pause that caused Wren to become uncomfortable. She's never been good at comforting people or even talking about her own feelings. So, she was ready to go.
Her voice causes Emery to jump.
"I've gotta get to work." Wren winks. "See you at home!" She revs her engine and speeds out of the fire station driveway.
Emery lets out a trembled breath. "Someone needs to take her license away." She then pulls her brows together. Where the hell is Wren working now?
Emery looks down at her watch and curses. "Dammit—I'm never carpooling with her again!" She slips her mask on and runs to the fire station entrance. After Emery's temperature was taken and her test was clean, she ran into the station.
"Well, well, well, Look, who's late."
Emery growls under her breath. She passes the group of firefighters and makes a beeline for the locker room.
The group all exchange a look, the same mischievous thought to tease Emery popping into their heads.
It's almost like Emery knew when the thought had popped into their heads. She could hear them walk into the locker room and chuckles. "Look, it's not my fault." She pats her frizzy long curly hair down. "Wren woke up late. And she has this very chaotic routine of still completing everything last minute, despite running late—and I mean everything." She pulls her hair into a tight bun in the back of her head. "But I love her very much..." She then pulls her brows, noticing how quiet it was.
Emery turns to see everyone smiling at her. "What are your problems?" She shudders.
"It's just nice to see you running late." Hen says.
Emery cranes her neck forward. "Excuse me? This is nice to see? Me, rushing—stressing?"
"Yeah." The group synchronizes.
"You did say that Dr. Martin told you to try new things." Bobby voices.
Emery's eyes widen from her captain's leniency, "Bobby, you cannot encourage my tardiness."
Bobby laughs, "All I'm saying is, it's nice to see you not here before everyone else. Maybe now I can get that key back to the station."
The group laughs while Emery's face drops in horror. Buck notices the shaken look across her face. "Em, he was kidding." He then looks at Bobby, wanting back up.
"I'm kidding."
Emery's face relaxes and she lets out a breath of relief. "Look, I love you guys, but let's keep those jokes to a minimum."
"Dispatch said the patient was unconscious."
"They also said it was a smart house." Bobby states.
The team waits on the front porch. Suddenly, the door swings open. "Welcome, Los Angeles Fire Department."
Emery frowns and she shakes her head.
"Am I the only one really creeped out right now?" Hen inquires.
"No." The team synchronizes. They all slip their masks on and enter the house. Bobby leads the group through the house, until they get to the bathroom. The man was still unconscious, lying on his shower floor. Bobby pulls open the glass shower door. "Come on. Let's go."
"On it, Cap."
Hen and Chimney crouch around the man.
"How are his vitals?"
"Pulse is steady. Scalp is lacerated. Probably a concussion." Hen explains. "Anthony can you hear us?"
They receive no answer or movement from the man.
"Looks like first or second degree burns from the water." Chimney inspects his arm. "His veins are collapsed. Probably hypovolemia. We'll need a line in his ankle."
Emery points at the man's hair. "He's still got the lather from his shampoo in his hair."
"Yeah, didn't he fall down with the water on?" Buck questions.
Bobby turns to the two, understanding what they were getting at. "So, who turned it off?"
Emery dramatically shudders, "A mystery."
Eddie and Buck went to go get the stretcher and backboard, and they came back with Eddie being incredibly paranoid and he had a newfound vendetta against Hildy.
They carefully placed Anthony on the backboard and stretcher. As he was being rolled to the front door, he groans.
"Cap, he's waking up." Emery announces.
Bobby turns to the man that had just woke up.
"Anthony, Anthony. It's okay. You fell in the shower." Bobby informs him. "Lucky for you, we found you in time."
"Your girlfriend called 911."
And just like that, Anthony's whole attitude changed. His eyes grew wide and he began thrashing around the stretcher while screaming "NO".
Emery immediately takes a step away from the stretcher with her hands up. "Whoa."
"His pulse is racing. Let's sedate him." Chimney says.
Emery pulls her brows together, "Wait, wait..." she holds a hand out to Chimney, who stops. "Anthony you've got to stay calm, all right? We can't help you unless you stay still."
Anthony ended up calming down from the woman's words. Chimney nudges Emery's arm and she turns to him. "Look at you, you're our own calming guru."
Emery snorts, "I'm just doing my job."
"I wonder what set that off." Hen inquires.
Maybe something about his girlfriend."
"My ex."
They all look at Anthony.
"Anybody can spy on you." Eddie says, his eyes travel to the camera.
Emery winces, "This just got a whole lot creepier."
Emery has never had kids of her own. But she was always an expert at being thorough. And baby proofing was definitely something she could do.
"Okay, I finished the bottom cabinets." She sets the extra clasps on the counter. Buck walks over to Emery and stands in front of her. He sets his extra clasps on the counter. "And I finished the top cabinets."
Emery scrunches her brows but there was still a smile on her lips. "Am I crazy or are we good at this baby proofing thing?"
Buck frowns, "Em, you're crazy. But now about this. We're pretty damn good."
"How are they doing?" Emery motions to Maddie and Chimney. Buck presses her lips into a firm line, "See for yourself." He points behind her.
Emery winces and slowly turns her head to see Chimney shaking the crib. Just from the look across Maddie's face, Emery knew he hadn't figured it out. "Looks like the parents are having a rough time." She chuckles and turns to Buck. "You think we should help them out?"
Buck hums with a thought. He looks back at Chimney and Maddie with a small smile. "I don't think so. This might be a right of passage into becoming a parent."
Emery frowns and nods her head. "Yeah, you might be right." She bites the inside of her cheek. "Thank you, by the way, for driving me home after work."
Buck raises his brows, "Yeah, of course. I didn't mind."
"I couldn't have Wren drive me to work again." Emery's stomach turned just thinking about it. "She's gonna have to be okay with being in the passenger seat."
"Hey, I'm just glad you didn't puke." Buck holds his hands up.
Emery looks to the side, "Well, I wouldn't have puked, so..." she holds her hands out in a bragging manner. Buck hums, "Well..."
Emery's face drops. "What do you mean 'well...'?" She mimics in a high pitch.
Buck laughs, "Em, you looked like you were gonna barf in my car."
"No. No I didn't..." Emery folds her arms and keeps a strong glare on Buck's amused expression. She shifts and her expression softens. "Did I really?"
"Yeah." Buck laughs even harder. His laugh caused a small smile to tug on Emery's lips. "Well, I can't help it if I have a bit of trauma from Wren's so called 'driving'. I'm gonna tell Athena on her."
"Oh, please do. I will help." Buck touches his chest. Emery squints her eyes, "You know, I don't even know why you guys have beef."
Buck frowns, "I mean, it's kind of a given." He shrugs. "She's one of your best friends and I'm your..." his heart drops into his stomach.
Emery rolls her lips into her mouth and tilts her head. Her brows shoot up and amusement was plaster all over her face. Buck felt some sort of relief when he saw the expression across her face. He wouldn't been more scared if she was just as shocked as him.
"Your...what?" Emery takes a step closer to him.
"No, no. Finish what you were going to say, Evan." Emery teases. "I'm curious."
"Oh, c'mon..." Emery pokes his stomach. Buck softly giggles but he quickly wipes the smile off his face. "Wait, don't—"
"Are you ticklish?"
The airiness in her tone caused a chill to run down his spine. It wasn't just the sultriness that came from Emery that caused him to freeze, it was also the question. How was he supposed to answer? If he said yes, she'd probably tickle him anyway to bug him. If he said no, she'd want to see if he's lying by still tickling him.
"Uh, maybe...?"
A sinister grin forms on Emery's lips. She lifts her hands and reaches for his neck. Buck's eyes widen and without thinking, he grabs her wrists. Emery instantly freezes and she sucks in a breath. Buck's jaw goes slack and he shifts his eyes to his hands around Emery's wrists. His stomach warms. "Uh—" he pulls his hands away from hers and Emery takes a step back. "Sorry, I'm sorry."
Emery holds her hands up. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to attack you with my merciless tickling." She nervously chuckles. "Lesson learned."
A small tension surrounds the two, until Chimney calls out to them.
"Did one of you steal the screwdriver again?"
Emery slightly opens her mouth. She looks at the tool on the counter and reaches for it. The kicker was, Buck was also reaching for it. Their hands touch. Buck's heart jumps and his body jumps as well. They both retract their hands.
"I'm sorry." Emery nervously laughs.
"No, I'm—I'm sorry." Buck coughs.
"Hellooooo screwdriver?"
Emery and Buck turn to the couple in the living room. Buck grabs the screwdriver, he gives Emery a small smile before walking into the living room. As soon as Buck leaves the kitchen, Emery lets out a heavy breath and leans against the counter. Living by herself for almost a year has made Emery stir crazy. To the point her imagination has been running very wild recently.
In order to distract herself, Emery speaks up. "Hey, should we put alarms on the windows?"
The three all turn to the woman. Buck snaps his fingers, "That's what I was thinking!"
Chimney then looks between the two. "You do realize we live on the second floor, right?"
"And what if the baby tries to get out?" Buck points out.
Maddie holds her hands up. "Okay, guys, I said you could baby proof the apartment not turn it into an unescapable fortress." She looks at Chimney. Why did they think being both Emery and Buck in to secure the apartment was a good idea? Together these two were an unstoppable strict pair.
"Look, I just don't want to underestimate the curious interiority of my nephew." Buck replies.
"Uh, we don't know if it's a boy." Maddie immediately cuts in.
"The last ultrasound, the baby was in the wrong position to tell the sex." Chimney says.
Emery giggles, "Maddie said it looked like the baby was mooning them."
Buck clicks his tongue, "Ah, well, hey, definitely yours then." He pats Chimney's back. "Well, if it is a boy, I had some name ideas."
Everyone turns to Buck, intrigued by this subject.
"You know, there's Buck or, uh, Buckley. Kid could be an Evan."
Emery rolls her lips into her mouth to contain her smile.
"Really dug deep for those, huh?" Chimney quips.
Maddie tugs on the top cabinet. She lets out a groan, "Seriously, Buck? It's an upper cabinet. How's the baby gonna reach that?"
Emery giggles, "I'll help you, hold on." She walks over to Maddie and pulls the cabinet open. Maddie exhales, "Thank you."
Emery hands Maddie two mugs and she grabs two mugs of her own.
"Has your new girlfriend seen this side of you?" Chimney questions. "Has she met Fire Marshall Buckley yet?"
Emery raises her brows and glances at Buck, waiting for his answer. She knew that his "girlfriend" was actually the therapist he'd been seeing.
Buck shifts his eyes to Emery and she gives him a small smile. His heart warmed at the patient smile. She was telling him there was no rush. But Buck could feel that it was the right time. He was ready.
"Yeah, hey, about that." Buck starts. "Um...I don't have a girlfriend."
Maddie stops pouring the water into the glasses. "Wait, what? I thought that you were seeing someone."
"I am. She's a therapist." Buck states. "I'm seeing her professionally. Not personally."
Emery grabs the waters from Maddie's hands and puts them on a tray. "I've got it."
"Em, I can handle carrying water." Maddie deadpans.
"I know that. And you can carry the water when I'm not here." Emery sends Maddie a cheeky smile that causes her to chuckle.
Maddie walks over to Chimney and Buck. "Why would you lie about that?"
Emery slowly and carefully walks the tray of waters over to everyone. Each of them grab a water and Emery lets out a satisfied sigh as she grabs her own water off the tray and sips it.
"Yeah. We've all had our turn in the hot seat." Chimney assures Buck. "Hell, Emery's still in that seat."
Emery turns to Chimney with an arched brow and his face drops. "And there's nothing wrong with that, of course. You're so strong, amazing, and I validate your feelings."
Emery cracks a small smile and shakes her head.
"She's not a department shrink." Buck clarifies. "And it's not about the job." He glances at his big sister. "It's—it's about me."
Maddie tries her best to stay calm. But she could feel herself tense. "What about you?"
Buck chuckles, "I don't know, um, just—just stuff. I mean, everyone has issues, right?"
Emery laughs into her water. "Yeah, you're telling me."
Chimney nods in agreement. "Seriously." He then raises his brows. "Hey, maybe instead of college funds, new parents should start therapy funds."
Emery points at Chimney. "Start 'em off early. I like it!"
"There you go. I know what I'm getting you guys for a baby gift." Buck says.
"The baby latches weren't the gift?" Emery inquires.
"No, you were helping me with that. I need something of my own." Buck says.
Emery quirks a brow, "Whoever finds the best baby gift wins?"
"You're on."
Buck and Emery shake hands. Buck then stops and pulls his brows together. "W-Wait...wins what?"
"Eddie, I think..." Emery presses her hands together and covers her mouth to stop herself from laughing. "I think you might be going overboard just a little bit."
Eddie whips his head around over to the girl and she immediately stops laughing and holds her hands up. Ever since his interaction with Hildy, Eddie's been paranoid about every piece of technology. Emery couldn't do anything but laugh and try her best to reassure him.
"I'm not crazy, Em."
"I...never said you were, Ed."
Eddie wrinkles his nose in discomfort. "Don't call me that."
Emery immediately nods. "Yeah, I regretted it as soon as it came out."
Eddie's eyes shift to the living room. "They're playing that game, aren't they?"
Emery looks to the side. "Noooo—"
"Liar." Eddie points at her and walks into the living room.
Emery softly smiles and follows Eddie into the living room. She makes it in the room just in time to see Eddie disconnect the server of the tv.
"Dad, I was beating him." Christopher sighs.
"We're taking a little break from the internet right now." Eddie places his hands on his hips.
Emery presses her lips together and leans against the fireplace.
"But how am I supposed to talk to my friends?"
Emery immediacy shakes her head. Eddie's eyes blow wide and a new fear enters him. "You're talking to people on this thing?"
"Okay, hey, um, you know I was kidding the other day, right? About the spying?" Buck chuckles.
"Were you?" Eddie squeaks. "Cause ever since that call, every time I go online, there's an ad for coffee makers. Read the news, coffee maker, check the weather, coffee maker."
Emery purses her lips. "Yeah, that's just targeted advertising, though."
Eddie throws his hands up. "I didn't even want a new coffee maker—"
"Targeted advertising would say otherwise..." Emery sings.
"—the one I have is fine!" Eddie continues. "I've only mentioned it in front of you...and Hildy."
Christopher's face lights up. "Hildy? Are we getting a Hildy?"
"No. We are definitely not." Eddie shuts down the idea.
"Buck, can we go to your house and play video games?" Christopher asks.
Buck slightly opens his mouth and turns to Eddie for an answer. Eddie crosses his arms and tilts his head. Emery follows Eddie's lead by folding her arms and forcing a huge frown on his face—mocking him.
Buck and Christopher begin to laugh. Emery snickers, before she could put her hands down; Eddie turns and sees her copying him. "Oh, very mature."
Emery's mouth opens, "I'm sorry—you weren't supposed to see me!" She grabs his arms. "Listen—listen. I actually totally understand how you're feeling." She quiets her giggles.
"You do?" Eddie feels himself grow calmer. At least he wasn't alone in this feeling. Emery nods her head, "Oh, yeah! Technology is scary. I mean that's why there's so many movies about technology attacking civilization, right?"
Eddie's relaxed face drops and fear was etched across his face once again. Buck slaps a hand on his face and shakes his head. Emery winces, "I said the wrong thing, didn't I?"
Buck nods his head, "Most definitely."
Emery sputters her lips and turns to Christopher. "Looks like we're gonna be playing it old school for a while, Chris."
Christopher blinks, "What's old school?"
Buck and Emery look at each other. Buck then looks back at the boy. "You ever heard of Scrabble?"
"But you guys aren't in any trouble with the social worker."
Hen exhales a breath of relief. "I explained the situation. She understood. It was just a bad day."
"Well, that's good." Emery says before eating a grape. "I mean, not that it was a bad day, but that she understood."
"But it also doesn't sound like you." Athena adds.
Emery points, "Yes, I was just getting there." She grabs another grape. "Can I just...?" She grab the bowl of grapes and begins to stuff her mouth.
"Go right on ahead." Athena encourages with a soft laugh. She looks back at Hen. "You let this girl get under your skin like that..."
Hen sighs, "You know that voice in the back of your head? The one that tells you you can't do anything right. You know? It tells you that you're crazy, you're stupid for even trying."
"It's like, all your doubts and all your fears just playing on loop right up here." Hen points at her head. "Well, that's Sydney."
Emery slows her chewing and she looks at the bowl of grapes.
"Sydney is a liar."
"Is she, Athena?" Hen questions. "I mean, two kids, a full-time job, and medical school?"
Athena chuckles, "Where is this coming from?"
Hen sinks into her seat. "I'm just tired."
Emery's eyes soften.
"I'm tired of—of having to always prove that I belong, that I'm worthy, that I'm just as good as the rest of them."
"But you don't." Athena says. "Because you're strong, you're smart, you're a self-made woman who built a family, and a career. And now you're putting yourself through medical school."
"It's badass, Hen." Emery adds.
Athena points at Emery in agreement. "You are formidable, my friend!"
"I don't feel formidable." Hen admits. "Just exhausted."
"That's because you have a lot on your plate." Emery admits. "That's not a bad thing, though. If anything, that will make your accomplishment feel so much more fulfilled."
Emery taps the bowl. "Sydney sounds like me."
Hen and Athena look at the girl. Emery raises her brows and look at the two women. She focuses her eyes on Hen. "When I was being a total bitch to you about applying for Lieutenant. I made it sound like it would be overwhelming for you. I hurt you because I was hurting." She looks to the side. "Because I didn't want to fail. Sydney, might just be another me before I became the...better version of me, y'know?"
Athena chuckles, "Have I told you how proud I am of the woman you have become?"
Emery turns to Athena and softly smiles. "Yeah. But...you could say it a bit more."
Athena's mouth drops open and she laughs along with Hen. Emery blinks and shrugs a shoulder. "It wouldn't hurt."
"Wait, so..." Emery's laugh echoed through the fire station. "All he said was 'Thanks, Buck. Real funny.'?"
Buck nods his head, "Yes. But you could just hear the fear wearing off his voice." He begins to laugh. "It was perfect."
Emery grabs Buck's arm to balance herself as she continued to laugh.
"I know you guys are talking about me." Eddie walks over to the fire engine with his bags. "And it's not funny."
"Well, at least you got a new coffee maker." Emery clears her throat.
Eddie points at Emery, "Actually free."
"Yeah, you should be thanking us." Buck throws an arm over Emery's shoulders. Emery grunts from the sudden weight but she giggles. "Yeah, that shit was expensive, just saying."
Emery's watch beeps and she looks down at it. "Time to go boys." She grabs her bag and pushes it into the fire engines compartment.
"You know, I've been on the list for special deployment ever since I joined the department." Buck states. "Never got a call before today."
"Oh, so you're a special deployment virgin?" Emery hums. "Glad to know this is gonna be your first. I promise, we will take it nice and slow for you. No pressure."
Eddie laughs at Emery's teasing.
Buck gives her a sarcastic smile. "Well, that's appreciated."
They all finish packing up the engine and Emery crosses off the last checkmark on the list. "Okay, that's everything."
"We are ready to roll." Eddie says.
"Oh, no." Hen walks over to her teammates. "I know how you guys are."
The three firefighters turn to the woman. Emery's face lights up, "You're coming with us?!"
Hen gives her a nod and Emery jumps up and down.
"Everybody make sure you use the bathroom before we go J don't care if you think you need to or not. We have a 20-hour drive, and we're gonna make good time." Hen announces. She looks at Emery. "Are we gonna make good time?"
"If we leave in the next...10 minutes we will." Emery states.
Buck pulls his brows together. "Would it really make a difference if we left in 10 minutes or 20?"
Emery the. Grabs a fistful of Buck's shirt and pulls his close to her. Hen and Eddie take a step away from the two. "Every second counts, Evan. Every. Second."
Buck swallows. He didn't know if he was intimidated or turned on right now. "Uh, y-yes ma'am. We will for sure leave in the next 10 minutes."
Emery keeps her face stone cold, her eyes burning into Buck's shaky blue eyes. Then she smiles and pulls away from him. "Good." She exhales. "Hen..." she turns to the woman.
"I didn't even know you were coming with us."
Hen blinks, trying to recover from what she just witnessed. "Uh, yeah. I got two kids and med school bills to pay. I'll take all the emergency overtime I can get."
"Besides, it'll be fun." Hen then shrugs. "I've never been to Texas."
Buck nods in agreement with the woman.
Emery's mouth hangs open. "I just got chills did anyone else get chills?"
The three firefighters look at the girl and laugh. They all get intro the fire engine and she cranes her neck forward and holds her hands out.
author's note.
I am so excited for this season.
words : 4694
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