➤ 𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
Name ➤ Kayleigh Brusters
Gender ➤ Female
District ➤ 12
Age ➤ 34 (as she won her Hunger Games at 16).
What Hunger Games Did She Win? ➤ The 57th Hunger Games
Face Claim ➤ Tori Kelly
Distinguishing Features ➤ She doesn't really have any impressive features, but her curly blonde hair is one that's distinct than most tribute's hairs.
Additional Features ➤ She is a fair white skinned
individual but loves to maintain an olive skinned look by applying make up; she loves to look presentable wherever she goes— ESPECIALLY since her newfound wealth upon her victory in the Games. Her hair is usually out and flowing about, but she'll most likely try and keep her hair in a tight bun or high ponytail for the arena— depending on what she and her stylists settle on.
Permanent Injuries ➤ While she doesn't have any severe permanent injuries (she only has the scars left from her surgery procedures), she did permanently loose some of her sight after having gone through smog and fire traps implemented by the Gamemakers of her games, as well as having been slashed across the forehead by a Career Tribute from District 1 named Lorenz, which resulted in a lot of blood dripping down to her eyes and blurring her sight dangerously.
Personality ➤ Kayleigh Brusters is what people would refer to as a "bundle of joy." Everywhere she goes, she is always wearing a bright smile on her face, not thinking any less of her fellow District 12 people- people she has come to share a living space with up until her sixteen years of age because she and her family were basically nomads, seeking shelter after shelter and work after work. Kayleigh is quite the optimists, though she did garner that from her parents; they didn't want her to be saddened by their less appealing state of living, but rather, they wanted her to be encouraged by their experiences to grow thicker skin and face unexpected circumstances upfront without bring burdened by emotions. While Kayleigh did grow thicker skin because of this (meaning she learned how to bear with the discomfort and pain of her accumulating work and moving experiences), she did not exactly fare well with unexpected surprises. She could make do with a current situation and try and find other sources of entertainment and productivity to keep her hands and minds busy and away from the turmoil that is District 12 and, of course, Panem in general. However, she grew to hate the change; she'd try and bottle it up for the sake of her parents, but in the end she'd sort of break down and release all of her emotions when she's decided she had enough of the negativity surrounding her life.
Kayleigh, fortunately, used her emotions to benefit those around her; she was evidently empathetic towards others, which allowed her to possess beautiful characteristics such as compassion, thoughtfulness, selflessness, and peacefulness. She let herself be led by her heart much more than her head, although she would have to force her emotions down during times of great stress for her family in order to seek out ways to help provide for them. Everyone in the District seems to get along with Kayleigh, so as a result, she and her family bear a good name and shall continue to bear that good name for as long as they live. However, being grounded on her emotions for so long have unfortunately led her to make irrational decisions, which would hurt her the greatest in the end, as she would have to deal with the consequences of her own actions. She hates being wrong, especially when she's wrong on the count of her emotions getting the best of her, but she'll suck it up and come clean and apologize when she's calm and ready to accept her mistakes.
In terms of the Hunger Games, Kayleigh will most definitely attempt to make friends during the training sessions, as she is fearful of the Games and, especially, the Career tributes that haunt the arena for the rest of the miserable competitors. She'll act as a provider, a problem solver, a counselor... anything that her fellow friends need in order for them to be at her best. But she'll also be the first one to flee when her life is directly in danger, which can sadly do away with the selflessness aspect of her personality- especially when she is on the spot, facing an unexpected and unpleasant situation that requires her to take action fast if she wants to merely survive that specific encounter.
Overall, Kayleigh is most definitely a good person; she has more positive traits than she does negative traits, but in the most dire of circumstances, even those few negative traits could outweigh her positive traits and could even lead to her own downfall- physically or metaphorically speaking- down the road.
Family Background ➤ Kayleigh lives with her mother, Daisy, her step-father, Flicker, and her younger sister Mimi. As mentioned in her personality, they were mostly known as nomads, moving around and seeking as much work as possible so they could finally earn enough to have a dwelling place of their own. Kayleigh used to work in the mines before her step-father decided it would be too dangerous of a job for her; she then took up a job in the medical field by collecting the herbs and plants needed to manually make the medicine herself before lending it to her mother for delivery to District 12 patients locally. When she grew older, she'd also learn to proof-check the ores with minerals or gems collected by the miners by her step-father so she could have an additional job that would most likely benefit her in the long-run- that was assuming she wouldn't get thrown into the Hunger Games.
After winning the Hunger Games, though, she and her family have had a place to stay in the Victor's Village ever since; while her step-father stopped working in the mines, her mother continued to work in the medical field, and every so often Kayleigh would accompany her and learn from her mother by simply observing.
The 57th Hunger Games ➤ Kayleigh was reaped at 16 years old alongside her 15 year old counterpart, Gabyn. Kayleigh had a nervous breakdown on stage, which caused for the reaping ceremony to come to a quick close. She had a very emotional farewell reunion with her family before ultimately being forced onto the train by some Peacekeepers.
Despite the havoc Kayleigh caused for herself, her mentor, and Gabyn, she found herself quickly adapting to the rigorous schedule the Capitol put out for the tributes. She grew close with a pair of District 10 tributes- Lana and Xavier- and a District 6 female by the name of Esme. Most importantly, however, she was able to develop a strong friendship with Gabyn. Gabyn was skeptical of Kayleigh at first for her clear weakness in emotional stability, but he quickly grew to love her radiating positivity and selflessness. As for Kayleigh, she quickly found her self growing fond of the lean male for his undivided attention towards her and his seemingly never-ending patience. The two, because of their trust, have taught each other valuable skills that each of them have picked up during their time at 12; Kayleigh taught Gabyn stealth and medicine knowledge, while Gabyn taught her how to build strength and throw spears- something he'd do with his makeshift ones back at 12 to do some illegal hunting.
At first, before the Cornucopia Bloodbath, it looked as though Kayleigh and Gabyn would also be allying themselves with Lana, Xavier, and Esme. However, as much as Gabyn tried to protect Esme, Esme died in the hands of Xavier- who did NOT get along with Esme at all in the training arena due to an altercation that occurred over a rumor being spread about their district. Kayleigh, who was advised by both Haymitch and Gabyn to run away and seek shelter in the tundra arena, was devestated when she ultimately found Lana and Xavier and noticed the blood spattered over Xavier's outfit. That's when Gabyn, who was limping behind, told her about the kill.
Kayleigh mourned Esme's death that night and couldn't seem to talk to Xavier for almost the entire duration of the Games, despite the friendship that sparked between them earlier. Nonetheless, she still sought out to provide for her team by searching for edible plants in the tundra that could be stored wisely until the team had to split up. Gabyn was given a warm coat to be worn throughout the Games because of his success in bringing the District 10 tributes out of the bloodbath and because of his amazing three kill streak in the bloodbath; he killed a District 11 male named Nehemiah, a District 9 male named Jeremy, and a District 4 male named Trout. All of them were accomplished with a spear he grabbed from the cornucopia, so in addition to the coat, he also received another spear.
He gave the coat and speak to Kayleigh, but after arguing with Gabyn about keeping the gifts, she ultimately accepted his kind act and instead lent the spear to Lana as a weapon for her to use; Lana wasn't able to attain much but a weird looking sword she had no idea how to use. The sword was given to Xavier- which he proudly added to his collection of weapons he managed to snag while fighting Esme and her district partner (both dead by this point). It was clear that Gabyn cared a lot for the District 12 female; in fact, it was assumed by most viewers that the two of them- but especially Gabyn- began to actually fall in love with each other.
Kayleigh would eventually be given supplies Gabyn found lying around in the snow to make a makeshift spear. She kept this for herself and shared a big portion of her findings with Gabyn in secret. In return, Gabyn made sure that Kayleigh could keep most of the food. Xavier and Lana would soon find out about the "cheating" moves on both parts, and out of resentment, both of them planned to ambush them in a couple of nights.
The 57th Hunger Games was a unique Games in which, because the tributes died mainly due to exposure rather than being hunted down by another tribute, the Careers and Kayleigh's alliance never crossed paths. In fact, the Careers turned on each other way before Kayleigh's alliance did, and only one survived the blood battle that ensued between the Careers- Zoelia, a District 2 female. She'd ultimately die by getting mauled by a polar bear after having lost a majority of her arms during her brawls with the Careers.
The same evening her cannon sounded was the same evening Xavier and Lana planned to kill off the District 12 pair. 3 weeks have already passed and the alliance was running out of food, but didn't want to attend the Feast in fear that Zoelia could've been lurking near, awaiting to brutally knock the wind out of the District 10 pair. They were nearly successful; Xavier managed to tussle with Kayleigh for a good bit after pouring freezing cold water all over here while she slept. Her shrieks jerked Gabyn awake, and upon realizing that the District 10 pair were turning on them, he immediately grabbed his spear to launch it at Xavier before realizing doing so may actually impale Kayleigh instead if Xavier were to avoid it. Xavier bashed Kayleigh's head against the snow filled ground, which only worsened her frozen condition. He pulled out the sword and tried to slash her neck with it but Kayleigh was very fast to react and used what Gabyn taught her to gradually move Xavier's menacing hand with the weapon away from her.
By this point, Lana jumped in and attempted to spear Gabyb through the stomach, but Gabyn was quick to act and ducked. He returned the favor by wasting no time with his spear; it hit Lana's chest before she could duck herself, and she ended up dying, placing fourth. Seeing this, Xavier was enraged and eventually moved his weapon away to punch Kayleigh square in the face, only to be kicked off of her squashed down body immediately. He was quick to get up, raising his weapon to slam it into Kayleigh's lower body, but Gabyn found Kayleigh's make shift spear. He jumped over Kayleigh and decided he'd spear Xavier at a close distance to avoid hurting Kayleigh or missing his shot.
Unfortunately, as good as Gabyn was with close combat and wielding a spear, Xavier had the smarts to dodge Gabyn's swings before eventually getting the upper hand and completely slashing his throat with the blade.
A distraught Kayleigh crawled over to grab her makeshift spear that got dropped upon impact and ran away from the scene, forcing Xavier to chase her. While Gabyn was choking in his own blood, agonized, he was pleasantly surprised to hear Kayleigh's footsteps quickly coming back after another cannon sounded. It was Xavier's, a product of Kayleigh's speed to get away and her ability to find good hiding places to duck in. Before Xavier could spot her with his advantageous height, she sprung up quietly and speared him in the heart, killing him almost instantly.
Kayleigh considered this to be lucky, but over the years she eventually acknowledged her intelligence and quick wits as being the assets that won her the crown of the 57th Hunger Games Victor. She ran up to Gabyn and held his hand while he died, confessing her love for him once and for all. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, they both kissed each other on the lips before Gabyn succumbed to his gruesome death.
To this day, people view Kayleigh was one of the most remarkable Victors of all time for being able to maintain her integrity but also acting quickly and efficiently when the time was right. To this day, though, Kayleigh sadly bears survivor's guilt for not having been able to kill off Xavier in time to save Gabyn, hoping that these two could win the Games together by some manipulative tactic.
Personal Background ➤ Kayleigh, when she wasn't working for or alongside her family, would sing and dance on her own; she never truly got good at dancing, but it was her way of entertainment... of fleeing the horrors of her District (which was especially brought by the Peacekeepers) and the horrors that she was forced to witness and bottle up during her three weeks long Hunger Games. She did come to develop good coordination for singing and would often perform at Pubs scattered around the district- not only as a side job to earn even more money than she already had because of her victory, but because she saw it to be a fulfilling allocation of her free time.
She'd also begin learning to paint from an elderly woman when she was little, so whenever Kayleigh was bored and not in the mood to help her parents or sister out with anything, she'd sneak away to a part of the Seams and meet up with the elderly woman to take painting classes from her. She greatly enjoyed the company of this woman and grieved her heavily when she found out from her step- father that she'd died from an illness and didn't have the money nor resources to seek medical attention. Since this was never brought to Kayleigh's attention prior to the elderly woman's death, she didn't tell her mother at all about the elderly woman- especially because technically, she wasn't supposed to be sneaking away to different parts of the Seams without their permission in the first place.
Prior to the Games, Kayleigh simply continued to wash away the traumas she gained from the Hunger Games and the screams of her lost friends by singing, dancing, and painting away in the isolation of her luxurious bedroom.
Weapons/Special Skills ➤ Stealth, Knowledge on Edible Plants and Medicine, Speed, and Hand-On-Hand Combat.
Any Addictions? ➤ Alcohol; while she isn't the type to get drunk, she'd drink a glass of alcohol everyday as a way to subdue the nightmares or flashbacks she'd receive almost daily. It's not a severe addiction yet, but dare to give it time...
Any Triggers? ➤ There's nothing necessarily that triggers her PTSD; it just kind of seems to happen on its own; her unknown triggers are uncontrollable up to this point.
Token? ➤ A big silver locket with a very miniature flower painting, in remembrance of the elderly woman from the Seams.
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