8:13 am.
The brunette walked by the flower shop at 8:13 am every single day. He would go to the coffee shop on the corner, order something in a to-go cup, and continue down the sidewalk to the tattoo shop on the other corner.
Some kind of bag was always hanging from his shoulder, occasionally with a few loose papers hanging astray from the flap. He wore the same white Converse every single day, and always wore these brow-rimmed glasses that seemed to slip on his nose a little bit. On the side of his neck, he had a small heart-outline tattoo. It was simple, and cute in a way.
Today, he had been wearing a black crew-neck with a white collared shirt beneath it, jeans, his glasses, and his white converse.
Iwaizumi watched from the counter as he passed the big flower shop window, and continued down to the coffee shop like he did every single day. It's not like Hajime was a stalker or something, he was just.. keenly observant. And the brunette was easy on the eyes. Not that Iwaizumi would ever admit that.
"You know, one day he's gonna catch you," A voice hummed from behind where the tanned boy was sitting at the counter. Iwaizumi nearly jumped from
his skin, snapping his head around to look at Hanamaki, who was scanning the counter for the chalk to write on the board outside.
"What?" Hajime nearly hissed, eyes narrowing.
"Did I stutter?" Hanamaki's gaze flashed back to Hajime. It only lingered for a second before he lifted the color-dusted cardboard box from one of the shelves beneath the counter, examining it like it was new. "One day he'll look through the window and see you gawking at him."
Makki's lips quirked into a snarky smirk, turning to head for the door to go write the deals of the day on the mini chalkboard-stand outside.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Iwaizumi huffed outwardly, standing from the stool behind the counter as he watched Makki go.
Fine, whatever. So the guy from the tattoo shop was attractive. He and Iwaizumi hadn't spoken two words to another, it's not like it mattered. And besides, he wasn't allowed to just.. familiarize himself with his fellow work.. neighbors? Yeah, work neighbors.
It wasn't like Hajime was an unnoticeable man. To put it bluntly- he was hot. Like hot hot. Pretty tall, built body, muscular arms, spiky hair. If you were to put him and tattoo boy next to each other, you'd think he was the one working at the tattoo shop. He did have a few small tattoos lining his arms. He basically fit the part. His personality matched up almost cue for cue too, but he liked his job at the flower shop, and despite the other's rather annoying attitude, he liked working with Hanamaki as well.
The tattoo boy seemed to be passionate about his job as well. It was every so often that Hajime would be watering the flower displays outside of the shop; and he would notice the brunette in the little green in the center of all the shops, sitting on a bench and sketching something out in his sketch book. It was one of these sightings that Iwaizumi noticed the other had a few tattoos on his forearms as well. They weren't anything sleeve-like or heavy, just a few dainty ones painting his skin, like his neck one. No matter.. they just made him more attractive to Iwaizumi.
Sometimes, without catching himself, Hajime would find himself watching the brunette. Not in a creepy way of course, but just admiring the way the other's waves framed his face nicely, and the way his nose scrunched a little when he was thinking. But these small glimpses wouldn't usually last long, Iwa would force his eyes away, focusing himself on whatever he was doing.
Currently, he was looking for his apron, watching through the window as Hanamaki furrowed his brow and erased something on the board with the side of his hand. Rolling his eyes, Iwa plucked his apron off of a small hook on the wall, moving to tie it around himself. He dressed as casually as the brunette did, in black ripped jeans and a white long-sleeve that was rolled up to his elbows. He wasn't one for "fashion", no matter how many times Hanamaki told him that he dressed like a middle school boy. He didn't care.
Iwaizumi wasn't sure how long he was lost in thought, because the little bell on the door caught his attention. He looked up to watch Takahiro walk back in, brushing his free hand off on his apron. "So back to your boyfriend-"
Oh, if looks could kill. Hajime nearly scowled, moving to make sure all the tulip displays were in order, lifting a watering can from beside the stand. "He's not my boyfriend. I don't even know his name." He huffed, not wanting to look at Makki. (That's how the other got his power. He was very good at reading emotion- Iwaizumi learned that the hard way.)
"So.. why don't you go learn it?" Hanamaki moved to sit on the counter, quirking a rather judgemental eyebrow at Iwa.
"Because I don't care enough?" Hajime bluffed back, now looking around to find the watering can he had just lifted.
Hanamaki just watched him with a deadpan expression. "Then why are you getting so defensive about this conversation?"
"I'm not getting defensive," Iwa immediately sighed back, looking under the display.
"In your hand, genius." Makki nearly snickered, letting one of his legs swing. "Please Iwa, you are so in love with him!"
Iwaizumi grumped, beginning to water the flowers carefully. "One, I am most definitely, one-hundred percent not in love with him. And two, why do you even care so much? It's not like I'm up your ass about Issei." The shorter hummed innocently, looking over his shoulder to the brown-haired snarky ass.
Hanamaki's brow immediately furrowed. Issei also.. worked at the tattoo shop, and he and Makki had been on a couple dates now, but it was nothing serious.. yet. "At least I have the balls to go for something with him." Hanamaki retorted. "And because nothing fucking interesting happens around here! This is the most amusement I can get in a day. Besides, Matsukawa knows things about Oikawa, I can be your insider."
Iwaizumi paused, looking up to Takahiro. "Oikawa? His name is Oikawa?"
Hanamaki paused, his eyes shooting open as he caught his mistake- then, he gave a long whine. "Damnit! I wanted to see you figure it out for yourself!"
Hajime frowned, putting the watering can down. "Just get back to work before I fire you." He snapped under his breath, turning to prop the door open.
"As if you would fire me," Makki laughed quietly, hopping off the counter and moving towards the back.
As Iwa propped open the shop door with the kick-stand, his eyes trailed back up to the tattoo shop across the green.
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