13. the secret alliance is becoming less secretive
❝the secret alliance is becoming less secretive❞
Damon smirked as he walked into Elena's living room, eyeing her glare with an already too-high level of frustration for the doppelgänger. "Oh, come on, pouty. At least give me two points for ingenuity."
Elena looked at the vampire incredulously. "Do you think this is funny?"
"Yes, Elena. I find hilarity in the lengths that I have to go to to repeatedly save your life, a life I care so little about." Damon spat, tilting his head mockingly.
She scoffed. "What did Stefan say about this?"
"We had a good laugh," Damon shrugged, taking a seat in the chair across from her.
"And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?"
Damon groaned, crossing one of his legs over the other as he sat down. "Yeah, that. I didn't tell him."
Elena raised her eyebrows at him. "Why not?"
"Well, A, he can't do anything about it and B... what I just said." He smirked arrogantly, turning to face Jeremy as the teenage boy entered the room. "Where's Bonnie?"
"I thought she was meeting you," Jeremy frowned at the vampire, throwing himself down on the couch and laying his head in Elena's lap.
"No, she's on moonstone duty, and I'm on Elena patrol."
Jeremy looked at the vampire confusedly. "And who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?"
"Vampire Barbie asked me if she could handle it and I said why not? I figured if she screwed up, he'd bite her and then I'll be rid of two of my problems."
Elena looked between the two men, narrowing her eyes accusingly at Damon's words. She looked at Jeremy, her eyes wide. "Hold on a second. Tonight's the full moon?"
Damon's phone started ringing and he stood up, smiling sarcastically at Elena. "Yep, but you're too absorbed in with all your suicidal tendencies to notice."
He answered the phone, Alaric's contact name popping up as he walked into the other room. "What?"
"Sheriff Forbes has officially declared Mason Lockwood a missing person."
Damon's eyes widened as he recalled the werewolf he'd killed. "What? Why?"
Alaric sighed on the other end. "Some girl from Florida showed up on the Lockwoods' doorstep looking for Mason."
Damon frowned, turning slightly. "What girl?"
"I don't know, but she's sure got everyone in a tizzy."
"That's not good. Where are you?"
"I'm at the Grill."
"I'm on my way." He hung up, eyes somewhat frantic as he looked to the two teenagers in the living room. "Change of plans. You babysit." He gestured to Jeremy, who offered him a thumbs up from his place on the couch.
Looking to Elena where she still sat with a glare, he pointed at her. "Hey, you know, you should get out, enjoy the sun. Oh, wait– you can't."
Damon chuckled to himself as he dodged a pillow thrown towards his head, shutting the front door behind him.
"So we're fasting now? We're so pious." Katherine pushes herself off the tomb wall as she looks at Stefan, grabbing onto the wrought-iron fence next to her.
Stefan lies on a stone cot, his arm thrown carelessly over his eyes to block out the pounding of his head.
"How long have you actually gone without blood?" Katherine strolls lazily, smirking at her old flame. "I know you get desiccation in theory, Stefan, but in reality, it's much worse." She pushes the iron fence open, her eyes unwavering where they stared at Stefan.
Katherine walks over to him, examining his stretched out pose appreciatively, trailing her fingers down his forearm lightly. "Your heart still beats, struggling to pump whatever blood remains. And when it's gone, your veins rub together like sandpaper. It's excruciating."
Stefan grabs her hand from the waistline of his jeans, and shoves it away and Katherine takes her hand back with an amused, smug smirk.
Stefan sits up, sighing exasperatedly. He comes face to face with Katherine's cleavage, and closes his eyes before dragging them up to her face. "The pleasure I'll get watching you suffer is greater than any pain I'll ever feel." He smiles sardonically and Katherine scoffs.
"It's stuffy, and I've been in this dress for days." She tugs at the fabric, turning around with a smirk as she looks over her shoulder at Stefan. "You want to help me get out of it?"
Stefan huffs a laugh, probably less surprised than he should be.
"Oh, come on, Stefan. Don't be such a grump." She unzips the dress, keeping her back towards him as she shimmies it down her waist and over her hips. It pools on the ground, dirt kicking up as she finally turns to face him again in her lacy, matching lingerie. "We're here together. We may as well make the best out of it."
Stefan looks her over, but stays silent, and Katherine rolls her eyes at his petty resolve. "You really think Damon's in a rush to get you out? He's got what he wants. Elena, all alone. He could kill her at any time." She bends down before him, running her hand over his chest through the fabric of his shirt.
"Hey, given what's most certainly going on out there," She nods upwards, wrapping a hand around the back of Stefan's neck. "I'd say you're free to do whatever you want in here. Nobody will ever know."
She kisses him deeply, and Stefan reciprocates, only for a moment before he pulls himself away from her with a struggled sigh. Frustrated, Katherine grabs his jaw in her hand and yanks him back towards her, immediately connecting their lips again.
She pulls Stefan's shirt over his head, barely parting from the kiss to do so, and she flinches as Stefan moves them and slams her against the wall.
Katherine flips them around quickly, pinning Stefan against the wall as she moans– and Stefan sits up with a heaving gasp, his panicked eyes immediately going to where Katherine is standing in the corner, five feet away with a smirk on her face.
"Stay out of my head," He grunts, feeling sweat on his forehead.
Katherine smiles, feeling her eternal smugness flood into satisfaction. "Maybe I can do eternity in here after all,"
author's note:
katherine: your brother is evil and he's gonna kill Elena
stefan: lemme hit it in the tomb
edited and published; 10.30.21.
- liz
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