oo. victorious.
chapter seven
"ALRIGHT you pansies," Mr. Swanson said after blowing his whistle and getting everyone's attention on the field. "We haven't had tryouts in almost two months, but i'm willing to bend the rules because you all suck and haven't won me a trophy yet, except Daniel. Why can't you all be like Daniel?"
The team laughed a bit while Daniel just rolled his eyes and silently chuckled. Gold rose an eyebrow and nodded, having no clue what just went on. After Mr. Swanson was done laughing at his own joke, he continued.
"Gold here is going to be trying out for the team today. Now, i'm not saying go easy, but don't break a bone or i'll break you," Mr. Swanson finished before blowing his whistle again and clapping his hands, walking away as everyone got into positions.
Gold just stood there, not sure what to do, as Oliver noticed and jogged over. "Man, what are you doing? You're the linebacker today."
"The what backer?" Gold asked and scrunched up his face, very confused with what was going on right now.
Mr. Swanson came over and told Oliver to practically go away as he led Gold over to the bench. "How about you just sit and watch for now, pansie? Watch Jacob and then just copy him."
He walked away, leaving Gold to sit and wonder which one was Jacob. So he did the only thing he could think of, just watch them all. And to say he was slightly scared but pumped would be an understatement. He watched the way they threw the ball and how they tackled each other, and even saw how fast Daniel could run. It was almost like he himself had a special power.
Now, it was his own turn to give it a shot. He stood up and walked over on the field, now with a pretty good understanding of what to do. Not exactly, but he got the hang of it. Everyone was in their spots when all of the sudden coach blew his whistle, that's when everyone started running and throwing the ball. It landed in Golds arm and for a second he froze then after seeing his team point the direction he was supposed to be running, he got a clear understanding now.
He ran across the field and if anyone would try to block him he would simply just push them. And it it would work because of his strength, but maybe he pushed them a bit too much. This went on a couple of times before the guys started to become sore and didn't want to even stand up anymore.
"Coach, that was amazing," Daniel said to Mr. Swanson with a little pant as he looked at Gold from across the field who was now just standing there again. "What do you think?"
Mr. Swanson blew his whistle, signaling for Gold to run over. He did and when he caught up to them, he started to speak. "You got the spot kid, i'm desperate and you're damn good."
"Wow, you're not going to call him a pansie like the rest of us? You're going soft, coach," Oliver snickered next to the man, looking down and laughing to himself.
Mr. Swanson looked at the boy and then blew his whistle into his ear, making Oliver stop. "Hit the showers you pansies, you all reek like my dying dreams."
Daniel looked at Gold and placed his hands on his hips. "Well? Wasn't that fun?"
"I don't really know what I just did, if i'm being honest," Gold admittedly shrugged, a blank face on they stared at each other.
Daniel was about to speak when he caught a glimpse of a group of cheerleaders walking onto the field, spotting Jackie in the middle. He nodded his head toward the group, making Gold look. "There's our girl."
"Yep," Gold said bitterly and looked back at Daniel, just not in the mood to speak about Jackie now.
Daniel noticed this, however, and frowned. Something definitely happened that they weren't telling him about, he just felt it at this moment. Now he just wanted to know what. He crossed his arms and clicked his tongue.
"Gold," He said like a mother talking to her child, "What happened?"
Gold took a second to answer before walking over and going to sit on the bench. Daniel followed him and waited for him to speak.
"The thing is, I can't exactly tell you. But, let's just say, me and Katinka didn't want to move here, Jackie basically left us no choice. We wanted to stay in..." Gold paused and remembered where they were supposed to be from, "Canada. Some of it is my fault, I admit, but she acts like there's no blame on her part."
Daniel furrowed his eyebrows, not getting the flow Gold was trying to produce. "I don't understand, then why did you guys come if you didn't want to? You have your own free will, you know."
Gold contemplated whether or not Daniel should know the truth. He was never one to lie, even on Zorgof, and the thought of their first friend here being lied to killed the boy. But he wouldn't believe him, he knew it. And besides, what if he wasn't going to react well?
"Where I come from you have to protect the, um, women and that's what i'm doing. Subtly," Gold ended the conversation and then got up, heading to the showers. Daniel looked to where Jackie was and sighed before following his new teammate.
Jackie watched the routine the other girls were doing and even tried to follow along. The only problem was, she didn't know how to do a back flip. Or the splits. Or a cartwheel. Basically everything to be a cheerleader, but she did know how to wave the pom-pom's around.
One of the girls, Britney, laughed a bit and just told her to stop. "It's fine, not everyone gets it right away. We can always try again tomorrow, but that would be your last day."
Jackie nodded before going quiet. She didn't know what to talk about with them, really. They weren't Katinka and Gold. And at times, she didn't want to admit, but they could be really harsh with their words. But Jackie thought that was just human talk.
"So, Jackie," Elizabeth, the cheer captain, said after an awkward silence, "You and Daniel? Spill."
Jackie tilted her head in confusion, "Spill?"
"Yeah, what's going on. We've been trying to get at that all school year," Britney chuckled and shook her head, "Don't play dumb. We know you're having sex with him. It's so obvious."
"I'm sorry, what? Sex?" Jackie questioned, not even knowing what that word meant. In Zorgof, that really isn't necessary to have a baby. It's like having a sperm donor, except the sperm donor is your father. It was a weird process, really.
"Don't tell me you don't know what sex is," Winter, a fellow cheerleader, giggled and looked at the girl like she was stupid.
"Oh my god, i think she's actually brain dead. What idiot doesn't know what sex is?" Paige questioned out loud, asking nobody in particular.
"Please, like you've ever had sex," Rowan snickered and looked away to avoid the middle finger.
"Jackie, tell me you know what that means," Britney rose an eyebrow and looked at the girl expectingly.
Jackie saw in that moment what these girls were. They were weird, yes, but they weren't nice. Maybe Gold and Katinka were right, maybe they shouldn't make friends and just wait to go home. Jackie rolled her eyes and threw the pom-poms on the floor in front of Britney.
"Go fuck yourself," Jackie said with a nasty glare at all of them and turned around to walk away, not even getting two feet without Rowan stopping her.
"Where do you think you're going?" Rowan asked like she was about to kill a puppy, looking all worried and confused.
"And who do you think you're talking to?" Elizabeth sneered and placed a hand on her hip, looking at Jackie like she just threatened to fight.
"I don't want to be apart of your little team if it means being mean. I'll just be my own cheerleader," Jackie smiled and walked away, not before one of the girls 'accidentally' tripped over her own feet and fell. She giggled as she heard them whine.
Meanwhile, Katinka was basically screwed the whole day. She didn't really have any friends to talk to and the the subjects seemed to be getting harder and harder. It was almost dismissal, anyway, so for that she was grateful. She was walking along the halls when she saw Carson and Vera talking up ahead. They were talking about her, in fact, and Gold. And what their deal was. She didn't know this, but they were the only other people she knew so she just went for it.
"Hey guys," Katinka greeted once she reached them, catching them by surprise.
"Oh, hey Tinker Bell. Head feels better?" Carson teased, knowing that after breathing in all that smoke she went to sleep like a baby. It was almost cute.
"Yes, thanks for asking," Katinka nodded and then bit her lip, "So. What are we talking about?"
Vera shook her head as she looked at Carson and then back at Katinka, "Nothing you would be interested in, trust me. Where's Gold?"
"Oh, he had football tryouts today, whatever that was," Katinka snickered and crossed her arms, rolling her eyes a little.
Walking right behind her was Nicholas, who was headed straight to Gold who appeared around the corner. They bumped shoulders, causing for Gold to stumble back a bit. Nick was taken back by how stiff Gold was. It made him question how strong was this new kid.
"What's up, brother?" Nicholas asked like he didn't do anything, setting Gold off.
"What's your problem, brother?" Gold asked back with a more sour tone, getting up in his face. "I'm so sick of you already and it's only been a day, a day! I'm usually very nice, but then you touch Jackie and now you're onto me."
Katinka, Carson, and Vera heard the commotion and all walked up to the scene. They saw Gold close to throwing a punch and Nicholas seeming very amused. Vera gasped as Katinka worried for the poor human who's face would break. Carson was just watching the show.
Daniel and Jackie walked around the corner, the two both laughing about how Jackie stood up to those girls. He was proud of her, but a little disappointed she didn't get to do what she wanted. That laughing stopped once they say what was going down right in front of them. Daniel broke apart the crowd to see Nick and Gold both bad mouthing each other, extremely close.
"Okay, you two, break it up," Daniel said with a stern voice, except he was pushed back by Nick who couldn't stand him.
That was the last straw for Gold. Once Nick looked back at him, the first punch was thrown and he was tumbling to the floor. Everyone stood in shock, well, maybe not everyone. Jackie an Katinka were both just trying to make sure Gold didn't kill him. But to their surprise, Nick stood back up with a smirk on his face and he dropped his bag.
"Okay, new kid. Lets go," He said threateningly, and soon they were having a full blown fight.
To everyone else, this was crazy. Vera was worried fr Gold and was shouting for him to stop before he got hurt. Carson was still just watching, enjoying the fact that the guy he's tried to make friends with was getting beat up. Daniel was trying to break it apart but kept getting pushed back, and Jackie and Katinka knew the only way to break this up was to separate the two.
Jackie sighed and looked at the boys, lifting a finger on the down low. Suddenly Nick was being thrown at one wall and Gold into the other. Katinka nodded at Jackie, who nodded back, and they both went to help Gold along with Vera.
"You idiot, what was that? You could have gotten hurt! Oh wait," Vera said, a little angry at Gold, "You did!"
"Sorry, he just got me mad," Gold sighed and looked at the ground.
Vera then helped him up and gave him a small hug before letting go. "Just don't do that again, then would what I do when your pretty face gets bruised?"
Gold blushed madly, but then Carson saw a teacher coming and grabbed onto her. "It was a lovely show, but we have to go now. See you later guys, Tinker Bell."
"Bye Sonny!" Katinka waved innocently before looking at Jackie and Gold who were sharing looks. "What? What did I miss? I had my back turned for three seconds."
They both looked at Daniel who was yelling at Nicholas before looking back at Katinka. "He's stronger than most humans," Gold started and eyed him, "Something's not right about him."
"I had to use my power to separate them, and look at this Tink," Jackie whispered before showing Golds hand which was all bloody and bruised. Along with his lip that looked slightly sore. "He shouldn't be able to get hurt like this. He's hiding something."
"Aren't we all?" Gold muttered and thankfully didn't get heared.
"We have to find out then, right?" Katinka questioned and then pushed her hair back. "I mean, what if h can hurt us badly, too? Who says he can't?"
Jackie shrugged hopelessly before looking at her two friends. "Whatever it is, don't trust a single word that comes out of that humans mouth." She looked to see now a teacher yelling at both Daniel and Nick. "Don't trust anybody right now."
destiny speaks!
i am tired so i'm going to sleep
ok bye 🙈 i did this super
last minute but i'll go back and fix
the mistakes that i'm sure i did.
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