So it turns out, Honey had not been as great at time management as she thought.
When they're baking, Honey and Hubert Baker can really get carried away. At first, she couldn't decide what she wanted to make the new students, so she at first went with cookies since it was the obvious choice, but then her dad suggested they make croissants. She wasn't about to turn down croissants, so they started making those too. Then, the kitchen got a fresh shipment of fruit preserves, and the father-daughter duo came up with the brilliant plan to make fruit tarts.
In other words, Honey Baker was late.
She probably looked like a madwoman, peddling down the streets on her bike as fast as she could with a wicker basket full of treats on one handle. Halfway to the school, she'd realized that she probably could've asked one of the royal family's limo drivers to give her a ride, but it was too late now.
So here she was, a bit sweaty and her face a little red, covered in more baking ingredients than when she left Ben's room, bursting through the school's entrance with her basket, bike discarded somewhere on the lawn.
"I'm here! I'm here. I'm-Oh goodness..." Honey bent over, trying to catch her breath, missing the stares she was getting from Ben and the group.
Ben laughed awkwardly before tearing himself away from his girlfriend who sent the redhead a glare. He pulled his friend to the side, slightly frowning at his friend's appearance but choosing not to comment on it.
"What happened?! I was worried you wouldn't show up and...why do you have a basket?"
"Yeah, so, funny thing. I wanted to make something for the Isle kids and may have gotten carried away..."
"Why am I not surprised," Ben groaned, running a hand over his face before plastering a smile back on and turning to the new students.
"Okay, guys. This is my best friend Honey. She's gonna show the girls to their dorm-"
"I am?"
"-while Doug shows the boys to theirs. Sound good? Good, okay." He lightly pushed his friend in the girls' direction knowing she wouldn't make the first move. "I'll see you later, okay? And if there's anything you need, feel free to-"
"Ask Doug or Honey," Audrey cuts her boyfriend off, laughing awkwardly with the purple-haired girl before dragging Ben away from the new students before he could protest.
Honey looked to Doug, unsure of what to do next. She had literally just shown up and didn't know what to do next.
"Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and..." Doug trails off eyes connecting with the blue-haired girl. Honey looked at her too, finally taking in her appearance, and she was almost positive that if she were in a cartoon, she'd have big hearts for eyes. "Heigh-ho."
"Evie. Evil Queen's daughter," the girl introduces herself, taking a step toward the awkward duo.
Doug seemed to snap out of it, still stuttering and a blushing mess. "Okay, so about your classes. I put in your requirements already." Evie and the purple-haired girl walked closer to look down at the clipboard in the boy's hand. Honey stepped forward too, curious as to what their classes were. She glanced at Evie only to see the girl already looking at her too. She quickly looked away, looking back at their schedule with a blush on her face. "History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet, and Remedial Goodness 101."
"Let me guess," the purple-haired girl spoke up, popping a piece of candy into her mouth, "new class?" Honey frowned as the girl dropped her candy wrapper on the floor before remembering where she grew up. "Come on, guys. Let's go find our dorms." Honey furrowed her eyebrows as the new kids walked away from her and Doug...going in the wrong direction.
"Um, guys..." Honey spoke up.
"Your dorms are that way," Doug finishes for her, pointing them in the right direction.
Honey sent them a smile, motioning for them to follow her, not noticing Doug lagging behind. Even though she was supposed to be leading them, they pushed past her and walked ahead despite not knowing where they were going. Doug finally caught up taking the boys in one direction while Honey went another way with the girls.
"Doug said your room is...ah! Right here!" She opened the door with a flourish, earning an amused snort from the purple-haired girl.
Honey had to admit, she wasn't a big fan of the decor in the girl dorms. She had made her half of her dorm room a lot more comfortable with personal touches and whatnot, but she wasn't actually allowed to remove any of the pink curtains and ribbons.
"This place is so amazi-"
"Gross," Evie is cut off, making the smile melt right off her face.
"I know right? Amazingly gross." Honey could already tell Evie would fit right in, if only the stuck-up people at the school would give her a chance.
"Okay, well, I guess I'll leave you guys to it? Unless you want me to show you around some more," Honey said, awkwardly standing in the doorway as the girls looked around the room. "Oh! And I made you guys some treats!" Honey set the basket down on the table. "I made a lot, so there's plenty to share with your friends. Oh, and I never got your name," Honey looked at the purple-haired girl, who was looking a bit more relaxed now that the curtains were closed.
"Mal," she responds, finally turning to the cheery girl and getting a good look at her in her casual clothes. "You look weird."
"Mal! You can't just say that to people over here!" Evie cut in, seeing Honey's smile drop for a second.
"Oh, no, it's okay. I didn't have time to change and take a shower. I'm usually not covered in flour and jelly......actually that's a lie. I do try to clean up for events or class but...yeah this is my usual look." She heard Evie gasp in horror and looked at her confused while Mal just rolled her eyes at her friend's dramatics.
"But...but where's your tiara?! I thought everyone in Auradon would dress all...fancy, I guess."
"Oh, I'm not royalty. I'm no one. I-I mean," Honey stuttered, realizing how awful that sounded, "my dad is just a baker. Well, he's technically the "Royal Baker" but...we're not actually royal. I'm not a princess. I'm...oh, I'm rambling. I'll just shut up now."
To her surprise, Mal actually smiled at the girl, the first time she's seen the girl do anything besides scowl or smirk.
"So, you're kinda like an outsider too, huh?"
Honey frowned as she realized Mal was right, she was an outsider at Auradon Prep. If it weren't for Ben and his parents, she'd have virtually no social life. In fact, she probably wouldn't even go to the school. But maybe her being an outsider was a blessing in disguise. The Isle kids would be in the same place, struggling to navigate a school where everyone looks down on them, not being fully accepted by their peers. She could help them.
"Yeah. I guess I am."
If anyone had told her last year that she'd be hanging out with two girls from the Isle of the Lost, she wouldn't believe it. But here she was, sitting in Mal and Evie's room as they all laughed and ate the treats she made. She'd learned a lot in the hour that she's been with them, stuff about the Isle, about what life was like there. It made Honey realize how lucky she was to grow up in Auradon with a parent who loved her unconditionally.
"Okay, you have to teach us how to make these," Evie said, taking another bite of a tart with a satisfied smile on her face.
"I would love to!"
"And maybe I could give you a makeover in return?" Evie asked hopefully, batting her eyelashes at the girl. Honey knew she should probably be offended by the insinuation that she needed a makeover, but she couldn't find it in herself to say no to the blue-haired girl.
"Sure, Evie. I'd love that."
"Ew, no. Count me out," Mal spoke up, scrunching her nose up at the thought of a makeover.
"Fine, then. You don't have to come. It can just be me and Honey," Evie dismissed her friend, eyes focused on the red-head. Honey smiled at the girl's words, feeling strangely excited about hanging out with her alone.
"U-uh, that's fine. But we should all bake together. And we can even see if Jay and Carlos wanna join!"
Upon hearing their friends' names, Mal and Evie's eyes widened and they sprung up from their spot on the carpet. Mal's eyes darted to the clock on her nightstand before turning to whisper something to Evie.
"We...have to go," Mal hurriedly said as she dragged Honey up off the floor by her arm, which was difficult seeing as Honey was several inches taller, and started pushing her to the door. "So, thanks for stopping by, and for the food, but you should really leave." Evie opened the door for her as Mal pushed her out. Honey was left speechless by the whole situation, not understanding where the urgency was coming from.
"Oh, um, okay. Well, I'll see you aroun-"
"Yeah yeah, see ya. Bye!"
Honey flinched as the door was slammed in her face, narrowly missing her foot. Not knowing what else to do, she slowly started making her way to her own room. She heard Mal and Evie's door open and turned around just in time to see them sprinting in the other direction towards the boys' dorm.
Jane was in their room when Honey returned. Out of everyone in the school, besides Ben, Jane was the most tolerable. She didn't know if she could technically classify her as a friend, but the shy girl was pretty friendly and actually treated her as an equal.
Jane, despite having an important mother, was almost just as ostracized as Honey. Though, she had to wonder how much of it was because her mom was the headmistress and how much was just the girl's own insecurities.
"Hey, I was wondering where you were. I didn't see you with Ben and Audrey so I assumed you were here but then you weren't."
"Oh, I was with the new kids."
Jane's eyes widened in fear and concern for her roommate. "You were actually with them." Honey frowned at the negative tone used to describe the Isl kids, but didn't comment. "They didn't, like, curse you or anything?"
"Don't be so dramatic, Jane." Honey rolled her eyes. "They're actually pretty nice. Well, Mal and Evie definitely are. I didn't get to hang out with Jay and Carlos yet." She could tell Jane still wasn't sure about the new kids, but knew she'd come around eventually.
"Just...be careful, okay? They could be dangerous."
Honey sighed, settling down on her bed, already exhausted from the day she had and their conversation.
"Well, I think you're wrong. They're harmless."
a/n: sorry this one's a bit shorter, but it was starting to get too long and i had to cut it in half. but the vks were introduced!!!
also, because i'll be writing for all 3 movies, im not sure whether to make honey and evie a slow burn or not. like they don't have to start dating within the first movie. idk, i'll see as i go along.
hope yall liked this chapter, and please comment and vote if you wanna see more! k byeeeeee!!!!
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