01 | a miracle
In her eyes, the Little Palace was the most beautiful place in the world. But outside its safe and welcoming walls, war brewed across the Fold. Freya Petrovik prayed to the Saints as she stared out of her room window.
Saints, if you're listening, send us help, a miracle, our sun summoner, anything.
The hand placed over her heart tightened with the ache in her chest.
I believe in you.
Outside the Crow Club, the bustling streets of Ketterdam were filled with the click clack of shoes, and scurrying people from the pouring rain.
Inside the Crow Club, however, a large man with unruly hair downed his drink, filled with the adrenaline of a poker game.
"Ay, you take Zemeni coin, yes?" The man asked the card dealer, tossing him the bag of coins. The dealer wordlessly caught it, taking out a single coin.
"Let me see that."
The dealer tossed the coin into the hands of another man who caught it with one hand.
Jesper Fahey sat up and carefully set his cards down on the table, hand with the coin still raised.
"The Lucky Nine casino up the block has had trouble with counterfeit coin lately." Jesper held the coin in-between two fingers. "Heavy, but brittle."
The man scoffed. His face was redder than before, nervous of getting caught. "Oh come on now, I've been here for hours." Jesper shook his head, smiling. The man turned to the dealer for assistance. "My money is good, no?"
"Zemeni coin can take a bullet. But the knockoff..." He trailed off.
Jesper sent the sad attempt of a conman a wink before flipping his counterfeit coin into the air. In a flash, Jesper shot at it with his pearl-handle revolver.
In Ketterdam, you get used to the violence of gunshots or you can't survive. But the men around the table flinched at Jesper's sudden gunfire.
The coin landed spinning back onto the poker table, a clean hole in the dead center.
"Busted." Jesper smirked at the smoking coin. He twirled his gun around his finger for extra effect before putting it in his holster.
"What does that prove?" The man angrily denied. Two bouncers showed up at his side, grabbing him on each arm and ready to drag him away. "Hey! What're you doing?"
Jesper just smiled and his eyes zeroed in on the cash lying on the table. He reached to grab it, but the end of a cane stopped him. Jesper pulled his hands away quickly, knowing exactly who it was.
On the other end of the crow's head cane, Kaz Brekker shook his head in warning and disappointment. "No loud noises at the table, Jesper. You'll scare off the pigeons."
The sharpshooter nodded once in obedience. "Wouldn't want that, boss."
"Shouldn't you be at the door?" Kaz inquired about why Jesper wasn't at his post, but instead had been feeding into his gambling addiction.
"Yeah, right away, boss."
Kaz sent him a final look before snatching his cane and walking away.
A Shu girl was being escorted by two soldiers into General Kirigan's tent. Freya watched the frightened look on her face.
General Kirigan faced the back of the tent, not looking at anyone. "Bring her closer." He commanded. He finally turned to face her with a cautious look. "Closer."
The girl looked around at the gather of soldiers and grisha. She stepped forward to his command.
"Well what? ...Sir."
"What are you?" The general questioned.
"Alina Starkov, Assistant Cartographer, Royal Corps of Surveyors." She answered instantly.
A solemn look over took her features. "They're all gone. It's my fault. That's why I'm here isn't it?"
The Darkling held up his hand to silence her. "Answer the question. What are you?"
Alina looked confused. "A mapmaker, sir."
The soldier and grisha around Freya all started laughing. They were laughing at her cluelessness, or her terrible state, or maybe her herself — the Shu girl being questioned by the Darkling. A sense of pity overtook Freya's chest.
"Quiet." The laughter instantly stopped. General Kirigan looked around the room. "Who actually saw what happened?"
"Zoya?" He called. "You manned the main sail."
"We were attacked barely two markers in. Someone lit a lantern." Zoya said from beside Freya.
"The volcra went after the riflemen and our Inferni first. And then there was a searing light." Zoya paused.
"It was her." A soldier finished. He pointed toward Alina.
"Our mapmaker." Kirigan turned back to the guest. "Is this true? Can you summon light?"
Alina Starkov shook her head and the Darkling shook his head too, mocking her. "Where did you grow up?"
Freya recognized the name. It was a Duke's house that housed orphans. They would test the kids there to see if they were grisha, then if they were, they brought the children to learn at the Little Palace.
The general hummed in understanding. "And when were you tested?" The question everyone was wondering. All children were supposed to be tested for grisha. All these years, praying and waiting for the sun summoner, and she was right in the ranks of the First Army.
Alina opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.
"You don't remember?" He pressed on.
She gave him the same helpless look. It was clear she wouldn't answer the question.
"Well, let us just... make certain." General Kirigan inched towards the girl. He took off the ring on his pinky finger, placing it on his thumb. This was what they used to test for grisha.
"Lift up your sleeve."
"What's happening?" Alina questioned. She looked around the tent with a panicked gaze, like one of a stag about to be shot.
"Your sleeve." He repeated. "Please."
Alina swallowed the lump in her throat, handing him her arm. He hunched up the sleeve of her dirty white blouse. They looked each other dead in the eye before he cut a gash with the tester.
Alina gasped, they all did. A soaring light came from where the Darkling touched her. At first it lit just the tent, but then it beamed through the roof.
Sankta Alina. The Saints have answered our prayers. Freya softly tapped her forehead and made a fist on her chest before letting it rest.
A miracle. The miracle we've been waiting a long time for.
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