Could this soon be it for us?
All through life, I felt as cold as a stone.
Now I feel empty and alone.
THE SEARCH FOR KAIA HAD BEGUN. Mary's life had been at stake in the apocalypse world and they were all determined to find her. Nighttime had rolled in quickly as they rode in the Impala. Jack had sat in the backseat, staring out the window as the clouds above them had casted over the stars, followed by the droplets of rain finding their way down.
Rose had seen the pain he had felt but she hadn't been sure why. She was still angry with him - furious that he had been so willing to leave. After seeing him again, it felt as if that anger wasn't worth it any longer.
Glancing up towards the rear view mirror, Dean had seen this as well. "Kid, you okay?"
Jack's silence had all eyes fall on him as they waited for an answer. "You thought... You all thought that I could do that, that I could kill Derek."
The brothers had exchanged a quick, yet noticeable glance. Sam had decided that it was best to take charge of answering Jack. Often Dean would only make things worse by saying what he had meant wrong and Sam didn't want to risk it. "Jack, we didn't know what happened. We figured, maybe it was an accident or... or..."
"Like the security guard," Jack stated.
"Yes. Exactly. Like that," Sam agreed. We were worried, okay? You know, when you disappeared, you were in a dark place. And we didn't where you were going..."
"Thought you were looking for your dad," Dean had spoke up. This had surprised Jack as he turned over to Rose for confirmation. However, before she could speak, Dean cleared his throat loudly. "Rose was the only one who didn't think you could do that, okay? She had your back the whole time."
Jack's eyes lingered on Rose longer as he gave her a weak smile. It was his way of saying thank you and she had understood. Reaching out, she placed her hand on his to show that no matter what, he always had her support when others will doubt him. Jack turned his focus back towards the front of the car. "I was scared and upset. But why would I look for him? He's no one to me. You, Castiel -- you're family."
"Yeah. We are," Dean agreed. "Finding Mom, you did a good thing, kid. You did a real good thing."
Dean's praise had brought relief to Jack. The Winchesters were always out to protect and worrying about him, they had only wanted to be sure that the world was safe and he could forgive them for this. Flipping his hand around, he had intertwined his fingers with Rose's. He had felt as her attention had turned from the window towards him yet he had kept his eyes towards his own window to watch the rain fall.
Rose had seen an opportunity she felt that maybe wasn't the wisest to take. Especially with the Winchesters so close. She had pushed aside the worries and nerves that left her stomach in knots and slid over towards Jack. Close enough that their legs had been pressed together, she rested her head on his shoulder.
Feeling the excitement bubble up inside him, Jack had tried to hide the fact that he had felt the corners of his lips raise higher with her so close. Jack had felt he could sit there all night as they had searched for Kaia. After being alone for so long, this was the most comfortable and warm he had felt in a long time. This moment had him questioning why he had even left in the first place.
Then it had hit him. The high pitched ringing had him release his hand from Rose's, now holding onto his head in pain. She had sat up just as Dean had slammed down hard on the brakes, barely giving her enough time to react and catch herself on the seat before being flung forward.
Just as quick as it had came, the noise had left. Breathing heavily, Jack looked ho to the three in concern. "It was angel radio. They've got Kaia."
Dean had expressed his frustration loudly with a sigh, soon slamming the palms of his hands onto the steering wheel. Once again, things had become harder for them when all they had wanted was to be reunited with a mother they swore to never lose again.
THE GROUP HAD TRACKED KAIA AND THE ANGELS DOWN TO AN ABANDONED WAREHOUSE. The moment that Dean had parked the car, everyone had climbed out as quickly as they could. Jack had offered his hand out towards Rose in order to help her out of the car. Even out of the car, the two had been hand in hand as they followed behind Sam and Dean towards the warehouse.
As they had reached the door, Sam had looked back at them with his finger pressed to his lips for absolute silence. Quietly opening the door, Dean had signaled for all to head in with his angel blade drawn. The warehouse had been silent if it weren't for the muffled voices coming from another room. The four had been keen on keeping their voices down and their footsteps inaudible.
As they approached the door that the angels had been on the other side of, Dean and Sam had exchanged a nod of understanding for one another. Plan was to barge in, grab the nearest angel and take Kaia back. With a quick glance over his shoulder, he had went to confirm the plan with Rose until something had caught his eyes.
Lowering his angel blade, he had confused the entire group as he turned towards the two. Dean tucked the angel blade directly underneath his arm before using his hand to break apart the two that held onto one another. In silence, he ignored their shocked expressions and reached out towards Rose.
Slowly, he had pulled open her jacket, placing his hand in her inner pocket and pulled free another angel blade. With a small glare, he had taken her hand that once held Jack's, placed it palm up and settled the blade handle into it. When her fingers had wrapped over it, he removed his hand and finally gave his strict nod to confirm the plan. Unsure how angry Dean had truly been with her holding Jack's hand, she had returned with a more hesitant nod of understanding.
With a quick glance to Jack, Rose signaled for him to stay behind her incase the plan had gone rogue. Before Jack could question all the nodding that had left him clueless to the plan, Dean was already throwing the door open, and grabbing ahold of the nearest angel. He had the angel in close quarters as he pressed the blade up against his throat while he held onto a stern, yet cocky face as he greeted the angel before Kaia.
Coming around him, Sam had taken off to the left as Jack and Rose had headed to the right of him. Pausing in his tracks, Sam stared down the angel, "Give us the girl."
"She's not what we want," the angel responded plainly. Her eyes travelled towards Jack. "I don't want to hurt you. I want to help you. You should be among your own kind."
"My kind?" he questioned in surprise. "The kind that kills people? That kidnaps people?"
"You don't belong with them. Come with us. Come home."
At her statement, Jack had turned his head in the direction of Sam and Dean. All they could do was watch, anticipating the aftermath of Jack joining the angels. Soon, Jack had slowly turned his head towards Rose. For once this evening, Jack had understood when Rose had nodded her head in his direction. He knew where his home was. "I am home."
Seeing that their plan had been turned to shambles, the angel that Dean had held onto grabbed his hand and thrust his head back into Dean. Chaos was quick to breakout once Dean had hit the floor. However, Jack was certain he could figure out the plan on his own. As he had used his powers to handle the angels, Rose had rushed her way over to Kaia.
Keeping calm, she began to untie the rope around her wrists while Kaia had watched Jack throw the angel into a wall carelessly. Looking down at Rose, she was wide eyed in horror. "What the hell?"
"It's okay, he's done it before," she whispered. "They're angels... they're sort of bad."
"Sort of?" Kaia whispered harshly. "They kidnapped me. Think I figured that one on my own."
Pausing, Rose had only been halfway through the knot as she stared up at Kaia. "We're here to save you, okay? We kill things like them, it's kinda our job."
Hearing the screams coming from the angel that Jack had caused to kill himself, Kaia had nearly jumped from her seat. Breathing heavily, she felt the need to ask Rose for some more answers before she had ended up dead like that. "And you like doing this?"
"Uh, yeah," Rose said awkwardly.
"And that guy, he's the Son of Satan?"
"Yeah, but Jack's cool." With a small shrug, Rose had released both of Kaia's hands free from the rope. Standing back up, she offered her hand out to her. Kaia felt the need to be cautious of taking her hand. After seeing that Jack had powers that were very strong, she was fearful of what the rest of them were capable of. However, they were the ones that had been there to save her from what she had now discovered were angels. Giving in, she had placed her hand into Rose's, offering the help up out of her seat.
"You're insane," she whispered.
Dean had left on a chase for an angel, and with no luck, he had returned to the group just in time to hear Kaia's comment. "Yeah, the whole world's insane. You get used to it." Looking back to his brother, he shook his head, "She took off. She might be back, she might not."
"Yeah, let's hope she doesn't but prepare she does," Rose said.
Nodding in agreement, Sam gave a hard pat to her shoulder. "Yeah, we should move." The brothers were the first to head out, doing as Rose said-- preparing for a return of the angel, possibly bringing along a few more to help her out. Jack was soon to follow after, gesturing for the two girls to follow along with so that they didn't fall behind.
Still hand in hand, Rose and Kaia had hurried off after the three boys. "You're gonna be okay," she whispered to Kaia. "We'll protect you."
Kaia had still seemed uncertain. This whole new world she was thrown into seemed to be the exact opposite of what she had wanted. All that she had wanted in life was to be able to live normal. No more dreamwalking or rehab. Now with the Winchester's, she had felt that there was no getting out of it.
Outside in the cold night, Kaia had felt her nerves spike thinking of leaving with them. "I don't think so..."
Hearing the doubt in her voice, Sam had spun around. "Hey, hey. Kaia, look, I'm sure this is a lot. But, look, we need you. Okay? My brother and I, our mother is trapped in another world, and if you can tell Jack where it is, then he can open the door..."
"And we can save her," Dean finished for his brother sternly. The moment that he had taken a step forward, Rose had begun to feel uneasy. She had seen the look in Dean's eyes before. A few years back, she had been sitting in the car as Sam had pleaded with his brother to forgive Rose but Dean was too far gone in that instance. He was angry, just as he was now. This had caused Rose to hold on tighter to Kaia's hand-- letting her know, she was not alone.
Dean had shifted his eyes towards Rose and his shoulders had seemed to slack. "What's the play?"
All eyes had turned towards Jack. "Derek said there are sacred sites, places where the walls between worlds are thin, where it's easy to cross over. I was taking Kaia to the Wind Caves."
Fine with the plan, Dean had begun to turn towards the car before Kaia had said the one word he was not going to accept. "No."
Looking back, he pretended to be stunned. "We just saved your life in there."
"Thanks, but they only wanted me because of you."
"We need you to dreamwalk for us," Rose whispered. "Your gift... you have to help us."
Kaia looked down at their hands and shook her head. As kind as they were to her, she wasn't ready to use her powers when all they had done her whole life was destroy her. "It's not a gift. It's a curse. When Derek walked, he was free. He could go see beautiful things, to worlds that were paradises. I wish it was like that for me, but it's not. I only go to one place-- The Bad Place. It's just blood and death and monsters."
"Well, it sounds like a lifetime of bad dreams, but..."
Kaia had cut off Dean before she could listen to him try and reason with her. She had let go of Rose's hand in the process, wanting to prove that she could be on her own. "Bad dreams?" Yanking up her sleeve, she had shown the group what exactly had broken her down over the years. "When I get hurt over there, I don't wake up sweaty. I wake up bloody. This scar, it's not the only one. I'm sorry about your mom, but I can't help you."
Sam had understood. He had felt guilty in that Kaia was already pushed far enough through all the things she had gone through. To him, there was always going to be another way no matter what doors people would close in his face. To get to his mom, he was certain he'd be able to find that other way soon enough.
Dean had not seen it as simple as Sam. He didn't even bother listening as Sam had told Kaia how he had understood and would search for another way. That same look he had shared that night with Rose, he had figured that his same tactic would work once again. Pulling his gun out from his waistband, he seemed calm as he cocked his gun and looked to Kaia plainly. "Get in the car.'
There was a silence that had settled over them all except for Sam as he tried to plead with his brother. All Dean had wanted was to get back the one thing that was constantly pulled away from him. He ignored Sam and Rose felt that she had hated Dean. Every emotion she had felt the night he had pulled a gun on her, she had felt for Kaia. He had repeated himself once more when Kaia had said nothing.
Kaia had felt her heart race, unsure what there was to do. The anger in Dean's eyes was growing and she was fearful to move. The minute she had found it in her, she had shifted towards Rose, remembering how she had promised that they would protect her-- she would protect her. Dean did not like that Kaia was refusing his demands. In a quick step forward, he raised the gun to her head. "Get in the damn car!"
When the silence had settled between the two, Rose had felt Kaia's hand fall back into hers. Kaia didn't need to look towards Rose to tell her that she would only follow her. Swallowing hard, Rose had moved around Dean with Kaia trailing directly behind her. Holding open the Impala door, she gestured for her to get in first before climbing in right after her. It wasn't long before Jack had scurried his way in, unsure how to react to Dean's outburst. He didn't like it and he knew that.
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