T-MOBILE 7:32 AM 52%🔋
rayray 🥺
I'm sorry
papa Vinnie 👨🏻🦰
rayray 🥺
papa Vinnie 👨🏻🦰
I don't trust you
rayray 🥺
papa Vinnie 👨🏻🦰
you don't trust me 🥺
rayray 🥺
I swear I do. she's the one
I don't trust. My life was
so much easier without her
and with you, and when you
defend her I'm not sure what side
you're on 😔
papa Vinnie 👨🏻🦰
rayray 🥺
papa Vinnie 👨🏻🦰
you should come over🤟🏻
rayray 🥺
be there in ten 🤌🏻
Ray let her mom watch Luke before she headed to Vinnies house. This was going to be the first day they had a break from changing diapers and Mickey Mouse. She was excited and she wasn't gonna let anything ruin it.
Vinnie opened the door to Ray in snug sweats and a oversized sweatshirt. "How're you wearing my shirt better than me?" He questioned as she giggled and he let her in.
"Boobs." She answered before plopping on the couch. He nodded before closing the door.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about those." He said before plopping on the couch next to her.
"They didn't forget about you." She winked as Vinnie laughed snuggling the small girl.
"They should."
"Um why?!" Ray gasped, clutching her boobs dramatically.
"I just remembered that you're not my type, I like 5'7 girls not 5'6 girls." He mocked in an accent as Ray rolled her eyes.
"Well after I punch you in the face you won't be able to tell." She threatened as Vinnie pretended not to be afraid.
"You're chicken."
"You're pussy."
"You are what you eat."
"So now I'm suddenly the happy meal at McDonalds." She scoffed.
"No I think you're d-"
"Don't even say it! I can't even eat that!" She tested him as he laughed and moved to the other side of the couch, "it's literally impossible." She gave him a serious look as he chuckled giving her an unconvinced look.
But vinnie said it anyways which caused her to run after him into his bedroom. When he got tired of running he stayed panting in the living room. She took the opportunity to body slam him onto the floor.
"JOHNNN CENNNA." She shouted like she was announcing herself as someone official.
"Get off fatass." He pretended to wheeze as she made it seem like she was going to hit him. He flinched as she used her hand to mess of his head of curls, he whined.
"My curls!!" He yelled trying to fix them but making no effort. "That took hours in the mirror."
"And by the way, my ass is fat." She said shaking it before jumping back on the couch as if nothing happened.
"Mine is fatter." He rolled his eyes and reminisced his hair. "Come here babe let me fix it." She said softly and for some reason he listened.
He sat next to her and she started putting the curls back in their place before shuffling them. He sucked his teeth before considering his next move. His fingers danced across her belly as she died of laughter.
"Stop... I'm.. tickling--" she tried to maneuver out of the torture. She didn't find a way out, she just laughed and tried to catch her breathe as her eyes watered.
"Next time don't come for my hair."
She reached for his head as he quickly caught her wrist over her head. "Uh-uh."
"Aww man." She said like swiper from Dora the explorer.
"You've gotta stop watching Nick Jr."
"It's an addiction man. At first I was watching because of Luke but I think I'm hooked." She said in a deep Hispanic accent and as if she were stoned.
"Time for rehab bebe!" He shouted before jumping on her and tickling her, screams and laughter escaping at the same time.
"I'm you're boyfriend now.. sooo who was your first like before me?" Vinnie wondered out of the blue, "of two plus two is four, and five plus five is ten. wat da fawk is this."
"don't worry bout it sweet heart." She said laughing.
"what's that body count girl?" Vinnie shouted in a girly New York accent before he started throwing it back, badly.
"don't ever do that again. and it's like 10." Vinnie gaped at the huge number before looking down at his feet.
"ok... so I can.. compare. ummm 10 subtracted by... one. 9... you still have more." Vinnie counted on his fingers slowly trying to process.
"I'm joking! I DONT HAVE TEN BODIES! You really think I belong to the streets dayum." Vinnie laughed as she cut him off. "What I meant was none of your business, virgin." Ray said before walking into the kitchen and walking back out with a can of sprite.
"but you're my first and my girlfriend and my baby momma. I wanna know who had better game than me." Vinnie sort of pleaded bitting a fraction of his lip and letting his head fall back onto the couch.
"Ok before you there was troy," they gagged at the same time, "and then there was someone else.." Ray said the last part under her breathe making vinnie more curious and self conscious.
"soMEOENE ELSE?" he squeaked as his voice broke pitch and Ray laughed.
"But you're the best I've had." Ray said plainly befor sipping her Sprite and playing with her hair.
"Say it like you mean it." Vinnie grumbled. It wasn't only his confidence being slowly broken it was also his ego. He knew he was still a innocent little virgin in her eyes and he wanted that to change.
"I do." She said with a smile and before she knew it the boy wrapped his muscles under her small body and carried her to his bed room. The girl screamed in a high pitch, cursing before she dropped her drink.
"Vinnie my drink what the hell?-" Ray said in a panic as the boy turned the lights out, only the light from the windows let them make out small parts of one another.
"Who was better than me?" Vinnie asked in a calm voice as Ray sat back on the duvet.
"You're back on that? I literally dropped my sprite back there." Ray sucked her teeth.
"What's his name?" As vinnies voice got stronger the room got darker. The clouds were dull and the sky was a blue gray color, the walls were dark but the sun still hit Rayvens face just enough.
With one fast move he went above the girl kissing her neck softly to the point where she forgot what she was saying. He didn't remove her t-shirt instead he moved his hand under as she winced at the cool steel of his rings. He kissed the stretch marks on her belly before making his way down.
"Off." He grumbled as she removed the sweats and revealed her stripped tan legs, "you want it?" vinnie asked her in a deep raspy voice as he traced the beautiful marks. Her heart was racing, he moved his face next to hers and quickly slid his tongue against her face.
"Ewwwww!" The girl squealed, "what the hell?!" She yelled wiping the saliva off her face as vinnie laughed.
"Next time tell me when I ask." He said before casually walking out the room.
The girl ran out after him, "that was so low." She grumbled as Vinnie let out another laugh. She felt betrayed and unsatisfied. She felt bad for actually wanting him for some reason.
"That's too bad." He said trying not to smirk.
"You owe me a got damn sprite." She grumbled before walking back into his bedroom to get her pants.
"Why are you mad?" He asked trying to hold back his laughs, following her in the room.
"Cuz of my sprite." She lied, biting the inside of her cheek and looking out the window.
"You're mad because you wanted me." Vinnie said triumphantly throwing it back again.
"I never said that." But she meant it still she shot back defensively. It wasn't about the psychical, it was the fact that she was doing it with vinnie. The fact that it was him and not her ex.
"Ok sure." Vinnie said mocking her. He wasn't proud of toying with her, he was just happy to get a little validation.
"It's not a contest." She mumbled causing vinnie to turn around and look at her. She was sitting at the edge of the bed, in a daydreaming state.
"Yeah but I want to prove that I'm good enough." Vinnie admitted quite the as rays brows furrowed. She switched positions to look at him.
"Why would you think you weren't?" She asked accidentally whispering.
"Cuz." Vinnie rubbed his eyes, "between you calling me a virgin and your ex.. and even Troy." Something sharp hit her to hear that name because it didn't only bring her back to that night, it brang her to nia. They never spoke anymore.
But she still thought was something between him and nia. There had to be.
"I'm sorry. I thought you knew how I felt about us. I get jealous sometimes about Nia you know. Like when you kissed sometimes I think about it when we.." she gazed at him.
"But I don't love her?" He asked. "I'm so fucking in love with you dumbass."
"Yeah.." she wanted to agree because she finally felt like she knew it. "I'm sorry vinnie. I didn't know how underestimated you felt. I should've have said there was someone else. You're my best. You made sure I was ok before and after everything the first time. And nobody's ever done that. I don't care how experienced you get. You're always gonna be my favorite." She said as vinnie felt his face get hot.
"You know why else?" He asked trying to avoid feeling more butterflies in his chest. "I GOT THAT CAKE." he said throwing it back.
"You do." She said before getting behind him and tossing him fake 100 dollar bills.
"You owe me a Sprite though!" She said as vinnie smirked.
"Let's go get it."
"Bet and after all those hundreds I think I'm you're pimp." Ray added as he laughed.
"I'm gonna need a little more money cause
I gotta kid."
"Nah biatch leggo." Ray demanded in a pimp accent
Vinnie picked up ten extra sprites and a few extra things, whipped cream, baby formula, watermelons, and the rest of the ingredients for dinner. He picked up a lemon as his hand brushed with another. He looked up.
The girl was pretty, her blonde hair was pinned behind her ears and tucked into a pony tail. Before he knew it Ray was behind him with what she needed.
"Lola?" Vinnie laughed sweetly and immediately hugged the girl. Ray was confused but she put the food in the basket and watched the two. They hugged each other as she stood there awkwardly. They finally broke apart and smiled at each other, from ear to ear.
He was so happy to finally see her again.
"Heyyy Lola!" She said eagerly and fakely, "oh my god you must be his friend!" She said before she pulled Ray into a tight hug.
"Yeah-" she was ready to pull out the label when vinnie interrupted.
"She's my girlfriend." Vinnie cut her off as a weight flew from her chest. The girl gasped and smiled cheerfully.
"Oh she's so cute!" Lola complimented.
puppies are cute bitch.
"You too!" This time Ray wasn't being fake, the girl had a jaw like a model or something.
"So how have you been?" The girl giggled touching vinnies arm.
What the hell is going on? Ray asked herself before she cleared her throat.
"He's been good!" She pulled the arm of her boyfriend, desperately trying to get him to leave as someone walked behind her.
She stepped back onto that someone's foot and turned around to face whoever it was. They looked each other in the eyes before cheering.
"JUAN!" They yelled at the same time before fist bumping and pulling each other in to chest bump.
"Looking good chief." Ray joked as Juan let out a deep chuckle. Vinnie and Lola watched the two speak feeling awkward.
Vinnie definitely didn't like it, who the hell was this guy?
"Not better than you, sherif." He replied in a deep country accent as the two of them died of laughter.
"I don't get it.." Lola interjected as the two looked back at them. Vinnie wasn't mad he just couldn't understand why Ray had looked so happy with the dude.
"Do you know him?" Vinnie asked as he kept his eye trained on the dude, he was wearing all black and a heavy chain, he didn't really look like Rays... type.
"Yeah we used to go out." Juan looked at Vinnie for a second before licking his lips and looking at Ray. "And a little extra on the side." Juan said flirtatiously as Ray punched his shoulder lightly.
He sounds like Snoop Dog and Pitbull if they had a baby.
"OH! Us too!" Lola beamed pointing to Vinnie with a chuckle as Juan rolled his eyes.
"Who invited Barbie?" Ray couldn't help but snicker as Vinnie rolled his eyes at the joke. He could admit to being jealous. The guy bled charisma, he had a thick Hispanic accent and licked his lips every few moments.
"Well it's a public store!" She laughed pretending not to catch the insult. "And I was just catching up with my ex if you don't mind!" She snapped back as he rolled his eyes and shrugged.
"I do." Juan replied.
"She's your ex?" Ray interjected as Vinnie and Lola nodded.
"So we've all dated each other! how fun!" The white girl shouted in excitement as Juan and Ray rolled their eyes at the same time and Vinnie pushed himself to smile.
They didn't know if it was clear to see but both Ray and Vinnie were equally jealous. Especially because there's was never any detailed mention of the past between the both of their ex's.
For vinnie Lola was his first everything. Especially his first girlfriend. They'd gone out for three years and he was in love with her, his whole world was about her, he imaged them growing old and never separating. He felt insufficient to her needs but she promised him he was "a good guy". And when he finally felt he was ready to lose the most important thing to him, his virginity, she moved and left him heart broken. For months all he did was think about her, the way she talked and laughed, he could never get her out of his mind.
And one day when he was about to text her and check up on him he'd gotten the strangest text from an unknown number claiming he'd gotten them pregnant. He remembered how he was planning to give himself to Lola but never could, so the text caught his interest.
For Ray it was a bit of an opposite, she let Juan take her first because he was her first boyfriend. She never shamed herself about it until he cheated on her. He was more than her boyfriend, he was her best friend. And not to mention she found out her best friend, nia was the one he cheated with. It wasn't like she didn't expect it she just wished it didn't happen.
The thing with Nia was that she was her only friend. Sometimes Nia held that over head when she did something wrong but she brainwashed herself to accept it. When they hung out together Nia acted like things were normal so she did what was the most normal to them.
The last one she did with Nia ended with her claiming a guy got her pregnant.
And that's how ray and vinnie met.
the end.
Did Vinnie still have feelings for his ex?
Does Ray still have a connection with her ex?
Find out probably never on the next episode of Celibate 🥸
Ok but honestly tell me if you guys see potential in a dramatic sub plot for Juan and Lola. The ex's 🤪 cuz literally I can make a spin off.
But before I do this is most likely the end of this book idk it depends but at some point I'm going to take it down to re-write and fix where you guys said it was confusing or complicated.
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