Vinnies eyes burned with a passion fruit red amongst the small remainder of white and he almost couldn't see from the tears. His hysteria made it hard to think. Every few seconds he pushed his fingers against his eyelids to wipe them away.
He took a seat on his couch, beside his phone, and as if knowing he was at his lowest the universe sent a knock at his door.
Her; he wish he wasn't happy to see the familiar curves of her face.
He opened the door looking down at the floor, he knew he was being dramatic but his gut feeling was persistent. His head continued to swell slowly leaving him dreary.
His fingers stayed gripped on the door knob. The door stayed open as if he were waiting for another guest. Closing it, he almost slammed it but was too worn-out.
"So just break up with me now." It was clear ray was crying too; her hair was swarmed into a messy bun, eyeliner in a pool around her usual rosy cheeks and she was wearing pink sweats.
He hadn't considered that she might be hurt too, but she didn't have the right to. Maybe she did or didn't, he wasn't the type to seek any retaliation. Vinnies initial reaction was to embrace the girl, it's what would've made him feel better.
He didn't think it would only take a month to get to this point of hurting. His mind was lost, the two had only been together for two months. He didn't know what he wanted, her, his best friend, things to go back to normal?
He knew, he wanted to walk past her and start the fire on low to cook arroz y pollo, like she tried to teach him the week before. There was so many things to learn about her, and the things he had learned change his perspective on everything. But it was like they couldn't afford any more time together without the hurting.
"Stop staring at me like that."
"like what"
"Like I'm in hurting or in pain, I don't need pity I just came for an answer."
"So you're not hurt? Don't you think that's the answer. If our breakup doesn't hurt then it should end"
"Im not hurt. Not for this breakup. Not for you. If this is the way you want things, I'm not hurt at all. I might even go for a walk in the park later... feed some birds... go shopping.. walk in front a few cars. But I'm not hurt vinnie." Her voice broke.
"But I am. And I'm guessing you don't care about that huh?"
"What? You left me on read why are you even having this conversation what kind of sick person plays the victim-"
"What kind of sick person f***s (sorry kiddos 👶 ) MY BEST FRIEND!?" Vinnie raged, his throat was even more sore, his volumes sending a moment of alarm through ray. Her expression fell and it was as if she was trying to process being yelled at by him. Her sobs grew and she looked at vinnie as a different person. Almost like she was trying to make shapes out of distant clouds, it was something unfamiliar. She just wasn't expecting the rage.
"It wasn't like that. And Troy was trying to look after you, he wanted to tell you. And I'm the one that's wrong. You have to forgive him." She pleaded begging for another persons mercy.
"Troy? Do you like him? You can tell me. Because this is about you and I, what's it have to do about him right now?"
"That night. He called you, after you were out with Nia. He said you didn't care about me. I thought it was my only option. You're asking me if I'm hurt right now, but I only felt bad that night because I thought we were friends. And it meant something. I never had this type of relationship, and I would've thought someone like you understood-."
"Ray-" Vinnie tried to capture the sprouting of tears and the sour feel of his throat. But the air in the room was tense, all he could do was listen.
"The phone was on speaker. And really I only hung out with Troy to make you jealous.. I don't know. My mom was still sick and I told myself not to get mixed up in boys. But when I heard what you said I couldn't even show up to our date." Ray cried into her sleeves, her face was a tomato from holding her breath, making it impossible for her sobs to even make a sound.
that night.
T: how was the date with Nia?
Even though you're literally head over heals for another girl
Ray chucked a pillow at Troys head
V: I mean it was perfect.
I guess I'm so obsessed with ray for no reason.
I'll be fine... with Nia. She's like easier.
I thought Ray was worth it but maybe she's just shallow,
If she didn't wanna date me why didn't she say that before she practically lead me on.
I'm just gonna pretend to care about her for a while,
but I can't stay friends and flirt I'll become to attached,
it's probably what's she wants.
she's lucky Nias even her friend,
I couldn't deal with someone that... manipulative.
Troys eyes widened as he hung up the phone. He thought ray would be standing behind him but instead she was sitting, rubbing her eyes and trying to pretend to be happy.
T: bro don't listen to vinnie, he's gonna realize you're great soon enough
R: it's not just him, it's Nia. You don't know what it's like because I've been in competition with her for everything and she always wins first.
T: so you actually want vinnie
R: wanted.
T: I know him, he's heartbroken it makes sense that he said that stuff... ok don't kill me... I mean he really likes you and has to settle for someone else. I'd hate that if I were him.
R: but I thought we were friends and I'm not gonna be
Ray stopped crying and stared at the specks of color in troys eyes before kissing him. Troy pulled away immediately.
T: woah.. no you're sad I'm not gonna take advantage of that and what about vinnie
R: you think after that conversation he's not gonna do the same with Nia
T: yeah but what if
R: what if what? She's gone out of way before just
To get what she wants. She's a snake, she's sent screenshots, embarrassing pictures.. rumors. But she still my best friend because she's been around for me forever.
T: I don't want to hurt you. Or vinnie. But I know what you're feeling. Just promise me whatever happens, if someone could be harmed by this.. you me or vinnie.. this doesn't stay a secret.
Ray sniffled, "promise."
Kissy kissy, love making, no porn here; keep scrolling 😁
"That was... I didn't know what I was saying. But you.. why'd you have to go there? With Troy."
"Why'd you go there with Nia. I fell for you and I was expected to forget you kissed my best friend? We were hurt and made mistakes. It was the past; but where are we now?"
"I used to feel like we were made for each other. When I thought about it the other night I thought, she's perfect. She's heavenly. But I think both of us fell for different versions of each other. Maybe we don't know each other like we should."
"So does that mean it's over?"
Click what you think the answers gonna be:
(Yes this is episode, so comment)
YES; They gonna stay together
have minnie vinnies 💎
NO: they're gonna break up
because this is too much drama 💎
me making a bunch of character development so you hate each character at one point
Side note
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