T-MOBILE 8:46 PM 13%
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
something like that
please don't look me up
I'm so dumb
ray ☀️
for some reason there's
this really hot white kid
when I look up your name
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
that's me
ray ☀️
yeah ok sure
this dude has like a thousand
followers, that's not you
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
so I have to prove it?
ray ☀️
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
ray ☀️
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
haha you called me hot
ray ☀️
you're such a little kid 🙄
I can call anyone hot
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
what about yourself
ray ☀️
of course duh
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
so you're conceited 😌
ray ☀️
says the boy doing
things to please his entire
fan base based on the persona
he set up on social media
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
and it's not a persona
it's just my personality
ray ☀️
yes and chase is an eboy
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
he is tho?
ray ☀️
we both know that
man cuddles with teddy
bears and probably
wants to wear pink
it's a persona that gets him clout
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
so my personality can't
be liked or isn't good
because it's shown
on a platform?
ray ☀️
no but that social status is
Sooner going to box you in
to be one thing, like an eboy
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
I'm not gonna become an
eboy 😒
ray ☀️
whatever you say but
I got some black nail
polish for you
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
what's your insta ?
ray ☀️
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
@so I can follow you?
ray ☀️
@fine I guess
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
@so whats the @?
ray ☀️
damn ok
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
haha nice name
ray ☀️
really vinnie 😐
don't go there
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
ok fine
ray ☀️
you did not just like
alll of my posts
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
ray ☀️
100% creep
I'm telling your fan base
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
they'll probably find a
way to like me even more
ray ☀️
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
so when you said
you would call yourself
hot I thought you were
ray ☀️
so you're the one that's
conceited I guess
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
ok maybe
ray ☀️
ok yes
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
I'm gonna go comment 🥵
ray ☀️
vinnie stop spamming
such a child 😒
ok my phones dead
talk later
vinnie the virgin 🙏🏻
bye ray ray
10 votes
Blah blah blah
I got nothing better to do
I'm gonna fail all my classes and this is the last week of school Hooray!
I changed the fc for the girl so
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