VII. The Sad Tale of a Flower Girl
"Hey, everybody!" Nick runs on stage, catching the crowd's attention. "We fixed the hologram thing! Who wants to see a show?" The crowd went wild at the news, causing Flora to flinch and cover her ears. "Now...give it up... for Julie and the Phantoms!!!"
Though everyone else cheered, Flora let out a relieved sigh, thinking this meant the guys had finally shown up. But as she watched Julie nervously walk on stage and hesitantly take the microphone, she realized that wasn't what was happening.
"Oh no...I can't watch this." Flora stood with April off to the side, hands off her ears but now with her eyes screwed shut. She didn't want to watch the trainwreck she knew would be coming.
"Uh...hi. So here's the thing," Julie nervously looked out at the people staring at her, letting out a shaky laugh, "...even though we got the machine fixed, thanks to Nick," Flora rolled her eyes as people cheered him on when she knew for a fact the hologram machine wasn't broken and he didn't fix shit, "I can't seem to link up with the guys. Wi-Fi, am I right?"
"This is not good," April whispered to Flora, nodding her head over to the crowd of people who were getting visibly upset.
"I'm sorry, but...I'm gonna have to cancel," Julie finishes sadly.
To add insult to injury, Carrie saunters up on the stage turns to address the annoyed crowd.
"Oh god, what does the bitch want now?" April stared daggers at the blonde.
"Um...anybody know the Heimlich? Julie's choking."
It takes all of Flora's strength to hold April back as she tries to run up on the other girl. Although, nothing would please Flora more right now than seeing the smug look wiped off Carrie's face.
"Let me at her, Flo!" April whined, still trying to get out of her friend's grasp.
"And have you arrested for assault? Absolutely not."
"Only one way to save this dance." Carrie sends Julie a fake smile before ripping the microphone out of her hands. "Who wants to see Dirty Candy?"
April practically growls as everyone starts getting excited and hyping up Carrie. Flynn, not wanting to see Carrie win as much as the dancer, ripped a knob of the turntable. Carrie shot Fynn a glare before loudly exclaiming that she was having a party at her house.
"I have to go to that party." Though she was still glaring at the girl, April was no longer trying to attack Carrie.
"You want to go to her party? You were ready to bitch slap her just seconds ago." Flora points out warily, not entirely trusting her friend to not do something stupid when they were apart.
"Yeah, but what better way to assert my dominance than to show her up at her own party. Give Julie a hug for me, will you?" And with that, April was strutting out of the gym with the usual flock of people surrounding her like moths to a flame.
Flora sighed and stared sadly down at the flower in her hand before making her way toward the stage where Julie and Flynn still stood. They were watching two students who stayed behind to slow dance, the boy being almost half the girl's height.
"Hey, I'm really sorry Julie."
Julie shrugs off her sister's pointless apology. It's not like Flora had done anything she needed to feel sorry for.
"It's fine. I just wish I knew what happened to the guys."
Eventually, the last two people left and the girls were stuck cleaning up after everyone else. Most likely whoever was supposed to do it had run off with everyone else to Carrie's party. The two younger girls were sat on the ground popping the balloons while Flora was trying to take down the streamers. Keyword: trying. Being short didn't make it easy and she gave up with a frustrated huff.
"Hey, guys, I'm gonna go find a ladder. Be right back." The girls sent her nods of acknowledgment before Fynn got up and stated she'll get them ice cream, which left Julie all alone.
"Julie, we are ready to rock this dance!....which is clearly over."
"Julie? Flynn? A little help, please?"
Flora was trying to drag a huge ladder in through the door, but was having lots of difficulties. She had a hard enough time dragging it through the hallways, and now her arms were tired. She finally managed to get it through the door, but when she turned her head she didn't see Julie or Flynn. Instead, she saw the three ghost boys standing in the center of the gym, clutching their bodies in pain.
"Guys?" She slowly set the ladder down, quickly walking over to the guys in worry. "What's going on? Are you okay?" She tried pushing aside the anger and disappointment she had for them at the moment and began looking over their bodies for any causes of pain.
None of them responded, not really being sure of what just happened either. Suddenly, Reggie's eyes lit up with realization and pointed to Flora.
"Your drawing!"
For a second she looked confused, but her eyes widened when she realized the drawing he was referring to. The one she had drawn of him being in pain. She couldn't tell what caused his pain in the picture, but somehow looking at him right now, she knew this was what she predicted.
"Painting? What painting? What the hell are you talking about?" Luke asked roughly, still a little upset over what happened with Julie.
Reggie looked hesitantly between the guys who were giving him confused looks and Flora. He was scared that she'd be mad at him for almost revealing her secret, but she didn't look mad. Just upset.
"I...I drew a picture of Reggie. Another one, but this time he pain. Like he is right now." She hesitantly admitted, pointing over to the boy who wasn't in pain anymore, but still clutched his chest.
"I...I don't get it." Luke looked at her, still confused. Alex, however, seemed to have already caught on to what she meant.
"Dude, remember that other picture she drew of Reggie? I bet she drew it before she even met us, right?" He turned to the girl for confirmation, watching as she nodded slowly. " can draw the future?"
"Woah, what? Seriously? I thought you just liked Reggie more than us." Luke pointed between him and Alex, looking slightly relieved.
"You never let that go, huh buddy?" Reggie smugly asked Luke, which earned him a scowl from the lead guitarist.
"Well, right now I don't particularly feel like drawing any of you." They all focused back on Flora to see her face had fallen even more. Her eyes were glassy, like she was about to cry but was desperately holding back. "You guys have fun at your little ghost club?" She asked with a sarcastic laugh.
"Wait, how did you know about.....oh...nevermind," Luke said, realizing she must've predicted the ghost club too.
"Yeah. I guess my powers are good for one thing. Knowing when my new friends are major jerks." Her voice rose slightly at the end, but she closed her eyes in order to calm herself down.
"Flo," She opened her eyes to see Reggie standing right in front of her with sad eyes. "We are so sorry. We won't bail on you or Julie ever again, we promise. Right, guys?" He turned to the other boys who both nodded enthusiastically.
"Oh, I know it won't happen again. That art show I invited you guys to? Consider yourselves officially uninvited. Don't bother showing up tomorrow." Without sparing them another glance, she turned around and quickly made her way out of the gym, not wanting them to see the tears that had escaped her eyes.
"Great, now they're both mad at us," Luke spoke up after a minute, running his hands through his hair.
Alex was staring down at the floor, still processing what happened, Reggie still hasn't torn his eyes away from the door Flora left through. They knew they had to make it up to the sisters somehow, but right now they just felt like sulking about it.
"Hey, what's that?" The guys turned their heads toward Luke as he made his way to the stage and picked something up. He stared down at the object in his hand curiously, turning around and showing it to the guys. "Looks like someone dropped their flower."
"Oh! I know that one!" Alex walked closer to inspect the white flower, Reggie trailing behind him. "I remember Flora telling me about it. It's a....white chrysanthemum. It means.....oh." He frowned, causing the other boys to look at him strangely.
"What? What does it mean?" Luke asked impatiently.
" means "lasting friendship" and "loyalty". I think that one was supposed to be for you, dude." He explained, looking at Luke whose face dropped in realization.
"Hey, sis."
Flora closed her locker to see April leaning on the one beside her. She hadn't heard from the girl since she left the dance to go to Carrie's party yesterday until she called her earlier in the morning.
"Hey. How was the party?" She asked politely. She didn't really want to hear about how much fun her classmates had without her, but she knew April would want to talk about it.
"Omg, amazing! I must admit, it was a pretty decent party considering it was so last minute. And I was right in thinking Carrie would be pissed that I stole all the attention." She flicked her long hair behind her, smiling from the memory of Carrie's face going tomato red when she danced on her table.
"Well, I know you stayed up late and are probably still tired, so thank you for coming here early with me to help me set up the art showcase." Flora smiled gratefully at her friend as they walked sis by side to the art classroom.
"Yeah, well I know you probably had a hard night so...." She trailed off, shrugging her shoulders. Even though she never met the ghost boys, she knew how much they meant to her best friend. They hurt her sister, and that meant they hurt Flora too. Flora doesn't trust too easily, so she was taking it pretty hard.
They made it to the art classroom that was currently full of art students all picking up their art to take to the gym like Flora and April were about to do. Flora was glad she had April with her to help carry her paintings because her pile of paintings had grown since last time and she wouldn't have been able to carry them herself.
The gym currently looked like a mess since the art showcase was being set up while the decorations from the dance were still being taking down. Display racks had been set up all over the gym and Flora made her way to the section with her name.
" want these hung in a specific way or...?" April looked down from at her stack of paintings to Flora.
"Nope. Just hang them up randomly, my dude."
"Flora! There's my star!" Her eccentric art teacher screamed across the gym upon spotting her. Flora groaned and turned away from the woman who was making her way over.
"Flora, dear, I'm so happy you agreed to do this. We are going to make so much money from your paintings! I might even buy one myself."
"It's no problem, Mrs. Bloom. I'm happy to help," Flora smiled politely at the teacher, hoping she'd go away quicker.
"Oh, I like that one, dear." The tall woman said, pointing down at the painting she had drawn of a hotdog, aka Sunset Curve's murder weapon.
"I'll make sure to save it for you, then," Flora said as she plastered on a fake smile
This seemed to please the teacher because she patted Flora on the shoulder before walking away to annoy some other students.
"She's an.....interesting lady." April stares after the woman. Although it wasn't the first time she had met her, she wasn't as used to the strange woman as Flora was.
"Are Dad and Pops coming tonight?" Flora moved on from Mrs. Bloom's interruption and continued hanging up her art.
"Yeah, we might be a little late though. Pop's boss is being an asshole and won't let him leave early. Sorry." Flora waved off her apology, knowing there was nothing she could do about it. "Hey, but at least your family and the guys are coming, right?"
"Uh...just my family, actually. I uninvited them last night." Flora tried ignoring the sad look her friend was giving her. "It's okay. It was only Dad, Julie, and Flynn coming anyway. Carlos is staying at home with my aunt because the last time he came to this thing, he kept complaining that he was bored."
"I'm really sorry, Flo. Trust me, if I could kick their ghost butts, I would." She smiled when she got her friend to laugh.
" too."
"Why didn't you wake me up this morning?! I was late for school and missed three classes!"
Flora was in her room just reading and minding her business when Julie came storming in. Apparently, the girl had slept past her alarm and no one woke her up.
"Sorry? I went to school early to set up for the showcase." Flora sat up and set down her book, putting her full attention on her sister. "Did you miss anything important?"
"...No?" She sighed when her sister gave her a disbelieving look. "Okay, I may have missed a test. But no biggie, I can just make it up."
"Okay, if you say so. Hey, you still coming tonight?" She watched as Julie inspected the many plants hanging in her room.
"Yeah. Dad is super excited. Six o'clock right?"
Flora couldn't remember the last time Julie had been in her room for more than a couple of minutes. The younger girl was looking around at everything in curiosity. They'd been spending a little more time together lately because of the guys, but Julie still felt like there was a lot about her sister that she didn't know. Like the cowboy hat she found resting on the post of her bed and the Dolly Parton poster hanging proudly above her bed. She had just assumed she said she liked Country music because Reggie said he did, but apparently that wasn't the case.
"Flo, your room is one plant away from being a jungle," Julie said, nearly tripping over a bunch of small potted plants on the floor. "Seriously, how do you live like this?"
"Hey, at least my room always smells nice."
"Hmm yeah. It does smell really nice in here." Julie takes a seat on the edge of her sister's bed awkwardly. Something had been on her mind since her fight with the boys yesterday and she needed to get it out. "So....what's going on between you and Reggie?"
Flora tried shrugging nonchalantly, but internally she was freaking out. Did he say something to Julie about her? Was she just really obvious about her crush on him? Did April tell her? She realized she had been quiet for a while when she looked up to see Julie still staring intently at her.
"Uh...nothing?" Her voice came out high pitched so she tried clearing her throat. "Um, why do you ask?"
"First of all, you're a terrible liar. We've been over this. Second, he asked about you yesterday after you left. He wanted to know if you were mad at him, but I told him to just ask you himself."
Flora's mind wandered back to last night and how upset the guys looked. She didn't mean to raise her voice at them, and honestly she wasn't even angry. Just disappointed and frustrated.
"I yelled at him a bit, but I wasn't mad. Have you talked to the guys yet?"
"No. I'm about to head down to the studio, though. Wanna come?"
She let out a deep sigh, but still nodded her head and got up off her bed, following Julie to the garage. She was done being mad at the guys and wanted to forgive them, but only if Julie did. It was her they bailed on and her they hurt the most, and she didn't want to undermine that by forgiving them so easily. She loved the boys, but her sister came first. Period.
Flora was startled when she and Julie came face to face with the guys waiting by the garage door for them. Instead of saying hello, like normal people, they sang an apology to Julie, ending with a perfect harmony.
"In case you missed it, we're really sorry."
Flora looked at her sister's expression, trying to gauge her reaction. The girl looked less than impressed with their apology and looked like she wanted nothing to do with them.
"Yeah...I got that."
"We've been here for, like, three hours," Alex said, high fiving Reggie.
"We almost sang to your little brother"
"He comes in here a lot. Mainly to use the bathroom." Flora scrunched her nose at Reggie's words but understood. Both Julie and Flora have complained about him stinking up the bathroom so much. He was probably trying to be considerate by using the bathroom in the garage.
"Yeah, it's not our favorite part of the day." Flora hummed in understanding, but otherwise stayed quiet.
"But, Julie, it wasn't okay that we flaked on the dance last night. We know we let you down." Luke turned to the older girl, remembering how disappointed she was in them too. "You too, Flora. We're sorry, okay?"
"Yeah, and none of us wanted to disappoint you. You guys are the best thing that's happened to us since we became ghosts." Flora's eyes unintentionally softened at Alex's words. She'd been trying to stay strong for Julie's sake, but it was getting harder and harder to not forgive them.
"So, in hopes that you'll rejoin the band, we booked a new gig." Luke handed a flyer for the gig they had signed up for.
"A mega important, life-changing gig!" Reggie added. He sent Flora a wink and it took all of her willpower to not give in right then and there.
"Check it out. Tons of managers go here to listen to new bands. All we gotta do is blow them all away, and we're living the dream."
"So this means a lot to you, huh?" Flora sighed as she recognized the sarcastic tone in her sister's voice. "Kinda how playing in front of my whole entire school meant a lot to me. Besides, I can't. Flora's art showcase is tonight. Remember? The one you were uninvited to?"
"Sounds like sarcasm," Reggie noted before he turned to Alex, whispering loudly. "And I told you were forgot about something!" Reggie whisper yelled to Alex who slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand.
"Shit. Yeah, sorry, Flo. We completely forgot."
"It's...okay." It most certainly wasn't okay, but she wasn't about to make this all about her. "Look, Julie, if you want to do the gig, I won't mind if you miss the show. I'm sure Dad will take lots of pictures."
"See? It all works out!" Alex exclaims, he and the boys relieved that Flora wasn't gonna keep Julie from the gig, but his face fell when he saw that Julie was still mad. "Look, we know we messed up."
"But we need you in the band." Luke looked into Julie's eyes pleadingly.
"Of course you do because, without me, no one can see you guys playing."
"Hey, Julie maybe we should-" Flora tried to stop her sister from saying something she'd regret, but she was brushed aside.
"You know, I thought that the music that we were writing was special, but you're too obsessed with your past to even care."
"Julie, seriously. Stop-"
"I do care!" Luke was getting heated now, Julie's words getting to him. "Our band has a real chance at greatness. I'm not gonna let that get away from us again."
"I think maybe we should all just calm dow-"
"Uh-huh. Right. So then why did you bail on me to get back at Trevor?"
"Wait." Flora turned to the guys in confusion, having not been there when they terrorized Trevor Wilson in his own home. "What does this have to do with Mr. Wilson? Did I miss something?" She locked eyes with Reggie who mouthed that he'd tell her later.
"I'll tell you why. 'Cause there's only one thing you care about, and that's yourself."
"JULIE MOLINA!" Flora turned to her sister with a bewildered look on her face, surprised she would say something so hurtful.
Julie barely spared her a glance before she stormed off back to the house. Flora took a minute to relax before turning back to the boys.
"I'm sorry guys. Thank you for trying, really hurt her." She turned to Luke sadly seeing as he was the most affected by Julie's outburst. "And I know she didn't really mean it. I think she just needs some space."
Luke was quiet, looking in the direction with his back still turned to the others. Without a word, he disappeared, causing Flora's shoulders to slump.
"Where's he going?"
"Where do you think?" Alex answered Reggie's question with another question. Reggie seemed to understand what he meant, but Flora was still left in the dark. "Remember what today is?"
"Wait, where is he going? What's today?"
"...It's his birthday. He's going to see his parents. He's been doing that for the last couple of weeks." Alex hesitated before responding.
"Oh." Flora felt dumb, not knowing what to say.
"Hey, I'm...I mean we're sorry that we forgot about your show, Flora. I know how excited you were about it."
Flora tried mustering up a smile to reassure them, but it winded up looking extremely fake. She was excited about it. She hadn't been able to stop talking about it. And she wanted nothing more than to tell the boys to fuck off because Julie was going to her show whether they liked it or not, but she didn't.
"It's okay. Really, guys." She could tell neither of them really believed her, but she wasn't focused on that anymore. "Could you...could you guys talk to Julie for me? It's just know Luke better than I do, and if anyone can help her sympathize with him, it's you guys."
"Yeah. Yeah, no problem, Flo." She smiled gratefully at Alex and sent him and Reggie a wave before turning to leave.
"Wait!" She turned around at the sound of Reggie's voice. She saw him nervously playing with his hands as he thought of what to say. "I'm sorry I disappointed you. And I'm sorry we're missing your show, but I promise I'll make it up to you. Okay?"
"Reg, you don't need to-" She tried to tell him that he didn't need to make anything up to her, but he and Alex disappeared before she could.
"....Well alrighty then."
a/n: okay honestly i don't like this chapter all that much, but i'm tired of staring at it and i wanna go to bed so....yeah. as much as i don't like it, i hope yall did! lemme know what you think! okay peace out ma homies. (also im so sorry but for now this is unedited so just ignore any spelling mistakes. okay? okay.)
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