V. The Tale of the Tone-Deaf Dads
Reggie Peters has never wanted to hug someone so bad in his life. As Flora explained her "curse", as she liked to call it, he felt the urge to wrap her in a hug and tell her everything would be okay. And when she started crying, it felt like his heart was breaking.
"Flora...I-I don't know what to say." And he didn't. What do you say when someone tells you not only could they predict the future, but that they predicted their mother's death.
She let out a deep breath and wiped the tears on her face with her sleeves. She didn't like crying in front of people, but at the moment she didn't care. Admittedly, it felt good to just let go and show her emotions for once. At this moment, alone in her room with a cute ghost, she didn't feel the need to pretend.
"It's okay, Reg. It's a lot to take in. My best friend was actually really cool with it, but also she's a little crazy."
He smiled when she started laughing, tears no longer falling down her face. Her laughter died down and for a minute she was just sitting, thinking to herself when she got up from her seat and snatched up her sketchbook that still lay on the floor. Understandably, Reggie shot up in alarm since the last time she'd held her sketchbook, she went into this weird possessed state.
"Don't worry," she said, already knowing he was freaking out, "I just want to show you something."
She flipped through pages as she moved to sit next to him. He looked as she finally landed on a page. His eyes widened as he recognized the face drawn as his own, but his surprise slowly melted into horror mixed with confusion as he realized he looked to be in pain.
"I drew this in History class, and now that you know the truth, I figured you should see it." She studied his expression and almost instantly regretted showing it to him. "I-I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have shown you. I don't know what it means, but I thought if I told you about it, maybe you could stop it. I've never actually stopped one of my predictions before, though."
Reggie studied the picture in silence for a couple more minutes before finally speaking up.
"So....so you don't actually know how, why, where, or when this is gonna happen?"
"Yeah...basically. Sorry. I wish I could help more."
This is why, to her, it was basically a curse. It wasn't some cool power that she could potentially save the world with. She, unfortunately, wasn't a badass superheroine was used her predictions to help people in need. Most of the time, she doesn't even predict anything interesting. Tripping over a shoelace, the school's lunch menu, a blockbuster movie that's yet to come out, those are the sort of things she's good for. Not helping a person when they need her the most. Apparently, she sucks at that.
"It's okay, Flo. I'll just be extra careful." Reggie tried sending the girl a reassuring smile, but even he could tell her thoughts were eating her up too much for it to have any effect.
Snapping both of them out of their thoughts, Luke poofed into Flora's room, immediately locking eyes with his bandmate.
"Dude! You said you would only be here for a few minutes. It's been a lot longer than a few minutes! We gotta finish the song for Julie." He tapped his foot impatiently, eyes moving between his friend and Flora.
"Uh, yeah, dude. Just give me a minute." He held up a finger to Luke which made him groan and roll his eyes dramatically.
"No, it's fine. Go finish the song. I'll be alright." She nodded her head to Reggie when he looked to make sure she was being serious.
"Wait, what happened? Are you okay?" Luke grew concerned at her words and looked to Reggie hoping he'd give him answers when Flora wouldn't look at him.
"Yeah. I'm fine now, thanks to Reggie."
He gave her a goofy grin, feeling proud he could help her. She returned the gesture, and they probably would've sat there smiling at each other for hours if Luke hadn't grabbed Reggie and poofed them both out of there.
"Your sister's crazy."
Flora had just walked down the stairs, after making sure she didn't look like a mess after crying, and was startled to see Flynn waiting in the living room with her arms crossed.
"Uh, hello to you too, Flynn." She grabbed the remote off the table and plopped down on the couch while flipping through channels.
"Did she tell you about the ghosts?"
Flo's head snapped to the younger girl at her question. The last time she talked to Julie, she had been hesitant to tell Flynn the truth, but apparently not anymore.
"Uh, yeah. Well, actually..." She hesitated, not knowing how the girl would react, "I can see them too."
"Not you too!" Flynn threw her head back and groaned. "I thought you were the sensible one."
"I know it doesn't seem believable, but trust us, okay? At least trust Julie. She's your best friend." She looked away from Flynn to focus back on the t.v., having finally settled on Spongebob Squarepants. "I told my best friend about them and she believed me."
"Okay, that doesn't help. Like, at all. Your friend is crazy too."
"Hmmm you got me there," she mumbled out distractedly before laughing at something on the screen.
Flynn looked down at her phone, seeing it was time to go down to the garage like Julie told her to. She sighed and stood up off the couch, arms crossed as she stared at the older Molina sister.
"You comin'?"
Flora sighed before turning off the t.v. and standing up, nodding and following Flynn as they made their way to the garage.
Flo walked past Flynn and Julie as they talked, walking up to the guys as they got their instruments ready.
"Oh! Flora's here too! Hi, Flora!"
Flora laughed as Reggie waved excitedly to her, the other boys only giving her slight waves of acknowledgment. She stood off to the side out of the guys' way and waited for Julie to start.
Flynn sat in a chair with arms crossed, still sure that both sisters were making all this up which meant she'd have to tell their dad about it. Julie would be forced to go back to therapy, but Flo wasn't too worried. Their dad had tried getting her to go to therapy as well, but she refused to open up to a complete stranger when she hardly even opens up to people she knows. It took Flora somehow making the therapist cry instead (Uno reverse card, baby.) for him to finally stop forcing her to go.
Flora smiled as the song started. She still wasn't entirely used to hearing Julie play music after an entire year of shutting down, but she wasn't complaining. Music had the same effect on Julie that art and plants had on Flora. She was glad to see her sister happy and passionate again.
But as she listened to the lyrics, she kind of felt out of place at the moment. It was awkward, hearing Julie sing about how awful her life would be without Flynn. Not that she couldn't understand; best friends are supposed to make you feel like that. But a part of her was hurt. Hurt because when Julie was grieving, not once did she go to Flora. Flo kept trying to let Julie know she was there for her, but at the end of the day, she went to Flynn instead.
Reggie could tell something was off with Flora by how she zoned out during the whole song, not even tapping her foot to the beat. For a second he got scared that she might be in "psychic mode", but there wasn't a piece of paper anywhere nearby for her to draw on. Something else was causing her to disassociate, but he had no clue what.
Flora firmly held April's birthday present in one hand as she rang the doorbell to the Miyamoto household. She laughed as she heard a squeal and a "she's here!" before loud footsteps could be heard. The door swung open to reveal not April, but Eugene Miyamoto, or Pops as he likes to be called, with a big smile on his face. It had been a little while since she's seen either him or his husband, so she didn't complain when he wrapped her in a big hug.
"Flower! I've missed you! Come in!" He excitedly ushered her into the house where David Miyamoto was also waiting with open arms.
"Hey, Flora. C'mere kiddo." His hug was much gentler, but just as affectionate. "April's probably up in her room still picking an outfit."
She nodded and waved at them, going to head up the stairs when she heard Eugene whine dramatically.
"But I wanted some quality Flora and Pops time!" She laughed as he pouted at his husband.
"Babe? Shut up."
Flora went up the stairs when David dragged Eugene off to the kitchen, with much protest. Getting closer to April's door, she heard Katy Perry blasting from inside, April singing (very loudly) along to the lyrics. The birthday girl didn't hear the knock on the door and thus didn't hear the door open either. If she had, she probably wouldn't have been prancing around the room in her old lime green Dirty Candy wig.
"Hey, Apr-"
"OH MY GOD!!!" April whipped around so quickly that she tripped over her own feet, leaving her sprawled out on the floor. "Jesus, Flo! Do you know how to knock?!"
"Uh, I did, but you couldn't hear me over your screeching."
"Shut up," Ape grumbled, standing up and putting her hands on her hips. "Well, now that you're here, you can help me pick an outfit."
Flora looked down at the outfits April had spread across her bed. Honestly, she was ready to just pick one randomly, but she knew the other girl would not be happy with that. The two best friends had two very different styles. April dressed like she was always on the runway with clothes that looked fancy and expensive when in reality she's just really good at thrifting, and Flora usually either looked like she was seconds away from running away to live her best cottagecore life or like she was an extra on That 70s Show.
"I swear to god, Flora. If you just point to a random outfit, I'm kicking you out."
"God, sometimes it's like you can read my mind," she mumbled, looking at the clothes one more time. "Uhhhh, I like that outfit with the green skirt?"
"Hmmm okay, yeah." She smiled and patted her friend softly on the head. "Good job, Flo."
"Don't touch my hair!!!" she whined, slapping April's hand away.
Flora turned around as her friend got changed into the outfit she picked. There really was no reason for her to get all dolled up seeing as she would only be celebrating with Flo and her dads. But she's "that bitch", as she likes to put it, and thrived on being extra. Plus, she still had to look good in the photos she'd post to Instagram later.
"Oh, should I let you open your present now or-"
"Gimme gimme gimme!" April cut Flora off before she could even finish her sentence. She grabbed the wrapped painting in her friend's hand and was tearing the wrapping paper off before she even sat down. Flora watched in amusement as her friend's eager expression melted into a soft smile.
"O...m...g. Flora, this is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you!!!" April tackled her best friend in a hug, causing the other girl to yelp in surprise.
"Oh! Uh, you're welcome.....Can you let me go? I can't breathe." She drew in a deep breath once her best friend released her from her vice grip.
"Sorry. But if you didn't want to be hugged so hard, you wouldn't be so freaking talented." Ape shrugged, still staring at the painting.
Flora waved off the compliment and looked at the lime green wig still sat on her friend's head. She remembered the day April got kicked out of Dirty Candy, and it was probably the most furious Flora had ever seen the dancer. She would never admit it, but the colorful girl group meant a lot to her. The love/hate rivalry she had with Carrie Wilson meant a lot to her. They were always at each other's throats, the two girls being the most popular in school, but it was mostly sarcastic remarks and playful banter. Until Carrie took it a step further by kicking April to the curb. At that moment, Carrie had not only declared war, but also won the first battle, and April hated it. She hates losing.
April still throws the best parties, she was still homecoming queen, she's still the best dancer in school, and Carrie knows this. She may be rich, but compared to April, she isn't as talented. She kicked April out of Dirty Candy for two reasons. 1) She hates sharing the spotlight, and April would always outshine her, and 2) Just because she could.
"I'm surprised you didn't burn that thing."
April quickly whipped the wig off her head and glared at it before throwing it across the room. Flo laughed at her friend's theatrics and soon April joined in as well.
"Ugh, I know I should have," she started once her laughter died down, "but Dirty Candy wasn't all bad. I mean sure, Carrie was an annoying little tyrant, but it was fun," she finished with a shrug, a small smile resting on her face.
"Are you sure you don't miss her even a little bit?" She raised her hands in defense when April shot her a glare. "Hey, I'm just saying. For someone who supposedly hates her, you sure do talk about her a lot."
April and Carrie were never friends, they were both too stubborn and prideful for that to happen, but they at least used to be civil with each other. They got along when April was still in Dirty Candy, and no matter how much they tried to hide it, they actually enjoyed spending time together. Flora could tell that April was secretly heartbroken, despite trying to mask the hurt with anger.
"I talk about her because she's the bane of my existence, duh." April rolled her eyes, looking everywhere but Flora. Flora didn't buy it for a second.
"Uh uh, yeah. Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy."
Flora and April were sat on the couch in the living room, hands covering their ears as David and Eugene Miyamoto belted out the lyrics to "Summer Lovin'" from Grease. Every year for April's birthday, the four would get together in the living room for some karaoke, and every year the two men failed to get any better.
Both girls winced and prepared themselves for the grand finale. It was so off-key and so loud that Flora swore she could hear dogs barking in the distance because of it. The best part was that they didn't care. They high-fived each other like somehow making the girls go deaf was an accomplishment.
"So, girls. How was that?" David held his arms open with a big smile on his face, both he and his husband waiting for their response.
"I think......it was a lot better than last time," April admitted, Flora nodding her head in agreement.
"You know what? We'll take it."
Once they put away the microphones and snacks they had brought to watch the performances, it was time to make the cake. Absolutely no store bought cakes were permitted in the Miyamoto household. Eugene Miyamoto worked at a bakery and was an expert baker, so he always had the best ingredients readily available. And even though he was a professional baker, he took cake making with his family about as seriously as politicians take climate change.
"CAKE TIME!!!" April and Eugene both screamed before racing each other to the kitchen, leaving Flora and David in the dust.
"What are we gonna do with them, Flower?" David shook his head and jokingly rolled his eyes. Flora shrugged her shoulders and looked to where the other two ran off to.
"I've been wondering that for years, Mr. M"
When Flora and David joined the others in the kitchen, the counters were already covered in ingredients and decoration tools. Flora took one look at the fresh lemons and raspberries and knew they would be making Eugene's famous Raspberry Lemon Cake, April's favorite. Usually, Flora hated the idea of eating cake with chunks of fruit inside, but somehow Eugene's was the exception. If you asked her, she'd swear it was like what eating a piece of Heaven tastes like.
Flora eagerly washed her hands, excited to start. The sooner they start, the sooner she'd get to eat the cake. Eugene expertly gave everyone directions and everyone set off to do their part.
Eugene wanted to have his own bakery one day. It had been his dream since he first successfully made cupcakes as a kid. But opening a bakery would require money they didn't have. David made decent money working as a nurse at the hospital, but not enough that they could open their own business. Flora hoped he got to live out his dream someday because she would hate for the world to be deprived of Eugene's baking skills and creative recipes.
Flora's thoughts were interrupted by April shrieking as Eugene swiped some of the frosting he'd been mixing across her nose.
They all burst out laughing as she hastily reached for a napkin to wipe the sugary treat off her face.
"Not funny, guys," she grumbled, but they could all see she was biting back a smile.
The rest of the baking process went by pretty smoothly, except for when David set the mixer too high and flour went flying everywhere. The result was a gorgeous cake decorated with raspberries and frosting made to look like lemon slices. April was ushered to the table where they set the cake down in front of her and let the candles. They were just about to start singing when April yelled for them to stop. They all looked at her quizzically as she pulled her phone out and handed it to Flora.
"I have to take a vid for Insta. Duh."
"Oh, of course. How silly of us to not realize." She jokingly rolled her eyes and pressed record, signally she was ready for them to start singing.
Flora felt the happiest she's ever been in a long time as she sang along with David and Eugene Miyamoto. The last time she'd done something like this was over a year ago when it was Carlos' birthday, before their mom passed away. Flora's birthday wasn't a very festive one. It was only a few months after her death and the family hadn't fully recovered yet. Julie's wasn't much better despite their best efforts to make it a nice day for her. April's birthday is what she wishes her birthday had been like. Goofing off with her family, laughing and singing, a homemade cake. It was a selfish thought, and one she always felt guilty for having, but she's often wished the Miyamotos could adopt her.
Flora zoomed in on the camera as April leaned forward to blow out the candles. They all cheered happily as the flames went out and Flora stopped the video. Before she could hand the birthday girl her phone back, she said something that made all of them groan in frustration.
"Wait! Can we relight the candles? I wanna make a Boomerang of me blowing them out."
Flora struggled as she walked through the halls in school with a stack of paintings in her arms. The annual Art Showcase was coming up and her teacher asked her to bring in some of her works, which worked perfectly for her since they would've just been sitting in her room otherwise. She wasn't a big fan of people seeing her psychic paintings, but she also wanted them out of her sight, and the only other option would be putting them in the trash
Every year at the Art Showcase the students in the Art Program put up their best works either to just display or sell to raise money for the program. It was pretty important considering they could use all the money they can get. The money went towards good quality paint, easels, clay, etc.
She got a couple of looks as she made her way to the Art classroom, but nobody stopped to help her. They were, however, kind enough to move out of her way so she wouldn't bump into anyone. The biggest obstacle arose when she tried to open the door to the studio, but found she couldn't after nearly dropping all the paintings. She let out a frustrated huff and stood there for a bit thinking of what to do.
"Need a hand?"
She spun around to find her sister and Flynn watching her with an amused expression. She nodded her head and the younger Molina girl moved to open the door for her sister. Flo moved to the back of the classroom and let out a sigh of relief once she was finally able to drop the paintings on a table.
"Thanks, Jules," she said, finally turning her full attention to the two other girls.
"No problem, but what's with all the paintings?"
"The Art Showcase is coming up soon, remember? Mrs. Bloom asked me to bring in a few of my stuff and I may have gotten a bit carried away."
"Yeah, no kidding," Flynn mumbled out, looking at the huge stack of paintings behind Flora.
"You guys are coming, right?" Flora asked the girls, looking hopefully between them.
Flora had missed the last showcase because it occurred shortly after Rose Molina died. It had taken her a while to get to a place where she was comfortable showing people her art. Well, her normal art, at least. Ever since she vented to Reggie a couple weeks ago, he's helped her feel a lot better about sharing her talents. She was almost going to back out of the showcase, but he convinced her not to.
"Of course! We wouldn't miss it for the world." Julie assured her sister, causing the older girl to smile.
"Cool. I'll give you the details when the date gets closer."
Their time was cut short when the bell ringed and people started trickling into the classroom.
"We should get to class. See you later, Flo."
Flora waved at her sister and Flynn as they weaved in between the incoming students and exited the classroom. A few other students had their art in their grasp, but none had nearly as much as Flora. She moved to take a seat in the back just as Mrs. Bloom entered.
"Ah, I see many of you brought some stuff to display at the showcase. Remember, your participation isn't mandatory," she briefly made eye contact with Flora before continuing, "but it would help a lot."
Flora shrunk in her seat as some students turned to look at her when they noticed their teacher look back at her.
Real subtle, Mrs. B.
Flora was in the garage watering her plants as the boys, minus Alex, and Julie discussed playing at the school dance.
"It's not exactly the Strip," Luke complained
"And you're not exactly alive, so maybe you should be happy we have our first gig," Reggie reminded his bandmate.
"Period, Reginald," Flora mumbled under her breath. Julie heard her and gave her a funny look that she ignored as she continued caring for her plants.
"I wasn't in love with the idea at first either, but it could be a great way for us to build a following, right?" Julie said enthusiastically.
"Yeah! Yeah, we need to play wherever we can, whenever we can."
Flo could tell Reggie was getting pumped with the news of the dance, his excitement affecting Luke too. She couldn't imagine it must feel to go 25 years without a gig and then suddenly get the chance.
Flo tuned the others out as she put extra care into the roses and geraniums since Reggie and Alex loved them so much. She stopped as she realized Luke hadn't picked out a flower yet and made a mental note to ask him about it later. She eyed the lewisias, thinking they would be a good fit for the lead guitarist.
"Put out a country album that does surprisingly well."
Flora spun around at Reggie's words, suddenly interested in the conversation.
"Oh my gosh, I love Country music!" She watched as Reggie's face lit up, ignoring Luke rolling his eyes.
"Well, it's a good thing I can shred on the banjo," he said, playing an air banjo.
"And I can learn how to fiddle!" Julie piped in.
Flora knew full well that the girl was joking, but it didn't stop her from letting out a squeal of excitement. Something about Country music made her feel so comfortable. She didn't understand all the hate it got. Sure, some of it could sound repetitive, but that was only the ones that were about trucks, beer, and banging hot chicks. Flora liked real Country music. The songs that made people feel the artist's pain, heartbreak, joy, etc.
"Yay! I'll finally have a reason to bust out my cowgirl boots!"
a/n: it's like 5am where i am and i haven't gotten a wink of sleep so i'm real sorry if this is incomprehensible. i'll go back and edit once i don't feel like i'm gonna pass out, but for now this is what you get. if you did, however, understand anything in this chapter, please leave a comment or a favorite. it might sound dumb, but interaction on my stories is what keeps me motivated. alright yall peace out.
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