III. The Curious Case of the Killer Hotdog
"Please tell me you don't think I'm crazy."
Flora just finished explaining the whole 'cute ghost band' situation to her best friend, April, over facetime. She wasn't entirely sure if she should even be telling her friend, realizing she should've asked Julie if it was okay first, but it was too late now.
"Bitch, I didn't call you crazy when you said you could paint the future, I'm not about to call you crazy now."
She didn't know how she got so lucky to befriend possibly the one person who wouldn't immediately think she was insane. Flo had told April about her psychic abilities only a few months into their friendship, and the girl was surprisingly really cool about it. The fact that they were both pretty desperate for a solid friendship probably helped. Even if April wanted to call Flora a freak and go around telling the whole school about her secret, she wouldn't. Flora was the only person, besides her parents, who actually genuinely cared about her. She wasn't about to screw that up.
Flopping down on the bed with a relieved huff, Flora pulled her phone back so April could see her whole face.
"Yeah, true. I'm really glad you believed me, or else I'd probably be in a mental institution right now."
April burst out laughing, her camera shaking as she did. "Aw, I'd still love you even if you were in a straitjacket."
Both girls had goofy grins on their faces, completely ignoring that it was morning and they should be getting ready for school. They hardly hung out much at school, both girls being in different programs. Flora had her art and April had her dance.
The girls talked about everything and anything, enjoying the chance to talk to each other. Flora was watching April's shaky image as she moved around her kitchen, making breakfast with her dads. Watching them make their food made Flora's stomach grumble and realize she hasn't even been downstairs to eat yet.
"Ugh, my tummy is angry with me." She lethargically gets off her bed, making her way to her kitchen to scrape something together for breakfast.
The Molina household wasn't big on breakfast, at least not anymore. It wasn't that none of them knew how to cook, but their mom was by far the best. Every morning, the whole family would work together to make breakfast, sitting down after and enjoying their meal together. Ever since Rose Molina passed, none of them bothered keeping up the tradition. Instead of an elaborate feast of breakfast foods, the most they'd put effort into now was frozen waffles and bagels. Sometimes eggs and bacon if they were up to it.
Flora grumbled as she looked back and forth between her toasted bagel and her friend's breakfast, with plates stacked with pancakes, omelets, fruit salad, and other mouthwatering foods. Looking around her own table, she noticed Julie had cereal and Carlos had grabbed some random leftovers from the fridge. Pathetic.
Still focused on her phone and what April was saying, Flo nearly jumped out of her seat when she got hit in the face with a soggy piece of cereal. When she looked up she noticed Julie pointing toward the garage, and got the message that she wanted to check on the boys.
"Hey," April stopped mid-sentence, glaring at her friend who interrupted her. "I gotta go, sorry. We'll talk later, 'kay?"
Processing her words, a smirk slowly formed on the other girl's face. "Ooohhh. Does this have anything to do with the cute gh-"
"Girls?! Cute girls?!" She frantically cut her friend off before she could reveal she knew Flora and Julie's secret. "Yup! You know me so well! Gotta go...think about cute girls! Okay bye!" She quickly ended their facetime, turning to Julie who was looking at her strangely.
"Don't look at me like that......c'mon let's go." The two girls headed toward the door, and before they fully made it out, she swore she heard Carlos mumble 'weirdo' under his breath.
Both girls entered the garage, Julie calling out for the three ghost boys. When she got no response, Flora sighed and looked down at the floor, noticing she was still wearing her fluffy slippers. With a jolt of panic, she realized she was still completely in her pajamas, and should probably hurry if she wanted to be ready for school.
"Hey, Jules, I'm gonna go get ready. I'll be-" She stopped when she looked back and noticed her sister staring longingly at the piano, and the sheet music their mom had left. Her heart swelled and she almost cried when she realized the girl was about to play for the first time in a year. Not knowing if she should leave like she planned, or stay to witness the momentous occasion about to occur, Flora stood awkwardly by the door as the first few notes began.
Tears found their way out of Flora's eyes as the song progressed, Julie's voice washing over her, feeling like a warm hug. The song was beautiful and personal. Although it wasn't actually her mom singing, it felt like she was hearing her voice for the first time since she died. And the longer she watched Julie belt out the lyrics, the more she saw Rose. She was so lost in the performance that she didn't even realize the boys had shown up until the song ended and Alex moved to comfort Julie. She closed her eyes, quickly wiping away her tears so they wouldn't catch her crying, but they were gone when she opened her eyes.
Shrugging off the boy's abrupt disappearance, Flo made her way to the piano with a beaming smile, eyes still red and puffy.
"Wow, Jules. That was...wow." She said breathlessly, still amazed.
The younger girl looked down at a page of the sheet music, a smile spreading across her face as she read a note at the bottom. Flo over her sister's shoulder to read the words 'Julie, you can do it' written in their mom's handwriting. Figuring she should give her sister some space, Flora squeezed Julie's shoulder before going to leave the garage, accidentally bumping into Flynn who had just walked in crying softly.
"And the only thing scarier than one girl crying is two girls crying." She heard Luke whisper-yell through the crack in the door and decided to mess with them.
Walking out of the garage, she burst into fake tears, throwing the boys into an immediate panic. She looked up through her blurry eyes to see the horror-filled expressions of the ghosts. Not being able to keep the act up, she cracked a smile and laughed at their faces.
"Omg, you should've seen your faces!" They all let out a collective sigh, grateful that they didn't have to deal with any more crying girls.
"Not cool, Flora." Reggie pouted and crossed his arms like a child, kicking a pebble with his foot.
"Yeah, don't scare us like that." Luke had his hand on his heart, playfully glaring at the girl.
"Or what? You're gonna have a heart attack? You're already dead." Alex and Luke groaned at her joke, rolling their eyes, while Reggie chuckled and pointed to her.
"Ha! She does have a point." He looks like he's about to give her a high five before his smile drops and he lowers his hand, realizing he can't.
"Thanks, Reg." A bright smile makes its way onto his face, causing the girl to smile back just as big. "I gotta go, but I'll see you guys later?"
She heard a bunch of rushed and mumbled responses as the boys went up to the window to spy on the girls. She rolled her eyes and walked away. Boys.
In the dark History classroom, April's face was lit up by the glow of her phone screen. The teacher was in an extremely bad mood and decided to put on a movie instead of teaching. Hidden Figures played on the projector, but only a handful of students were actually paying attention. Most were talking quietly, asleep, or like April, on their phones.
And then there was Flora Molina, hunched over her sketchbook, pencil moving furiously across the paper. Her eyes were pointed towards the paper, but she wasn't actually looking at it. Her eyes were glazed over, unfocused, and someone would probably think she looked like a crazy person if they bothered to look in the back where she sat.
The psychic's quick and jerking movements brought April's attention away from her Instagram feed. She quickly looked around the classroom to see if anyone else could see them, but everyone was minding their own business. She was just about to reach over and shake her friend when Flora snapped out of her daze and was brought back to the present.
"Oh thank god. You are so lucky the lights are off. You would've been recorded and turned into a viral sensation by now."
April's words fell on deaf ears as Flora's gaze was stuck on the image she had just drawn. Her eyes frantically moved across the page with a look of horror. There on the page was, once again, the face of the cute bass player, but not like before. This time, his face was scrunched up, contorted like he was in some sort of pain.
The girl's mind was running a mile a minute trying to figure out what it all meant. He was a ghost, surely he couldn't actually be in pain. But the longer she stared, the more she felt the pain. She instinctively grabbed her stomach, letting out a pained breath like she had been hit with some imaginary force. Well, this is new.
"Flo??? Omg, are you okay?!" Though April was whispering, she caught the attention of some other students, but they looked away as soon as the girl glared at them.
"Uhhh...yeah. Yeah, I think so." Flo slid the drawing closer to April so she could see it better. "This is one of the ghost boys I mentioned."
"Ooohhh he's a cutie. But what's up with the face?"
Flo looked back down at the picture, subconsciously rubbing her stomach as she contemplated her friend's question.
"Honestly, I wish I knew."
When Flora told the boys she'd see them later, she didn't mean in her bedroom.
The boys jumped ten feet in the air, and if they weren't already dead, the murderous glare Flora was sending them surely would've put them six feet under. They all struggled to respond, stumbling over their words, and staring at each other frantically.
Her blood was boiling and her head spinning as she shooed Reggie away from her desk. "Hey! That's private!" She felt like she was about to cry as she realized they were probably looking at her "psychic art". She never even showed them to her family anymore, so she wasn't about to let three random dead dudes see them.
Reggie backed up quickly, afraid she'll lash out at him, even though she couldn't even physically harm him. "Woah Woah! Hey, sorry!" He put his arms up in surrender. "Jeez, Julie didn't even react this bad."
The boys quickly tried defending themselves while Flora registered his words.
"Wait. Let me get this straight. You snuck into one sister's room, and instead of learning your lesson, you go to the other sister's room???"
When she got no response, she grumbled and muttered 'idiots' under her breath. She turned to Luke when she heard him clear his throat with his hand raised.
"Luke, this isn't a classroom. I'm not a teacher. Just speak."
Taken back by her bluntness, he struggled to form a response. "Sorry, uh...I was just wondering...why did you draw Reggie?"
Her eyes widened in panic as she looked down at his hand to see he somehow was able to pick up the drawing she had made of the bass player before they even met. Crap.
Reggie spun around at Luke's words, having previously been snooping around in her paint supplies with Alex. He rushed over to his friend, phasing through her furniture, and grabbed the drawing from his hands, though it took a few tries. She watched as he went through all kinds of emotions staring at the picture. Confused, creeped out, flattered, excited.
"This is really good!" He kept smiling at the picture, turning it around to show Alex who'd moved to stand next to Flora.
Alex nodded in agreement, looking down at the girl beside him who still had a nervous expression on her face. "He's right. Actually, all of those are great," he said gesturing to the drawing on her desk and paintings spread out around her room. "You're really talented."
She mumbled out a quiet 'thanks', though she was still upset they had been snooping around her room in the first place. Seemingly upset as well, Luke huffed and waved his arms around to get the guy's attention.
"Uh, hello? Are we just gonna ignore the obvious question?" The guys looked at him confused, while Flora held her breath waiting for him to say he was onto her secret. "...Why the hell didn't you draw me and Alex too?"
She let out a relieved sigh, though her relief didn't last long as she looked at the expectant look on the lead guitarist's face.
"Uh...um...I just haven't gotten around to it, is all?" Her statement came out more as a question, causing the boys to look at her curiosity.
"Wow. Julie was right. You are a terrible liar."
Luke and Reggie nodded at Alex's comment. She frowned as she snatched the drawing out of Reggie's hands, crumpling it up, and throwing it over her shoulder. Reggie let out a whine of protest, upset she had ruined the picture she made of him.
"Why would you do that?!"
"You had no right to go through my stuff like this."
Alex immediately picked up on the girl's upset tone and shared a guilty glance with the other boys.
"We're so sorry. We shouldn't have come in here without asking." He sent a pointed look to the other two. "Right, guys?"
They mumbled out their agreements, but they didn't seem as sincere as Alex.
"Alex is right, but...your art is so cool!" Reggie looked up at her with bright eyes and she couldn't help but smile. "You could totally make money off of these."
At that, her smile instantly fell. "No way. I don't even show these to people."
"What? Why?!"
She bit her lip at Reggie's question, wondering if she should just tell them. Besides Julie, it's not like they could go around telling other people. Plus, they're ghosts. They're no strangers to freaky supernatural shit.
"Because they......I don't know, I guess I just assume people wouldn't like them." She shrugs her shoulders and sits down on the edge of her bed, nearly falling off when Reggie jumps into the spot next to her.
"Are you crazy? Flora, you're beautiful!" His eyes go wide when he realizes what he just said, and his cheeks grow red when the boys start snickering. "Uhhh I-I mean...your art! Your art is beautiful! Not you." The boys are in full on hysterics now and Flo avoids his eye contact as he keeps messing up. "Not that you're not beautiful...I mean you.....uhhh........I'll shut up now."
"Nice one, Reg," Luke manages to say once his laughter dies down.
"Well...thank you. I think. But I'm just not comfortable showing people."
"Guys!" Alex is back over by her pile of paintings, motioning his bandmates over. "Come check this out." The boys rush to huddle around the painting he was looking at. Flora observed them curiously as they kept glancing back at her with confused and horrified expressions.
"What? What is it?" She got up from her spot on the couch, walking up to the boys and moving right through them to see what they were looking at.
"That's what killed us!"
Flo stared confused at what Reggie was pointing to. It was a small painting she had drawn months ago and had completely forgotten about, seeing as to her it was something insignificant and meaningless. But apparently not to the boys.
"Guys...that's a hot dog??? What are you talking about?"
"Oh, we died from bad hotdogs," Alex helpfully informed her with a smile.
Flora would probably be laughing if she wasn't going crazy trying to figure out what the hell was happening. I've never drawn something from the past before. What does this mean?!
"Well, this could just be a random hotdog?"
"No no no." Luke shook his head, eyebrows furrowed. "This looks exactly like the hotdogs that killed us. Most definitely."
She was nervous now, mentally preparing herself for the inevitable questions they would surely ask.
"Luke's right. H-How did you paint this?"
The boys could see her visibly getting more nervous the longer they stood there waiting for her to answer. It was obvious that she was hiding something, but she had no intention of telling them.
"I don't know what you want me to say, guys. It's just a coincidence. I wasn't even born yet!"
They didn't look like they believed her, but they nodded nonetheless.
"Okay. If you say so." Alex smiled reassuringly at her, hoping to ease her nerves. She gave him a smile back, though it was a weak one.
"Well, thanks for stopping by, but I have to get some homework done so...." She gestured to her door and luckily the boys got the message.
"Oh, right. No problem. Sorry for bothering you."
Flo appreciated Alex's politeness as he walked out, waving the boys over with him. She sent them one last wave before letting out a deep sigh and flopping on her bed when they were gone.
"Shit. That was a close one."
A/N: hhhnnnghhhh I'm really tired and can't be bothered to edit this. I'm so sorry i know there are probably like a hundred mistakes, but i hope it's at least somewhat coherent. I'll find time to edit soon, but Christmas is kind of a big deal in my house and there's a lot to get done these next few days. hope you enjoyed this chapter! please lemme know what you think by leaving a comment! interaction on my stories is what keeps me motivated btw.
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