𝟎𝟑. 𝐕-𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃
❪ 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄. ❫
── season two episode two
WHEN BLUE NOTICED billy walk into her english class she immediately clenched her jaw in annoyance. she stared at the boy hard and he smirked when he saw her. blue couldn't believe that he had managed to weesle his way into her english class. she already had to deal with steve in this class and having billy join would only make it ten times worse.
"what? you got a thing for the new kid or something?" she heard from beside her and quickly removed her eyes from billy and to steve.
she still cursed the teacher that had assignments their seats to be next to one another. she had to actually talk to steve in this class and she hated it.
as she looked over at steve she could see his jealous looking expression causing her eyebrows to furrow. steve was glaring holes through billy as he spoke to the teacher and it confused blue. though she pushed the thought away, convinced it meant nothing.
"did you not see what he almost did to my car? the last thing i'm thinking about doing to him is fucking." blue shot back as she rolled her eyes in annoyance that steve would even think she could possibly have a thing for the new kid.
"really? because i heard you think about fucking anyone and everyone." steve remarked causing blue's glare to move from billy and to him.
"asshole." blue grumbled and crossed her arms, planning on ignoring the boy.
"skank." steve surprised her by saying.
she turned to look at him with a dropped jaw. she gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes as she sat up in her seat, ready to fire back.
"dickwad." she spat back and steve leaned in, crossing the walking path between their desks.
"fuck face." blue whisper yelled as she leaned in further towards him.
"piece of shit."
"dumb ass."
it was silent for a second and steve did his best to come up with another insult to throw at her. blue smirked when steve became silent, knowing she had won.
"i hate you." steve complained, awaiting blue's response. though he didn't get one, she just turned back in her seat and sat in silence. steve was confused on why she wasn't responding with a comeback.
"hello?" he waved a hand around, rather for a response.
"oh sorry, while you were talking i was trying to figure out where the hell you got the idea that i cared." blue shouted lightly at steve causing the teacher to look away from the conversation with billy and towards the two kids.
steve and blue stared at one another with fire in their eyes. they couldn't stand one another and it was getting harder and harder to get along.
"ms. windsor, mr. harrington, anything you want to share with the class?" the teacher asked, cashing the majority of the class to stare at the two, including billy who was still standing at the front of the room.
"yes actually," blue turned away from steve with a smug expression, "steve was just telling how much of a sk-"
steve's eyes widened as the girl was about to tattle on him. he quickly cut her off, desperate not to get in trouble.
"skillful learner she was! she is just so... smart." steve said, jaw clenched as if saying the compliment pained him.
blue smirked as she watched the boy shiver at his own words. she leaned back in her chair, proud of her previous actions.
"oh! well how sweet of you mr. harrington!" the older lady was oblivious to the fact that the boy was lying causing multiple kids to chuckle.
"oh you know me, mrs. rieckelman!" steve smiled sweetly, playing the innocent act a little too well.
"anyways class, this is billy and he will be joining us for the rest of the semester so everyone make him feel welcome." mrs. rieckelman motioned towards a straight faced billy, who glared at the entirety of the class.
"why don't you go take a seat, mr. hargrove." she smiled to the boy and he nodded, continuing to glare at multiple people.
billy walked forward and scanned the class room for an open seat. blue looked at the empty seat in front of her and prayed that the blonde boy wouldn't see it. though her faith died when the boy made eye contact with her and smirked. he ran his tongue along his front teeth as he made his way towards the open seat.
steve scoffed when he saw the way that billy looked at his nemesis. he didn't know why but the way he looked at her like she was something to eat aggravated him. his grip on his pencil tightened in anger when he saw the two look at one another. he rolled his eyes and pulled them away from the pair, not wanting to watch the two.
"blue." billy greeted as he sat down in the seat i front of blue.
"barbie." blue retorted with an annoyed expression crossing her face.
steve chuckled to himself in victory at the way blue responded to the boy. he didn't look at the two though, he just kept his gaze forward not wanting blue to know he cared about the interactions the two teens had. which he didn't, right? he didn't care at all. not at all.
at least he didn't think he did, though he did find himself looking towards the two multiple time to see if they acknowledged one another. he had seen billy staring at the girl a couple times causing him to glare at the boy. billy just glared back with an even more intense stare.
❪ 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄. ❫
"TOMMY TOLD ME that i looked so pretty yesterday that he was just too nervous to talk to me in geometry! that's why he didn't talk to me, he wasn't ignoring me! isn't that great?" alahna squealed as blue continued doodling on her chemistry homework.
"yeah yeah, that's great alahna." blue tried her best to sound interested but she just stared at her doodles.
the two girls had been sitting in the library during their free period. they decided to spend it in the library and try to get some of their homework done before the halloween party tonight. though, as you can tell it wasn't going that well.
blue had spaced out multiple times and alahna sat and vented about her love life. she was gullible enough to believe that blue was actually listening even though blue was just staring at her work and doodling.
though the sound of the pencil sharpener squeaking heavily brought her attention away from her paper. alahna continued to talk as blue looked over the girls shoulder to see nancy wheeler being the source of the squeaking sound.
the girl was staring at the back of a red heads figure and continuously sharpening her pencil. nancy looked dazed and teary eyed causing blue to be confused. though nancy was pulled from her trance when steve approached her. blue watched in confusion as the girl looked started and shaken.
steve suddenly pulled the girl away from the pencil sharpener. though blue stopped watching considering she didn't really care that much. blue shrugged to herself and moved past seeing nancy all frazzled.
blue then actually started to work on her chemistry homework. as she write an answer her pencil led suddenly snapped causing her to groan. blue told alahna she would be right back, causing alahna to stop talking, and got up to go to the pencil sharpener that nancy was previously at.
though when she stuck her pencil in and tried to sharpen it, it didn't work. it seemed that nancy had broken the pencil sharpener from being so rough with it. blue huffed lightly and walked across the library to the only other pencil sharpener.
she then began to sharpen her pencil until movement from the blinds on one of the breakout room windows caught her eye. the blinds suddenly snapped closed causing her to walk closer in confusion. blue assumed that a couple were probably trying to hook up in there. though she did want to find out who and be able to gossip about it.
when she got closer she heard two voices whispering back and forth to one another. she soon realized the voices belonged to steve and nancy causing her to gasp lightly. she thought they were hooking up until she heard more of the conversation.
"they could put us in jail, okay? or worse, the could destroy our families." blue heard steve whisper in fear causing he face to scrunch up.
what the hell had the two done wrong enough to potentially be out in jail?
"they can do anything they want. okay, just think about what your saying." steve seemed to be scolding nancy.
it went silent for a second before blue heard a small sniffle.
"hey, it's hard but let's... let's just go to tina's stupid party, wear our stupid costumes that we've been working on for a stupid amount of time and just pretend like we're stupid teenagers. okay? can we just do that? just for one night?" blue rolled her eyes at steve's lame attempt at cheering nancy up over whatever she was stressed about.
what an idiot, blue thought. obviously nancy was upset and the last thing a girl would want to hear is 'let's pretend for one night'.
"okay." she heard nancy sigh, caving in to what steve had offered.
"c'mere." she heard the two hug for a minute before she heard them make their ways to the door.
she quickly scrambled towards the pencil sharpener and began to sharpen her pencil to cover up the fact that she was eavesdropping. though when steve came out and nancy had hurried away, he saw blue and furrowed his eyebrows. blue looked up and made eye contact with the boy. he looked at her suspiciously causing blue's heart to speed up.
"oh my god!" she fake gasped to try and pretend she hadn't heard their conversation, "were you guys fucking in there? you finally lost your v-card, farrah! this calls for celebration."
steve looked at her with an unamused expression as the girl patted his chest in "congratulations". steve never knew where blue got the narrative that steve was a virgin but she had stuck with it since freshman year. everyone in school beloved he was a virgin just because blue said so, even though he wasn't.
"hey, how's your boyfriend? still nonexistent?" steve's comeback caused blue to clench her jaw and spit out the first insult she came up with.
"how's your girlfriend? still in love with jonathan the freak byers?" blue's words caused steve to scoff loudly and shake his head.
blues words caused steve's blood to boil. as much as he tried to pretend he didn't notice nancy's feelings for jonathan, he did notice them. he also noticed jonathan's feelings for nancy, his nancy. steve hated that jonathan liek the girl who he had been in love with for a year now. he also hated that everyone else in school knew about the weird love triangle.
"you're a bitch, you know that?" steve spit, his voice full of venom which caused blue to bite back.
"behind every bitch," she got in the boys face, "is a man that made her that way." with that she turned on her heel and pulled her pencil from the pencil sharpener, stomping away.
steve let out a breathe that he had been holding and watched as the girl walked away. what was that supposed to mean? was he the man? was blue trying to say that steve had made her the way that she is? steve didn't understand, he didn't get why she acted the way that she does. but did blue think it was because of him?
as blue sat back down at her table she bit her lip as she thought back to the conversation she just had. she wasn't sure why she got so angry when steve had called her a bitch. maybe it was because if he hadn't done what he did to her she wouldn't be "a bitch".
she had noticed a lot of their conversations had turned deadly very quickly recently and she wasn't sure why. usually their conversations were filled with banter back and forth but recently they threw vicious insults back and forth. it seemed like steve and blue's relationship was so far gone now and damaged to the point of no repair. though they didn't know that their relationship would do a full three sixty soon enough.
hiiiii!! sorry this chapter is
short but the next ones are
longer! do you guys have any plans
for spring break coming up?
(not edited)
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