ρяσℓσgυє | 𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒍
"Everything is going to be okay."
Percy thought as he looked at his mother who was taking deep breaths, clutching a note to her chest, a note which upon remembering its content caused Percy to clench his hand into a fist.
The young Jackson had returned to his apartment with Annabeth after their date. The two entered the Jackson home, chatting about something Annabeth had overheard from one of the camp counselors, but their conversation was cut short when they sensed the tension in the apartment and heard the sobs coming from Sally Jackson. Percy didn't waste a minute before running towards where his mother was, who to his surprise and concern was in the living room crying in the arms of his stepfather Paul and to his shock his father Poseidon was also standing there next to the couple, his expression reflecting anger, his eyes flashed with a hurricane of the emotions he was feeling at that moment.
Percy shot a questioning look at Paul, wondering what had happened to which the man just gave him a sad smile and whispered to talk to his mother before standing up and approaching Annabeth who was watching the scene with an expression of complete confusion, Paul put his hand on the girl's shoulder before asking her to help him make some tea for Sally. Clearly, the man didn't need the help to make a simple tea, but Annabeth knew he was doing it to give a private moment to the parents and son whose world had been shaken by some news, so with a sigh Annabeth followed Paul into the kitchen.
Percy knelt down in front of his mother and took one of her hands in his, Sally at feeling the comfort provided by her son's hand in hers immediately turned her gaze towards him, revealing the sea of emotions reflected in her eyes causing Percy to squeeze his mother's hand in shock at seeing her in such an emotional mess.
Sally took a shaky breath as she continued to look at her son. She knew she had to calm down in order to inform Percy the cause of her breakdown, so closing her eyes and trying to slightly clear her mind to form the necessary words, Sally let out a deep sigh and opened her eyes, connecting them again with those of her son who was watching her with concern, and without wasting another minute she let out the words that immediately caused a lump in Percy's throat.
Percy slightly shook his head before turning his gaze to Poseidon who at seeing his son's expression pleading for confirmation of what his mother had told him, simply nodded. Percy returned his gaze to his mother, understanding now why her eyes expressed so many emotions, emotions that Sally now saw in her son's sea-green eyes.
The young Jackson didn't know what to say, his mind couldn't put together the necessary words to be able to express what he felt since the only thing that kept repeating in his mind was what his mother had said only a few seconds ago, 'his brother, his twin was alive.' And with that thought the young Jackson was left as suddenly a bright light surrounded the apartment so fast that not even Poseidon could do anything. The last thing Percy heard was his mother's gasp of surprise and the distant sound of a mug breaking in the kitchen before Percy was trapped in the darkness of unconsciousness.
In a small town in Virginia called Mystic Falls, in a beautiful house, Abby Bennett was sitting at the dining table while her eyes were glued to her laptop, her attention only leaving the screen as she noticed the cup of coffee that had been placed in front of her by Liz Forbes who gave her a small smile before sitting down in a chair next to her and picking up one of the many folders that were spread on the table.
It was a quiet night, the neighborhood was silent as most of the people were at the long awaited ball hosted by the new family of vampires that had moved into the town. Liz and Abby had been invited to the ball as well, being part of the founding families they were among the most expected guests so they could be charmed by the original family, but for the two women the ball was not something they cared about at that moment, much less the thought of the consequences of ignoring such an invitation by the Mikaelson.
Abby and Liz have something more important than a stupid ball and that's to find their daughters.
The two women have spent years searching for their daughters who were taken from them years ago. At first the search was led with the help of their ex-husbands, but three years ago the two men gave up hope and accepted the fact that they would never see their daughters again, which made the two mothers furious, especially when they started to hear the whispers around town about how they should stop wasting their time on something that was definitely a dead loss. But the Forbes and Bennett would not let themselves be defeated even if they heard the constant negative thoughts, after all those who talked did not understand the pain with which the two mothers had been living for years, they would not understand the nights of crying and begging for their daughters to be returned, they would not understand the hours of sleeplessness, they would not understand any of that because they hadn't lost the most important people in their lives.
So the two women after all this time learned to ignore the negative comments from people and just focus on what they believed and the support they still received from the families they were close to, the Gilberts and the Lockwoods. Families who have given their help not matter what. And to the surprise of the two women, they even received help from one of the members of the small Salvatore family who at first raised doubts and wariness but in the end was accepted by the two women.
Liz let out a sigh as she read the report of another missing girl, the news bringing back horrible memories of when her own daughter was taken away from her. Liz could only imagine the suffering the young girl's family must be going through, her vision immediately blurred as her eyes filled with tears that she quickly tried to prevent from falling, one of her hands was pressed over her chest as she felt the ache that had become so familiar every time something reminded her of her daughter.
Abby sensing the sadness turned her gaze towards Liz who now had her eyes closed as she tried to calm herself and swallow her sadness. Abby placed one of her hands on Liz's and gave it a gentle squeeze, letting her know that she was there, while she tried form in her mind the words to comfort her, but before she could do so, a bright light flashed, taking the two women by surprise and seconds later they were trapped in an unconscious, unaware that they would soon receive the news they had waited for so many years.
There are times when you end up in unexpected situations that sometimes bring surprises that may be good, bad or neutral. At this moment the people in the Sanctum Sanctorum did not know what to expect. Everything had happened so fast that even those with superior power couldn't avoid it.
They had all been surrounded by a light that finally caused them to fall into a deep sleep from which they only awoke hours later to find that they had been transported to an unknown place. Now seeing how things had happened it was understandable the tension had form in the room and it was to be expected that from one moment to another threats, shouting and fights would start but fortunately everything was put to a stop due to the arrival of 4 presences that only a few have had the fortune or disfortune to meet.
The arrival of these new individuals only increased the tension in the room at the words that came out of the mouth of one of them, Stephen Strange.
At first there was shock at the revelation of who were those currently in the room, but after some explanation the subject was put to rest, after all those in the room were used to the unusual. The uproar began with the revelation that Strange had been the one to send the note to the Jacksons, thus revealing the existence of another demigod, causing yells and glares to be thrown towards the sea god who ended up pointing his trident at those who were angering, but thanks to sweet Hestia, chaos was avoided.
Strange glance at the Olympians, the demigods, the group of supernaturals and finally the Avengers. The Sorcerer was feeling stressed after all the Fates had given him the job of explaining everything while they just watched. After a few seconds silence had reigned and he decided it was time to explain the reason why they were there.
"There is an organization called WCKD that is allied with other organizations and people who have taken it upon themselves to kidnap children, teenagers and adults to work with them or use them to experiment on them by subjecting them to different tests—" He start to explain, feeling heavy every word that he said, "Hydra and the red room has also been involved with this organization." Strange shot a look at the Avengers, Fury and the family of spies that were also there before moving his attention on three families; The Jackson, The Forbes and The Bennett, "Your son, your daughters that have been taken away actually have been captured by those organization and now they are part of the survivors of why the organization call 'the last maze trials'."
The expression of those in the room changed to one of horror when they heard the last part Strange said. The thought that in all this time their loved ones had been captured by an organization that was in charge of doing experiments or tests on people left them with a bad feeling. They did not want to accept that reality. The truth of knowing that the ones important to them were suffering so much and that they could do nothing to stop it until now.
Sally fixed her gaze on Strange, an expression of sadness was plastered on her face at hearing that all these years her son had been a prisoner of a cruel organization, "Do you know where they are?" She asked, her voice trembling with the emotions she was feeling at that moment. Abby and Liz, upon hearing the question turned their gaze toward the sorcerer who, to their relief, nodded.
"I have been able to locate the group of survivors and they will be brought here." Strange commented, causing those families to let out a soft sigh of relief at knowing that they would soon be able to see those who were so cruelly taken away from them.
Strange then put on a serious expression,"Now, I must warn you, they don't remember anything about their past lives. So don't take any attitudes they may have personally. Do not try to approach them immediately. Being in a new place with strangers and after all they have been through can be overwhelming for them...I'll take the lead in explaining everything to them."
Everyone tensed at hearing the new information but ended up nodding, taking Strange's warnings as something serious.
Strange watched them for a few seconds and then made a movement with his left hand, moments later a bright light appeared causing everyone to cover their eyes. When the light ceased, the ones present in the room uncovered their eyes and were in shock when they saw the new group of teenagers along with some adults standing in the middle of the room who at noticing that they weren't in the the Right Arm camp and were in another place with different people, tensed up and immediately drew their weapons to defend themselves.
"Where the shuck are we? Who are you?" A tall asian boy said while looking around and then back at the people that were surrounding them.
Another boy with dark-hair and a blonde girl stepped forward, taking place in front of the group, their guns still aimed at the unknown people.
"This must be a trap of WCKD." A tall boy with sandy blonde hair says as he looks around in anger.
The Asian boy nods as he moves closer to a girl with soft dark skin and curly hair, who was holding a gun as she looks around the room, her eyes stopping on two people. "Ava. Janson." The girl said, hatred dripping in her voice, making the rest of the people pf the new group fix their gaze on the two mentioned.
The boy standing next to the blonde girl immediately put an arm in front of her and stepped forward protectively. His gun pointed towards Ava and Janson while glaring at them.
Before he could do anything against the two members of WCKD, Strange with a flick of his hand transported Ava and Janson to a cells that were in the room.
"What the shuck?"
"Who the bloody hell are you?"
"How the hell did you do that?"
Strange look at the new group with a calm expression, "My name is Stephen Strange. I'm the one who brought you here. We mean you no harm, please put down your weapons."
The blonde girl narrowed her eyes at him. "And why the hell should we do that? Why should we trust you?"
"Like I said, we don't want to do you any harm. Quite the contrary, we are here to help you put a stop to WCKD."
Hearing this, the new group exchanged glances, but still in a defensive stance and with their weapons pointed at the others.
The dark-haired boy looked back at the blond girl who was now back to his side, the two of them having a silent conversation with just their eyes. After a few seconds the girl nodded.
Meanwhile, a girl with dark hair and blue eyes was watching everything that was happening in panic. She didn't quite understand what was going on, one moment she was in the Right Arm Camp, away from everyone, trying to contact Janson to give them their location when suddenly she was transported to a room with a bunch of people she doesn't know and along with the people she was about to betray. And now they were telling her that they are there because they want to take down WCKD. Something she completely disagrees with, because she knows that WCKD are the only ones who can stop The Flare, and if the people here bring down WCKD, the chance of finding a cure will vanish.
If only she knew that everything she has done has been based on lies.
"Put down your guns, guys." The dark haired boy said to the others, who after a moment lowered their weapons but still maintained a threatening stance, especially 2 of the 6 girls who stood there ready to fight anyone who dared to harm them.
Natasha narrowed her eyes as she noticed how the girls acted, recognizing some characteristics. She looked towards Yelena just to notice how tense her sister was at seeing the two girls that Natasha was watching a second ago. And Yelena wasn't the only one, Bucky was looking at the girls with a frown, something making him uncomfortable at seeing them but he couldn't understand why.
"Explain." The blonde girl finally said.
"As I mentioned, I have brought you here for the purpose of taking down WCKD. The people you see in this room are the family of some of you. They are all willing to help you." Strange said, pointing to the others who nodded at what he said.
The survivors looked at the people in front of them, showing no emotion, even though they had been told that some were their families, they could not accept it. They already have a family and they were the ones who had fought alongside them to survive.
Meanwhile the families watched them feeling hurt at the look of indifference, a look without any emotion aimed at them, but they knew, they had to understand or at least try to comprehend why they acted like that since the survivors did not remember anything. For them their past lives did not exist.
Strange talked again, drawing the attention of everyone. "But first of all we're going to watch what you have went through in WCKD...I know you may not agree with seeing this, to relive everything but this is necessary to get a clearer picture of what WCKD has done and to get more information. Watching this will help us."
The survivors as Strange said were not happy to have to watch what they have went through, and more so because they knew that they will have to watch all their suffering, their moments of pain and the people they have lost along the way. But if they wanted to take down WCKD they had to take this opportunity. They will do anything to end those who have caused them so much pain.
Eventually it was the talk boy with sandy blonde hair who nodded, signaling Strange that they accepted what he had said.
Strange sighed in relief at seeing that they were cooperating, he cleared his throat to continue talking. "Okay, I think it would be best if you introduce yourselves."
The survivors nodded, some of them scanned the room, taking of the people that were there, raising an eyebrow as they noticed that some of them were wearing elegant clothes, others wearing a bright orange or purple t-shirt, others wearing some kind of suits and the rest with normal clothes, they just stopped gazing at the people at hearing someone clearing their throat.
Hearing the name, the Gladers turned immediately in his direction, some looking at the boy in shock and others in anger.
The dark-haired boy was about to charge towards Gally when the blonde girl grabbed him by the arm and shook her head. She then moved closer to him and whispered something to him. "I know you're angry. I'm angry too, but now is not the time. We need to focus on the real matter if we want to take down WCKD."
The boy after a few seconds sighed and nodded, putting his arm around the girl's waist and pulling her closer to him, trying to calm himself down. He then looked at the other Gladers who were still looking at Gally in disbelief and how could they not, if the last time they saw him they had thought he died.
"Siggy or Frypan"
Abby took Liz's hand and gave it a squeeze at hearing the voices of the two girls, tears were forming in the eyes of the 2 women as they let out a sight of relief. They felt calm at knowing that their daughters were already there with them, even if they didn't remember their family but for now it was enough to know that they were no longer in danger and away from them. Meanwhile the other people from Mystic Falls couldn't take their eyes off Caroline and Bonnie, especially their childhood friends, some emotions flashed in the eyes of Elena, Jeremy, Matt and Tyler at seeing their friends, while the Salvatore and Mikaelson just look at the girls with a blank expression.
Poseidon, Sally and Percy took a sharp breath at hearing the voice of the boy. There he was, the lost member of the family, the one for who they shared a lot of tears, the one who was taken away from them. Sally cover her moth with her hand stopping the sob that wants to get out. Percy immediately took his mother hand, letting her know that he was there, tha she wasn't in that situation along. He tried his best to reassured his mother while trying to stop his anxiety, the overwhelming feeling of all that was happening. He need to be strong for his family, but even if he tried it, he could't stop the tear that rolled from his eye at seeing his twin brother after so long.
A silence formed until Strange decided to speak again. "Well, we don't have any more time to waste, we need to start watching." He said, pointing towards the couches that had appeared in the room as well as some thrones that were eerily similar to those in Mount Olympus.
Everyone moved to their respective seats. The families of Caroline, Bonnie and Thomas sat on their respectives seats while letting out a sigh as they looked towards the tree teenangers with an ache in their chests.
The gods took a seat in their respective thrones, some of them couldn't help but set their eyes on the survivors with a thoughtful look.
The survivors exchange a look before nodidng and walk towards some of the couches that were in the room. Thomas, Caroline, Newt, Minho, Bonnie and Frypan sat on one of the large couches.
Teresa ignored Bonnie and Caroline who offered her to sit with them, she decided that it was better to sit away from them, because she knew that when they saw what she was doing at the Right Arm Camp they were going to hate her. Gally, noticing that, narrowed his eyes at Teresa. He had never trusted the girl, his instinct told him she was hiding something.
Brenda, Harriet, Sonya, Aris and Gally sat together while Mary, Vince and Jorge sat on the couch behind them.
Thomas took Caroline's hand in a sense of comfort for both of them because he knew they would need it while watching everything they went through and see again the death of someone who was so important to them.
Strange took a seat on one of the couches that was in a corner so he could get a better view of everyone and see if anyone wanted to try something so he could intervene quickly. Noticing that everyone was ready he made a move with his hand and a screen appeared which a second later lit up.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
remember, this is an au so not all is fully canon!
The gladers and the rest of the survivors are from moments after they arrived at the Right Arm Camp.
The mystic falls gang are from season 3!
The Olympians and demigods are from months after the events of HOO.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! If you have any questions please let me know and I'll reply!❤️
English is not my first language, that is to say that there may be grammatical errors.
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨
𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘭𝘭!♡
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