🐍The Serpent Child🐍
↟⁌ Clor ⁍↟
Clor Percival Dorset
18 born April 23
Parents: Anemia and Colin
Apparel and others:
Note: Perci is the picture of innocence. Easy to trust, obviously nice to look at, well mannered. But his innocence is only skin deep.
Many people call him either Clor or Perci, he doesn't much care. He had a tattoo on his torso of a serpent
Roleplayed by me
Narcissa 'Cissy' Luna Dorset
17 years, born 31st October
Parents: Anemia and Colin
Ability: She can manipulate the reflection of people, being them on a mirror or in other reflective surfaces like water, ire or metals - with different success according to how reflective is the surface. Manipulating it means that she can change its appearance or make it act differently from the owner of the reflection.
Notes: Cissy is the rebellious one of the pair, completely different from her twin. That was evident already from their birth. Since she was only a child she was more extroverted and outgoing than him. She barely listened to her parents and not even to social rules of behaviour. But she isn't rebellious just in her behaving, even her look is quite peculiar. From her mother she inherited the liking for wearing very few clothes and since she is sixteen she started to dye her hair raven black. She also got her first tatto on her back. Cissy is flirtatious and likes to charm people but she rarely has interests towards them, she simple enjoys to see for how long people would resist her. From this point of view it can be said that she is quite the temptress. She is a wee bit too thin.
Roleplayed by Rikke95
Devin Homer Dorset
17 years, born 31st October
Ability: by reading a book out loud he can give a life to inanimate objects or creatures, animating them to act and move according to what he is reading. He can also give life what what he write but only as long as he reads that out loud.
Notes: Devin is the complete opposite of his sister. He is much more reserved than her and barely talked to anyways unless that person go to him and even then he barely talks. He prefers to hide in the library or in his room, surrounded or even hidden by pile of books. Devin is reserved and it's hard for him to open up with people he doesn't know.
Roleplayed by Rikke95
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