"Move your ass out of the way before I shove a travel magazine in it" Oikawa said as he pushed Bokuto out of the way and finally walked into the kitchen.
"Oh, did you rest enough?" Daichi asked as he looked up from his Mac&Cheese.
"Yeah. My legs still feel a bit heavy and I can't seem to rinse that mark off. I swear to god, whatever marine plant thingy touched me and made me see those hallucinations is one bad son of a bitch. We need to classify it" Oikawa ranted as he sat down beside Daichi.
After the first time of exploring the ocean they came back and Daichi let those two rest. After all, swimming is a quite tiring activity. Oikawa kept rambling how he saw a mermaid like creature, but after everything they came up with the conclusion that Oikawa must have touched an unidentified marine plant which caused him hallucinations.
"So, Oikawa, what kind of hallucination did you exactly have?" Bokuto asked and took out his macaroni from the microwave.
"Well, I was swimming through the kelp forest and saw something moving, it swam around me and then I saw a face. It was a mean and he wasn't wearing any diving gear or anything. Then suddenly instead of his legs a long turquoise fish tail appeared and he swam closer to me and touched my face.. I mean, I'm not gonna lie. He was kinda hot" Oikawa told his story and all that he received was laughter and someone choking on their macaroni.
"That's quite interesting if you ask me. A merman...those don't even exist. You know, I wish they would. I wish they would exist and then we could tell the whole world that we are the ones who discovered them" Daichi said once he finished laughing.
"Yeah, how sick would that be! Imagine the headlines. Three marine biologists discovered livibg mermaids, scientists are baffled. And then we would get a lot of money and buy our own island" Bokuto said and laughed to himself.
"Well, that will never come true, because mermaids or mermen don't exist" Daichi finished their topic and they all stayed silent for a little bit.
"Well, let's go and get some more fruits" Bokuto announced and the three went out into the jungle again.
This time the trip was quicker since they marked where they have to go. They reached the abandoned village area quite soon and whilst the two were picking fruits, Oikawa was staring at the carving.
It had similarities.
Oikawa was never a sceptic. He believed in aliens, he believed that the dragons existed and he never turned down the fact that mermaids don't exist. After all, only five percent of the worlds oceans are truly explored. No one knows who could be lurking in the deepest and darkest areas.
"Oikawa! Let's go!" Daichi called him shaking him out of his thoughts.
The rest of the day seemed to go by pretty quick. They made some smoothies, watched some documentaries that they had saved on their laptops and watched the sunset.
However, even after all that, even after all tiring activities - Oikawa couldn't fall asleep.
Something wasn't letting him. It was like an invisible force that made him stay awake and wait for something.
After trying to fall asleep for around 2 hours, Oikawa finally stood and walked downstairs. Damnit, he's supposed to rest and regain his energy for tomorrow..
He quietly played some music on his phone, while he made himself some tea. It was only around 30 minutes later when Oikawa decided to go back to his bed, but something stopped him.
Well, it wasn't just something. It was a melody coming from the outside. An unknown melody which made Oikawa freeze in his position.
He quietly tip-toed out of the house and followed the deep voice to the end of the island. In a dim moonlight he saw something.
Well, someone.
On the stones in the water sat a figure, a weird but magical melody escaped his lips, drawing Oikawa closer and closer.
He felt as if he was hypnotized, he couldn't stop moving his feet. The melody was pretty much controlling him.
Soon he reached the water and that didn't stop him, his mind became cloudy as he stepped into now slightly more chill water. It covered his ankles, his knees and reached his waist, and then he finally reached the mystery figure.
It was the very same face he saw underwater.
"Quite an amazing night, isn't it? It's been a while since the stars aligned like this - it must be a sign of something" the man or creature, or whatever spoke.
Oikawa couldn't seem to open his mouth, it wasn't exactly fear that stopped him.
The man turned to him and leaned in leaving only a couple of inches between their faces. He lifted up his hand and touched the very same mark.
"Such beauty... Such beauty doesn't deserve to live on land. Humans don't deserve to have you and your beautiful face. You would fit being with me, with us, out there in the ocean... Maybe it's your beauty that's stopping me..." he spoke in a much softer tone.
"What are you....." Oikawa finally managed to say.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm a merman, or at least that's what the humans call us" he said.
Oikawa couldn't stop staring into his green eyes, the stars that reflected on them made them look like tiny galaxies.
"I must be dreaming.." Oikawa said to himself and turned his head away.
"No you're not. This isn't a dream or a hallucination - this is reality. When I saw you I thought that you were one of us, because of how beautiful you were, but I was wrong. It's our job to drown the ones who disturb our space and are a potential danger to our species, I could easily make you drown yourself with a song which made you walk to me - but you're too pure. So I won't do it... But expect that this is the last time that you see me" he spoke before giving Oikawa a small smile and swimming further into the ocean.
Oikawa was left standing there, absolutely stunned and confused.
And somehow, he wanted to see him again.
So going back to some comments I see "how will they have sex" B O I not all fanfics have to include smut ya dingus
Anyway, im sick and I have to write a new chap for Prince so bye
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