Angry, Young, and Man (3)
Mia walks down the dark sidewalk with her hands stuffed in her pocket. She looks up and sees the boy that makes her smile, that makes her laugh, that makes her...her. Clay looks at her and smiles softly, he exhales with relief.
It's like they haven't seen each other in years. Mia takes her hands out of her pockets and quickens her pace towards him. Clay does to the same. Once they both get in front of each other, they stop and stare into each other's eyes.
"How's Ty?" She asks quietly.
"Asleep." He answers as he looks at the ground then back up at her. Mia tilts her head and hugs herself, "You? Are you okay?" She asks as she tilts her head.
Clay chuckles quietly, "Not yet." He answers truthfully.
Mia bites the inside of her cheek. "I'm going to hug you." She says. Clay nods his head, "Please do." He says back. Mia wraps her arms around his chest. Clay wraps his arms around her shoulders and places his chin on her shoulder. He holds one of his arms, to tighten his grip on her not wanting to let go.
"How can you ask me if I'm okay? After everything you're going through right now?" He asks quietly.
Mia bites her lip and blinks away her tears. "I don't know...all my life I took care of my family before's just instinct, but...with's something I want to do. I love you and I'm here for you." Mia separates from him and touches his neck.
Clay smiles softly, "I've missed you, so much." He says with tears in his eyes. Mia touches his arms.
"God, I've missed you too," Mia replies. She stands on her toes and kisses his cheek. Clay closes his eyes and he exhales.
Mia stands back onto her feet. "We should go inside," Clay says.
Mia nods her head, she holds her hand out and Clay accepts it and they walk inside. Even though they haven't really talked in a while, once they were back together it's like they haven't missed out on anything.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Tony, Mia, and I will get rid of the gun," Clay says.
"Because we just believe him?" Zach asks.
"We believed you." Clay retorts.
Zach stays quiet for a second, "So, where's Alex?" Zach inquires.
"He's on a ride-along with his dad. Guess it's the only time they get to spend together nowadays." Jessica answers.
"Yeah, okay. See, this is the thing, guys. This is a murder investigation. And we're hiding Tyler and his gun--"
"Bryce wasn't shot." Justin cuts Zach off. Mia feels nausea flow over her. "What?" She questions.
"Th-There was a hole in the back of his head." Mia states.
"So the papers guessed it was a gunshot. They were wrong." Justin says. Mia grabs his phone and looks at it. "Mia, I don't think that--"
"Beaten?" Mia questions. Everybody looks at her, Mia keeps her eyes glued on the phone.
"This...This is fucked up." Zach states.
"No, you know what? You guys do whatever the hell you want. I don't want to know about it. Not anymore." Zach stands up with his crutches and exits the cafe.
Mia opens her mouth, barely able to get out what she was reading. "They think it might be blunt force trauma and they're looking for the murder weapon. Th-They're dragging up the river on both sides of the bridge." Mia looks at Clay and Tony.
"Oh, Shit!" Clay says.
Mia hands Justin his phone back. "The river? Let me guess, is that where you guys dumped Tyler's guns?" Justin asks.
Mia sheepishly smiles and scratches the back of her neck. "Correct." Tony answers.
" plan needed for this one then," Clay says.
"Give me the gun," Justin states. "I'll deal with it."
Mia drives down the road with Ani, silence filling the car. "Thank you, for driving me." She says.
Mia nods her head, "Well...we live in the same house, if I didn't do that...that would just be a bitch move." Mia shrugs her shoulders.
Ani presses her lips together and looks out the window.
Mia and Ani get out of the car and quietly walk inside. "And who was that dropping you off?" Ani's mom asks.
Ani and Mia walk into the kitchen. "Hello, mum." Ani greets her.
"Hi, Amara Josephine." Mia gives her a small wave.
Amara sighs, "Hello, Mia." She says back.
"So, if you're awake, that must mean my mom is waiting for me upstairs?" Mia asks.
Amara nods her head. Mia nods her's, "Goodnight." She waves to Amara.
"Good luck..." Mia whispers to Ani.
Ani smiles softly as Mia walks away.
Mia walks into her mother's room and sees her drinking. Mia inhales, "Mom--"
"Do you really think it's a good idea to stay out all night, after today? After everything with Bryce?!" Nora shouts. Mia wipes her nose.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think I would be out that late, I was busy with--"
"Clay Jensen," Nora says with disgust.
Mia inhales, "Yeah, but it wasn't just--"
"You...are always wasting your time with him, it's ridiculous." Nora shakes her head. She stands up and brushes past Mia, grabbing the bottle of whiskey and pouring more into her glass. Mia inhales the strong alcohol scent coming off of her mother.
Mia whips her head around, "What? Mom, stop." Mia says in a firm tone, not wanting to start anything.
"I'm serious, Mia. Clay...he's had business with Bryce in the past, and I'd hate for you to get your heart broken again." Nora turns to her daughter.
"What are you talking about? Heartbroken?" Mia asks.
"You fell for Clay Jensen so fast, it was too fast...and after could you?" Nora questions as she shakes her head.
Mia feels a pain in her chest. "You're drunk, and you need to go to bed," Mia says.
"Oh, honey. Look how closed off you get when I speak about him." Nora says as she walks over to her.
Mia looks up at her daughter. "I love you, Mia and I'm going to say this because I want you to be happy," Nora says trying not to stumble. She cups her daughter's cheeks.
"Clay Jensen, he's just using you...he doesn't love you--"
Mia walks away from her mother, but Nora grabs her wrist tightly. "Listen to me, Mia. You need to leave him--"
"I'm trying to be calm with you!" Mia shouts at her. Nora closes her mouth.
"I'm trying so hard to be there for you, talking to me like this, about the boy I love. Not acceptable!" Mia rips her wrist out of her Mother's grip.
"Mom, I love you, but I love Clay and I will always love Jeff. So don't and I mean don't you ever talk to me about this again." Mia says in a strong tone. Silence develops between the two. Nora exhales a sob, the glass slips out of her hand and she falls to the ground.
Mia sighs as Nora cries quietly. Mia walks over to her and kneels down in front of her. Mia helps her mother up, she lays her in the bed and takes her shoes off. She throws the covers over her. Mia looks at Nora beginning to doze off. "I miss him, Mia..." Nora cries quietly as she turns away from Mia.
Mia exhales a shaky breath, tears form in her eyes. She covers her mouth and shakes her head. She wipes her tears before they fall, "No..." She whispers. She picks up one of the shards of glass and examines it.
Her lips tremble, how could something so small kill you so quickly? Mia closes her eyes and picks up the rest of the glass. She throws them away and goes to bed, without a single tear dropped.
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