Angry, Young, and Man (2)
A/N: I am soooo sorry that I haven't been updating! I've been working on my Supernatural one a lot, but I'll be better at keeping a consistent schedule! I hope y'all enjoy the chapter!
Mia stands next to Tony with her arms folded. Ani walks over to them, "Hey." She greets.
"Where's Clay?" Tony asks.
"He's still with the social worker." Mia answers.
"What's going on?" Ani asks.
"Tyler came up to me last night and said he had a gun that he needed to get rid of it. And this morning, we find out..." Tony says.
"Bryce?" Ani questions.
"Yeah," Tony confirms.
"Jesus..." Ani whispers as she and Tony look over at Tyler. Mia rolls her eyes.
"Why are you guys getting so bent out of shape over this? Tyler didn't do it." Mia states like she isn't worried.
"I just don't believe it, I mean...what reason would he have?" Ani asks.
"For the first time in a long time, I agree with Ani. Thank you." Mia points at the curly-haired girl.
"Did he have a reason last time?" Tony questions. Mia inhales, and she lets her anger get the better of her.
"You don't know Tyler and you don't know what he's been through, all right?" Mia snaps looking at Tony and Ani.
They both look at her, Mia scoffs, "Screw this..." She mutters and turns to walk away. She couldn't deal with any of their hypothesis about who killed Bryce. I mean, it's not like they even cared.
Mia bounces her leg and runs her tongue over her teeth. After Tyler told her what Monty did to him. She was livid, but she promised she wouldn't do anything. She knew how hard it was to confront your assaulter, sadly she never got justice for hers.
Mia keeps her eyes burning on Monty's head. He was laughing with his friends. His eyes move over and his eyes land on her's. She squints her eyes and looks down at her lunch tray. 'Don't kill him, don't kill him, don't kill--'
The blonde looks to the side of her and sees Clay. She smiles, "Hey, how are you?" She asks as she gives him a peck on the lips. "I'm good, uh--hey...I may have kind of...told Ani, about...the Spring Fling." Clay says trying to get it out of the way.
Mia raises her brows, "And...why would you do that?" Mia asks quietly as she looks around the cafeteria with paranoia.
"I just...I trust her, and I think she could help us--"
"Help with what? Clay, if more people hear about Tyler--"
"She won't tell anyone," Clay says. Mia exhales and looks down at her shoes.
"Hey..." Clay grabs Mia's hand and she looks up at him with a distant expression. "Do you trust me?" Clay asks.
Mia chuckles, "Of course I do." Mia answers.
"Then trust me on this...Ani's with us." Clay says nodding his head. Mia looks into his eyes and couldn't help but feel a pain in her chest. Does he trust her? They just met.
Mia clears her throat and nods her head, "Okay, I guess we'll see this through." Mia says as she bites her lip. "Together."
Clay smiles, "I love you, you know that?" He raises his brows.
Mia laughs quietly, "I love you too, Ocean eyes..." She whispers.
Clay kisses her forehead, "Um...Tyler and I are going to the movies tonight, and we were wondering if you wanted to join?" He asks.
Mia looks smiles, "Well...I'd love to." Mia says with a smile on her face.
Clay smiles back at her and looks down at her sandwich, he notices she hasn't eaten yet. "What's wrong?" He asks.
Mia looks up at him and tilts her head. "What are you talking about?" she asks.
"Mia, you usually have scarfed down all your food by the time I'm here." He says with a smile.
Mia opens her mouth and points at him, "Now that...that is...partly true..." Mia says as she bites the inside of her cheek.
Clay nods his head and smiles, "So...are you gonna talk to me?" He asks.
Mia inhales, she wanted to tell Clay, more than anything, was she supposed to? It's not her story to tell. "Just more nightmares..." Mia says as she leans her head against her hand.
Clay gives her a small smile, "I'm sorry, do you wanna talk about it?" He asks.
Mia pouts her lip, "Not right now...because, right now...I just want to have lunch with my boyfriend and my friends." Mia says with a smile. Clay chuckles and nods his head.
"I like that plan." He says. Mia looks down at her sandwich. "Oh, here you are..." Clay says.
Mia turns to him once again and her mouth hangs open. "Yes! Thank you!" she replies as she accepts the bag of fruit snacks. She opens them, but Clay grabs the bag. She opens her mouth, about to protest.
"Finish your sandwich, first. Then your snack." Clay points at her with a serious look in his eyes. Mia pouts, but she eats her sandwich. Clay smiles at her, Mia looks at him and smiles back.
Mia finishes reading off of her paper and looks at the class's stunned faces. "Mia, that was..." The teacher smiles and laughs with astonishment. The class begins to clap and Mia smiles softly.
"Thank you, I just...wrote, I guess..." She says as she scratches the back of her neck.
"Well, you should just...write more often, You've got a gift." The teacher says.
Mia bites the inside of her cheek and sits back down in her seat. She's worked so hard on that piece. She loved that everyone else loved it, could she laugh and smile while her brother's killer was still out there? Who was it? Mia slightly shakes her head. The police can handle it.
Can they? I mean this school has so many things wrong. They don't even know the half of it.
"I'm just saying, it's a guy, with binoculars, watching people. That's the whole movie. How is that not boring?" Clay asks, he holds Mia's hand as they walk out of the theater with Tyler eating popcorn.
"Isn't that what made it so great? I mean, he is stuck behind glass, in a wheelchair, and he still figures out how to play the hero." Mia answers as she stops walking, which made Clay stop and look at her.
"Totally agree," Tyler says with a mouthful of popcorn.
"Thank you, Ty," Mia says as she pops a fruit snack in her mouth. She turns to Clay with raised brows, waiting for his next move.
"I feel like we just watched two very different movies. I mean, the camera was cool." Clay says.
Mia nods her head, "That I can agree with." Mia states.
Tyler turns, "Exakta VX. Classic." Tyler says.
Mia points at Clay and smiles at him, amused by the conversation they're having. "There's no way, it was only about the action, Clay. It's about..." Mia stops talking as she tries to find the right words.
Clay smiles as he waits for her answer. Mia turns to the tallboy. She points at him, "Tyler Down, I choose you." Mia says. Tyler furrows his brows and looks at Clay confused.
"Pokemon." Clay answers.
Mia rolls her eyes, "Tyler, could me out?" Mia says, clarifying it more. Tyler raises his brows and walks closer to them.
"Well, terrible things happen every day. But we never really stop to notice, you know? If we spent a little bit more time watching listening, you know? To...our neighbors, to life around us, you know, maybe the bad things wouldn't happen so much." Tyler says as he eats his popcorn. A smile ghosts onto the blonde-haired girl's lips.
"Or is that, like, not what you meant?" Tyler asks.
"Tyler, you are literally like...awesome!" She exclaims. She stands on her toes and kisses his cheek. "You brilliant, brilliant man." She says as she softly shakes him. Tyler smiles timidly.
She turns to Clay and he smiles at her. "I'm gonna go get...a refill of popcorn. To take home, so..." Tyler chuckles and walks away to the concession stand.
Mia looks back at Clay and she walks over to him and wraps her arms around his neck. "You know, I like our little talks." She says quietly. Clay wraps his arms around her waist.
"You used Tyler as your secret weap--"
Mia shakes her head and pulls Clay down towards her and kisses him.
The bell rings and Mia sighs. She gets up and walks to the office. She stands in front of a door and knocks on it, softly before opening it. "Mia, Hi. Have a seat." She says.
Mia nods her head, she grips her bag before sitting down. "How are you?" Dr. Singh asks.
Mia places her hands together and sighs. "I mean...I'm...hanging in there..." Mia says as she chuckles.
Dr. Singh doesn't say anything, signaling Mia to continue. The girl closes her eyes to motivate her to continue speaking. "I feel everyone's eyes on me, the past, I have had problems with keeping my...emotions inside, after dealing with a major loss in my life." Mia nods her head, a lump forming in her throat. "I feel like, there's this...hole in my heart that's back won't go away this time. I'm kind of...tired..." Mia exhales as a tear falls down her cheek.
"What do you mean, you're--"
Mia scoffs and looks into Dr. Singh's eyes. "Come on..." Mia says.
"Have you...have you been drinking again? Using?" Dr. Singh asks.
Mia looks down at her black painted nails. She itches the side of her nose, "Uh--no." Mia says.
Dr. Singh sighs, "Mia--"
"No. I mean...yes, I have...thought about it, but I never, I couldn't do that...not to my mom, not to Tyler, not to Clay, or Justin..." Mia shakes her head. "I'm just...I'm scared I'm going to let them down." Mia wipes her eyes and sniffles.
Dr. Singh holds the tissue box out, Mia takes some of the tissue out and wipes her tears. "Mia, have you ever thought that...we should bring your mother into thi--"
"No, no...I can't talk to my mom about this." Mia shakes her head. "She literally just figured out her son was shot in the head today, and...figuring out that her suicidal daughter is thinking about drowning her sorrows in alcohol again, isn't..." Mia stops talking and she closes her eyes.
"Mia, I want to help you...but you need to want help, you want help?" Dr. Singh asks softly. Mia inhales, she slowly nods her head.
"I want help, I really do. Please." Mia whispers.
Dr. Singh nods her head with a small smile, "Okay, that's a good start. Now...your next step, talking to people who mean the most to you. Get closure, open up to them." Dr. Singh says as she nods her head.
Mia inhales, "Okay...thank you, really..." Mia answers.
Mia walks out of the room and sees Jessica. The curly-haired girl turns to walk away. Mia sighs, "Jess...wait..." She says as she walks over to her.
Jessica turns around and looks at her. She sees Mia's glassy eyes and she inhales. "Mia? What's wrong?" She asks.
Mia chuckles, "What isn't wrong..." Mia wipes her nose.
"Do you want" Jessica asks.
Mia nods her head, "Please..." She whispers. Jessica nods her head, she puts her arm over Mia's shoulders and they both walk out.
Mia sighs quietly, she takes a sip of her coffee. Jessica looks at her with a solemn expression. "Mia, I didn't know that you were going through this." Jessica states.
"Yeah, no one did. I didn't I guess. Damn...Dr. Singh does some fucking wonders." Mia says.
Jessica chuckles, she sighs. "Mia, I'm sorry, that...I wasn't there for you. I mean, I got a taste of power and just...focused on that." Jessica looks down at her hands, ashamed.
"Jess, it's--"
"No. No, it's not 'okay' You're my friend and I threw that away just for a club--"
"Well, it's not just a club, it's a place people go to...a safe environment. You made it into that." Mia says as she sends Jessica a small smile.
Mia walks into the room that was full of chatter. She stands there and inhales as she sees the girls that beat her up. 'Come on, you can't be mad at them. I mean, they were mad at Bryce. Hell, so are--'
"What the actual fuck," Casey says. Mia waves her hand.
"Nice to see you again, ladies. Casey looking good." Mia points at her.
Casey turns her head and looks at Jessica. "What is she doing here?" Casey asks. Jessica opens her mouth to answer, but Mia does instead.
"I'm here to join the club. Be an ally." Mia says with a smile.
"I'm fine with Tyler being an ally, but...why on earth do we need her?" Casey asks.
Mia's jaw tightens, ever since she told her story in court. Her dad paid off every news station and blog to keep that out. So, no one even knows her story. "Casey, I know we aren't really...fond of each other, but--"
"No. I'm sorry, but...her brother was the ruler of all these other fucking rapists at this school!" Casey shouts.
Mia feels her heartbeat in her ears. This was bad. "And I'll be damned if just because One Walker is gone, the other one tries to take over this school--"
"I never said anything about takin--"
"Mia..." Jessica says. The blonde girl turns her head and looks at Jessica.
"Maybe, it would be better for you to, go," Jessica says quietly.
Mia's eyes widen, "Jess, come on you know what I've bee--"
"I know, and I'm sorry but...they're right. Maybe it would be best for the drama to be left out of this room." Jessica states.
Mia scoffs, "So that's what you think I am? Just...drama?--"
"I mean, someone had to say it..." Casey mumbles.
Mia looks at the girl with glasses. "You know you beat the crap out of me one time and you think you can hold your own?!" Mia shouts. She raises her arms, "Come at me, without your 'squad' how bad would you be then?!" Mia shouts.
"Hey, Mia..." Tyler slowly stands up. Mia looks over at him and exhales. She licks her lips and nods her head. "Sorry, I'll go..." Mia says.
She swiftly turns and leaves the room feeling betrayed.
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