Staring into the most beautiful blue eyes, that belonged to 2 of my favorite persons, I had fallen silent. My mouth had a gap. Her face was light up by the lights in the kitchen as she carried one of her cute loving smiles.
"Pinch me because I feel like I'm dreaming..."
My voice was soft but soon followed with a high pitched 'ouch'. Eileen giggled and buried her face in her hands before she started laughing a little harder.
"I didn't mean literally you bully!"
"Be more clear next time."
Her beautiful laugh died slowly as she looked at me with that soft smile again. Her eyes carrying a soft sparkle. Her head slightly tilted as her perfectly pin straight brown hair fell over her ears and hugged her face. I pushed the left side of her hair behind her ear as I looked at her. The silence was comfortable as we were both just looking at each other.
"You're pretty."
"Are you calling me pretty?"
She just called me pretty. We were both silent before we both started laughing about the word selection Eileen had chosen. When we calmed down again I gently kissed her forehead.
"Time to get you to bed princess. You barely slept last night and knowing you you'll have to work tomorrow too."
"I took the morning off..."
"Mhm. I can pack my suitcase for Sicily... catch up on sleep... get a really really good breakfast before going into work at 1."
"And how late are you home?"
"Uuuhhmmm... I think around like... 7?"
"7? That's not bad."
"I'll work at home after dinner a little but I wanna get into bed early for our flight tomorrow morning."
"Mmm... that's a good idea."
"It is a good idea but your idea of heading to bed is even better."
She smiled softly at me before we both walked upstairs. We brushed our teeth together in the bathroom before I kissed her cheek while she was removing her make-up.
"Sleep well sunshine."
"Good night..."
I yawned as I walked across the hall to my temporary bedroom in this house and climbed into bed. I felt really really good. I closed my eyes as I turned in the bed until I found a comfortable position to fall asleep.
Yesterday went by really fast. The morning had been nice and easy but after Eileen left to go for work Charles and I hit the city to grab ourselves the last needs for our trip to Sicily. When we were done we had headed back to the house Eileen lived in. We made dinner with his mom and then all ate at the table. Eileen her meetings were going overtime like usually do she arrived at 20:30. She ate her dinner alone at the dinner table with her laptop in front of her. When she was done she ran upstairs and I heard the shower turning on. Charles and I were watching our movie on the television as we were just sat in our sweatpants and t-shirts. After a while Eileen came running down the stairs. She was wearing a hoodie with shorts and a pair of glasses as she was now running to her office. I heard her talking so I assumed she was on the phone. Probably work again. After her call she had also laid down on one of the couches with her laptop. We all went to bed quite early and the next morning we were all awake early as well. Our alarms went off at 5am and that brings us to now. I was sitting at the bar eating some early breakfast with Charles. Eileen came downstairs as well. She wore a pair of crème pantalons with a silky white top and a pair of her white Louboutin heels. Her hair in a perfect slicked back ponytail and her make-up also on point. Charles and I looked at each other as we were wearing sweatpants and hoodies.
"Where are you going?"
"The airport asshole."
"Then why are you dressed like that?"
"Paparazzi Charles. I have a reputation to hold high. You guys do too but people are harder on me as CFO and CEO then you as F1 drivers."
It was the first thing I had said in this tiny conversation and Eileen her blue eyes switched to mine... meeting mine. Those perfect ocean blue eyes hugged by those beautiful features...
"I have my own company. I have to make it public that I'm the CEO. I will do that next month I think after my departure with the law firm is out."
We all went silent again as we ate in silence before we got into Eileen her car with 3 suitcases which barely fitted. When we arrived at the airport we walked into the check in hall in peace but when going to security suddenly the halls overflowed with paparazzi. Some people were focused on getting Eileen on their pictures others were focused on Charles or me. I looked around trying to find Eileen somewhere along the crowd of paparazzi. When I saw her I saw some photographer push her out of his way behind him as he was taking pictures of me.
"Hey! Watch out!"
I pushed through the people and laid my hand on her lower back.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm good Pierre. I didn't fall."
"I know but he still touched you and pushed you..."
"I know but I'm fine."
I softly pushed her in front of me so I could keep a close watch on her. When we were through security it was all good luckily!
"Are you sure you're alright?"
"I'm perfectly fine. I have had far worse experiences with people."
I gave her a soft smile before we made our way through the airport and sat down at the gate waiting before our plane was ready for boarding and we would head to Sicily.
(998 words)
Hai pretty people!
I'm really sorry for being a little more inactive. It's been a few busy weeks for me. School started with a lot of long days and on top of that I work 5 evenings a week as well as the fact I need to make homework, go to my horse etc! I'm trying to be active I really am trying but I'm so short in time that I haven't found the time to even hang out with my friends. I'm now writing whenever I'm in the car or something so I am working on the story little by little.
I hope you guys understand!
Lots of love🩷!!!
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