"We'll go there first. After we clear the entrance, Taehyung will bring Y/n there," Namjoon came out after changing his wet clothes to dry ones.
I straighten up my spine, standing from my position. Why am I feeling like someone just dropped a huge weight inside my stomach? Even I tried to calm down, my palms covered with cold sweat. Jungkook glanced at the leader, wobbling his cheek with agitation prompted inside him.
"But hyung I can't leave her," he mumbled looking at Namjoon. I glanced at Jungkook, enable to say anything. I wanted him to be with me but also they need Jungkook's skills of shooting and fighting. They need their best man there.
The older guy heaved a soft sigh. "Kook, You know we need you there right" his eyes softened as he looks at the dumbfounded man. Taehyung stepped near Jungkook, placing his big hand on his shoulder,
"Don't worry Kookie, it's only for minutes, we can't let any mistakes happen. I will protect her till we meet there again, have I ever broke my promise?" He flashed his usual rectangular boxy grin to him, trying to solace him from his worry.
"I know but-" Jungkook exhaled, glancing at me. I nodded, telling him that 'Don't worry, It'll be ok' from my eyes. He heaved a long sigh, consenting Namjoon's words. It wasn't the time to get dominant towards his feelings, he had to fight.
Jin came back with Hoseok. He looked refreshed after a good nap. He was dressed from his pitch black outfit, holding some kind of bag. I assumed that it was his gadgets he needed to hack the system. He looked born ready for this.
"Is everything ready?" he asked from the rest of the boys. The white haired guy hummed as a response to him. "It's almost time now," Yoongi brushed his hair down with his fingertips fixing his sharp orbs on his the phone that displayed the time on the screen.
The rain wasn't stopping, it was getting heavier just like my heart. The intemperate rain drops savagely dug the soil, creating small new born creeks. Jin and Yoongi grabbed the small suitcases they prepared beforehand, which included the loded capsules of unconscious medicine.
I felt flurried at we walked out side, heading to our van. My hand slid to the side of my abdomen, touching the mountained skin of the stitched wound that was heeled, leaving a huge scar there underneath the fabric I was wearing. A sudden flashback played in my mind, reminding the day it happened.
It won't happen this time
A hand slid on top of mine, scattering my thoughts with the sensation. I pressed my lips together, finding the alleviation through his smile. I hold his thumb while walking. Outside was already immersed in the dark. The wind was swaying the trees as it want, making them his puppet of his play. The infant water creeks were like new born babies who were enthusiastic to show their baby talents. As Jimin stopped the van, we quickly got inside to take shelter from the rain.
"Jimin, drive from the riverside. We have to reach the right side of the mansion," Namjoon turned his head towards him while pulling his seatbelt.
Hoseok opened up his tracker device inside the van. "His men will be waiting there, we have to be prudent," he glued his eyes to the screen and started typing again, plunging into his work again with a razor sharp gaze.
"Here," Jin pulled out some small objects from the suitcase near his feet. He deposited the earpieces to each of us. It was to get connected with each other at any cost. I wasn't new to this since I had use it before while I was living with them.
I looked out from the shutter that was closed due to the heavy rain. My fingers were tangled with Jungkook's. I was feeling nervous. I was beginning to panic. Why shouldn't I be nervous and anxious?
It's the day that it's all going to end
It was silent inside the vehicle. Anyone would seriously doubt that there were eight people inside the van. There wasn't even a whisper from anyone. Only the tipity tap sound from Hoseok's typing was pulsating the air around us. I was afraid that I might pop off because of the pressure and the stress on my head. My heart was racing a million miles per second.
I glanced at the figure sitting next to me. His lips were pursed together, without an usher to talk anything. His free hand was clutching his trousers while the other one was gripping mine tightly. His tongue was wobbling his inner cheeks, gluing his eyes at
nowhere. I know he's doing that when he's nervous. Suddenly the terrible nightmare popped in my mind with the bubbling fear inside me.What if it happens for real? I blinked, not wanting to flourish the thought in my head.
It's just a silly dream Y/n.
It won't happen at all. It's so fake and unrealistic. I tried to convince myself by saying those things to myself. I brought my hand towards my neck, pushing the collar away to pull out my locket. The skin of my fingertips touched the surface of the metal, brushing it from them. Father I'm going to do this, I talked to the imaginary figure of my father from my silent voice. My eyes landed on the river flowing under the dam. The muddy water was savagely gushing downwards, taking everything it can take with it. Everything reminded me of the day that it all started, the day the devil killed my family.
It was raining just like this.
The background was no longer vivid since it was infected by Satan's touch. It didn't allow me to discern what's out there nonetheless it let me have a glimpse when the lighting flashed. At the edge of the dark forest, Jimin stopped the van. The rain was slowing down a little, but still it was raining. A loud thunder that sounded like a sonic boom, jittered me. Jungkook was nervous as well.
"Tae, stay with here Y/n till we tell you so," Namjoon turned at us from the front seat. " Jimin and Jungkook take the west door, Jin hyung and I will take the east, Yoongi backup for Hoseok," the leader called the members to take their positions. I could see the clear hesitation on Jungkook's face as he clenched jaws. He glanced at me from his big doe eyes,
"I'll see you soon," My heart sank deep as he uttered. It was not a final goodbye but still, it was making my heartache. I nodded trying to hide my pain under a smile. I am afraid to let go of him, but I have to,
Hoseok squinched the device to a small bag and hanged it on his shoulders. As they took out the weapons, they got down one by one, squelching the muddy ground. Jungkook gave me his one last glance before he gets down. I squeezed his hand confirming that I will be alright.
"Be careful," I murmured to him. He left a quick soft peck on my lips before talking to me,
"I will," he joined the rest of the boys. I glided to the front seat near Taehyung, still worrying about the boys who left the van. He pressed the button on the earpiece to test it,
"Test one, testing, testing," Jimin gave him a thumbs up from outside, signalling that he can hear him.
"All clear,"
They disappeared into the dark leaving only me and Taehyung inside the vehicle. He shut down the buzzing engine and sat in front of me focusing on the sound waves from outside. He was gripping his gun, ready to shoot anyone, anytime. I fiddled my fingers, peering outside the window at the rain.
"I don't think anyone will come here at this time, don't worry," Taehyung said, trying to calm my nerves down. I let out a soft sigh. I'm not worried about myself but the rest of the boys who went outside a few minutes ago,
Taehyung fished out his phone and unlocked his lock screen. He searched his gallery and clicked a photo. An image of me popped on the screen.
"Remember this?"he closend it to my face giggling in a low voice. It was a photo taken when I was dressed like a woman that day. It was embarrassing. I snatched the phone from his hand.
"Give me that!" I scrutinized the picture. It was the one Jimin took of me when we were on our first mission.
"I was keeping that to blackmail you. Well it turned out that you are a real girl so it isn't useful anymore" he shrugged his shoulders hiding his laugh.
I shot him an evil eye and swipe the screen to delete it, but accidentally another photo was displayed on the screen. It was a family with three kids with a man and a woman. It looked like a family photo. I looked at the older boy who was hanging his arms around his parent's shoulders. The same boxy smile was reflecting from the boy in the picture. He looked a lot cheerful while standing between them. It was Taehyung's younger version. I lifted my head from the phone and glanced at him. He heaved a sigh and looked away,
"It's your family right?" I asked him. He hummed as a response and took the phone from my hand. Taehyung stared at the screen for a while,
"I should've deleted this a long time ago," he deleted it along with my photo he was keeping.
I felt sorry for him seeing his face with somewhat agony. It must be hurting him from deep inside. I knew how much he loved his family from the story Jimin told me about his past. He heaved a deep sigh,
"I wasn't good enough to them, I could've done better. I made them disappointed," he hung his head low, "I can't face them ever again" It was hideous how he had to let go of everything because of one single wrong move. He continued talking,
"It's better to let it all go without keeping it with me. They will still be inside my heart", he smiled, trying to erase the gloomy look from his face.
"Tae-" he seized his hand on the air gesturing me to be quiet. I looked at him with dumbfound.
"No Tae it's ok-"then only I saw his eyes were focused on something outside the window. A shadow was lurking in the dark. He looked at me gripping his gun.
"Someone is out there"
Hey guys...Sorry for not updating for awhile. Forgive me please 🙃
Damn there was gonna be more in this chapter but it's too long so I had to take the rest for the next chapter 😅
Stay tuned for the next update. Vote comment and share if you like the story. I love to read your comments 😆they just make my day.
Here is another cover made by a sweet Unnie of mine haru_ga_kita_vante.
Thank you so much for your love. It's so beautiful 🥺
Love you all ❤️
Stay Gold ✨
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