"What the freaking heck happened to you guys? Why didn't you pick up your phone?" Jimin rushed towards us screaming out of his lungs.
"Calm down Jimin hyung, Everything is alright now," the other guy tried to cool down the anxiety of the slender partner of his. I breathed in relief as we arrived safely at the Kim mansion.
"What happened to you? You suddenly call me and when I called you back you kept declining. And you were supposed to arrive here at first! Now only you came?" he was so worried, he didn't stop questioning us because of the agony. Jungkook placed his palm on Jimin's shoulder and gave a slight push.
"Let's go inside first. I'll explain everything" he urged the man to move.
We three met the others inside the house. The Kim's must've been one of the richest people in this town. It wasn't second to the Bang mansion. I thought it was the biggest one I ever saw but this? Man, this is like paradise. The wealth and pride of the family were glistening from the sumptuous, luxurious furniture. Seokjin jumped from his seat as he saw,
"Kook, What in the world happened? Why are you so late?Y/n are you ok?" the man shot us from a series of questions.
"Jungkook what happened? We were worried" Namjoon never looked that stressed before.
Jungkook gestured them to cool down, "Guys, calm down, all of you, let us explain first," he started explaining what happened with the traffic and how Kang Sung-Jin helped us. After listening to him carefully, Namjoon gazed at me,
"Y/n, Can we talk for a while?" he asked me. It looked like he wanted to talk privately. Damn,what does Namjoon have to talk with me? Shrugging off my thoughts, I nodded, acquiescing him, "Sure," I tailed behind him as he gestured me to follow him. After we reached certain distance from others, he started talking. Namjoon heaved a sigh,
"Thank you Y/n. Thank you for everything" the deep voice of him talked to me. I was surprised by his statement. That's not what I expected him to say.
I glanced at him, stunned by his statement, "Thank you? Thank you for what Joon?" He closed his eyes and exhaled some air. The blonde guy shut opened his eyes and stared at the cloudy sky which is about to tear up any moment, looking at the heavy clouds. He looked like in heavy thoughts, just like them.
"Thank you for saving my brother,thank you for giving us hope ,thank you for making us reborn" he talked. My eyes widened. I have done that much favours to them? Those are just like a small gram near a football compared to what they've done for me.
"Namjoon-" he beamed at me, showing his deepened dimples as he smiled.
"Don't deny it Y/n, I never had a chance to thank you. Especially for what you've done for Jungkook, you risked your life to him, you are the one who added colours to lonely life. I'm so grateful for you...Thank you Y/n," he didn't even paused for a second. I glanced at his figure as he talked, staring far away as he found inner peace. I was scared that I might snatch away their hopes again and that expressions will no longer be there. What if I screw up?
"But what if I disappoint you guys?" I asked him. His eyes landed on me not letting his smile fade away.
"I know you won't, be strong Y/n, Trust yourself. Just like you did today, trust your instincts,"
I was always doubting myself. I was used to question my decisions. But today... Today I was confident about my actions, why? Is it because he was with me? Every time I did the impossible not even knowing the consequences. It's because I want to do it for Jungkook,
"Remember that the strongest bonds will make you do the impossible" Making me astonished he said exactly what I was thinking. He grinned and patted my shoulder.
"Go and take a rest Y/n, It's going to be a long night today," he said before disappearing inside the house again.
I stared at the dark clouds after he went The rain will start. A new era will begin.
Just like you said, Ki Sung, There will be a new beginning. But it's not you the one who'll begin it, It'll be me,
The wind was howling, showing signs of the near by storm. The chill was giving me goosebumps. I went inside, sliding the door shut closed.
Everyone was gathered around as a semi-circle behind Hoseok. I scooted towards them and checked what they were looking at. Multi coloured neon letters were flashing from the screen, making the beams fall on Hoseok's face. I couldn't understand anything but Hoseok's both hands were typing the keyboard continuously. As the digital letters popped on the screen, he grabbed the mouse and clicked on one program file, displaying a neon blue colour map on the screen.
"What is that?" I asked peering at it over Jin's shoulder, trying to take a glimpse at it. He moved a bit, allowing me to have a clear picture of the screen.
"It's the map of his house. Every single place of the Ki mansion including the secret rooms," I looked at it in an aww as Hoseok explains to me. He pointed his finger to the screen drawing our attention to some places. He zoomed the picture to make it more clear,
"Here this place...Here and also here.." his finger traced to some particular places as he talked, "These are the places we should be careful the most. Ki mansion is secured in every possible way. There are CCTV cams in every inch of this place, we can avoid them by entering from here," he showed a place marked darker than other spots.
"From the side of the forest?" Yoongi knitted his eyebrows, scrutinizing the map.
"Exactly, Only if I could get into this place, I can shut down the system and let you guys in to the mansion, safely," Hoseok ruffled his hair and turned at us, taking his eyes away from the screen.
"Seems like a plan to me, chances of getting through after it?" Taehyung slanted his arms to the table, scanning the area as he talked.
"Positive, it'll clearly lead them into confusion. We have to act fast before they do," he answered.
My eyelids were getting heavy because of having a sleepless night yesterday. I felt drowsy. I blinked to wash away the sleepiness from me. Jungkook noticed at I was getting dopey.
"Y/n, you are tired, you should take a rest," Maybe he's right, I have to be fresh and ready for tonight. I let out a soft sigh and nodded. "Yeah, I guess. I'll see you guys in a while,"
Jungkook took me to the room. I reposed on the soft mattress. I called him before slumbering in the comfortable bed, "Can you be here for a while?" For some reason I wanted him to be with me. He smiled softly at me and dropped his body next to me.
"I'll wait till you fall asleep" He slid his arm behind me and closend my body to his.He feels so comfortable. A smile was stretched on my face. Even before I could talk anymore I fell asleep on his comfortable and warm embrace.
Jungkook wasn't there when I woke up. I went to downstairs, finding the boys.
Finally we are ready to go.
We are driving to the Ki mansion. The night was the best time to attack. Our cars were driving fast down the streets. But I feel weird, why seokjin is so emotionless while driving? He was just staying like a statue with a blank face. I couldn't even see him turning the steer wheel yet he's driving. Neither did I understand a word Jimin was talking with him. Jin was not answering Jimin's questions, even Jimin didn't stop talking. Why is so tiring to understand?
"We are here Y/n," I swear to god that I heard Jungkook's voice but I can't see his figure. I looked here and there in the big hall which was lighted up with yellow and white colour bulbs.
What is happening? Why is everything so unclear?
A rain of gunshots was coming from every direction. I wanted to find Jungkook through the crowd. All I saw was the masked men shooting fire from everywhere. Among them, I could see Taehyung and Yoongi shooting at them. Where are the other boys? Suddenly I espied a figure, drifting my attention towards him.
Ki Sung...
He was glancing at me from a far corner with that disgusting smile on his face. I remembered why we came here in the first place. I should kill him. I saw the knife on the ground. I picked up it and stormed in his direction. He suddenly disappeared from my sight, chuckling in a wicked way. No, no...He can't runway from me like that,
"You can't hide from me" I can hear my voice saying. I ran through the passage.
I could hear someone calling my name but I didn't turn back. All I wanted is to kill him. I saw his dark figure walking through the hallways. I chased behind him gripping my knife hard. How come I can't catch up with him even we was walking calmly while I was running? He walked to a room with dim red light. He was looking at me from his glowing eyes. The disgusting grin never left his wrinkled face. He started laughing loudly,
"What are you laughing at?" my voice thundered. I heard the gunshots from the other side of the room we were.
"Y/n you will never win" he chuckled at me.
My blood boiled with anger. I ran towards his figure, stabbing his abdomen, not giving him a chance to run away from me. I jittered as I heard another loud laughter from behind me. The same familiar laughter of his. I turned back with horror,
"You shouldn't have come here Y/n, You can't do the impossible, you will never do it, you will never win," His voice echoed in the room.
Wait! How is he behind me?Who did I stabbed then?
I looked at the man in front of me,
I let go of the knife in a horror. I felt my legs go wobbly as I started shaking with what I saw. My trembling hands were covered with thick blood, even my face was stained with the red colour liquid. I felt dizzy as the air didn't approached my lungs.
No,This can't be...
He was starting at me with his widened big doe eyes with disbelief, holding the blade that was still buried deep inside his skin. Blood was leaking from both sides of his mouth, making his lips shade from red. He talked to me in a fainted voice,
"Y/n, " Tears were filled in his orbs. My lips trembled so badly, breathlessly looking at him. I took a step back from him,
I can't breathe... My voice is trapped...I can't talk...
The laugh from behind was getting louder and louder. Ki Sung's voice was echoing in the room.
"I told you didn't I?" The voice and his laugh faded away, making the air rumble with the screams and gun shots. My vision got blur with tears, the cold blood was dripping down from my palms.
"Y/n, I love you," Jungkook's body kneeled down, keeping his hands on his abdomen which was oozing blood out.
He gazed at me with a smile, with his eyes glistening because of tears, he whispered,
"You were my eyes to my monochrome world..."
His eyes shut down.The lifeless body collapse the ground.
Hey there🙂
Love you ❤️
Stay gold ✨
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