I let out my long hold breath after hearing their story. It was like watching an action movie. But this wasn't a Hollywood action movie at all. Defeating the death was a miracle. But as Jin said before, was it all destined to be like that? Biting my lower lip, I tucked my fallen hair behind my ears with firdgety that whirling storm inside me,
We all are back together, are we going to fight him? The devil?
I saw Jungkook gazing at me. He looked trepidatous with the agitation knowing that what we were going to face next. Living with me all these times had made him go soft, and he was able to easily read my thoughts. He must've known what I'm thinking. He always knows what I'm thinking. What should I do? I had to fight this. But I couldn't put them in danger again. I don't want to drag them into the bottomless pit with me to suffer together, it's not going to happen again.
After saying their story, seven pairs of glittering eyes were gazing in my direction. What's written in their faces? Happiness? No, it's something more than that,
It was loyalty and respect that I never had in my life. They had faith in me. My confidence was gained in the days I was blind, but esteem? that wasn't familiar with me. I know they will fight with me and stay by my side, protecting me. They all have hope that I was the key to their success. But still, I couldn't put them in danger. I was afraid that I might lose them, forever,
"We all know we can't escape this right? We have to face it and fight," not only Hoseok's words, even his aura was spirited. He was dictated to do what he meant. I stood up from my seat sliding my hand away from the guy beside me,
"I know it, I know I have to do it," I sighed, "But I don't how."Members looked at each other. They looked like even they don't know what to say.
"Y/n-" Jimin tried to speak, but I cut him off, with a sentence that made them all go silent again.
"I can't put you in danger again"
I want to save them, save us, but what if I mess up again? What if my fears come true?
I got them back,and I promised him to never leave him alone. It was happening again. I was turning against my heart because of fear. Deep inside the the blazes of revenge were burning me. It was more than revenge, it was a war between kismet of me and him. It was vengeance for justice. The other hidden side of myself was revealed from inside, but it was not easy to divulge myself to outside. I felt his warm hand as he enveloped mine with his. That smile made me comfortable, less worried. Those eyes tell me the same thing he said days ago,
Believe me, believe in yourself.
Namjoon placed the cup on the table as he spoke to me, "Y/n, follow me," he took arose from his seat and glanced at Jin. Seokjin nodded in agreement. What are they planning to do? I glanced at both of them, slightly nervous about what they were about to do,
"We have to show you something,"
Others seemed to know what the two men were talking about. What are they going to show me? Taehyung gestured his head towards Namjoon's direction, hinting me to follow the two guys who were heading out from the room. After earning a small smile and a comfortable squeeze on my hand from Jungkook, I followed the Kim brothers, Before that, I got a spoiler from the other remaining Kim,
"Remember what I said that day?That you aren't allowed to know about it till you face it?Now is your time"
His boxy smile reflected in the most handsome way. His words made me immerse in my deep thoughts. I glanced at the dark colour wings that were carved on my arm. It had turned to the same reddish brown colour just like the others, it was highlighted in my pale skin. My mind recalled the that painful yet beautiful moment I got this mark on me. What's the deeper meaning of this?
I was led to a small library like room. The room was cozy and suitable for a conversation. I've never seen it before. Since I only got my vision back recently, I didn't have time to explore around. My eyes landed on the painting behind the round table. It somewhat looked familiar to me. Namjoon pulled a red cushioned chair for me like a true gentleman. I suddenly chuckled as I remembered the first time this guy welcomed me. He grabbed from my collar and threatened me with a gun,
Namjoon glanced at me with dumbfound, "Why are you laughing?" his face was a whole question mark.
"Nothing," I shook my head "I suddenly remembered how you said that you will blow my head on the first time we met," his face flushed in a slight embarrassment from my words.
Jin started laughing, bursting in to a wind shield whipper laughter. "Oh god Namjoon-ah, you looked dead serious that day," Namjoon awkwardly laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as Seokjin pointed him. I feel less stressed after a little laughter. Before Namjoon could apologize I spoke,
"What are you going to show me?" I glanced at both the figures who were sitting face to face with me. Both Seokjin and Namjoon got back in their serious mood again. I was curious to know what they had to tell me.
Jin started talking first, he tucked his turtle necked shirt, clearing his throat before speaking,
"Do you know the meaning of the mark you got on your arm?" I shook my head sideways answering him,"I thought it was just a mark to be owned by him," I looked at the mark and then again glanced at him,
"Does it have a deeper meaning?"
"It's all connected Y/n, it's not just about owning us. It's about escaping fate, escaping the fate given by the god," his mysterious voice gave me goosebumps. He shot his next question to me,
"Do you know the hidden meaning of the butterfly?"I again shook my head as a reply. Namjoon started explaining,
"There's a reason why he chose the wings of the butterfly. The butterfly is one of the most beautiful wonders of nature. They are eye-catching and attractive," he gaze got darkened as he talked, "But there's an evil side of that symbol, it has another meaning," his every single word was interesting and mysterious. It grasped somewhat graveness cored in it.
"What is the other meaning?" I queried.
"Death,Omen of death"Both Jin's words and gaze were dark. My eyes went winded. Namjoon started explaining more, clearing things one by one.
"Those wings represent his slaves, aka us, the wings are trapped inside an endless loop, a ring actually, Can you guess what it means?" The guy asked me.
Endless loop, trapped, that means only one thing.
"No escape?"I gulped as I say it. Seokjin nodded in agreement.
"Exactly, You got it," he ran his fingers through his bangs as he spoke, Jin elucidated everything like a teacher doing to a student,
"We can't escape him, neither can fight against him because that means only death. Black butterfly means death. The reason he chose a fax logo over a tattoo is that he wanted to let us know that he owns us,permanently and forever till our lives end. It's carved in our skin," I gulped, looking down at my arm, at the mark in there.
Namjoon talked from his deep voice while my eyes were glued to the butterfly in my hand, "He's two-sided just like a butterfly. Everyone falls for his outer personality without knowing his other side, they fall into the trap, just like all of us," I glanced at them with his words clarification.
I knew this was no game at all, he was dangerous, cunning but devious. The wings of my arm were laughing at me,
You will never win,
They sarcastically glitter those words. I felt uncertain about the consciousness of facing him. It was complicated, I had to face him, but how can I?
"But Y/n, He hid the other meaning inside it," Seokjin spoke seeing my confused and lost expressions. What does he mean by that? I raised my eyebrow within a question in my face.
"It also means change, endurance and hope. He tried to draw a circle dividing them apart and chose only the evil and psychopathic meaning of it, But," he extended his hand showing the mark on his arm. I was seeing if upside down, the wings looked like opened door rather than scary butterfly wings. "If we see the other way round, we can see the other portal to escape, we have to find the key to open it," his orbs shimmered like moonlight as he spoke.
Like he already found the key to open the door, like he saw the light on the darkness.
Namjoon drew my attention to the picture that was hanged above our heads. He motioned his finger towards it, "Have you seen this before?"
I stared at it for a solid minute.
I knew that I've seen it before. I tried to dig my memories to recall where I saw it. It was so messed up at this point, but suddenly it hit my head. It's that place, The place I've been only once in my life. This was of the picture the only painting that Jungkook didn't payed attention to on that day. I snapped my fingers together,
"The Bang mansion, I've seen it there," I was staring at the pictures above our heads. How odd it is, the angels were connected with hell. How did it end up in this place?
"It's called 'The fall of the Rebel Angels' This is just a copy of the original. So is the one in the Bang mansion. Ki Sung has the original painting. It represents a theory of a person who will stand against god's desire,Stands against his fate.Ki Sung rose up without any doubt about himself. Knowing that anything won't block his way"
I kept staring at the picture not taking my eyes off it as Namjoon talked. It was a war between hell and heaven.
So everything means that I can't fight against him? What is Namjoon trying to say? Why is he telling me all of this when everything looked against me?
"But if we find the way to make his biggest fear come true, that's our chance to fight him. Finding his weak point is our chance to take him down," Jin fiddled his hands together, glancing at me.I rubbed my temple, trying to assimilate what he meant.
They are trying to tell me that we can do the impossible. We have done it before, we all fought our destiny together. All these facts they said is to show the other way of what it seems like, to show the unseen. To show that there are all ways different ways to see things,
"We can do this together Y/n. You have to trust us" Namjoon looked at me in a concerned way.
"I know I can trust you but that means I will put you all in danger again,"
"We believe in you. You proved that he was wrong, again and again, we know you can do this" Jin placed a hand on my shoulder, reflecting a smile.
They all do believe in me,
I let out a soft sigh. It's no turning back now. I will do this for sake of my dead family and the family I have now. I'll do this for the one I could give my life for, to save them, to save him, Inhaling some air into my lungs I talked, taking a step forward from my mind. A step that I couldn't take back again,
"How do we find his weak point?"
My words of an agreement made them grin. Namjoon's dimples appeared as he smiles widely approving my decision.
"We already found it" A mischievous grin appeared on his handsome face. I was stunned by his state. So we already one step ahead? They found it? I glanced at both of them,
"You did? What is it? Namjoon smiled widely as I queried,
"It's You. You are his worst nightmare"
Hey there.. Again with a long chapter 😅
I wanted to add some meaning rather than killing and punching bad guys and putting end of the story. So I added some small details with help of Wings album theories and psychological theories of the Butterfly. Just wanted to make it bit different and unique 🙃hope you liked it.
I want to share another big achievement. Well it's big to me lol. This book got #1 as highest ranking in #minyoongi out of 53.6K books . And also thank you so much for 13K reads💕
Special thanks to all who support me ❤️ I appreciate you all✨
And remember the small dare I gave you?So here's the winner. Actually there are three winners
Lol Mochi_got_Squished she got it at once. I'll give you three the price I promised 😆
And for others a big hug from me *blows flying kisses*
Love you
Stay Gold ✨
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