Why should I apologize for the monster I have become?
No one Apologize to make me this way
- a villian
Jeon Jeong-ho pov
"Tell me what do you want to be?"
My 10 year old friend ask and I beamed happily before answering" Army pilot " I said with dreamy eyes and brightest smile on my face but my smile didn't last long when other started laughing at me, I look down in shame and gulp harshly.
Why they are laughing?
Maybe because I don't have money to study or maybe because I'm a illegitimate child of my parents who can't afford quality education.
" look Jeong wants to became pilot, the one who don't know basic studies hahah" they keep laughing which made my blood boil.
I get up from there and started running and swear I'll never play with them again but I didn't cry because that was nothing compared to what I have heard.
Slut's son, beggar, illiterate, whore blood many more, it doesn't effect me anymore.
My stomach growl loudly which made me sigh, I look up at bright sky thinking this isn't the time for food, right I get one time food which is at night.
I slowly made my way toward my house, at very outcast part of the village where respected people don't visit.
I'm outcast always been but as long as I have my mother beside me I'm good.
I was about to step inside then I heard it, yelling, slap sound and curses " why don't you just die you whore" it was my so call father's legal wife who is cursing my mother for the mistake she never did.
I hide behind the door and clutches my shirt tightly trying my best not to cry but completely failing at the attempt.
" you seduce my husband, such a shameless slut, what you black magic you did to him, you witch?" The hiccups didn't stopped when I heard something throw on the ground.
Dad if that's what I can call him, he marry my mom saying he love her and he is single but turn out that he was married with five year old daughter, since then everyone blame my mom for seducing a family man. No one blame the man who is responsible for the damage.
I pressed my hands over my mouth not to get noticed by any of them, my mom is not the one at fault neither is the other lady, fault is of my dad, I hate him whenever he come he beat my mom so much and ask for money, he even ask me to work for him but mom refused everytime.
She know he is bad.
All he want is money, I do have some pennies which I stole from father other day so we could eat but if he get to know he'll snatch it from me.
I attached my back to the wall when the angry women dashed out of the door, I heard my mom wailing inside, with lots of courage I stepped in the room and touched her figure who was sitting on the floor resting her head on her knees.
As soon as she saw me, she wipe her tears and get up with a smile " you are here, I-I will something to e-eat-" I cut her in between by hugging her tightly and we both cried.
She is my everything, she is so strong.
" Mom, I'm sorry if I didn't born you would be happy" I whisper truthfully holding her tightly as if she will leave me.
And earn a harsh slap on my back by her, she then rubbed the spot while glaring at me with her teary eyes like saying me I'm wrong.
" I can never be happy without you, you know how much you mean to me?" she asked kissing my forehead, her eyes are shining when she does that making me giggle. I love her so much, my mom.
" you mean the world to me" a small smile break through her face making me beam also. She pinched my cheeks and bring me on her lap " you are my baby" and I whinned loudly not liking the words.
" I'm 11, not a baby" I Said and she chuckled almost picking me up in her embrace but she unable to do so and I smiled teasingly.
" look I got muscles" I show her my arms proudly and she smiled with a gasp " oh wow, you got muscles, you'll fight monsters" and I laughed at her words.
" monster are not real silly" but what I don't know that one day I will become the monster she was asking me to fight.
I wish I wasn't.
4 years later
" MOM NO" I screamed and froze on the steps when I saw her lying on the bathroom floor, her wrists are slits, I can't believe this, she can't kill herself, she love me.. she said she love.
Was it a lie? How can leave me alone?
Then I saw my father at side acting his best to look sad and crocodile tears are flowing through his eyes " why you did something like that? Such a pure soul" He asked to her, his voice is breaking not because of emotion but because of drugs he consumed.
He killed my mom?
I know not a single person going to say anything to him, no one will question him, my mom was a outcast and now she is gone everyone will be happy right?
J will not let them.
I crouched down without saying him anything and stare at my mother's badly beaten lifeless body and count the scars. I will take the revenge for each and every scar of her body.
" I promise mom, I will return what other gave us, I swear on you mom, the person who is responsible for this, I will kill them, I'll become the powerful person whom everyone will afraid to disrespect, I promise" I took the oath and hugged her tightly for the last time and cried.
the only person who was keeping me sane in the chaos of insanity now have gone. No one can stop me now. The monster which was sleeping in her embrace peaceful is now awake.
Great, bring the destruction.
2 years later
" father don't cry" I smirk when blood flow out of his legs and hands, he is crying asking me to forgive him but I remember what he use to do with my mother and my eyes flashed red.
" s-son" I cut him off by slashing his chest with my blooded knife and he screamed out in agony. I'm loving it, his plead is like melody to my ears.
" now you remember who I am? You are very late father" I get up and walk toward the table where I kept my last weapon.
I joined the drug dealing, the first problem is solved, the money, I have enough money, I eat well, I sleep well.. hope mom can see this. She must be happy that I took revenge and punished every single person responsible for her state.
But still the second problem is there, power.. I still don't have power, people still call me with different names. I want power to shut them up with a single glare.
" I think that's enough" I pulled out packet of drugs and shoved it inside his mouth and hold his head tightly, he is struggling but his strength is nowhere near mine. Within few seconds his eyes dilated and started to close.
Blood started to flow out of his nose and finally he loose the control over himself, I kicked his body aside and walk out patting myself and smiled. A very satisfactory smile.
" such a pure soul" I smirk and pushed my bangs back winking at the women who look down while blushing, I got my mom looks.
Mom are you happy now?
3 years later
And now I have the power, I left those cheap drug dealing and joined the military, my physical strength is enough to complete the training while the insurance my mother had, I studied hard from that.
I got the respect, money and power but I'm not satisfied the monster inside me is blood thirsty.. it'll not stop until it'll get killed. I don't know when I become like this but now going back is very hard, there isn't any going back.
" sir, we are attacked at south" I informed the head and he nodded asking us to follow the rules and attacked them back.
We did and we won, our first won but the words "our" never look good to me, I want to make it my win.. my, it should be mine only mine, I don't like sharing the success, I don't like sharing anything at all.
Now I want more power where I can say my win not our and I will get it. You might think I'm villian but what's your definition of villian?
Heroes are good while villians are bad that's what you think right?
Definitely not true, heroes are the one who able to escape from hell while villian learned how to survive in hell. That's the only difference honey.
And I'm proudly villian.
Illiteracy, forces you to became insane.
While poverty forces you to become monster.
Well I had both so now I'm a monster who is insane, you can judge me if you never in you life felt how it seems like to sleep without food for days without a roof on your head.
How it felt to see your mother beaten up in front of your eyes and you can't do anything, how it felt to be called illegitimate.
You can't judge me for being the monster I'm today.
I opened my eyes with a sigh and a hurtful smile spread across my face when I remember everything about my past but I have come very far to regret, nothing to guilt over, I return the world what they gave me, they gave me pain and that's the only thing I can share them back.
It's better to become a rebel dictator then becoming a lawful salves. I never wanted to be a hero cause they are pathetic. Whole life they do everything correctly, only to betray by their own people and still they can't do a shit about it.
I can kill who chose to betray me, I can punish them because that's what villian do, atleast I'm happy finally. The satisfaction is nothing compared to anything else. I'm free, people fear me and I enjoy that. I got the power, money and what's not?
" Honey, are you okay?" It was my wife who asked, I smiled toward her and nodded, womens are naive, easy to manipulate so when I joined the military, the daughter of General fall in love with me. Ironic isn't it?
I took the advantage to gain more power and married her, damm I'm smart and she think I love, poor her.
Love is not in my dictionary and I can never feel an emotion for other except me, I'm selfish and I hate my wife for loving me like a crazy women. We should be selfish not the selfless like her.
" goodnight " I whisper and she greeted me back before engulfing me in her arms, I don't care cause that's not the place I belong, I don't belong to her.
I belong to myself and everyone belong to themselves.
I entangled my body from her when I saw her asleep and made my way out of the room toward my office, I needed to remove that king as soon as possible before she decided to fucked up my plans.
You know when a villian fears? When they get attacked by other who is same psycho like them and king, she is insane. The women is a big threat because she left nothing to live for just like me, we both are unstoppable.
The difference between our intentions is that I'm doing everything for 'myself ' on the other hand she is doing everything for her so called people. Told ya, heroes are pathetic.
It's been three weeks since Jungkook discharged from hospital, he is not doing anything but I'm highly suspicious that he know, he does my mind say he does.
And he is not believing because he trust me, my lies of ideal father and she was unable to gave him any proof because I never left any, I took each and every step carefully.
I don't know how she even alive after I paid those terrorists to kill her, look like I have to give them a little warning.
I can do everything which will clean my image in front of my son, he should not speak in front anyone and go against me.
Because when I say I can do anything to keep me in power, I can, I did before too many times and I can repeat it.
Even if it takes to end the life of my own son.
Once again..
I don't know about you but for me villians are part of life, you are nothing without them. I'm very sensitive toward villian so if you decided to curse him, try to think about his situation first.
I'm not defending him, he chose the wrong path and that's what we call mentality. Only if he was given direction then he would become a military pilot who would serve his country not terrorist.
Hope you get him part of story and try to think out his struggles, either hard times make the people or break them, those who can face and able to become a nice person are heroes and those who broke beyond repair are villians.
So my exams are over, don't ask how it goes well 7-8 chapters more then it'll be over.
Bishes, vote or else imma become a villian and kill you with online technology.
Bye hoemans, love you ❤️
You either die as HERO or you live long enough to see yourself becoming a VILLIAN
To be continue..
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