Race and Fall
Walk in forest with natural music
Is heaven
Author pov
" JAE" jungkook cheered her name along with other, when she started running, Jae swear she never feel more motivated until jungkook started chanting her name.
She is at second position but trying her best and within the blink she handle the baton to Sunjun who dashed, his name is echo in track when Jackson scream with full volume.
But unluckily he get on third position when it to reach Aera, she hold the baton tightly and sprinted like a cheetah with her full speed, she try to cove the distance and reached Jackson with securing second position.
Jackson started good but eventual slow down which make them third again, Haneul's already feel pressured when baton reached him... he run as fast as he can, they again become second when baton reached y/n.
"Come on kang" it was like everyone cheering for her only, her team members also as they completed their part, they are running with her but off track, telling her to move faster.
she just thinking she is running in forest at night and those man whom face she unable to see is following her, for her motivation she have to make herself fear, and she run like a she is flying like a bullet.
everyone watch with anticipation holding their breath when she about to overtake the first runner" y/n Nonna fast" it was Sunjun who screamed giving her the last push and she is first, she cut the ribbon with her baton making her team cheer in happiness.
Five of them hope on y/n, hugging eachother jumping around.. celebrating their win " I thought we'll loose when he start running," Jackson said to Sunjun who look offended, y/n hugged Sunjun and rocked him back and forth, while he sticks his tongue at Jackson.
" Nonna you are the best" he said patting her head, he is taller than her .." right y/n you slayed " Aera said removing Haneul arm from her shoulder when she find hug have gone long.
" but our lead was awesome so Jae is best" y/n said and with that all of them hug Jae closely who smile in return..
" west regiment is the winner of 1st relay race 10 points to west" Mc announced causing whole west regiment to shout loudly with smile on their face, " first runner up is north regiment adding 5 points to them" with that nrth one also shouted.
"On third position it's a tie, no points" how badly west regiment wants to show middle finger to south but can't do that, they show a sympathetic smile to them but inside they are dancing.
Jungkook along with other officers congratulate them and then Mc announced the next event which is tug of war,there are 4 teams as south, east, west and north.. and this team is mix of junior and seniors.
In west regiment have, yoongi, jungkook, hoseok, Jackson, Haneul, jin, Aera and y/n they are eight in total as every team have seven members.
First match was with South and east team, successfully south team won and Jeune don't forget to shot a smirk to jungkook who poke his jaw with his tongue. Next was with north and east, east won without any difficulty.. this time jungkook wink at Jeune mocking him.
And finally the most competitive teams are fighting against eachother " give up already " a member of Jeune team said " Let's see who is going to gave up" hoseok said back with a chuckle, he have full confidence in his team.
In the front is jungkook on the other side is Jeune, behind jungkook is yoongi, behind him is y/n, then is Jackson, then jin and then Aera at last is hoseok.
They rub their hands with sand to get the grip and yoongi chuckle looking at y/n " what you'll do with these noodles arms?" He said pointing at her arms which are covered with clothes but can detect easily.
" If you want to know I can show you here only" she said cracking her knuckle shooting a smirk to him who smile back " I know you can break his bones but don't, cause we need to win" Jackon gave a sarcastic remark.. he was listening to them.
But before any of them can reply signals of game starting reached cutting their conversation " TOGETHER " jungkook yelled and they repeat behind him " TOGETHER " and whistle blow telling them the game have started.
All of them put their whole strength in it and rope didn't move not even a single inch either side ", COME ON" Jeune yelled and the rope moved toward them, making them grin in happiness.
Jungkook prevented further movement while the members behind pulled the rope their side " very good but a little more" he aid and this time rope get pulled toward them and didn't stopped there and kept the movement.
"DON'T LET IT GO" Jeune yelled when rope started to slip out of his hands, he tried his best but other team is strong and it's the game of strength so they won.
"And west regiment is winner 10 points to them and 5 points to south regiment" Mc announced when the end line get crossed by other team, and jungkook sequel is happiness " well done " he said nodding his head in appreciation.
Yoongi and y/n did a hi five which didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook who come and hugged her from side catching her off gaurd, he didn't noticed the fist formed at side and her eyes glaring the living daylight of him, she don't like to be touched.
" cheer for me in race" jungkook said giving her his best cute smile but she didn't reciprocate the smile, yoongi pulled Jungkook away and at other direction, y/n relaxed her expression.
She took some deep breath for calming her down, before she put a smile on her face and walk the same direction where other left.. but they didn't noticed Jeune jaw clenched and his ass red in anger " I'm going to kill jungkook " he said but he also aware he can't do this.
The race which everyone was waiting for, the final match between the fastest sprinters of all regiment together, it's a 100m race, with that the extra 40 points will going to be add for the team who'll win, and the that team will win the trophy.
Jungkook, Jeune, two more runners are there.. Jeune Crack his neck looking at east regiment runner they both planed that no matter who won but they won't let jungkook win, jungkook have beef with both of them, enemy's enemy is friend this is happening here.
Jungkook smiled at y/n who is standing at side , she try to smile also " on your marks," with that they took the position, all of them have same intentions to win " get set -GO" and they sprint fastly, with the start, jungkook fly out leaving everyone behind.
Jeune try to take over but he didn't even reached near jungkook but the major of east regiment was behind Jungkook and he pushed him hardly, nudging his shoulder hard with his, jungkook landed on ground clutching his arms.
" ah" he grunt holding his shoulder he is hurt, Jeune crossed the line leaving Jungkook behind while the major of east regiment get disqualified for his act.. Jeune shot a smirk to Jungkook like he won fairly and did nothing wrong.
" Mutherfucker cheaters " Jungkook said launching toward him but he sat back groaning, his shoulders didn't let him move .. hoseok and jin run toward him along with others.
" Medic " jin yelled and make jungkook stand on his feet while yoongi went toward Jeune giving a good amount of curses to him... " are you okay sir?" It was Jae who asked almost tearing up at him groaning and his face that show pain.
Sunjun, Jackson are not there while Aera look at him with worried expression, Haneul went behind Yoongi, hoseok also went to talk to management for this kind of behavior.
" sorry but medic is not here" a soldier informed jin who was taking jungkook to medic room " it's done by that fucker" jungkook said with jaw clenched, he want to throw fist in anger at Jeune but stopped.
" make him sit I'll take care of injury" y/n offer and jungkook felt relief only to listening her voice, he look at her face which have no emotion like usual" are you -" y/n know what jin is going to ask so she said yes, she do have enough medical knowledge.
Jin made him sit on bed while he look around but no one was present in the room, no medical staff " Let's go" jin said to Jae who was moving closer to jungkook, she hesitate but eventually move out with other giving them privacy.
Y/n helped jungkook to remove his t-shirt, without getting affected by his appearance, he is in pain but he expected her to be flustered like other but didn't show a single emotion.
" I'll kill him for sure, he is cheater, mutherfuckers, I'll smack some sportsmanship in his brain, stupid, hoe -" jungkook keep cursing, y/n is sure she didn't saw his this angry before, she hesitate to open her mouth.
" it was just a race, and everyone is aware he cheated, so chill.. he can cheat here but what about the race of life? Where life will cheat with you, he can't win that race even when he try bribe grim reaper" jungkook didn't wholly understand her sentence, what she mean by that but he did and a smile formed on his.. she touched his bare shoulders .
His skin is on fire, he can feel his face is red for sure.. he cough trying to cover his blushed face " stop moving or you'll be in more pain" she said gripping his shoulder harshly making his yelp.
" I'm injured, don't take revenge of your punishments" he said and she snort, this is nowhere near her revenge , she is finding the displaced muscle while roaming her hands on is shoulder, not effected by his hotness not even a little which is making jungkook narrow his eyes at her .
He look her eye which is fixed at his body, she is concentrating, he can feel her touch, her fingers in his skin gliding smoothly.. when she found the right muscle a smile formed her face, the best smile jungkook seen in his life after his mother's, he didn't blinked trying to capture that smile..
He hiss when she twisted his arms a little giving a apologetic eyes to him, he is sure she is witch who is casting spell on him with her eyes.. he is going die if she'll at him again with those puppy eyes of her, he want to touch her like she is doing right now and get to know if she feel the same.
He gulp and lick his lips in nervousness " thank you" he said even when she is not over yet, he move his gaze away from her face or else he'll kiss her, her hands are not soft, he can feel roughness of her palm but still it's so damm hot for jungkook, he need to revise Bible in mind.
" I'll just put some ointment on it" she said and getting up from her position and start searching for ointment when she finally find it she grin while reading it content and walk toward him without making a eyes contact which is Jungkook desperately waiting for.
He wished she can never found it so he can look at her from some more, the gel was cool to his skin when she applied it, soon she massaged softly he closed his eyes, loving the sensation .. a pleased sigh left his mouth without his permission.
Y/n noticed his closed eyes and she know he is enjoying it but choose not to comment " done" she said pulling her hands to herself while jungkook opened his eyes at lost of contact of her warm skin " it's still paining though, maybe you can massage a little longer" it took him so much courage to say this.
"I'll just go" she said and stand from there try to move out but jungkook hold her wrist from his other hand " are you nervous? " Jungkook asked because when he use to watch drama this is what male ask in this kind of situation.
" why would I be?" She replied with the question while looking dead serious, he jerk her body making her lose her balance and land close to him " and now" he asked again staring at her eyes.
" jungkook " yoongi enter the room with his hurried steps , he scan the room with his eyes when he find them so close to eachother, they are going to kiss if he didn't walk inside now?,a sudden anger wash over him but he keep his face calm swallowing his anger.
" you can leave " he said coldly looking at y/n who nodded and washed her hands before leaving them alone, jungkook and yoongi kept silence until she walk away.
" it was planned, Jeune even try to spike the drink but we don't have fucking proof " yoongi said examine his arms holding in his" I know hyung " jungkook said closing his eyes and lean back at bed, replaying the scene from before and smiling to himself, his anger at Jeune washed away like it was never there.
Yoongi sigh aware what Jungkook is thinking, this is making him mad but he can't do anything, he just can't" I'll be outside " he said leaving the him alone or he'll do something which is not good.
" I can hurt myself only if you'll be there to make it okay" jungkook mumble to himself and touched his shoulder, he can feels her fingers roaming on his skin still there .. is it crush only right? He asked himself.
Author note
So you have seen game, y/n won and Jae was pretty good, their tug of war.. yoongi and y/n's interaction.. what do you think?
Jungkook lost but Jeune cheated.
And our hero is started to fall.. didn't he?
No one but you,
Make me feel things
To be continue...
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