I'm monster
Monster were never under my bed,
Because monster were inside my head
Author pov
As soon as king hear the siren of military jeep, she know what the fucked up plan Jeong-ho was making. She suddenly flipped the table where they were talking and shot the two person on her right.
" They were irritating me" she said and quickly took the cover of nearest wall. Scream and cries filled the whole area. People started running out to save their life and those who were trying to flirt with her earlier are now not even looking at her direction. She grin evilly at thought of putting end of everything.
And just then a bullet passed from the corner of her head, she rolled on her shoulder and aim the metal straight in the head of shooter. Jungkook was having hard time cause he was literally hiding himself under table so he won't get any injuries but still trying to remove some of the fucker.
Jimin break a bottle on the head of the built man and grin when the blood flows out, he shielded himself with his heavy bag when the other in black jacket aimed a bullet on him, he heard the metal colliding with his bulletproof bag.
" I swear if something happen to my laptop, I'll fucking bankrupt you" he yelled and kicked the man where sun doesn't shine and smashed his bag on his face.
V on the other hand doesn't have any problem he is best with gun so he was handling it pretty fine " shit " he yelled when the bullet finished in his handgun and the other was just in front of him, he threw the heavy metal toward the man who got the hit on his face and groan in pain.
V clutches the nearest souce bottle and squeeze it making the splash directly to the other's eyes " Tasty, isn't it?" he then flipped his long legs in the front of him who look at the V wide eyed but sigh relaxed when he didn't kicked him in face.
Suddenly V grin and thrust his foot exactly in the nose of other who groan " Aww, I know you'll love it" and he strangled the man with face covered in souce before twisted his neck and he dropped on the floor dead.
He wiped his forehead and get up but a kick landed on his back " To much work" he goes back to beat some ass.
Jeong-ho didn't knew they were four in total including his own son, he gritted his teeth but soon exhale and marched toward his team whom he informed about Jungkook being traitor and helping King.
King noticed him running out the room, she stab her sensu in the neck on man with whom she was wasting her time " JUNGKOOK COVER ME" she yelled at the nearest man before loading her emptied gun, Jungkook took the defensive position and shot whoever come in the way of her with ease.
" The hell-" the metal few out of Jungkook's hand and he saw Hoseok was glaring at him from very large distance. He can see the dissopointment on the face of older along with rage like he was asking him " why he is siding king"
None of them able to exchange the words when suddenly V started to fire without minding who'll get hurt, Hoseok along with other back against the wall. Some of the soldier get shot in the process.
JM quickly find a spot at very far end where no one was paying attention to him and started to upload the video online " Shit, they freaking block the network " he kicked of the dead body in anger before screaming loudly and when JM become angry shit about to go down.
He picked up the granite on the side and threw it over the gate which was blocked by tone of soldier " COVER" he heard one of them yelling and they move back from getting damage but the time was enough for them to run out from back door.
Jungkook, JM, V three of them run toward the alley outside, it was well lighted but there wasn't any sound of a single person " Where is king? " V was the one to ask, he frantically look back and forth in the search of the women.
" Not a single on them should run" JM groan at the voice of Hoseok and three of them take the cover of wall before started fighting like one of those in video game.
After couple minutes of some firing, they started go deeper in the alley, it was like maze of alot of narrow small path connected with eachother. They look back to find king but she wasn't anywhere near neither was Jeong-ho.
Jungkook took a deep breath before telling what he was thinking from past 10 minutes of cat and mouse fight
" please, shot them on leg, not body" it was request from him who look like he have seen ghost when none of other acknowledged his pleading.
" we just take order from king, not you so -" JM wasn't able to complete his sentence when he saw the women clad in black dress was along with a badly bruised man lying on the floor.
He took at as the message and decided to not let any of soldier reach the place.
But Jimin and Jungkook were distracted by the sight in front of them that they didn't noticed Jeune approaching with his walky talky along with his machine gun.
"Shot at sight is it?" The biggest mistake he did was to ask to repeat the order " Shot at sight" the other side yelled and he make his aim at back of Jungkook's head.
" Not so fast, King doesn't let us touch him and you are here trying to kill him, bad boy very bad" it was V who put the barrel behind Jeune head who closed his eyes shut in dissopointment of getting caught and threw his gun at floor, now the fear of being dead surge through his vein.
" But you did slapped me" Jungkook said back while searching if anyone except Jeune decided to follow them in this side " WHAT?" king asked and kicked Jeong-ho in his mouth.
" TWICE ACTUALLY-mmm" V put his palm of Jungkook's mouth and glared him to shut up meanwhile Jeune took the time to pick his dropped gun from the floor.
But before he could, a bullet made the hole exactly on his forehead, he dropped dead on the floor and king wink at a wide eye Jungkook before blowing the smoke out of her metal gun and tugged her gun under her thighs band.
She look down at the man lying on her feet and smirk, after waiting for years she finally had him in her feet, the only thing she want now, him to beg her like she did at that horrible night at forest. She want him to cry when she will kill him slowly, he will feel all the pain which he gave other.
" we don't have much time" JM informed while looking at the cctv footage of area, Hoseok, yoongi and other were searching furiously. His eyes drifted toward the voice coming from walky talky of Jeune who was dead on the ground. He picked up and break it in the half, threw it aside.
V pushed Jungkook out of the way so he can't see his own father dying horribly " you son of bitch, how could you?" Jeong-ho asked directing his voice toward his son, which he just remember now.
" Yes, I'm son of bitch if humans are like you " Jungkook fired back and was about to break free from V's grip but older doesn't let him. He held into him and pushed him forward " wench, you manipulated him against me" King poked her cheeks with her tongue and rolled them over her lips.
She suddenly jabbed her high heels on the thighs of Jeong and its passes through his flesh making the warm blood oozes out, he screamed in pure agony, Jungkook heart started to race at the cries of someone he used to call father but he refuse to turn around.
" Beg if you wanna live" she spoke and pulled out a cigarette from the small pocket of her dress and put it in between her lips.
After all dress was worthy, she think internally.
" leave me" it was like a order and king removed her heel. He clutches his thighs together but before he could think anything she stabbed her sensu on his left foot and it was goes through the whole in-out .
once again he tried to move but she already broken his spin bone to even make a small movement.
"Do you have a lighter?" She asked, JM and V shook their head. She threw the dead stick out of her hands in rage and run her hands over the sensu.
She pulled it out of his feet " Leave me p-please" and like a wave of ocean in dead sea, she felt happiness when he began to beg while joining his hands.
" I-I am sorry, I won't do it again, please" even though it was very fake of him to say everything but king somehow satisfied a little.
" please dont" and She backed away from him, JM and V exchanged a look to eachother while looking at the spy.
King was putting her whole anger together so she can give him the painful death he will remember just like how she does from past 16 years, she have died every day, every single moments. It's painful and she want to end it.
She closed her eyes and remembered how it started.
" when will you return? " I asked pouting at my mother who ruffle my hairs and smiled " soon" that soon never come, never did.
Because of people who love money
"Let me go" I Said shivering at this point but they laughed at me " Aww baby we can't let you go, sorry hun " he said approaching me with same steps as a tiger walk toward the dear, I have seen them from my eyes.
I had fun watching them but now I know how deer must have felt, pathetic like I'm feeling now " Mom, Dad" I Said wishing they can hear me but no one come for helping me" come here " the person who is kneeling in front of me said but I shake my head.
My hands are bruised along with my knees because of fighting and tripping happened back in village, he hold my arms I didn't even blinked and my dress get yanked from my body " no" I scream as loud as possible with my dry throat, but they didn't listened.
"Please no-" and he put his big palm on my mouth covered it completely " stop wiggling or I have to tie you" said the other holding my naked legs, I kicked my feet hard.. trying to hit them as much as possible but I'm small compare to them.
Sob after sob keep leaving my body, they didn't stopped there.. one by one two of them snatch my innocence, did the things which I'm not aware of, I kept pleading in my mind for someone to help me, grandma said God listen to us, I want to complain her that God didn't helped me.
All because of people who love power.
"your parents, your grandma are dead, they want you dead also but here you are alive and healthy for what? Just so you can waste the second life god gave you?" He asked and I was to fight back but he cut me off.
"don't you wanna avenge your parents your country, yourself? Tell me king how come you'll fight the killers and rapist while crying huh?" He asked in very stern voice while gritting his teeth, every words are going straight to my soul.
" kill them king, remember that day, remember that man, remember what they did, fuel yourself with fire, make their life hell, you can do this," he said and my heart races remembering everything once again and I'm feeling suffocated.
" those 1000 people who died, some of them were like you small kids, some were parents who's Childers were waiting for them at home, it's not you alone who is suffered all those people did there family did too, tell me what do you want to do with the killers?" He asked holding her arms making me look at him " TELL MEE" he screamed.
" I'll cut there hands first from which they touched my people, then there legs from which they approached my country.. then slowly I'll remove their eyes before twisting their neck from my hands, I'll kill the in worse way possible, I promise " I Said and my eyes are on target nothing less and nothing more.
" And I will" she opened her eyes and removed the folded rapier from her sensu " King no" she slashed his left arms out of his body and threw it at floor. The blood flows out, she smile widely like a sick person.
She hold the other arm and glide her blade on his elbow making it half " IT'S HURTING" he screamed out while sobbing loudly, crying on the floor.
The other side Jungkook was also crying. afterall he is human and he had emotions for that person.
" You know at the end I know I'm the villian of my own story" she laughed and clasped his head between her left hands.
With that she slit his head apart from his body with her rapier and kicked it like a ball at side. She didn't stopped there and keep slashing it without care.
" You made me monster juts like you" she laughed loudly looking at all the blood on her dress and ground, she was practically standing in the pool of warm liquid which was turning cold.
" Let's go, let's go" Jungkook pulled her along with him away from the body which he wasn't able to see from his own eyes.
But he can't pulled her out of the darkness she have slipped into, not in this life.
So I'm here again with some action which I can't write lol, anyways was it okay?
So Finally Jeong-ho is out of frame, I'm overwhelmed and don't know what to say hehe.
Bye love you❤️
I fear no monster, the one I see
Because all the time the monster have been me
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