xxvii. sunset conversations
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Evangeline Caspian was the happiest that she had ever been in years. Over the past few months of living with Remus and Tonks, she had really gotten to know the two. She and Vivian had quickly grown close to the two adults, spending a lot of time with them.
Remus had told the girls things about their parents. Things that they hadn't known before. Evangeline felt as though she had grown closer to her parents as well, if that made any sense. It might not to others but it did to her.
Evangeline found Remus and Tonks to be a good fit together. The two made one another extremely happy. She could see the love that they had for each other. It was truly beautiful. And every time she would see them together, she couldn't help but hope that she would one day find love. Vivian was convinced that she already had, with Ronald Weasley.
The youngest Caspian disagreed. Though her feelings for the boy had grown, and were slowly continuing to grow, she knew that she was not in love with him. Not yet anyway. Vivian thought otherwise saying she could, "see it in her eyes." Evangeline had rolled her eyes at that. And though she didn't think that she was in love with the boy, seeing as they had only been dating a few months, she knew that it was possible that one day she would.
The two sixteen year olds had been writing one another nonstop since the end of term. They caught each other up on their lives and talked about anything and everything. Evangeline hadn't seen the boy since the end of the last term and was excited to see him again soon. Summer was beginning to come to an end and Ronald Weasley had somehow convinced her to come stay at his place for the last two weeks of summer.
Initially, she had refused, wanting to remain with her sister, Remus, and Tonks. But then Ron went on to say that his mother really wanted to meet her. In that case Evangeline had told him that she would definitely not come. She was too afraid to meet the woman and didn't feel ready yet. But he had somehow guilted her into agreeing to come and she had made sure that he knew that if Remus didn't allow her to go, she wouldn't.
So, she had asked him. In the back of her mind, she was hoping, no praying, that he would say no. He did. But Tonks, who had thought that Evangeline wanted to go not knowing that she didn't, had managed to convince him to let her. Saying something about Evangeline being young and in love, which Evangeline denied of course.
So in the end, Ron had gotten his way and Evangeline wasn't too thrilled about it. Vivian, however, was excited for her. The eldest Caspian had then made plans to spend the rest of her summer before her last year at Hogwarts in Italy. Evangeline didn't know how the girl had convinced Remus to that. Even though Vivian was technically of age, Remus still didn't want to let her out of his sight.
He had missed so much of the both girls' lives and finally had the chance to get to know them, he didn't want to lose the opportunity. Evangeline and Vivian assured him that they were there to stay and would not be going anywhere anytime soon.
Currently, Evangeline was sat outside of the house, watching as the Sun began to set. She had been doing that a lot recently, watching the Sun set. It was a beautiful sight and something that could make her forget about any troubles or worries that she may have been facing that day.
As the Sun continued to set, Evangeline couldn't help but think about the events that were happening in the world around her. Muggles were being attacked and murdered by Death Eaters all across the UK. News of it had been reported for weeks now. With Voldemort's return, the Death Eaters were back to doing his bidding. Evangeline hated that it was happening.
The Muggles did nothing wrong. They were innocent and being punished because of their blood status. It was absolutely ridiculous and disgusting. Evangeline wished that there was something that she could do to stop it. She wished that she could help them.
"What're you thinking about?" Tonks asked, coming to sit next to the girl on the grass. Evangeline jumped slightly and sighed before shrugging, "Life. How awful the world is. You know, the usual." Tonks nodded her head. "You know, you shouldn't worry yourself too much about it," she said. "That's easier said than done. Especially since I feel as though I can do something about it and that I can help. But then, I remember that I can't. That I'm completely useless," Evangeline said.
"You are not useless. But, there are some things that are out of your control. Right now, you can't do all the things that you want to. But believe me when I say that in the end, when it really matters, you're gonna do great things. You're gonna help those people, just not now. Now isn't the time," Tonks said. "Then when? When is the right time?" Evangeline asked.
Tonks shook her head, "I don't know." She stood up then, wiping the dirt off of her pants. "Come on, supper's ready," she said, holding out a hand for Evangeline to take. The girl took ahold of her hand and allowed the woman to pull her to her feet. Evangeline dusted off her pants and walked side by side with Tonks.
"Tonks?" Evangeline said. The woman hummed. "I like your name. Your first name that is," she told her. Tonks rolled her eyes, "For the last time, you cannot call me Nymphadora." Evangeline groaned, "But I like it." Tonks shrugged her shoulders. Evangeline rolled her eyes and the two entered the home.
She sniffed the air and smiled as the scent of food filled her nostrils. She hadn't realized that she was hungry until she caught a whiff of the smell. She and Tonks walked to the dining area where Vivian and Remus were sat, the two immersed in a conversation. When they had noticed Evangeline and Tonks their conversation temporarily ceased.
"Finally, the food is getting cold," Vivian said. Evangeline rolled her eyes and took a seat next to the girl. "Sorry for the wait, we were having an important conversation," Tonks said, taking a seat next to Remus and placing a kiss to his cheek. "What about?" The man asked. "Life," the two responded. Vivian rolled her eyes at them. "Can we eat now?" She asked. "Yes," Remus said. The eldest Caspian didn't hesitate to begin piling her plate with food. Evangeline followed in suit, her stomach beginning to rumble.
The two adults watched the two teens in amusement, waiting for them to finish getting their food before they could start. Once everyone had full plates, they had begun eating, having multiple different conversations as they did.
This was something that happened almost every night. The four would sit down and have dinner together, talking about nonsense and just enjoying each other's company. This was something that Evangeline cherished. Back when she was living with the Luthers, she had never had a family dinner like this. The few times that they had all eaten together was tense and highly uncomfortable and hardly any words were spoken.
But this, this was relaxing. She enjoyed the conversations that she had with the three. She enjoyed the lightness in the room and the warmth. It was something that she had always wanted and now she had it.
The four continued on with their supper, laughing and talking until they were done.
Evangeline moved about her room, packing up her things for school. She was packing extra early because of her plans to stay with the Weasleys for the next two weeks. She was still nervous about the whole thing. Not only would she be meeting her boyfriend's parents, she would also be staying in his home. Things were bound get awkward and weird and Evangeline was not ready.
She closed her trunk and locked it before sliding down to sit on the floor with a sigh. Her mind began to wander to the thoughts that had been plaguing it for the past week. The basic thoughts that a lot of girls have before meeting their boyfriend's parents. The, what if they don't like me? and the, what if I make a fool out of myself? And of course there's the, they'll hate me, or the, they won't think that I'm good enough.
Another sigh left the girl's lips and she closed her eyes. Ron had assured her that she had absolutely nothing to worry about when it came to his parents. He was certain that they would love her, his mom especially, and she would fit right in. He also thought that it was cute that she was so worried about impressing his parents. She threatened to slap him if he mentioned it whenever she got there. And even with his assurances, Evangeline still had her doubts.
She couldn't help it. She would never admit to being insecure, but she was. She had lived with Matilda and Archibald Luther for most of her life. The two were very keen on breaking down her spirits and making her feel as though she were worthless and unworthy of everything, especially happiness.
She opened her eyes again and looked about her room. It was practically bare now, most of her belongings already packed away. Evangeline stood from the floor, deciding to change into her pajamas and go to bed. She couldn't seem to shake the nerves that she was feeling.
And as the day in which she would leave drew closer, she grew even more terrified of what the next few weeks would hold.
Evangeline is back and better than ever! Welcome to part two of Youth. This part will be taking place during The Half Blood Prince film. Again, this book is based off of the movies and not the books because I haven't read the books. What did you guys think of this chapter? Be sure to comment (anything but for me to update) and let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote!
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