xvi. snogging doesn't fix things
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When Vivian Caspian learned about what Barry had done, she did not hesitate to punch him in the face, the boy sporting a black eye for the next few weeks. He hadn't told anyone who had given him the black eye, only saying that he had gotten into a fight with someone and that was that.
Ron and Cleo thought that it was well deserved. That it was the universe's way of getting back at him. Evangeline was the only person, besides Vivian and Barry, who knew what had really happened. She had attempted to chastise her older sister but couldn't control the bouts of laughter that kept bubbling out of her mouth. Vivian was pleased.
Evangeline hadn't listened to Barry's words, continuing to hang out with her new friends. Friends. It was strange to think of them as that. She considered them to be acquaintances, not yet ready to admit that they were her friends. Vivian was beyond ecstatic that Evangeline was actually talking to someone that wasn't her. The younger girl was finally breaking out of her shell and opening up a lot more.
The two were at the last D.A. meeting before the holiday, going over all that they had learned since the first meeting. Neville, who had been struggling to master the Expelliarmus charm, was finally able to disarm his opponent, who in this case happened to be Parvati Patil. Evangeline found herself smiling, a feeling of pride swelling up in her chest.
Not too long after that, the meeting was over. "So that's it for this lesson. Now, we're not gonna be meeting again until after the holidays. So just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And well done, everyone. Great, great work," Harry told the group. Everyone, besides Evangeline, clapped before beginning to leave the Room of Requirement.
She could see Harry eyeing Cho Chang and rolled her eyes, wondering when he was going to make a move. Vivian rested a hand on her sister's shoulder and gave it a squeeze before leaving the room, making sure to thank Harry on her way out. Evangeline waited for Cleo and Hermione, the three agreeing to walk back to their dorm together prior to the meeting.
One of the girls in question rushed her way. Hermione grabbed her arm and began pulling her to the door, Cleo and Ron following behind her. "You really want to go to sleep, don't you?" She asked, pulling her arm out of Hermione's grasp. "No. But Harry is going to talk to Cho and I want them to be alone," the Granger girl said. The four walked down the corridors and toward the Gryffindor common room.
When they arrived, Hermione and Ron made themselves comfortable. "Aren't you going to bed?" Cleo asked them. "Of course not. We have to wait for Harry and see what happened," Ron said. Cleo rolled her eyes before turning to Evangeline. "What about you?" She asked. Evangeline shrugged, "I'm not tired."
"Fine, but don't get caught being out so late," Cleo said, pointing at the three of them before heading in the direction of the dorms. Evangeline took a seat next to Ron, who had made space for her on the couch. "What do you think they're doing right now?" Hermione asked, her tone excited. "Why are you so invested in this?" Evangeline asked back.
"I'm just happy that my friend is going to be happy. There's nothing wrong with that. Like, whenever you find someone, I'll be just as invested in your relationship," Hermione replied. Evangeline rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. "And what makes you think that I'm going to find someone?" She asked and Hermione scoffed. "Oh please. It's only a matter of time. I mean you're smart and pretty and not completely mean," she said.
"Well in that case, where's your someone? Because you're all those things and more," Evangeline said. Hermione blushed at the compliment. "This isn't about me, it's about you," she said before turning to Ron. "Ronald, don't you think Evangeline is pretty?" She asked. Ron's eyes widened and his cheeks became tinted pink. Evangeline turned to look at him, her heart beginning to race as she anticipated his answer. Hermione's eyebrows raised expectantly, a tiny smirk on her lips.
"Uh, well, um. I—" The Granger girl cut him off. "It's a simple 'yes or no' question, Ronald. Do you or do you not think Evangeline is pretty?" Ron gulped, casting his gaze to his hands that were fumbling in his lap. Evangeline deflated slightly, taking his lack of answer as a no and assuming that he was trying to figure out a way to spare her feelings. She tried not to feel insulted and ignored the pang in her chest that occurred when she thought about what he thought of her. "You don't have to answer, Ronald," she said, looking away from him. "Yes he does," Hermione gave him a look, her angry gaze burning into him. She had sensed her new friend's sadness.
"I—" He cut himself off when Harry entered the room, jumping to his feet. "Harry!" He practically shouted, rushing over to his friend. "How'd it go?" He asked, bringing Harry over to sit on the ground in front of the fire. Hermione's hard glare followed the redhead's form and he did his best to ignore her, sending Harry a smile.
Ron reclaimed his seat next to Evangeline, who scooted away from him slightly. An action that he took notice of, his smile instantly falling. Harry looked over at the three, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Ron cleared his throat and turned back to his friend. "Well, how was it?" The redhead asked the dark haired boy. "Wet. I mean, she was sort of crying," Harry answered. "That bad at it are you?" Ron chuckled. Hermione and Evangeline gave him a look.
"I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory," Hermione defended him. Ron snickered and Evangeline shot him a dirty look. "Cho spends half her time crying these days," Hermione continued. "You'd think a bit of snogging would cheer her up," Ron responded with a chuckle. Evangeline rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "You do realize that snogging doesn't fix things, right?" She questioned, her voice clipped.
Ron's eyebrows furrowed at her tone of voice. "Don't you understand how she must be feeling?" Hermione asked. Ron looked down. "Well, obviously she's feeling sad about Cedric, and confused about liking Harry and guilty about kissing him, conflicted because Umbridge might sack her mum from the Ministry, and frightened of failing her O.W.L.s because she's worrying about everything else," Hermione rushed out.
Evangeline felt sorry for Cho, not realizing just how much is on her plate. It was a lot to handle and Evangeline gave props to the girl for keeping herself together. For the most part at least. "One person couldn't feel all that. They'd explode," Ron stated. Evangeline scoffed, rolling her eyes again. "Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon," Hermione retorted, looking the boy up and down. It was silent for a very brief moment before Harry smiled. Ron followed after and began chuckling quietly.
A smile made its way onto Evangeline's face and Hermione began laughing as well. An extra loud laugh escaped the Granger girl's lips, making Evangeline laugh also. The two girls were in a loud fit of giggles now, neither of them able to stop. Ron was smiling at Evangeline, enjoying the sound of her laugh. It wasn't something that he heard often and felt that he was lucky enough to actually be able to hear it. He wanted to be the one to make her laugh.
When the laughter died down, the group of four grew silent. Hermione stood up, grabbing everyone's attention. "I think it's time for bed," she said, taking ahold of Evangeline's arm and pulling her off of the couch. "Good night boys," she said before pulling Evangeline in the direction of the girl's dorms. The Caspian girl let her pull her away, her mind on going to bed.
"Evangeline!" Both girls stopped, turning around. Ron shifted awkwardly under the girls' stares. She raised an eyebrow and Hermione let go of her arm. "I'll wait for you," she said before pushing the girl forward. Evangeline turned to give her a glare before walking over to where the redhead stood. He rubbed the back of his neck as she crossed her arms over her chest.
He remained silent and she raised her eyebrow once more. "Yes?" She questioned. Ron softly sighed, shifting on his feet. "Yes," he said. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Excuse me?" She asked in confusion. He took a deep breath, his cheeks reddening. "My answer. It's yes. I think you're pretty. I think you're really pretty," he admitted. Evangeline was stunned, unable to form words. Behind them, Hermione was beaming.
"I, uh, I just wanted you to know that," he said, growing awkward again. A smile came to her face and he relaxed slightly. "Thank you, Ronald." He nodded, "You're welcome. Uh, good night." Her smile remained, "Good night." She turned back around and began walking to where Hermione was waiting. The Granger girl looped her arm through her friend's and Evangeline let her, her mind elsewhere.
She couldn't understand why his words meant so much to her or why she was still smiling like an idiot the entire walk to her dorm. But what she really didn't understand, was the feeling that she got in her stomach when she thought about Ronald Weasley.
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