x. the tyrant in pink
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Evangeline moved forward with the crowd of students who were rushing to the front of the school. She didn't know what was going on, only that it had something to do with Professor Trelawney. And though she'd rather be anywhere else than in a crowd of annoying students, curiosity got the best of her.
What looked like the entirety of Hogwarts' students were stood outside on the courtyard, watching the scene unfold. Mr. Filch was carrying one of Professor Trelawney's suitcases to where she stood next to two other suitcases. The woman looked so frail and small and Evangeline slightly felt sorry for her.
Professor Umbridge emerged from the crowd, looking as smug as ever. She walked over to where Professor Trelawney was stood. Trelawney walked forward as well, nearly tripping over one of the suitcases. "Sixteen years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this," Trelawney said to the shorter woman. Umbridge smiled at her, "Actually, I can." She held up a folded piece of paper and tilted her head to the side, that smile still on her face.
Professor Trelawney began to cry. It was absolutely silent save for the woman's sobs. It was then that Professor McGonagall came running forward. She pulled Trelawney into a hug and comforted her. She then eyed Umbridge in distaste. "Something you'd like to say, dear?" Umbridge asked the woman. "Oh, there are several things I would like to say," McGonagall said before going back to consoling the crying woman.
The castle doors opened then, Professor Dumbledore walking out in an almost dramatic manner. All eyes were on him, with Umbridge looking less than pleased. Dumbledore walked to the center of the courtyard where the three women stood. "Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" The man said. Evangeline felt smug in that moment as Professor McGonagall began to usher the woman inside, Trelawney thanking the headmaster.
"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms, of Educational Decree Number 23, as enacted by the Minister—" The headmaster cut Umbridge off. "You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster," he said. Umbridge looked at him with wide, crazy looking eyes. "For now," she replied.
Dumbledore walked away from her and back to the school's entrance. "Don't you all have studying to do?" He called out to the students. Evangeline watched as they all scattered away from the courtyard, rolling her eyes at the sight. However, she too made her way back into the castle. She went about her own business.
When night had fallen, she was making her way to the common room, wanting to do some of her homework there and maybe study a little bit. With all the things going on, Evangeline found herself studying less and less. And if she wanted to score high on her O.W.L. exams, she needed to study. However, no matter how much she studied for the Defense Against The Dark Arts exam, she wasn't sure that she would ever be ready for it seeing as Umbridge taught them next to nothing.
Evangeline didn't expect to hear voices coming from the common room when she had arrived. It was getting pretty late and she had assumed that everyone would've gone off to bed or at least preparing to. She walked into the room to see three figures crouched around the fireplace. They all pushed themselves off the ground and turned to face Evangeline as she walked in. She stared at the Golden trio, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Were you guys just talking to the fireplace?" She asked unsurely. "How much of that did you hear?" Ronald asked, his tone accusatory. Evangeline crossed her arms over her chest. "Why? You guys saying something that you don't want anyone to hear?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. "Just answer the question," the redhead said. "You first," Evangeline retorted.
"We were just having a personal conversation... by the fire," Hermione said, halting any snarky reply that Ronald would say. Evangeline eyed the three, not quite believing the girl's words. But she didn't care enough, or at all, to dwell on it so she nodded her head. "I didn't hear anything," she said before turning on her heel and walking in the direction of the dorms. She would have to study another time it seemed.
The next few days had been fairly uneventful as they were going by normally. Evangeline ate her meals and went to class. She had been finding more time to study for her O.W.L. exams and although the tests were months away, she was beginning to feel prepared for it. She had no doubt in her mind that she would score really high.
Evangeline found herself in the library, basking in the peace and quiet that it provided. In that moment she was completing her Arithmancy essay. She hoped that she would get a better grade on this essay than the last. The thought about that and the events that occurred after sent a wave a phantom pain through her hand. It had been healing fairly well however, Evangeline could still see the outline of the words, 'I will not be late to class' in her hand.
She and Vivian, mostly Vivian because Evangeline had been more focused on her studies than the older girl at the moment, had been devising a plan to get back at Umbridge for what she had done. Although Evangeline wanted to do something to ruin the woman, she had an inkling that Umbridge would get what she deserved sooner or later.
Evangeline stopped writing to read over the words on the parchment. She squinted her eyes as she thought, wondering if what she had written so far was actually good. She pursed her lips before beginning to write again. She was so immersed in her work that she didn't notice a figure looming over her. Nor did she notice said figure pull out the chair across from her and sit down.
Someone cleared their throat from in front of her. Evangeline looked up to see Hermione Granger looking highly uncomfortable. "Yes, Granger?" Evangeline said. Hermione cleared her throat again. "Evangeline, can I talk to you about something?" She asked. Evangeline sighed, placing her quill in the pot of ink in front of her, "I suppose." Hermione sat up straighter, leaning in closer to the girl before glancing around to make sure no one was watching or listening. "Well, I know that we're not really friends or anything but, I trust that you can keep a secret. You can keep a secret, right?" She began quietly.
Evangeline eyed her curiously. "Yeah," she replied. "Okay well, Harry, Ron and I were thinking. About what we're learning or, not learning, in Defense Against The Dark Arts. And it's ridiculous really. I mean, we're supposed to be learning and practicing defensive spells, not reading from a textbook and I—" Evangeline cut her off. "Is there a point to your rambling?" She asked, already growing annoyed with the conversation.
"Yes there is," she said and Evangeline gestured for her to continue. "So, Ron and I were thinking about starting our own little class where we can actually learn defensive spells properly. Harry would be teaching it, he already agreed," she said. Evangeline's face scrunched up in confusion. "Okay and?" She asked. "And, I was wondering if you could talk to Vivian about it? See if she would be willing to join," Hermione said.
Evangeline was taken aback by her words. "Vivian?" She asked for clarification. Hermione nodded. "Yeah. Ron thought it would be a bad idea to have a Slytherin there but, your sister is really nice and everyone knows it. I think people would be okay with it and I don't think that she would rat us out," she said. "So, you want Vivian to join this little group?" Evangeline questioned.
Hermione nodded again, "Do you think she'd be interested?" Evangeline shrugged slightly, "I don't know. But, I guess I'll talk to her." Hermione beamed brightly. "Great. Also, tell her that she can bring anyone who she feels she can trust with this. But only someone she can trust. I don't know if there are too many trustworthy Slytherin but, you never know. Thanks, Evangeline."
The girl nodded and Hermione stood from the table, sending Evangeline one last smile before walking away. Evangeline tried not to feel offended by the fact that Hermione hadn't asked her if she would be interested in joining. Evangeline didn't like that they weren't learning in what used to be her favorite class. She would love to learn how to defend herself again.
Hermione had most likely assumed that the girl would say no, which wouldn't be too bad of an assumption. Still, for some reason, Evangeline would've liked to be asked, even if her answer would be no. Although, she wasn't too sure that it would be.
She rolled her eyes at herself for feeling some type of way about this. She and Hermione weren't friends so she shouldn't feel offended. And although Hermione and Vivian weren't friends, Vivian was a lot more likeable than her younger sister.
Evangeline could no longer concentrate on her essay, her mind wandering to Hermione's explanation of the group that she and her friends had formed. She thought that it was beyond stupid and that they would get caught. But, she also thought that what they were doing was kind of brave. And also, in some aspects, smart.
Though she didn't know how well of a teacher little Harry Potter would be, she knew that he would be a hundred times better than Dolores Umbridge.
Ahh! Second update of the day! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the double update today. Please be sure to comment and vote. Have a nice day.
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