A faint smile grew on Sage's face when Solana wrapped her arms around his neck in her sleep, right after he had shivered from being cold. He pulled her leg up higher on his waist, and lowered his head to rest in the crook of her neck.
Leaving gentle kisses against her skin, he could feel her breathing pattern change; a sign that she was now asleep again. She looked so pretty while she slept. Her expression was much more relaxed than the usual frown she had.
Her hair was pinned up in her silk bonnet, but some straight pieces had found their way out of it-probably because of how much she tossed and turned throughout the night, though she always returned back to her previous position of either being in Mariah's arms, or Sage's.
The two of them couldn't keep their hands off of her even while they all slept. Solana thought it was cute; having a boyfriend and a girlfriend who didn't let you get too far before they needed to touch you. They were so adorably obsessive.
Sage stared at her while she seemed to be sleeping so peacefully, then leaned forward to kiss her lips a few seconds later. He rubbed the small of her back to wake her up again, not even caring that she hadn't brushed her teeth yet. He wanted her to kiss him.
He felt her hand hold the bottom of his face at the same time that a quiet groan escaped his lips from the way she she sucked on his bottom one. She knew that he was being this clingy because of what she'd done to him yesterday, and she thought it was humorous.
She remembered when Mariah did the same thing after their first time. Any form of sexual intimacy, whether it was deep kissing, head, or actual sex, usually made you change how you acted towards your partner(s) right after. She was glad that both Mariah and Sage basically gave her a good review by being all over her the day after their first times with her.
"Go back to sleep Mazari. You can kiss me later, I promise." She spoke with a small chuckle, finally pulling her mouth away from his.
"I don't wanna wait. Can you stay up please?" He mumbled, kissing her again even though her mouth remained closed.
"Knock yourself out." She tilted her head back a bit, and his kisses lowered to be on her neck. Solana began to fall asleep yet again, and he stopped kissing her but kept his face in her neck. He guessed he would have to wait until she was ready to be up.
He laid there for another half hour in silence, letting his random thoughts roam. Then when movement came from the other side of the bed, he picked his head up to look over at Mariah.
"Can you wake up with me?" He turned her head to look over at him, and she frowned her face up. She had barely heard him. It was too early in the morning to be talking.
"Sage it's like-still dark out. Go to sleep." She mumbled, not even bothering to read the time on the digital wall clock. It definitely wasn't dark outside, and the dark she was referring to was actually their black-out curtains. It was almost noon.
"No, it's time for you to get up. You always wake up at eleven. Get up." He got out of the bed and walk over to her side, and she smacked her lips once he picked her up with little effort.
He carried her to the bathroom with him, and against her will, she completed her morning routine on the side of him. She then emptied her bladder while he ran some water to shower, patiently waiting for her to finish.
"Boo?" She rolled her eyes at him, and he didn't say anything in response. He knew she had an attitude because he'd woken her up but he didn't care. They slept way too long for his liking.
"I'm not taking a shower with you Sage I took one last night." She told him, seeing that he was waiting for her.
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
He tilted his head to the side with slightly squinted eyes, and she stared back at him with attitude all in her expression. Within a minute or so, she was stepping through the glass door to get in the shower with him.
Mariah put her arms around her neck to let him know she wanted to be picked up, being taken off of her feet moments later. He shifted her up higher, briefly glancing down at her middle area that was against him, before meeting her eyes.
"Like what you see?" She held the back of his head, gazing back at him with a light chuckle.
"Don't make me nervous or I'm going to drop you Mariah." He told her with all seriousness, a small frown on his face. She laughed, knowing just how serious he was so she held him tighter.
"You don't have to be so shy anymore, geez. You literally just ate my pussy. Lighten up." She tilted his head back, and he didn't even get a chance to respond before he was kissed. This kissing thing was quickly becoming one of his favorites.
Holding her against the wall, Sage's hand wrapped around her neck and he immediately tightened his grip because he knew that she liked that. When she moaned in his mouth, he pushed his body closer to hers to let her feel how hard his dick was.
Mariah slowly pulled away from him, keeping his tongue in her mouth for a few seconds longer before letting it go. She then kissed his lips twice more before being placed on her feet so that they could actually shower.
They stayed in there for around twenty minutes together, and Mariah spent most of the time teasing him about how easy it was to make him nervous. It seemed like it became effortless after last night.
He was glad neither her nor Solana was making too big a deal about it. It gave the impression that they had kind of been expecting it, but either way, he was thankful that they made sure he was comfortable all the way through, and even now, after it had already happened.
"Why is it taking so long for her to get up?" Sage climbed back in the bed next to an asleep Solana, figuring it was about time for her to wake up.
"Get out my baby face Sage. Damn." Mariah reached over to push his head back since he was so close to her, and he chuckled, giving Solana some space.
"I miss her." He propped his head up on his hand, watching her body slowly rise and fall due to the pace of her breathing.
"Do y'all talk about me a lot Riah?" He asked her a few seconds later, switching his gaze to look over at her.
"What y'all be saying?"
"Get you some business Mazari." She waved him off with a smile, making one spread across his face too while jokingly rolling his eyes.
"Does she like me how you like me?" He phrased his question as best as he could, tracing Solana's arm with his finger.
"How do I like you?"
"I don't know. You've been super nice and like, clingy, since the beginning. She's just now warming up to me though. I heard y'all talking in the shower last night too." He revealed, which made her pick her head up to look at him.
"I wouldn't hurt her. Do you think she knows that?" He asked, his tone lowering a bit. He sounded a little sad when he said that.
"She does baby. She's just overprotective of herself. It's not a you thing." She told him, glancing at Solana for a few seconds. She loved her so much, and she was glad that Sage was as sweet as he could be towards her. Mariah knew just how tough a cookie Solana was to crack.
"She's so pretty." He mumbled, stating his thoughts out loud as he continued to stare at her. She had such distinct features; high chubby cheekbones, a narrow nose with slanted eyes, a defined jaw structure, and plump lips.
He loved her and Mariah's lips. They were almost as big as his. He loved getting kisses from them.
"Thank you." Solana spoke with her eyes still closed, and Mariah shook her head with a smile. There was no telling how long she'd been up, just listening.
"You welcome. Can you get up now?" Sage leaned his down to be in front of her face, watching as her eyes finally opened. He was close as hell, but he didn't care.
Solana turned to lay on her back, covering her mouth to shield her yawn. She didn't feel like getting out the bed but figured she might as well go ahead and do it. Sage wouldn't be leaving her alone about it any time soon anyway.
"Morning baby." Mariah kissed her face once she sat up, and Solana returned the same kiss to her before climbing out of the bed.
She only wore a pair of panties and one of Sage's shirts, and she could feel both of their eyes on her as she walked away. Chuckling at the obvious obsession, she got started on her facial care routine in the bathroom and followed up with brushing her teeth.
Then she emptied her bladder, and while sitting on the toilet she realized that she was hungry. She hadn't smelt any food when she'd woken up so that meant Mariah didn't fix breakfast today. How upsetting.
When she walked back in the bedroom, Sage held the cover up for her to climb in the bed next to him. She laid in his embrace, but turned her body to face Mariah, who instantly moved closer to her.
"Look at these. Chanel just got them back in stock." Mariah turned her phone to show her a pair of double C silver stud earrings on the Chanel website, clicking on the picture.
"You not slick girl." Solana stared blankly at her, shaking her head once she laughed. Valentine's Day was in two days and she knew that Mariah was only showing her the earrings because she wanted them as a gift.
"Sage buy me these okay? For Valentine's Day." Mariah put her phone in front of him, and he looked down at the screen with his resting expression, obviously not impressed by the earrings.
"Why are you showing me if you just showed her?"
"Because you can get me them in gold and she'll get them for me in silver. Duh. Why is your head that big if you never use it?" She shot back, and Sage reached over to mush her head which made her laugh again.
"I'm not buying no earrings for eight hundred dollars. You know what you can buy with eight hundred dollars?" He still had his head propped up on his palm, looking over at Mariah.
"Chanel earrings shorty, I just said that." Her attention went back to her phone while he rolled his eyes in response. Sometimes he forgot that she was from Chicago too. She didn't act like it.
"What you laughing for?" He looked down at a humored Solana, who just shrugged her shoulders without getting rid of her smile.
"You gone be our Valentine or what?" She asked him, tilting her head to the side. He nodded his without hesitation, and her smile grew while Mariah fake gagged from the other side of Solana.
"What you be hating so hard for ma?" He chuckled, rolling his eyes yet again after she'd lifted her free hand up to point her middle finger at him before getting up to go pee.
Sage then watched as Solana opened her camera app on her own phone, pulling her hand back to look at herself. She fixed her eyebrow hairs so that they all laid the same direction, briefly posing in the camera once she'd done it.
"Say cheese papa." Solana held his face next to hers, and he ignored her request, instead leaning his head down to kiss her cheek.
"Let me get a kiss and I will." He spoke with his lips still pressed up against her face, causing her to turn her head to the side.
She puckered her lips up for him, and he wasted no time to engage in a kiss with her. Solana's hand rested on his face, letting him pull her tongue out of her mouth to slowly slide against his.
They shouldn't have kissed him last night. Now he was about to make them kiss him all day every day, just because. It felt like he could feel the love they had for him from their lips being against his, and he loved that. He didn't want that feeling to ever go away.
He was caught off guard when Solana pushed him to lay on his back, and then put herself on top of him which caused his body to quickly grow hot in arousal. It irritated him how both her and Mariah had that affect on him and he had no way to stop it.
Stimulating his hormones further, Solana grabbed his face to break their kiss, and then let her spit fall into his mouth. He groaned out once she sucked it up from the surface of his tongue, before dropping it in his mouth again for him to swallow.
"You gon' take a pic with me now?" She smirked, able to see what she was doing to him as he tried regaining control over himself.
"No. I love you." He put his arm over his eyes, and she laughed, sitting up on him just as Mariah came out of the bathroom.
"Being obsessed with my girlfriend is crazy." She climbed back in the bed, smiling once Solana got off of Sage to lay with her again.
"I'm obsessed with you too." He reached underneath the covers to shift his dick in his sweats once his print started to clearly become visible.
"Oh I know. You beeeeen obsessed." Mariah rested her hand on Solana's thigh that was now over her waist, going back to Twitter on her phone.
Sage chuckled, looking over at the two of them. He recalled the conversation he and Mariah were having right before Solana woke up, and he wondered how much of it she had heard.
He was telling the truth when he'd said he wouldn't hurt her. After all she and Mariah had done for him; literally helping his life do a complete circle after leaving the military, the last thing he wanted was to ruin what he had with them by hurting one or the other.
That's why he was so hesitant to have a genuine conversation with them about where they would go from here. What they'd done last night really put a spin on his feelings-in a good way, and he just wanted to make sure that the way he felt wasn't one sided.
But then he got to thinking about how the two of them had already been together for over three years now, so how would adding a third person to their relationship actually work? Favoritism would obviously be a thing given that the girls were literally best friends with each other, and had a way deeper connection than they both had with him.
He wondered if they ever felt like he was intruding on their time together. They never acted like it and were actually always asking him to come over and be with them, but still, would they get fed up with his presence one day? He was so attached to them now, he didn't know what he would do if that day ever did come.
"Solana why haven't you said you loved me back yet?" He asked, referring to when he'd just told her a moment ago.
"I love you more Mazari." She told him without looking away from her phone, a small smile resting on her face at how adorable he was.
"Mariah I love you." He told her next, reaching over to flick her bottom lip, which made her smile too.
"What got you feeling all sentimental and stuff?" She chuckled, glancing over at him.
"Say it back."
"I love you too. Now answer me." She turned her body to face him and Solana, and Solana put her phone down to look at him too.
"I don't know how to put my thoughts into words without getting nervous." He reached behind his head to twist one of his locs, already anxious and he hadn't even addressed anything yet.
"What you thinking about? Us?" Solana asked him, and he nodded his head to answer.
"You overthinking again Sage. You're fine and we're fine." Mariah assured him, slightly worried from the look on his face because she could tell that whatever he was thinking about was truly bothering him.
"I know but-what if y'all get tired of me or something? Like y'all might wanna go back to it just being y'all two and I-,"
"We will talk to you-if-that ever becomes a thing. You said that like something has changed between me and her just because you're around. We still good. She's still my baby." Solana made sure to put emphasis on 'if', letting him know how slight a possibility that was.
"You worry too much. We love you and that's all you need to be worried about. And my Chanel earrings too." Mariah slickly slid that in, watching his face break out into a smile while Solana laughed.
He loved them too. A lot, actually. They were the first people that took the chance to get to know him, and were teaching him more things about himself along the way. He didn't know what he'd do without them.
I'm so ready for June like that shit is not coming fast enough fr
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