"Morning pooh," Solana mumbled, attempting to wake her girlfriend up out of her sleep by leaving gentle kisses all over her face. She moved Mariah's hair to the side, kissing down her neck to make it behind her ear, which was what finally woke her up.
Mariah reached up to wrap her hand around her neck to stop her, making Solana smile while sitting up. She watched as Mariah rubbed her eyes, letting the slowly adjust to the lighting of their room before she sat up too.
She wasn't really a morning person so it took some time before she started talking, and the two of them started their day together by doing their morning routines, following up with a hot shower.
"He left right before I woke you up. He said he would come back after he showered and stuff." Solana rubbed coconut oil in on her palms, and then lathered it on her feet and ankle.
"Okayyyy not our man spending the night for the first time." She snickered aloud, earning a laugh from Solana since the statement caught her off guard.
"You should've stayed up last night. I put the nani on him." Solana entertained her hysterical ignorance, watching as her mouth fell open in fake shock.
"Ouuu bitch now that's just fake as fuck. You put the pussy that belongs to me, on him? Make me call yo' mama right now." She put her hand on her chest to appear more hurt, then both of them laughed together.
"Bitch you delusional. Like foreal. Seek help." Solana had a smile on her face as she rubbed her neck down with a light amount coconut oil, not too much since she hated when her skin was shiny.
"He know the vibes." Mariah chuckled while throwing away one of her disposable tongue scrapers.
For the last few days the two women had been making jokes with each other about making Sage the third to their relationship. He was just so adorable to them, like in an 'awww', type of way. He was quiet, had manners, overly shy, but still gave off the impression that he stood on business.
They hadn't seen how he acted with other women-or men yet-so they didn't know if his true personality was just being quiet and out of the way. Regardless, he was obviously attractive and neither Mariah or Solana would mind giving him a night of fun. They'd done it before and enjoyed it, but Sage didn't seem like the type to be down for that.
It would be weird to bring it up to him though, especially since most of the time they were completely joking about it. It was just a fun little insider between them.
"What y'all talk about foreal though? Or was he all quiet and awkward and stuff." Mariah sat down on their bed with her towel still wrapped around her body, looking at Solana who stood in their bedroom mirror.
"He wasn't quiet the whole time. He talked to me about you and made me realize something." Her tone changed, making Mariah's eyes trail to meet hers through the mirror.
Solana walked away from the mirror and went to go sit next to her on the bed, and Mariah wondered if this was about to turn serious or if she was just being dramatic like usual.
"Sometimes it's hard for me to talk to you about stuff because I like the light that you see me in."
"You think I'm sooo strong and that makes me feel so good, Riah. I try so hard to stay strong for you, and for me too, and that's why I never tell you when I feel weak or something, and I-you know," She gestured to her wrist that was marked with scars.
"Sage made me realize that a part of being together is being able to see each other as weak, and then help each other get built back up, but stronger. And we haven't been doing that because I won't let you, and I'm sorry for that."
"I know that I keep telling you that I'll stop and that I'll start talking to you about how I'm feeling, but you're right-I been lying. So from now on, I won't tell you that. The truth is, I probably won't stop any time soon because it's like a habit now, but I can promise that I'm going to start putting the effort in to get better."
"I'm going to make an effort to talk to you whenever I feel like doing it so that we can work through it together. I threw out all my blades this morning so that's a first step. I don't wanna be like this anymore but I can't get better without you." Solana's eyes never left hers, and this time, neither of them cried.
It was about time that they finally had this conversation. Even though neither of them admitted it, Solana's self harming issue was driving a wedge between them and they were trying so desperately to avoid it. Ignoring the problem was only making thing worse though.
Solana really did love Mariah with everything in her, and she was the only person she could see herself doing life with. She didn't want to ruin that by being stubborn when it came to healing herself because it was for the greater good anyway. It was time to stop running from her pain, and now time to address it so that she could overcome it, with the love of her life at her side.
Though it was definitely easier said than done, as Sage had stated last night, Solana was more than willing to give it a try. She would do whatever she could to make sure that she was the best version of herself for Mariah, and for her own sake too.
"That's all I ask for baby. I just want you-and us-to try.." Mariah reached over to hug her, and Solana's arms went around her waist.
"I love you so much. I'm sorry it took me so long." She mumbled in a sad tone, feeling Mariah's fingertip go under her chin to tilt her head back up.
"You don't have to apologize. We do life to learn. And I'm doing life with you, so I would've waited forever." Mariah chuckled, watching as a smile spread over Solana's face, enhancing her chubby cheeks.
"Thank you pooh." Solana laid her forehead against hers, letting her breathing slow down from the feeling of Mariah gently kissing her lips. Everything about her calmed her down.
"You welcome. I want you." She told her without hesitating on what she was in need for, making Solana's eyes briefly daze. Direct communication was her favorite and Mariah knew that.
Solana tilted her head back for a real kiss, but opened her mouth for Mariah's spit first. When it landed on her pink tongue, Solana let out a soft moan while reaching to roughly grab her neck.
The grip made Mariah's core dampen, and her bottom lip went between her teeth just as she was pushed to lay on her back. Their lips finally met for a kiss, causing them both to shut their eyes.
"Hold your leg up for me, please." Solana requested with her mesmerizing voice, and she held a small smile once Mariah almost immediately did as told.
Solana went between her legs after removing her towel, earning a gasp from Mariah as soon as Solana's lips met her clit. Taking it gently in her mouth, she used her tongue to slightly lift it up before creating a suction around it.
The action caused Mariah to moan out, followed by her back arching up from their silk sheets which signaled that she was about to attempt to pull away. Solana's arms went around her waist, locking her in position to stop her from moving.
"Solana," She whined, already regretting getting this started. She hated pleasure that felt so good that it made her want to stop. Solana knew her body entirely too well; she didn't stand a chance.
"Awn, fuckkkk," Mariah tossed her head back at the feeling of two fingers entering her warmth, sharply inhaling just as her legs began to tremble.
Solana moaned against her when that familiar taste filled her mouth, letting her substance rest against her tongue. She thrusted her fingers deeper inside of her, angling them so that they stroked directly at her spot.
"Baby I'm cumming. Please don't stop." Her voice was soft while she begged, and then her mouth fell open in response to Solana speeding the pace of her fingers up.
"I'm not stopping pooh. Let me taste it." Solana locked her slanted eyes on Mariah's after coming up, her lips coated in the liquid that dripped from her pussy.
When her moans got so loud that they filled the room, Solana quickly leaned up to kiss her and shut her up. They had already gotten four noise complaints while living there all because Mariah could never take it.
Mariah grabbed her face once her tongue slid against hers, both of them moaning throughout the kiss. Her hands traveled down Solana's body as she continued cumming around her fingers, going through an orgasm after only a few minutes of intimacy.
"You are so pretty Solana." She whimpered, still stuck on how such a pretty face was just between her legs. She was so in love with her girlfriend.
"Thank you baby. Will you be quiet so that I can finish?" She asked with slightly furrowed eyebrows, and Mariah wanted to just melt against the mattress.
"I'm cumming again." She attempted to clench her legs shut, causing Solana to chuckle, leaning back down since she didn't care to wait on an answer.
When Solana's tongue went back on her slit, the juices from Mariah's opening flowed so effortlessly on her tongue, earning moans from both of them. Solana loved the way that she tasted, and Mariah loved letting her get a taste.
"Lana get on top please. Mmm, fuck, I'm done." Mariah breathed out, and Solana came up from her lower half a few seconds later.
Leaning up to kiss up once more, Solana allowed her to get a taste of herself, transferring the sweet substance to her mouth. As their kiss intensified, Solana positioned herself on top of Mariah, with each of her legs on the side of her body.
She made sure that both of their clits had a way to be stimulated by the other's skin, and then she began to slowly grind herself forward, causing pleasurable friction for them both. When she moaned in Mariah's mouth, Mariah pulled away from their kiss to watch her facial expressions.
Then, she put her own fingers in her mouth, before lowering them between Solana's legs-all while trying not to cum yet again. She needed to make sure Solana got hers first since she'd already got hers twice.
Gasps and soft moans left Solana's lips as her stomach tied in a knot, but didn't let it stop her from staring down at Mariah. Solana wanted her to see what she could make her do.
"You so beautiful baby. I want you on my face." Mariah spoke with a small pout, gaining another moan from Solana.
"Mariah," Solana softly cried, almost immediately halting her movements once Mariah's wet thumb found itself in her second entrance. Mariah began to grind her hips upwards to stimulate Solana's clit again, and did the same to her second hole.
"Aw fuuuckk," She quickly lifted up, catching them both off guard as her cum shot out of her in small squirts. She was usually a creamer.
Mariah smiled in satisfaction, removing her hands to place them on her waist while Solana remained on top of her, going through her orgasm with Mariah's encouragement.
"I wanted it in my mouth. You are so unfair." She chuckled once Solana finally calmed down, her head currently buried in Mariah's neck.
"You are such a slut." Solana mocked her tone while leaving a gentle kiss against her skin, making her smile again.
"Mhm, you smell good." Mariah bit her lip at the tempting scent, swiping some of the juice off of her stomach to put it in her mouth.
Solana rolled off of her with low, tired eyes, now laying on her back. She predicted Mariah's next move would be to get between her legs, and she smiled once she did just that.
"Don't make me cum again Ri, please." She mumbled, knowing that she wanted to taste the liquids she'd just released.
"Okay baby." She dipped her head down to clean up the aftermath, helping herself to Solana's substance. They were so obsessed with every single part of each other.
"Thank you pooh." Solana gave her one more kiss when she was done, causing a flustered smile to spread across Mariah's face. Each time always felt like the very first with Solana as a partner. Mariah loved that.
When they both gained their strength back, they took another shower together, and then actually cleaned up the mess they had made on their sheets. They had tired themselves out, so after they were done with everything, they laid down on the fresh sheets to cuddle with one another.
Solana laid on her back, now dressed in a fitted muscle shirt and a pair of panties, and Mariah was laying on the side of her, wearing nothing but an oversized tee shirt and panties.
Every so often Mariah's thumb would rub over Solana's hard nipple, visible through her shirt since she don't have a bra on. Mariah was in love with her body. She wished she could kiss and suck on every part of her.
"Shit. I forgot about him." Solana chuckled, hearing a knock on their front door and assumed that it was Sage on the other side.
Mariah chuckled as well before yelling out for him to come in, even though neither of them were fully clothed. They just figured they'd stay underneath the covers or make him wait in the living room when they were ready to get up.
A few moments later, Sage walked in their bedroom with three bags of KFC in his hand, making them both sit up. That session had definitely made them hungry-well, hungry for food.
"Thanks bookie." Mariah took the bag he was holding out to her, and then opened her arms for a hug. He rolled his eyes but gave her one anyway, chuckling as she forced him to stay in her grip longer than what he preferred.
"Do you want one too?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows while looking at Solana and she shook her head no with a laugh. When he hugged her anyway, she smiled, rubbing his back before pulling away.
"What you did today?" Solana asked him once he went to go sit in their hanging bubble stand chair, removing his sneakers.
"Nothing, I just took a nap and showered. Then I went to get food because I ran out of snacks." He shrugged his shoulder, his eyes on his phone as he ate his fries.
"And you ate most of ours too, fucking fat ass." Mariah shook her head at him, and he waved her off with a shrug. Why invite him over if he couldn't eat the snacks? Her fault.
"I will buy some when I go to the store tomorrow if one of y'all send me a list." He mumbled, swiping up on his TikTok For You page.
"We get our groceries delivered pooh." Solana told him, reaching over to grab her phone off of the charger.
"Solana Raielle do not get your ass beat in here. Don't call him that." Mariah pushed her leg off of her, and she laughed, not even realizing she had called him the nickname she had for Mariah.
"That's a thing?" He frowned with curiosity, referring to getting groceries delivered.
"Yeah. The order gets dropped off in the lobby and Spence usually brings it up. Sometimes they just send the delivery man all the way up here." Mariah explained; Spence was the doorman and security guard that overlooked the lobby to make sure all the tenants were safe.
"How much do y'all tip?" He asked next.
"Depends on how big the order is. If it's small, it's just 20% of however much we paid for the whole order. If it's big, a hundred dollars, maybe more." Solana shrugged since she was the one in charge of getting the groceries delivered.
Sometimes he wondered how they spent money so carelessly without actual bi-weekly paying jobs. Not that ordering groceries or tipping one hundred dollars was technically careless, he just couldn't see himself doing it.
He knew that both of them were social media influencers, but he didn't know how much they made from it. Judging from their cars, jewelry, shoes and purse collections, he knew they made a lot. He couldn't believe that brands actually paid them just because they were pretty. What had the world come to?
"Y'all are crazy." He muttered, grabbing a few fries with three fingers, and then dropped them in his mouth once they were covered in ranch.
"Sage, you have tattoos on your chest?" Mariah asked him, just now realizing the bottom part of his neck had tattoos too, as if his chest was covered by them.
"Mhm." He answered sarcastically, thinking she had already knew that-even though they'd never seen him with his shirt off before.
"Can I see?"
Sage mindlessly pulled his white tee shirt up, showing off his abs, chiseled chest, and all the tattoos that littered across his chest and shoulders. Getting tattoos was probably the only hobby he had in the military.
On his chest was a calligraphy of his very first camp that he was stationed at in Afghanistan. It had been called O-Block-having no significant meaning to the name other than being the fifteenth camp built in the platoon-just like the fifteen letter of the alphabet, O.
Around the design was a few of his fallen soldier that he had grown close with while in service. He would forever appreciate the sacrifices that every man made to the U.S. army, but the ones tattooed on his chest meant the most to him.
The numbers 6 and 4 were tattooed on each of his shoulders, signifying how many bullets had zoomed so close to him that he could've died while in combat. It reminded him that he was still here for a reason, because either one of those sixty-four buckets could've took him out, had it been his time to go.
He had plenty of other tattoos too-all with a meaning of importance behind them-but Solana and Mariah had already seen the rest. For some reason they loved the tattoos that were on his forearms.
"Boy you 'bout fine as shit." Solana told him, seeing how effortlessly attractive he was while he ate his fries and explained his tattoos.
"Y'all are weird." He mumbled, going back to TikTok, which made both girls laugh. It was obvious that it had become his favorite app.
Y'all be honest, how was the scene? I struggled bad. I don't know nothing bout gay smut fr & I don't watch porn so I couldn't get a visual representation. Smh. Hit or miss? I'm not doing one again 😖
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