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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 QUITE A FEW HOURS LATER, Sophie found herself spread across Embry's bedroom floor, staring up at the popcorn ceiling whilst her fingers fiddled with the frills of his grey carpet. Quil and Jake had gone home, so it was just her, Embry and Layla left, chilling in her bedroom.
Only Layla had fallen asleep, her soft snores surrounding the four falls and Embry rolled his eyes, the loud noises erupting from the girl's small nose annoying him. He pushed himself up from where he was laid across the end of his bed and walked over to Sophie, lying down on the floor beside her.
She looked over at him and he looked over at her, a small smile spreading across his lips before he turned again, his eyes squeezing shut momentarily out of tiredness, "Jacob still doesn't know what he's done, you should tell him. The poor dude's clueless." Embry told her, sitting up and Sophie eyed his long, healthy hair, sitting up too.
"Can I braid your hair?" Sophie grinned, avoiding his previous comments and he rolled his eyes again, fully expecting for her to change the subject. He nodded, a little annoyed that she'd ignored him but she always braided his hair and he preferred to have his hair out of his face anyway, "Yay."
She shuffled over to sit behind him and ran her fingers through his hair, brushing through the tiny amount of knots before she began to take pieces of hair, starting to fish braid his dark hair, "Are you ever going to tell him?" Embry brought up the same topic again, his voice hopeful but gentle and she huffed, irritated.
"Nope." She muttered, continuing to braid his hair piece by piece, Layla's snores like music to entertain her brain whilst she did so and Embry coughed loudly yet Layla was still fast asleep, she just stirred a little, making Embry and Sophie laugh uncontrollably despite the fact that they knew she could sleep through a hurricane.
It was silent for a little while, Layla's snores subsiding momentarily and Embry cleared his throat, a small smile on his face, "I love you both, you know?" He turned to look at her but she stopped him by the halfway-done braid, tugging it so that he could turn back.
"Don't move!" She scolded, giggling a little under her breath and he chuckled to himself, staring at his hands in his lap. Sophie didn't reply for a while until she smirked, whispering, "I love you, too." She admitted, love was a hard thing for her so to tell someone that she loves them was a massive thing.
But she supposed it was just pushing her that small mile towards finally telling Jacob how she felt for him.
A COUPLE OF DAYS LATER, it was a week away from when school starts again and Sophie was huddled up with her knees pulled to her chest at the end of the corner couch in her living room. On the other side of the couch, her parents both sat together casually flirting, bundled up in each other's arms.
A small giggle erupted whilst Sophie was watching the movie that was displayed on the television and she looked over to see two popcorn pieces up her father's nostrils, he looked like an idiot, "What's wrong with you?" Henry looked over at his daughter, snorting a little like a pig and she grimaced but she was unable to hide the small amused smile on her lips.
He finally took the popcorn from his nose and he chucked them in his mouth, staring at her emotionlessly the entire time, causing her to grimace, "Don't worry, darling, you take after me." He lifted his brows curtly, a smirk on his lips and he glanced over at his wife, who was also grimacing at him, making his smirk drop, "What?"
"Don't kiss me ever again." Corrine told him, pushing herself out of his arm and she climbed over to sit beside her daughter, cuddling up beside her and the younger St. James chuckled over at her distraught father.
Everything eventually settled down, Corrine and Sophie were cuddled up with their knees pulled against their chests as they watched the movie with concentration and Henry sat on the other end of it, silently sulking but he was joking, they knew he was.
"Have we got any chocolate?" Sophie asked her mother, who smiled, nodding eagerly and she moved the bowl of popcorn off of her lap, passing it to Corrine before she stood up, making her way into the other room.
The kitchen was dark, the only light being from the full moon shining down onto the sink and she walked over to the light switch by the window, her eyes drifting over to the trees in front of her house she was staring at a few days ago. Only now, there was something at the edge of the forest and she squinted her eyes, looking closer.
But when she blinked, it moved, running back off into the woods and she furrowed her brows, seriously confused. The confusion drifted away and she shrugged, switching on the light to grab the chocolate from one of the cupboards, completely forgetting about that weird incident.
Only for a couple of days later, just two days before school started and Sophie was sat on her porch decking, her legs criss—crossed with a book in her lap. She was obviously studying because she hadn't done any schoolwork all Summer and she was worried she'd forgotten all that she'd learnt in the previous year.
She looked over at the trees when she felt a gust of wind fly past her and there was that figure again, only there was two and they looked like wolves, scaring her a little. The brunette squinted her eyes, but before her eyes just began to focus, a loud car door slam sounded in the air from a distance away and she looked over, watching as Bella Swan and Edward Cullen climbed out of her truck, walking up to her house with huge smiles on their faces.
And when she looked back at the wolf—like figures, they were gone, causing her to let out a huge huff out of irritation. Bella ruins everything, but she didn't really mean that.
IT WAS FINALLY THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL and Sophie was rushing around her bedroom, throwing on a random mocha brown hoodie and pulling on some random black converses. She had a toothbrush in her mouth as she packed her backpack and a giggle sounded from her doorway, causing her to look over, her warm green eyes locking on her mother's dark-chocolate ones.
"Calm down, honeybun. Let me help you, go brush your teeth, sweetheart." Corrine instructed her daughter, stepping inside of the room and Sophie rushed out of her bedroom to head into the bathroom, only for a honk of a car horn to make her freeze in her spot, her eyes going wide, "She can wait a few!" Corrine yelled, and Sophie nodded, rushing into the bathroom to spit out the toothpaste in her mouth.
It took a little while, but Sophie finally left the house, heading towards Angela Weber's black car, climbing into the back seat. Jessica Stanley was in the front seat, sipping on a coffee and Layla was in the back beside Sophie, playing with a small harmonica she found under the seats.
"Hey, be careful with that. It's my brother's." Angela scolded the blonde once she caught her with it in her hands and she turned to look at Sophie, a grin on her lips, "What took you so long?" The taller girl questioned, brushing a strand of her dark away from her eyes with her other hand on the steering wheel, stabilising her.
"I woke up late. I'm sorry, Angie." Sophie tilted her head, sending the girl an apologetic smile causing Angela to cave, although she'd forgive her immediately anyways, the girl being too kind for her own good. Angela and Sophie were the nice ones, always there for everyone, even the people who had hurt them and Jessica and Layla were the not-so-nice ones, the girls who'd bite you in the face if you even so much as played a "funny" prank on them, turning their back on you as soon as you betrayed them.
"So, Cuz, I made this logo for the swimming team. You like?" Layla picked up the sketchbook she'd been drawing in from her lap and turned it to show Sophie, who was putting on her seatbelt and Angela turned back around in her seat, starting up the car.
"I love the colours. It's gorgeous, Layla." Sophie smiled up at the blonde girl and Layla proudly chuckled a little, placing the sketchbook back in her lap to write her signature down on the corner of it. Layla was the artistic friend, the one who made the school logos and designed all of the outfits, the football team uniforms and the swimming team ones.
"Wait, Lay, is your brother still single?" Jessica leaned into the middle console, staring back at the blonde who just furrowed her eyebrows in response, shrugging unsurely. She didn't care about Mike's relationship status, so how would she know who he was dating?
"Doesn't he have a thing for Bella?" Angela spoke up, her eyes concentrating on the road but fifty percent of her hearing was listening in on their conversation, which peaked her interest. Sophie rolled her eyes, staring at the trees outside the vehicle in slight sadness at the mention of the Chief's daughter.
"Doesn't every single boy in existence? Even Eric, what a bitch." Layla closed her sketchbook, shoving it in her bag by her feet and Angela scoffed a little under her breath, agreeing with the Newton's words.
"I don't get it, she isn't even that pretty." Jessica spun back around in her seat with a huff, staring down at the cell phone in her hand, awaiting a message from Mike which would never arrive and Angela furrowed her brows, pushing a strand of her dark hair behind her ear.
"I mean, she is kinda pretty." Angela defended Bella with a shrug and Layla looked over at her, a frown on her face, to say she was jealous would be an understatement. Sophie looked away from her window and over at her cousin, who was staring at the side of Angela's face with a sad expression.
"Hey." The St. James girl whispered to her best-friend, who snapped her face over to her, sending her a small sad smile. Sophie grabbed onto her ring-covered fingers, holding them with her own comfortingly whilst Jessica ranted on about shopping in Port Angeles.
When they made it to school, Sophie and Layla were still hand-in-hand and they strolled behind Angela and Jessica towards their group of friends stood around Tyler Crowley's van, "Baby Newton!" Tyler called out the blonde who rolled her eyes playfully, letting go of Sophie's hand to hug her friend.
"It's been too long, why didn't we hang out over the summer? Oh wait... never mind, we did!" Eric exclaimed, clearly forgetful and Sophie laughed, throwing her arm over his shoulders. Across the parking lot, Bella Swan was walking arm-in-arm with Edward Cullen and Mike immediately noticed her, waving his hand in the air towards her in hopes to catch her attention.
The brunette sent him a tight-lipped smile and walked off towards the entrance of the high school, causing Mike's smile to drop, "Mission get the girl has failed." Layla teased, pouting out her bottom lip towards her brother and Mike sent her a threatening glare, shrugging his shoulders as if he didn't care when he most certainly cared the most.
"Yeah, she's taken, Mikey, get over her." Eric bumped his shoulders with his best-friend's before he wrapped his arm around Sophie's waist, dragging her along towards the entrance where Bella and Edward had gone to, "What have you been up to over the summer, Soph?"
"Uh, you know, this and that." Sophie joked with a smile and he grinned, shaking his head in disbelief. They continued to walk in silence despite the noise coming from their friends behind them, Layla's voice being the main from how loud she was, she'd clearly moved on from her jealous moment in the car but Sophie could understand, she'd been through many jealous moments of her own.
"Sophie! Tell Jess how amazing that one lady's scarf was! It was so colourful but beautiful at the same time." Layla yelled out to the brunette, who turned to look at her over her shoulder, pulling Eric with her and she laughed, nodding in agreement.
"It was definitely an eye-catcher but she rocked it." Sophie lifted her hand making a devil horns gesture, sticking her tongue out and Jessica laughed out loud, slapping her thigh.
"Yeah, I get what you mean. Only some can rock something so out there. Oh, my God, I bet I could rock something like that!" Jessica's eyes went wide in excitement as she thought about all of the looks of "jealousy" she'd receive from wearing something like that and rocking it so well.
"Totally, Jess." Sophie smiled, turning back around and they entered the hallways, splitting off to find their lockers but secretly, Sophie was dreading it because her locker was beside a certain someone's.
She approached and just as she expected, Bella was there, searching through her locker with Edward by her side per usual, leaning against the St. James' locker. The youngest girl approached with a heavy sigh and she stood in front of them, forcing a sweet smile.
"Excuse me, you're leaning against my locker." She told him and he turned, his brows furrowed out of what looked to be shock and she sent him an awkward smile, watching as he quickly moved around his girlfriend to stand on the other side, "Thanks."
"Sorry." He muttered and continued to talk to Bella, who was oblivious to the entire interaction but that was until Sophie opened up her locker, unintentionally banging the door onto the locker beside it. The Swan looked over and smiled a little at the sight of Sophie.
"Oh, hey, Sophie." Bella greeted, feeling a boost of confidence with Edward around and Sophie looked over at her, sending her an extremely sweet smile which could look creepy from some perspectives.
"Hey, Bella!" Sophie waved over-enthusiastically, mostly out of anxiousness and as quick as possible, she closed her locker, walking away. She didn't even grab and put away anything that she needed or didn't need, she was too overwhelmed to stay there, to stay around the girl who he chose, who he always chose.
She could've cried right there.
@amxliewrites — 2024
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