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Miles, Peter and Gwen were currently in the Hudson Valley Explorer bus and were currently going back to New York.
Y/N wasn't in the bus, but he will join them soon. He... had to make a detour for Peter...
Inside, Miles and Gwen sat next in the same row, but on opposite seats, while Peter was at the back, laying on his seat.
Beside the driver, they were the only ones inside the bus, so they could be in their suits freely.
Gwen was glancing at the goober which she held in her hand. It was broken.
"He broke this?" - Gwen asked as she turned to Miles.
"Yeah. He's actually really embarrassed about it. So, just keep it between us, ok?"
Miles whispers at which Gwen chuckles.
"I know where we can make a new one. And we won't let him break it this time."
Gwen and Miles smile at each other as Miles also lets out a chuckle.
Miles then remembers something she told them earlier. "I'm sorry about your friend."
"Thanks, Miles. " - She sighs out before continuing.
"I know how hard this is, to have to figure this stuff out on your own. It's kinda nice not being the only Spider person around."
"Yeah. If you ever decide to do friends again, I could always open up a slot. I mean, you already let Y/N."
Gwen is silent for a second before answering. "I'll keep you posted."
"Cool." - Miles smiles at Gwen.
In the back seat, we see Peter is awake and listening.
Then, someone teleports inside the bus next to Peter, which gets their attention.
Miles and Gwen turn while Peter looks straight up. The person who just appeared was Y/N.
Y/N lets out a sigh as he takes his mask off. In his hand he had, he was holding three paper bags with cheeseburgers.
Since he could teleport, he, on plea from Peter, decided to go and grab them a meal. You could bet Y/N made his biggest eye roll to date.
"Here's your fast food, Hobo-Parker." - He takes one of the bags and throws it right onto Peter's face.
Peter removes the bag off his face and gives a look towards the teen.
"I'm not homeless, you know. Just had a few bad financial risks." - Peter says at which Y/N only nods unimpressed. "You still look like one."
Peter stays quiet as he stares at the young spider. Ever since he met this kid about 1 hour ago, the kid has treated him with some kind of hostility.
Even Gwen and Miles could sense the tension between the two.
"What's your problem?" - Peter asks as he narrows his eyes at Y/N.
"Oh, well, let me tell you, if Uncle Ben ever met you, he would be totally disappointed with his alternative world nephew."
A beat. Silence took over them. Peter's eyes widen both in pure confusion and shock. "Wait, what?..."
Y/N walks right next to the edge of his feet and looks at Peter dead in the eye. "Uncle Ben was the first person I ever saved as Crimson-Spider. Stopped the robber from shooting him."
Y/N stops for the second, as he remembers 2 nights. 1st night is when he saved Ben and the 2nd was when Peter died.
"So, I saved him, but I wasn't able to save my Peter." - Y/N bites his lip as he shakes his head,
"And I'm stuck with you. A total disappointment." - He sighs as he leans away from Peter.
"L/N s luck." - He mumbles under his breath as he leaves Peter to his own thoughts and a cheeseburger and makes his way over to Gwen and Miles.
"Here's yours Gwen." - He hands out a bag to her which she takes. She silently thanks him before getting up from her seat and walks away to one of the seats upfront.
Y/N gives the last bag to Miles before he sits on Gwen's previous seat. He groans as he leans into the seat.
"I know how it feels to meet someone completely different than a person you knew." - Miles suddenly tells him as Y/N turns to look at the newest Spiderman out of 4 of them.
"Let me guess, this dimension Spiderman?"
Y/N sighs as he brings his hands to his lap.
"And I know how you must feel, losing the only person who could understand your situation right now..." - Y/N says before stopping, debating what to say next. Then, he remembered... her.
"You know, I knew a girl who was latino and was also bitten by a spider, became a hero Spider-Girl."
"Yeah, if she met you, she would like you instantly, I bet. Her father is also a cop too, like your dad." - Y/N then stops, as his face turns into one of sadness and anger.
"But he did something awful to her after he discovered she was Spider-Girl." - He puts his hand onto Miles' shoulder. "So, be careful who you reveal your identity to."
Silence came back as Y/N removed his hand off the shoulder. Miles, being the happiest one in the group, decided to change the subject. "Sooo you can teleport?"
"And phase and turn invisible by phasing."
"That's so cool man!"
"Yeah, not quite good for your digestive system though." - Y/N sighs. He found that he can't eat anything for a few hours after using both of his powers for too long.
Side effects... are something you don't want to see.
"Since you're only one with additional powers like me, you could teach me how to use them!" - Miles said merrimentfully, but Y/N stopped him by shaking his head.
"Miles, look. I can't teach you how to use your powers, nobody can. You're the only one who can, because those are your powers, only you can decide how to use them."
Miles slowly leans into his seat, quite disappointed. Y/N pities the young spider, because he can see himself in him.
"It takes time... to adapt to those powers, you know?" - Y/N said suddenly which got Miles's attention back.
"Well, how long did it take for you to learn how to control yours?" - Miles asks as Y/N starts to think back about his beginnings.
"Teleporting without crashing into a room? About 3 months. Phasing took longer. Around 7 months. And invisibility..." - He stretches out as he shakes his hand in the air in an undecided way.
"Well, that I learned from my total embarrassment."
"How so?"
"Yeah, not telling that crap. I'm taking that to my grave."
Both them laugh as tension between them falls down.
Miles chuckles before glancing at Y/N. "For a Spider-Man, you are pretty cool, man."
"Well, that spider chose me, but I didn't let it change who I am. That much, atleast."
Then, they heard a noise at the back of the bus. That noise is the snoring.
"Jebeni Kriste (Fucking Christ), Hobo-Parker also snores!?" - Y/N yells irritated as Miles snickers silently at his reaction.
Y/N pinches his nose, calming down his nerves. He sighs before getting up.
"You should take some rest, Miles. We are still a couple of hours away." - He says to Miles before he moves upfront of the bus.
Gwen just finished her burger when Y/N sat next to her. She wipes her mouth with a napkin as she eyed him.
"You okay?"
Y/N hears her ask as he glances at her at the corner of his eye.
"Besides getting hit by lightning? Yeah. I'm peachy." - He silently chuckles to himself as he gets comfortable in his new seat.
But he senses that Gwen is still looking at him. When he glances at her, he can see worry written all over her face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"When you fought Electro... You didn't hold back..."
Y/N bites his lip. She has seen that side. His bad side. The side he tried so hard to hide from everyone. But now, atleast 3 people have seen it.
"You stared at him with pure hatred. Why?" - Gwen continues as she refers to the look Y/N was giving Electro in the forest.
Y/N stays quiet for the moment before he moves in his seat to face her, as his hand lays on top of the seat. "Every one of us has to have atleast 1 true nemesis, right?"
He starts, as Gwen nods at him to continue, prepared to hear him out.
"In my universe... that nemesis is Electro."
"How is he different from the rest?"
Gwen questioned as Y/N closed his eyes, taking a big breath.
"Because Electro hurted me like none of them had before."
When Y/N reopened his glance, Gwen could see as few tears had built up in his eyes.
"They may hurt me physically... but Electro... h-he broke me mentally a-and emotionally."
Y/N told her, as his voice broke a little. Gwen pupils widened when she came upon the realisation. "He was the one who..."
"Y-Yeah..." - Y/N looks away as he wipes his tears away as he sniffs a little. Gwen was going to ask about it further, but Y/N quickly cut her off. "I don't want to talk about it."
Gwen makes an Oh expression as she turns her glance forward.
They stayed in silence until Gwen felt a weight on her shoulder. Looking back, she notices Y/N who has unconsciously leaned his head onto her shoulder.
Glancing at his face, Y/N eyes were closed. It must be that he was tired, drained out after their escape from the Alchemax.
Unbeknownst to Gwen, a small smile has crept on her face. She then leans her head too and lays it on top of his.
Closing her pupils, Gwen joins Y/N, as both went into a nap together in their shared comforting silence.
At the back, Miles stares at them before he turns to now half awake Peter as he sends him a smirk. "I told you, man. That's 10 bucks."
Peter groans. "Teenagers. They are the absolute worst."
Somewhere in Queens
The 4 spiders were now standing infront the house in Queens. That house belonged to May Parker.
The night has fallen as candles lighted the area around the front yard, while cards, bouquets and toys cluttered the porch.
Peter then fired a web at the doorbell as he was too lazy to get there himself. "We should probably go." -He tells them as they turn to him.
Y/N was standing next to Peter while both Miles and Gwen were on his right side.
"Peter, we're literally on the doorstep." - Gwen tells him, but Peter still tries to leave.
"Bad idea, bad idea, this is a bad idea - -"
Y/N fires a web at him as he pulls him back. "Just relax, Peter. Ne budi kukavica. (Don't be a coward.)"
Then the front doors open, as they see a shadow of Aunt May at the door.
"You guys are all very sweet but no more fans today, please."
She peers out from the crack. When her eyes land on Peter, they widen in shock. She opens the door fully open and walks onto the porch.
This Aunt May was much older than Y/N's earth version of her.
"I'm not ready for this." - Peter says as both him and May stare at each other. Then Y/N's eyes wander to what May was holding in her hand.
"Why does she have a bat?!" - He thought as May dropped the bat on the ground and slowly walked up to Peter.
"Peter..." - She says with disbelief in her tone as she holds her hand infornt of the spider symbol, not really knowing if this was real or not.
"Hey Aunt May..." - Peter greeted with a sadden voice.
May finally places both her hands on his chest and on his cheek as Peter leans into the soft touch.
"So this is going to sound crazy... but I'm pretty sure that I'm from an - -"
"- - an alternate dimension."
Both Peter and Y/N looked at her with confused expressions on their faces. "Yeah."
"You look tired, Peter."
"Well, I am tired."
She then proceeds to check his physique.
"And older. And... thicker."
"Yeah, I've heard that already."
"Oh jeez, are those sweatpants?"
"Yup. That's what they are." - Gwen says as Miles decides to approach May, as he holded the computer under his arm.
"I was there... when it all happened. I am so sorry."
"And what dimension are you from?"
Y/N mentally slaps himself at that comment as Miles takes out the USB they stole from Alchemax.
"Did Peter have a place where we could make another one of these?"
Miles shows her the busted USB. Aunt May takes it and recognizes it.
"A goober... Follow me."
The doors of the back yard are immediately opened as Aunt May kicks them with a force of a twenty year old.
She then leads them to a garden shed in the tidy yard.
"Oh yeah, I got one of these too. A little shed where I keep my spider gear - -"
May puts the key in the lock as a spider-graphic begins to glow on the shed's door, which opens to reveal a secret elevator behind it.
Aunt May looks back at Peter with a smug face as she nods to them to enter.
Peter was the last one to enter as he rolled his eyes. "I mean, this place is pretentious."
Y/N gives him a look as he scoffs at Peter's comment. "Mine is a freaking giant building so shut up."
The elevator goes down as it is revealed to be a giant cave in the theme of a spider.
Everyone looks amazed as they see a lot of crammed crime-fighting and science gear, photos, hangout furniture, a motorcycle, a car and even a freaking JET!
Of course, Peter was only one not impressed by all of this.
"Whoa. Dude, was yours anything like this?"
Miles asks Peter as they finally reach the bottom.
"Mine was like this, but take away the jeep, the plane... imagine it way smaller. Imagine a futon. I feel sad for this guy." - He says as they start to explore the giant cave.
"This is a live action Batcave." - Y/N tells Gwen which makes her chuckle. "You sure you didnt had a Jet or a car?" - She asks him as they gaze at the vehicles.
"Of course no! We were not that rich. Besides, it would bring attention to the building. People will get suspicious and wonder why a plane takes off out of the old and destroyed former lab."
Y/N rumbles to her until he spots something. Gwen follows his gaze and sees that he was glancing at the photos hanging on the wall in the form of a web.
Pictures were of Kingpin and every known associate that works for him, which included the Electro. Y/N's hand forms a fist as he stares at Electros picture.
"Peter knew how dangerous the job was. But he figured the only one who could stop this guy was Spider-Man."
May tells them as the rest of them approach the duo and also look at the pictures.
"Kingpin knows we're coming. We're going to be outnumbered." - Miles says.
"Don't be so sure." - May then holds out 4 "My name is..." stickers and 3 pens. "You might need these."
Suddenly, all four spider-senses, with Miles being a little slower, triggered. Miles gasps while both Y/N and Gwen spin around, on high alert.
Then all of them look up into the rafters as 4 pair of eyes light open in the shadows.
"You think you're the only people who thought to come here?"
Y/N narrows his eyes as he sees the first figure, covered in black and white patterns all around him, as his coat is inexplicably billowing around him. Its another Spider-Man.
"Hey fellas." - Noir detective Spider-Man greeted them as he tipped his hat towards them.
"Is he in black and white?" - Miles asks towards Y/N as he kept his stare on the Noir detective.
Y/N snickers. "Definitely in black and white."
"Where is that wind coming from? We're in a basement." - Peter ask, as indeed, there was wind in the cave around Noir.
"Wherever I go, the wind follows. And the wind, smells like rain."
Then a big robot spider looking machine drops down as they see an anime looking girl on robot's shoulder.
"Hi guys! Konichiwa! Hajimemashita yoroshuku?"
She greets them in Japanese as they do a stylish anime spider-pose. Hell, a robot puts his holographic glasses on.
"I should have paid attention to when Lana watched anime..." - Y/N mutters under his breath as he can't believe what he's seeing.
"This could literally not get any weirder."
Y/N then hears footsteps coming towards them... he looks down and his eyes widen. "Take that back."
Then an even weirder thing happened...
A cartoon pig in a spider suit walks up to them as water drips from his hand.
"It CAN get weirder!"
It can also talk!? A Spider themed pig then offers his wet hand to Peter for handshake while all expect Peter to look in amazement and pure confusion on Y/N's part.
I just washed my hands, that's why they're wet. No other reason.
"He's... a cartoon..." - Y/N says as he points his hand at their new companion.
"Oh, you have a problem with cartoon?" - The pig then looks at him as he gives Y/N a raised eyebrow, which looks threatening as hell.
"Uhh, I - -" - Y/N stutters as he steps back a little bit, but then their spider-sense triggers again as they feel their connection with 3 new spider people... and an animal.
"You're like me." - They all speak in unison.
"My name is Peter Parker/My name is Peni Parker/My name is Peter Porker."
"I was bitten by a radioactive spider."
"I was bitten by a radioactive pig."
We now see Peni and Noir getting bit by a spider, but Porker gets bit by a Pig!?
Scene changes to Noir's world as he stands on the edge of the rooftop as a train passes by.
"In my universe it's 1933 and I'm a private eye. I like to drink egg creams and I like to fight Nazis. A lot."
We see quick cuts of Noir sucker punching endless bad guys, while also drinking an egg cream at a local bar.
"I am from New York in the year 3145. I have a psychic link with a spider who lives inside my father's robot, and we're best friends. Forever."
We go to Peni, as we spider walk down her arm before getting into her mech known as SP//dr.
"Sometimes I let matches burn down to my fingertips just to feel something, anything."
We go back to Noir as he holds a match in his hand and ends up disappointed as he felt nothing.
We suddenly change to Spider-Ham as he takes multiple pictures and running around the cartoonish world.
"I'm a photographer for the Daily Beagle. When I'm not pooching around, I'm working like a dog trying to sniff out the latest story. I frolic and I dance and I do this with my pants - -"
"Ok, enough!" - Back to the real world, Peter interrupts him as they stop them from narrating their stories further.
Peter then turns to Noir. "So, uh, how did you get here?"
"Well, it's kind of a long story."
We get three seconds montage:
1. They get suck in and thrown out of the collider
2. They crash into an advertisement billboard.
3. They end up on the roof.
We return to the spider cave. "Maybe not that long."
"And now we're just trying to find a way home." - Peni says as SP//dr makes a sad expression on it's screen face.
"The only way home is back through the collider gizmo. The only trouble is - -" - Noir starts as Spider-Ham in a cartoonish way appears behind him. "- - One of us has to stay behind and destroy it."
Then, Peni, Noir, Ham and Gwen spoke in unison. "I'll do it."
"Wha - -" - If Y/N had his morning coffee, he would spit it out at their action.
"No, no, no, you don't get it." - Miles joins him as he tells them that it's also stupid idea.
"Don't get what - -" - As Peni said it, they all start to glitch. They all groan as they fall on the ground.
"Jebeno tajmiranje, Svemiru! (Fucking timing, Universe!)" - Y/N swears out loud as he holds his sides with both hands.
"None of you can stay here. If you stay here, you'll die. I'm the guy who's going to turn it off and I'm going to get you all home before I do." - Miles addresses them as he speaks.
He stops for a second for a dramatic effect. "Look, I made a promise. So I have to keep it."
All of the spiders look at Miles, kind of inspired by his speech and determination. A smile smile appears on Y/N's face, but it's quickly gone when - -
"Who are you again?" - Noir asks as everyone slowly gets back up.
"This is Miles, and he's going to save the multiverse." - Peter quickly jumps in, as some "music man" in sales mode as Y/N would put it,
"Yeah man."
"This kid can turn himself invisible! Watch this, he can do it... now!"
Miles tries to turn invisible, but struggles to do so. So he puts his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
"I can't do it on command - -"
"- - He can't do it on command. But it is cool. Show them the zappy thing, Miles."
Once again, Miles tries but nothing. Y/N sighs, pitying the kid, as he was in the same boat when he first learned of his powers too.
"I can't do it on command - -"
"- - He can't do it on command. But he can do so much more, like what else do you do - -"
"- - Just those two things - -"
"- - Just those two things."
"Aw man..." - Porker says as he shakes his head.
Everyone looks unimpressed, but Gwen jumps in to try and solve the situation.
"Look, I've seen him in action. He's got potential. I think he's gonna get us home."
She tells it with conviction. Everyone wants to believe it.
Then, everyone turns towards Y/N, as his pupils widen as he stares at them.
"Just because I arrived with them, doesn't mean I saw him in action. I'm currently as reliable as wikipedia."
He tells them as he raises his hand up in defence. Miles's head falls down, but then...
"But, anyone can prove to everyone that they are wrong about them." - Y/N says as he nods towards Miles, who sends him a smile for the comment.
But once again, Noir has to step in and ruin the moment.
"OK, little fella, Kingpin's gonna send a lot of mugs after ya, I'm talking hard boys, real biscuit boxers. Can you fight them all off at once?" - He speaks to Miles as he gets into a fighting stance.
"Well, I, I haven't actually fought anyone - -" - Miles also positions himself in the stance, but it looks weak.
"Surprise attack!" - Miles then gets swiped onto his feet by Noir as he falls onto his back.
"Oh dear..." - Y/N says as Peni is next as she stands above Miles on her mech.
"Can you re-wire a mainframe while being shot at?" - She tells him as she drops a futuristic device to him.
"Can I what?"
"Show me!"
As Miles tries to get up, he gets hit by Noir again. "Surprise attack!"
As Miles falls on the ground again, both Peter and Y/N look at him.
While Peter looks at Miles with a sad expression, Y/N's face shows he is more worried about how this is going to turn out.
Then we get quick cuts from the rest of the spiders joining in, except for Peter and Y/N.
"Can you swing and flip with the grace of a trained dancer?"
"Can you close off your feelings so you don't get crippled by the moral ambiguity of your violent actions?"
"Can you help your aunt create an online dating profile so she can get out of the dang house once in a while?"
"Can you float through the air when you smell a delicious pie?"
"This is so ridiculous..." - Y/N groans as he has just heard most characteristic that only apply to them, not Miles.
"Can you be strong?"
"- - Ruthless - -"
"- - Disciplined - -"
"I don't know, maybe - -"
"- - boing - -" - Ham makes a sound effect of smashing his head.
"- - Show me some moxie, soldier - -"
"Guys, stop. He's - -" - Y/N tries to intervene, having enough of their bullshit, but - -
"Above all, no mater how many times you get hit, can you get back up?"
"Because when a Spider-Man is on the floor - -"
"STOP." - Y/N says again, but they ain't listening to him.
"- - When you think you've given your all - -"
"- - When you think you can't keep going - -"
"- - Spider-Man always gets up. - -"
Y/N's yell finally gets their attention as he steps in between them and Miles.
He turns towards Miles and sees him trying to get back up, but ultimately ends up just laying on the floor.
Concern appears on Y/N's face. Gwen then grabs him by the arm as she leads him with others away from Miles as they form a small circle.
"Y/N, come here. You need to be more honest with yourself about this. He's not ready, it's obvious." - Gwen tells him, but Y/N immediately goes to shut her opinion down.
"Of course not. But with our he - -" - But again, Noir is Y/N's worst enemy in cutting him off.
"There's no way. He's just a kid."
"No shit, Sherlock." - Y/N sends him a look, before glancing back at others. "We all were like this at the beginning. He just needs help and he will be able to do it in a few hours."
"But if he can't do this, we have to stay and do it for him."
"He's looking right at us while we talk about him..."
A beat. They then hear something or someone stepping onto something.
They turn around and see Miles is gone.
A confusion spreads on Y/N's face until he realises what just happened - - The elevator is moving up. With Miles finally turning invisible.
"See that? He can uh, turn invisible..." - Peter sheepishly says as they see him go.
As the shed doors open, Y/N, even if he can't see him, can feel that both him and Miles are staring at each other.
As elevator reaches the top, silence overtakes the room. Until...
"Super...super... JEBENO SUPER!"
Rest of the spiders get surprised at Y/N's sudden outburst as he quickly walks left and right, muttering under his breath.
"Y/N, as much as I hate to say it... you gotta admit... he's not ready..." - Peter walks up to Y/N and goes to put his hand on his shoulder.
But Y/N surprises him by swatting it away and turning straight at him, giving him a glare. "NO, no, no, no, no! He is ready."
Gwen walks up to him, trying to calm Y/N down. "Y/N, You gotta be realistic about this."
"I am being realistic, Gwen!" - Gwen flinches as Y/N yells towards her, first time that he did since they met each other on that rooftop.
"He is ready, but you guys crushed his confidence like it was nothing! Did anyone do that to you, especially when you are the kid who just happens to get the powers of the most beloved hero in this damn city."
Y/N tells them, as he glances at every single one of them, except for Aunt May, who stands at the back, observing what he has to say with great interest.
"How can any of you call yourselves Spider-Man, a mask that is giving people hope and then crushing kids dreams." - He speaks as he points his finger at his Spider symbol on his chest.
"Look, kid. We have all been through this life enough ourselves. Of course we know what this mask brings - -" - Noir starts, but this time he gets cut off by Y/N.
"No, you obviously don't, if you do something like this!"
Peter tries again to reason with Y/N as he steps infront of him. "Y/N, we know that you're angry with us, but you gotta understand that being Spider-Man - -"
"Anya was more Spider-Man than all of you!"
Y/N yells as he points his finger at them. Silence again, as only Y/N heavy breathing is heard.
Only when he glanced at Gwen, seeing her shocked face, did realisation dawned on him of what he had said.
"Who's Anya?" - Peni said, as all of them wondered why he said that name, all except for Gwen.
"I..." - Y/N freezes in his spot.
Frozen as flashes of her body falling and again and again and again go through his mind, non stop.
"S-She's... She's my g-girlfriend - - w-w-was..." - He stutters, his voice cracked as words finally come out of his mouth.
Upon hearing the last word, all of them looked down. Some sadden, some shocked, some pity him.
But no matter if they can see his guilt or not...
.... they can't ever feel it like he does.
"She w-was Spider-G-Girl. And I... l-lost her."
Sorry for the long wait. Been busy and sick at the same time.
I have good news. I'm done with my summer practice job so I can fully concentrate on writing chapters!
Also, you may have noticed in other books related to the crossover and their authors did put Q&A in them.
So, I'm doing the same.
Feel free to ask any question about me, other authors and books related to the crossover, this Book's plan until BTSV and my other books!
And I'll try to answer as many question I can and Im allowed too (Marko starting at me with a sniper on my head).
See ya in next chapter, chumps!
Also, @Shado finally revealed to us first part of the script for Edge of Mirrorverse crossover and its awesome.
WORDS: (5128)
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