➟ 𝕆𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕟【ℂℍ 𝟠】
EARTH 1610
Brooklyn Streets, 7:17 pm
The Spider-Gang exits a bus. They fire their webs and swing up to the top of the crane where they look upon the Kingpin tower, as the rooftop was lighted up inside.
"Kingpin has a private elevator entrance from his penthouse to the collider below."
Peni says as she showed them the pathway with the hologram x-ray through Sp//dr.
"Didn't count on having an audience." - Nori says as he looks down at the red carpet, as people are gathering in and around the tower.
"Cover up is always worse than a crime." - Y/N responds as he then feels a tap on his shoulder.
He looks to his right and sees Sp//dr extending it's arm to him, as in its palm is a device. Anti-Electricity device.
"If you succeed in shutting down the collider, you might need this." - Peni tells him as he grabs the device from Sp//dr hand. " It may not work, but it should give you enough seconds to escape from there..."
"Hvala. (Thanks)." - He stores the device before looking at others. "Move up."
He jumps first and fires the web, as others follow him soon.
They swing at the top of the tower as they land on the glass exterior of the roof, which gives them a great view inside the building.
Guests mill inside the giant ballroom as above them massive banners are hung, depicting "Spider-Man and Peter Parker: "The PETER PARKER MEMORIAL FUND"."
"Moraš da se zezaš. /You've got to be kidding me."
All spiders say in unison as they see Kingpin talking to the crowd.
"Thank you, it's nice to be with you this evening to celebrate Spider-Man. He and I were very close. He was always a favorite of my son. Kids love Spider-Man, right? Still do."
"What a pig." - Gwen says aloud as she narrows her eyes at the boss of crime.
"I'm right here." - Ham tells her, offended as stares at her.
"Scratch what I said earlier. This is not the cover up. This is a clean up." - Y/N tells them as he too narrows his eyes at Kingpin.
"Hold on, get a load of how the waiters are dressed." - Noir then interrupts as he points at the waiters below. All the waiters are wearing Spider-Man masks and bowties, along white and black suit.
"It's in poor taste, but it can't be that easy."
Scenes change as the team is inside the ballroom, as they are moving through the fundraiser.
"It's that easy."
Noir was carrying a serving tray, Peter and Gwen were pushing a large cart, which was just Sp//dr hidden under the blanket, crawling. And Ham... he was the main dish tonight.
As they were walking, Crimson came walking to them as he joined next to Gwen, while he was adjusting his bowtie on his black suit. Since his suit was only one damaged, he had to cover it up.
"I swear, the mask and the tie are the worst combo they could have come up with." - He whispers to Gwen, as she glances at his pink bowtie.
"You look cute." - She comments as Y/N rolls his eyes.
"I don't look cute. I look dumb."
"Okay, cute dummy." - Gwen smiles under her mask as Y/N gives her an annoyed look.
"Šuti... (Shut up...)"
They were half the way through the ballroom when Kingpin started to speak again. "And I just want to thank Mary Jane Parker for being here this evening. Our prayers are with you Mrs. Parker."
As Kingpin mentions MJ, Peter stops and spots her in the crowd. "MJ?" - Peter gasps as he sees her getting up from her table.
"Pay attention! It's not the same MJ, Peter." - Gwen waves her hand infornt of him before leading him back to others.
But Peter glances back at MJ as he is getting 2nd thoughts.
"I'm sorry, I'll be right back - -" - Peter turns the cart other way, but Gwen stops him as she pushes the opposite end of the cart.
Noir and Y/N stop as they glances at the commotion behind them. Y/N groans. "We are just infront the door. Come on, Parker."
"No! Peter! Come here here! Trust me, I've been there. You gotta move on buddy."
"This will just take one sec. Let me just - - Oh!" - He turns as he bumps into the person he was looking for.
"Hello. " - MJ greets as Peter looks at her surprised and dumb founded. "Oh wow."
"Um, I just wondered if we could have some more bread at table twelve."
"Yeah! I'm just, I'm really sorry..."
On others, Noir just stands there awkwardly while Gwen moves her hand through her face at the scene that was happening infront of her.
"Bože miloga, pomozi mi... (God, help me...)" - Y/N simply pinches his nose as he puts his arms on his chest.
"Oh, don't be sorry. It's just bread."
"No, I wasn't there for you when you needed me."
"And I didn't even try."
"That's fine. I should really get going - -"
"I know I could do better if I just had another chance to give you - - the bread that you deserve."
"Are you ok? - -" - MJ asks, but Gwen jumps in. "Ma'am we'll take care of that bread right now."
"It's been nice, uh, talking to you." - MJ says as he moves away.
"For you they should fill this place up with fresh bread."
Peter says his last words to MJ before Gwen ushers him towards the door.
"You alright, man?" - She asks him as they join the others.
"Yeah. Totally."
"Good cause we are not getting any bread."
As they enter through the door, the tables start to shake and wobble. People look down at their drinks, as it replicates the Jurassic park vibe of it.
"I'm just sorry my family can't see what we're doing tonight."
Kingpin's voice fades away as the camera moves beneath the tower, to the collider room, where Doc Ock is working on a computer, prepping the collider.
She pushes the button as the computer voice announces on. "Initializing primary ignition sequence."
Kingpin walks down the hallway as he walks past two guards into his office.
As doors close behind him, the guards are webbed into the air. Camera moves up, as we see Spider-Gang on the ceiling.
Crimson and Noir hold the two guards by their necks as Gwen webs their mouths and eyes.
"Sleeeeeeep." - Noir creepyly whispers as the two choke them unconscious.
They drop down. Sp//dr opens the doors as they enter the lovely office. Sp//dr scans the room as it spots the hidden door.
"It should be right there." - Peni says as she points at the painting.
Everyone looks towards it while Gwen jumps on the desk while Y/N hops over it by sliding while removing the suit and tie off him.
"What a beautiful painting. I love the use of purple." - Noirs says as he glances at the beautiful painting.
It's green colour...
"Again, colours are not his strong suit." - Ham says as both him and Y/N shake their heads.
"IT'S PURPLE!" - Noir yells as he tears down the painting, as the doors are revealed behind it.
He loads his pistol before he busts the doors open, revealing an elevator shaft. Noir, Ham and Sp//dr jump and free fall down it.
Before Y/N and Peter went to enter, they turned around and glanced at the family portrait of Kingpin with his wife and son, as they all had happy smiles on their faces.
Y/N's head falls down and a sombre expression spreads on his face.
"Did this job get any easier?" - Y/N asks aloud, questions meant for older and more experienced Spider beside him.
Peter turns to him. Even though he knows the younger spider already suffered the great losses already at this early age, Peter knew that might be just the beginning of his sufferings.
He simply shakes his head as he replies. "No. No, it didn't."
"Peter, Y/N. Shake a leg. Let's go." - Noir calls from the bottom. Soon, both of them along Gwen drop down the shaft.
Inside the collider room, the AI voice was just finishing counting down as the Spider-Gang arrived.
They make their way to the top of the thundering collider, as Crimson-Spider was infront of them, as he leadeth them to the position overlooking the whole room.
They witness the beams being fired from the collider guns, signalling the beginning of the dimensional collapse.
With the spiders, Y/N was getting a bit nervous. This is the 2nd time he is witnessing the same incident. One which may be as costly as the first one.
"This brings up some memories, huh." - Y/N says, chuckling while trying to hide his nervousness.
He then suddenly glitches, as he leans on the structure, holding his chest.
"Y/N, you don't have to stay behind. I can do it." - Gwen tells him as others glitch too.
Peter puts his hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Yeah, one of us can do it."
"It's fine. I already decided my fate."
Y/N then shoots the web towards the ceiling as all of them swing upwards.
They land on the ceiling, sticking up upside down.
"I'll put the goober in and take over the beam. After you're gone, I'll blow it up." - Y/N announces to them as he starts crawling towards the panel. "Sretno ljudi. (Good luck guys.)"
Crimson reaches the panel. He hits the metal plate with his strength and rips it open, revealing the collider controls panel beneath.
He was just about to put the goober into it - - Suddenly all the spiders spider-sense triggers on.
"They know we're here."
Y/N looks down wondering, where the danger is. As he looks down at others, Peter glance at something behind him.
"Y/N, WATCH OUT!" - Peter yells, as lasers are being shot at them as they dodge them.
Before Y/N can insert the goober in or turn around he is grabbed by the neck and swung away from the panel and slammed into the ceiling.
Y/N then sees Doc Ock emerge from the hole in the ceiling. Peter tries to go and help him, but he shares the same fate as Doc Ock's tentacles also pinned him into the ceiling.
"Nice to see you again, Peter and other spider."
"It's C-Crimson, l-lady!" - Y/N yells as he tries to free himself from the grip on his neck. He is still powerless.
While Y/N and Peter face Doc Ock, others are fending off against Kingpin's man, but it wasn't easy for them as they constantly glitched through.
Noir glitches and is caught under fire.
"I got you covered! - -" - Peni drops to cover him up, but glitches as she is pushed backwards.
"Ugh, these guys are the pits." - Gwen says as she lands on the gantry crane, but glitches as she falls, but quickly webs herself away.
Gwen sees as SP//dr jumps into battle with Scorpion who punches them far away.
Back on the ceiling, Y/N and Peter are struggling against Ock.
Y/N is pushed near the panel. He tries to insert the goober, but can't reach it. Also, he has the goober on the wrong side.
"Why does this always has to be difficult!?" - Y/N screams as he is still being choke by Doc Ock.
He sees Peter trying to free himself, but Ock notices it.
"Where are you going, Peter?" - She says as she then wraps Peter with her tentacle and brings him closer to her.
"Any last words?"
"Can I get a minute to think about it? Do you have a pen?"
Y/N eyes widen in horror as he sees the situation before him.
"Hajde, hajde. (Come on, come on.)" - He whispers as he tries desperately to regain his phasing power back. He can't watch Peter die infront him. Not again.
"Goodbye Peter Parker."
Suddenly, one of her tentacles forms into a fist and turns towards Doc Ock.
Before she can't process what is happening, she is punched by it into her face.
Both Y/N and Peter react confused by what just happened.
"Who did that?" - Ock asks as she is constantly hit in the face by her tentacles.
Then, two webs are fired on each of her side as suddenly Miles decloaks from his invisibility and flies straight at Doc Ock.
"Miles?" - Both Y/N and Peter say in unison as their eyes widen in surprise.
"Spider-Man?" - Ock says before she is face punched into the ceiling by Miles punch.
Punch makes Ock release the hold on both Peter and Y/N. Miles shots webs at them and pulls them up as they stick to the ceiling.
"Wow Miles!"
"You're doing it on command!" - Both of the older spiders say as they stare at Miles with happy expressions.
"It's about time right?" - Miles simply says as other spiders also notice his sudden arrival.
"Hey, look who's here!"
"You figured it out."
Back with the trio, both Peter and Y/N put their hands on each of Miles's shoulders.
"I love you! I am so proud of you!/ You rock, man!"
Then both look to the side, with thought coming up inside their head.
"Do I want kids?/Do I want another sibling?"
Then they suddenly had to dodge the panel being thrown at them as they see Doc Ock has come back from her small knockout.
"Oh, I forgot about the 8th wonder of the Pacific/Atlantic ocean for a brief second there."
"I forgot about her, too."
As they dodge the ceiling panels being thrown at them by Ock, they notice a box rising up towards the beam..
"Well that doesn't look promising."
"No, it doesn't."
"Nothing ever - -" - Y/N speaks up, but immediately needs to dodge 2 panels that fly towards him. "- - DOES!"
All the spiders finally together fight the bad guys as the room descends into pure chaos.
"On your left! On your right!"
"On your right! On your right!"
"I got 5 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 2 o'clock! Every direction!" - Peter yells as stuff inside the room also comes flying at them.
The effect of the collider started to spread onto the outside world, as multiple buildings are caught in the glitching effect.
Back inside the collider room, Y/N along Miles is being stungled by Ock.
But then he notices as the centre of the beam starts to change colours.
Suddenly, a building comes out of it and hits Ock with its tower antenna, as it flies her away, releasing the spiders.
Y/N and Miles both hit the lower building and slide down it before firing their webs.
"Guys are you seeing this?!" - Miles asks as he and Y/N meet with Peter and Gwen as they dodge the incoming vehicles, buildings and machines as they drop down on top of one of the collider guns.
"Looks like our dimensions are coming to us." - Gwen says as they look out over the chaos that is happening inside the room.
"It does look cool though, right?" - Peter says, amazed by the view of a multiplier version of the same buildings.
"Everything looks beautiful and cool, just before the chaos, Parker."
Y/N tells him. Then he notices the familiar area that popped out of that mess.
It has a lot of electronic pillars and panels spread in perfect lineups, all connect with big wires on the ground.
"We gotta get back up there. Shouldn't be too hard - -" - Gwen says, but their spider-senses go off.
They turn around just as Doc Ock throws a bus at them.
"SPEAK OF A DEVIL, GWEN!" - Y/N yells out as they jump out of the way to not get crashed by the bus.
On the other side of the room, Noir and Tombstone are engaged in a hand-to-hand battle on an upside vehicle.
"Is that all you got?"
Noir mocks Tombstone while dodging all of his attacks. He then puts his hat on Tombstone's face and punches him in the face.
"You gonna fight or you just bumping gums you hard boiled turtle slapper?"
Noir then pulls a car on top of Tombstone, exploding on top of the villain while Noir jumps down from the blast.
Moving down to the building, Scorpion stabs SP/r in the leg, damaging the machine as Peni gaps surprised inside her fellow companion.
Peni struggles to break free as Scorpion pins the robot down and starts to hit the glass, breaking it.
SP//dr tries to hit the villain with its hand, but Scorpion caughts it and rips it off before slamming his tail on the glass, breaking through.
As Scorpion goes to attack Peni again, an anvil slams down onto his head.
Spider-Ham slowly reveals himself as the perpetrator who has dropped the anvil as he slowly walks up to the Scorpion, who turns to him.
"Puerco? What are you, some kind of silly cartoon?"
"You got a problem with cartoons?" - Ham gives him an rised eyebrow, before he quickly dodges the tail attack and punches the villain in the face.
Ham then brings the wooden hammer out of nowhere and starts to hit Scorpion with it before landing the last hit onto his head, making Scorpion drop onto the ground.
But before Scorpion can get up, Noir grabs him by his tail and swings him around.
Noir then lets go of his tail and throws him towards Peni, who has grabbed the ripped arm of SP//dr and smashes Scorpion with it, finally knocking him out.
"Ohhh did THAT feel like a cartoon?" - Ham mocks Scorpion, bleaching at him as he gets onto Noir's shoulder who steps over the villain as they make their way to Peni, who is concerned about her destroyed robot friend.
On the other side of the collider, Peter and Miles are thrown back past running Gwen who is charging at Doc Ock who just swung Crimson-Spider away from her.
She webs the mattress and throws it at Ock, who caughts it and tears it into 2 with her tentacles.
She throws one part of the mattress at Gwen, who dodges, but in the middle of the dodge, she starts to glitch, which leaves her vulnerable as she was then hit by the 2nd part of the mattress by Ock.
Gwen was sended flying straight into the building, crashing into it by making a dent.
Y/N, who just got onto the flying moving tram, sees this as a motion of Anya's falling body flashes in his eyes, constantly overlaying with Gwen falling down.
"Gwen!!" - He yells as he sees her body start to fall down towards the beam.
Y/N jumps down after Gwen, but sees as 2 trams are about to crush into each other, which will block his way.
Just as Y/N was near being crushed by 2 trams, he phases through them, finally getting one of his powers back, as he flies through towards Gwen.
He finally reaches her as he grabs her by the waist. He then quickly fires the web with his 2nd hand, which attaches to the nearby flying car.
He then swings them up before landing on top of the upside truck, as he kneels down on one of his knees.
Both of them let out exhausted breaths, as Y/N holds Gwen in both of his arms in bridal style, while she has her arms locked around his neck.
"You okay?" - Y/N breaks the silence as he asks her out of breath, as he glances at her.
"Yeah, I-I'm okay." - She responds, as she lets out a shaky breath.
Then she notices his mask expression, as his mask lenses soften as he still stares at her. "You?"
Y/N gulps a little as he sighs. "Relieved."
Y/N looks up and sees Miles and Peter signalling to him to shoot a web towards them.
"Ready?" - He asks her, at which she quickly nods with her head.
Y/N then stands up and fires his web upwards, which Peter caughts as he runs up the side of the building.
"That was adorable team! Now hold on tight!" - Peter exclaims as he launches them towards Miles, while he lets him be pulled by the web he caught.
Y/N shoots another to Miles, who also does the same thing as Peter and now all 4 of them are flying straight at Doc Ock.
Y/N then throws Gwen ahead of him as she gains even more acceleration.
Gwen finally reaches Ock and suckers punches her on her face. Right after Y/N hits her with his fists, followed by Miles doing the same and finally Peter with a flying kick with his foot sends Ock falling back.
Before she can recover, both Gwen and Y/N then hit her at the same time, as the force of their hit sends Ock flying towards the beam.
Y/N and Gwen do a little fist bump as Miles and Peter drop down next to them.
Doc Ock manages to catch herself with her tentacles to 2 sides of the building before she is swallowed into the beam.
She cleans her jaw a little, before furiously launches herself at the spiders.
"Buckle up guys, this is going to take a while." - Gwen says as all four of them get into the fighting stances.
Y/N then sees something in the corner of his eyes on his right side. Thinking quickly, he fires webs in that direction and starts pulling in something.
Doc Ock laughs evily as she starts getting closer and closer - -
Doc Ock is suddenly hit by a big rogue 18 wheeler truck.
Gwen, Miles and Peter's eyes widen in surprise as Peter even puts his hand over his mouth as he plants his other hand onto Miles's shoulder.
They turn to Y/N who just realsies the webs he used to pull over the truck he just threw at Doc Ock.
He dusts his hands as he raises his eyebrow as he looks at the truck in the distance closely.
"Huh, that was the same truck I used to fight Hammerhead on. So she basically got hammer kuned."
Y/N tells them as he lays his hands on his hips, as his head leans to the side a little bit.
Miles chuckles at his joke, while Peter and Gwen simply shake their heads, though a small smile appeared on Gwen's face underneath her mask.
"Alright, never mind. Let's end this thing." - Gwen says as Miles starts to take steps forward. "Guys, I got it."
"I'll go. I'm the one who has the goo - -" - Y/N says as he goes to take out the goober from under his sleeve, but immediately stops as he notices Miles holding the goober in his hand.
Y/N's face expression immediately drops down. "Fucking hell..."
He just got played by a newbie Spider-Man.
"Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands."
Miles then shoots a web at the flying panel and swings up before he descends down.
"Miles!" - Both Gwen and Y/N yell his name as he flies down past them.
"Watch out for yourself!!" - Peter exclaims as they see Miles heading towards the 2 buildings that were just about to collide into each other.
Miles falls down through the collision, as he escapes being crushed at the last second.
He then fires another web towards the collider gun, as he sticks to one of its rotating generators before jumping down and doing a swing-crawl-flip towards the control panel at the ceiling.
Miles lets out a few sighs as he sticks upside down. "That was crazy."
Back to the trio, they stare at him in shock, as Y/N's face was deadpanned.
"Ah we taught him that right?" - Peter asks them, but Gwen fastly replies. "Y/N and I didn't teach him that. And you definitely didn't."
The trio then starts to move as they jump onto vehicles or buildings before firing their webs and swing up, making their way towards Miles.
As they swinged up, they noticed the other trio also making their way towards them.
It seems like they just won. But Y/N had a terrible feeling about this. This felt too easy.
Speak of a devil and he shall appear.
Instantly, Crimson's spider-sense starts blaring loudly inside his head. Before Crimson can even react, he is tackled mid air by Electro.
As Gwen's spider-sense has just now been triggered, she hopelessly looks at how Electro flies Y/N away.
"Y/N!!" - She yells as both her and Peter quickly turn their directions and start going after Y/N.
With Crimson, he tries to phase out of Electro's hold, but every time he tries, Electro electrifies him, holding him back in place.
Then they crash onto the ground as both roll away from each other. Y/N groans from the pain he sustained after hitting the solid ground made out of concrete.
Not even a second later, he felt the lightning bolt hitting him as he was sent flying into a construction platform, making a dent into the metal pillar at impact, as he fell on the ground again.
Groaning even more, his spider-sense triggers as he hears the platform above him shaking.
The metal pole that was bent discounts from the structure and lets the platform scramble down.
Y/N could only hold out his hands, covering himself, as the whole upper platform came crashing onto him, knocking him out, as his vision faded into darkness.
Electro lets out an evil laugh as he levitates above ground as he slowly makes his way towards the ruble where Crimson was buried.
A web suddenly was shot beside him. Before he could turn to the direction of the web, he was met with a strong punch to the cheek as he was sended falling on his knees.
Looking up he sees Gwen on her knee, as she was holding her fist, but was staring daggers at him underneath her mask.
Electro was then pushed from behind as Miles and Peter joined the fight too.
The villain also spotted the other trio of spiders, though minus the robot, coming fast to the location of the fight as well.
Not wanting any audience in his plan, he thinks quickly.
As the first trio jumps at him, all at the same time, Electro lets out a strong wave of electric energy from his body, which blasts the spider heroes metres away from him.
He then proceeds to suck the electricity out of nearby electric pillar panels, getting even more powerful, as the bluish electricity of his body turns pale light blue colour.
Just as the other spiders were about to enter his location, he screams as giant electric force releases from his body.
The force was so strong that the whole area shook as the spiders were pushed well far away outside of the spawned area that had appeared from the beam.
As they were falling off the area, Peter quickly fired his webs towards the flying vehicles nearby.
He then swings as he catches both Miles and Gwen, as he brings all 3 of them onto the roof of the building.
"Uhh, what the hell was that?" - Miles groans as he lays on his back as he holds his side.
Peter looks back up at the area where Electro was.
His eyes narrow at the sight that was infornt of him. "You gotta be kidding me..."
Confused and panting heavily, Gwen lifts her head up to where Peter was looking and her eyes widen in shock and terror.
The whole area where Electro brought Y/N was now surrounded by a giant pale light blue dome, made out of pure electricity.
In the distance, they can see Ham and Noir trying to break into the dome, but to no avail, they are only getting zapped away from the dome at every contact they make with it.
"No, no, no..." - Gwen mutters under her breath as she takes her mask off while getting up on her feet and she starts to swing towards the dome.
"Gwen, wait!" - Peter yells after her, but she doesn't listen.
When she comes closer to the dome, landing on the ground, she tries to go through it, but gets zapped with a strong electric force.
"ARGH!" - Gwen screamed as she was sent flying backwards.
Luckily for her, Peter came just in time and caught her in mid air and safely landed on the ground, lowering her down in a sitting position.
As Miles came behind them, so did the rest of the gang.
"Whatever was in those panel pillars, it made Electro even more powerful." - Noir told them as he carefully lowered Peni on the ground, who was carrying the spider from Sp//dr in the palm of her hands. "So powerful that he isn't even exhausted from creating this giant dome."
"In other terms, we can't get in." - Ham finished it as they glanced back inside the dome.
"But we must. Y/N's inside. Electro is going to kill him!" - Gwen said, her voice loud, as concern and worry was written across her face.
Only people inside the dome were Y/N and the Electro. And there was no way Y/N could escape the dome. That is what made Gwen so terrified right now.
Peter then grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. "If we try, we will be the ones who'll be dead. The electricity will disintegrate us to nothing but atoms if we try to go through!"
Peter exclaims, not to just Gwen, but to others too.
Miles observed the situation infront of him. All of them were hopeless, can't do anything while Gwen was near tears.
Then he glanced at the dome. It was pure electricity.
Then he slowly lowered his head down as he glanced at his hands, as little sparks started to appear out his fingers.
He quickly looks between the dome and the fingers before he turns facing the rest of the team. "I think I have an idea..."
Crimson-Spider, in his iconic red and blue suit with a hood, can be seen sitting with his knees close to his chest on the Clock Tower.
The building itself was located in his home borough of Queens on the 41st Avenue of Queen Plaza S street.
The young spider teen hero was currently on top of the building, just above the clock itself.
His mask was in his hand as he had it hanging on his knee, as he stared into the distance, looking over the city.
The expressions on his face were those of sadness and discomfort.
Just a few hours ago, he had gone through his first major death as a vigilante hero. And that death couldn't have been closer to home than it was.
Suddenly, he hears the web swinging nearby, which was soon followed by a soft foot landing on his left.
He didn't bother to turn. He already knew who the person next to him was.
"Enjoying the view?"
Anya Corazon, aka Spider-Girl, the 2nd spider hero of this city, asked her fellow partner.
Y/N stayed quiet as he was still looking forward. Anya sighs. "That's a nooo..."
Anya made her way to Y/N and slowly sat beside him. She sat on the edge, letting her legs hang off the edge.
"Harry has... calmed down after hearing his father was... has passed away." - She told him as she took her mask off and adjusted her hair.
"And it's all my fault..." - Y/N finally responded to her, as he muttered underneath his breath.
Surprised by his answer, she quickly turned towards him. "Y/N, don't think like that."
"But it is! Norman is dead because of me, Anya!" - Y/N raised his voice as he glanced at Anya.
The feminine vigilante flinched at his raised voice. Y/N swears something gibberish in his mother tongue before letting a breath through his nose.
Anya could see his muscles were a little bit tense. She didn't want to bother him, but he refused to talk to anyone after what he went through today.
And if anyone knew what he was going through, it was her.
"While Norman was... well, still normal, I noticed you two were close."
Anya started, as she recalled her time with the team. Even though that time was shorter compared to others, she has a very good eye at catching people's interactions, postures and moods.
Y/N laid his head on top of his knees before he started talking. "We were. He was not just my mentor. He was like a 2nd father to me."
"After I lost my dad in the explosion, being a close friend of my parents, Norman decided to help my mum taking care of Lana and me."
We see Norman drinking tea with M/N L/N as they overlooked Y/N playing with Lana on their PS5, while they also talked about the current situation of ownership of the Alchemax Laboratory
"Before you joined us, he was the first person I went to after I discovered my powers."
Now we see Y/N, as he stumbles inside the destroyed Alchemax where he meets Norman, alongside his son Harry and his best friend Peter, who work on what has caused the explosion of the collider.
"He was willing to help me to understand them. And since he was a part of the same project with spiders with my dad, there was no better mentor than him."
Scenes change quickly, as we multiplier tests and challenges that Norman and two older teens put Y/N through, as he is discovering the limits of his spider powers.
"I was so blinded by the adrenaline of being the hero that I failed to notice that he was also affected by the explosion."
The scene transitions to Crimson-Spider stopping normal robberies and car chases, while also saving uncle Ben from the thief.
Soon, Spider-Girl joined him 3 months later as the city's newspapers labelled them as "The Spider Duo", while the other more popular newspaper called them "The Spiders Menances!".
"Then, as we were catching all these mutants affected by the blast, he was slowly and slowly losing control. All under our noses. And then..."
Now we see the spider do fight the newly emerged superpowered mutants, as they close them in the inescapable chambers, located underneath the Alchemax, right inside the collider room.
Besides those scenes, we also can notice as Norman is slowly and slowly going into madness, as he frequently is facing himself into the mirror, where his reflection is slowly distancing itself from him.
"The Goblin appeared."
Anya said as now we can see The Green Goblin, attacking the Web Warriors, while also manipulating the other villains for his own twisted needs.
"That wasn't Norman. Not anymore. While I fought him, he was totally a different person. More brutal and manipulative. Not a caring father and genius scientist I knew."
Crimson-Spider can be seen fighting the The Green Goblin on multiple locations, every battle, the villain is more and more aggressive, while the hero more and more desperate.
"But then, in our last battle, when I had him down, something strange happened."
The wall came crashing down as the spider and the goblin fought hand-to-hand battle inside the abandoned building, as the Goblin punched Crimson into the wall.
"Norman spoke. I knew it was him. I recognized the difference in shift of his tone. Norman was back."
Now, the camera is lowered, as it concentrates on the downed Goblin, his mask destroyed, as his face expression softens. Norman was back, while Goblin faded. Crimson notices that as he slowly lowers his hands.
"He was so confused, terrified almost. It looked like Goblin kept him captive inside his own body and now, he has finally broken free from the control."
Crimson did not approach him yet, but he could see that it was the person he knew and cared about.
"He begged for my help. I thought I got my parent figure back. But that was all a false hope."
As Crimson was about to walk over to his father figure, the evil smirk crawled its way onto Norman's face.
"Goblin used Norman, like he used all of us, like a bait. For me to let my guard down."
Crimson's spider-sense triggers as he looks down at Norman's hand, in which was a controller, which he presses.
"And then I had to phase, as the glider went through me... and speared itself into Goblin... killing him... alongside Norman."
Crimson uses his phasing power, just in time as the glider goes through his upper body. But soon Crimsons eyes widened in horror as he saw where the glider was heading next.
Glider speared itself into Norman, which was the killing blow. Like that, Crimsons had his major death as a hero. And he just stood there. Letting it happen.
Back to the Clock Tower, Y/N's hand turns into the fist as he greets his teeth as he remembers Norman's impaled body infront of him. As a few tears start to drop down his cheek. "If I hadn't phase out... m-maybe he w-w-would s-still be alive..."
"Hey, hey. Don't. Please don't." - Anya shushes him as she moves closer to him.
She lays her hands on his head as she turns it to face her, as now he stared into her brown eyes. "If you didn't, you would be dead and Goblin would run away, and probably cause more chaos."
She tells him in a calm voice. She moves her finger, sliding it down on Y/Ns cheek, as she get lost in his E/C orbs.
"We would have missed you, all of us. Peter. Harry. Your mom. Lana... Me."
Last word that left her mouth made both teens' hearts skip a beat, as they fully locked their eyes onto each other. "I would have missed you, Y/N... So, so much."
Y/N moves his hands and places them on top of Anya's hands, lowering down, as he leans closer to her.
"You don't have to d-d-do this, Anya. It j-just showed us h-how much difficult it can be. And I d-don't want to s-see you get h-hurt." - He tells her, stuttering a bit as he graces both of her hands with his palms.
Anya softly smiles at his concern for her. With a smile still on her face, she glances down at their hands and she interlocks her fingers with his,
"My father once told me there's no way to get a good story, to do a good job, without embedding yourself in the dirt." - She tells him as she lifts her view and stares at Y/N, as the smirk appears on her face.
"So... for better or worse... I'm your girl."
Y/N's eyes start to open, as few rays of light hit his face. He feels pain running through his bones as he is being crushed by the rubble.
He coughs as he regains his senses. Trying to move, he moans as every part of him turns immediately red, wanting to give up. But he doesn't.
Y/N grits his teeth as he starts to push the rubble of him with his hands, getting more light visible to him as he lifts up.
He finally manages to fully stand up. He throws the rubble to the side, but his legs immediately give up due to tiredness and he stumbles onto the ground, wincing in pain.
"Shake it o-off..." - Y/N says to himself as he tries to get up. Even shakes his head to get his senses back on. "It's just... your bones... and mus... muscles..."
Y/N stops when he glances at his hands, his gloves. The colour of his gloves that he wore was red, with outlines on it being white.
Now, the colour of the outlines was blue.
His eyes started to widen, his pupils started to shrink while his heart started beating faste.
He wasn't wearing his current suit.
He was wearing his old suit. The suit he wore when she died.
His breath became heavy. He looked up at his surroundings. His skin turned pale when he realised where he was, the beating noise of his heart reaching into his ears.
He was in the electrical grid. The place of his lowest point. The moment that crushed his web apart.
"We both know what this place is, don't we?"
Crimson lifts his view up. There he sees Electro, flouting ahead of him, different in appearance as his colour of electricity was pale light blue.
But that wasn't the current Electro he was staring at.
It was his version. His Electro that he can see right now. The one that killed Anya... while he hopelessly watched.
"This power grid was built by Maxwell Dillon or should I say, Electro."
As Electro spoke, his appearance constantly was phasing out between two versions of the electric villain, every time he flew behind the panel pillars, as he was circling the teen hero.
"And funded by your father, Dr. F/N L/N."
Electro just finished as he stopped near the giant marking sign. Y/N looking at the sign could see his dads name written on it, with Maxwell Dillion written under as the main inventor.
"I can see everything through my counterparts's memories, since I can sense his energy in these panels."
Electro said as he started to extract more energy from the panels. As the energy flew into the villain, figures started to phase into existence
As he laid there, on his butt, 3 villains appeared in his vision.
The Rhino, Scorpion and Doc Ock. All 3 villains that held him off... while Spider-Girl was left isolated... fighting the superior enemy... Electro.
Fully charged, Electro started to spawn electricity in his hands. "Here is where my counterpart broke you!"
As Eletro fired the first bolt at him, the Rhino started to charge at him, as both the real attack and his vision merged into one.
Y/N was too slow to dodge the incoming danger, as he was fully disoriented by the beating in his ears.
As Rhino hit him with his horn, Crimson was electrified by the bolting at impact, as he was sent crushing into one of the panel pillars.
Y/N screamed as his body started to fail him, as parts of his suit started being ripped off.
But Y/N couldn't rest, as then Scorpion came at him. As his tail came swinging at him, it quickly phased into an incoming bolt that really was the real attack.
The bolt sent Crimson into the ping ponging into more panel pillars, groaning at every hit with his face, as his mask was fully ripped apart.
Then in mid air, just before he was about to fall onto the ground, a bolt came hitting him, as it phased into Doc Ock's tentacles, as one with the sharp point speared into his right shoulder.
In Y/N's mind set, he felt both feelings of pain. Pain of the stab and pain of the electricity.
He yelled as he was then bounced back into the air, where he was then caught by Electro's electric ropes once again.
"He beat you here... by taking your precious little girlfriend away from you"
Y/N was so weak. He tried to fire a web, but due to his exhaustion, he struggled, being unable to do so, as the electricity holding him started to burn him.
Flashes started to appear in Y/N's eyes. Flashes of different memories from his life.
His parents.
His sister.
His friends.
And Anya.
"So... for better or worse... I'm your girl."
He could hear her voice. See her face. Feel her touch. And feel her kiss.
He slowly was starting to lose consciousness as noise in his ears started to increase to the point of being just a blank silence.
"Now, I'm going to send you right to her!"
Electro yelled, but then, he was hit out of nowhere by a car, which was thrown by Peter at him.
As Electro was sent flying into the ground, it realised Y/N from his hold, as his body fell down, completely limp.
His eyes started to move, opening as they adjusted to the light.
He wanted to shut them close. Just wanted to rest, But he felt a calm touch on his cheeks.
As his consciousness slowly started to return, he looked through his blurry vision.
He could see the outlines of Anya's face, as she was staring back at him, with her hands holding his face gently.
But as his vision clears out of blurriness, Anya's face phases out into Gwen's face, her blue crystal orbs glancing at him with worry, with tears creeping in the corner of her eyes.
Gwen notices as his eyes open. "Y/N?..."
"G-G-wen..." - Y/N responds, but shakelly.
Gwen lets out the breath she was holding in, being relieved. "You're...Y-You're..."
"S-Still br-breathing?"
Y/N then notices Peni and what looked like a small spider on her shoulder, smiling at him, as she was relieved that he was still alive. "Hey, P-Peni..."
Then, Y/N couldn't hear it, but he saw a spider on Peni's shoulder that looked like he whispered something to Peni, as she glanced at the Spider.
"I m-must be delusional. D-Did I just s-see that sp-spider talk?"
Peni lets out a small laugh as she glances back at Y/N. "Spider says you have some nerve to still be alive after going through all of that."
"I don't t-think I c-can fe-feel any of my n-nerves anymore, heh."
Suddenly they heard the explosion in the distance. They all looked in the direction of the sound.
In the distance, Noir, Ham and Peter were fighting Electro, but he was easily knocking them around. Not even Ham's hammerspace couldn't help.
"T-That doesn't look g-good..." - Y/N said as Gwen put her arm around him and slowly helped him get up.
"What?" - Peni asked as they saw Peter getting blown away into the pile of debris.
"T-This power g-grid used to ha-have the wires l-leading all the w-way towards the Alchemax L-Laboratories. Being u-used - -"
"- - to power the Collider." - Gwen finished as Y/N weakly nodded.
"Y-Yeah, s-so he is currently im-impossible to s-stop."
"How do we beat him?" - Gwen asked as all three of them started to take step backwards as the battle infront of them was slowly coming towards them.
"O-Okay, okay. Think. He's electric. So he is just like a battery." - Y/N starts as he holds onto Gwen. "So what happens if we overcharge the battery?"
"It explodes." - Peni concludes.
"So we used his power against him. Right. Perfect." - Gwen catches as Ham was next to be thrown in the distance.
"I think I can reconnect the power lines with the panels again." - Y/N says.
Gwen immediately tightens her grip on his arm as her eyes widen in shock and worry. "Y/N, you're crazy! You're in no shape to fight!
"Gwen, Slušaj Me! (Listen to me!)"
Y/N raises his voice as he faces Gwen, holding her shoulders, as he stares into her face.
"He wants me. Just me. So I need to do this. He will be so distracted by chasing me that he won't notice what you must do."
"What do we need to do?"
All three of them turn to their right as they see Miles jumping next to them, little tired, but still ready to fight as he glances at the brawl in the distance.
"Miles, you're here. Great. I just needed you."
"What's the plan?" - Miles asks as everyone looks at Y/N.
"I need you to go and power up that generator with your bioelectricity. It should be enough the difference in electricity current that Electro won't be able to absorb it into himself."
Y/N points to the siad generator who was just located on the north wing of the facility, just above the water tanks.
"Gotcha." - Miles acknowledges as he quickly fires his web and starts heading towards his designated task.
Y/N then turns to the Girls and the spider as he points at the control room just behind. "Gwen, Peni. I need you to reset the system."
"Alright." - Peni nods as she starts running towards the doors leading up to the control room.
Y/N turns to Gwen, who was still holding his hand as she slowly was backing from him, but wasnt letting him go.
"Okay, when I say you turn that power on, you turn it on. No matter what."
He was about to turn, but Gwen pulled him back, as he could see Gwen staring at him with even more worry in her eyes. "Y-Y/N - -"
"No matter what." - He tells her, holding his pinky to her.
After a few seconds, Gwen nods with her head and interlocks her pinky with his.
"Now go, go!" - He pushes her forward as she starts to run after Peni.
When Y/N turns towards the battle, he stops, as time slows down as well.
Infornt of him, he could see Anya, in her Spider-Girl suit de-masked, as she stared at him with a little small smile on her face.
Suddenly, his spider-sense triggers. Vision of Anya disappears as Noir was sent flying through her.
Y/N quickly reacts as he catches Noir mid air and slowly lays him onto the ground. Noir was beaten pretty well, but his groans confirmed he was still alive.
Y/N then got up and swung forward the rest of the combatants.
Electro was being held in webs by Peter and Ham, but their hold was giving up as they were too exhausted to hold anymore.
"You spiders are low forms compared to me."
Electro chuckled as he freed himself from the cocoon and shot bolts at two spiders, sending them flying away, beaten down. "So bow to a God, you insects!"
"A god named sparkles doesn't sound promising for the start."
Electro heard the voice behind. When he turned, he could see Crimson landing on one of the panel pillars in crouching position.
"And 2nd, you are basically naked and half of us are underage, so you are basically grooming us." - Y/N said, which made Electro scoff at his comment.
"You're just all jokes. You're nothing more special than all of these Spider-Men's."
Electro responded as he prepared another two bolts in his hands. Y/N stood up as he pointed his finger at the villain.
"Well, you're wrong there. My name isn't Spider-Man..."
Y/N then quickly fired two webs at the panels that were laying around Electro.
He then pulled them as he sent them flying into Electro, surprising him as they crushed to both sides of his head.
The collison created a small loud noise, which made Electro screech in pain.
Being disoriented, it gave Y/N an opening to swing down at Electro and give him an uppercut to the face, as the punch sent the villain crushing to the ground.
"I am Crimson-Spider."
Making Electro pissed, the villain roared in anger as he started flying towards the spider hero, who immediately started to swing away, leading him towards his trap.
Y/N swings in the air, his spider-sense going haywire as he dodges the incoming electricity stirles from Electro.
The missed hit on him striked the pillars, making them come falling down at Crimson, but he evaded them by phasing through them as he continued his plan of luring the villain.
Gwen and Peni finally reach the floor of the control room. Gwen, using her enhanced strength, bursts the doors open as Peni and her enter the room.
Peni immediately runs up to the controls, seeing they are dead.
"Miles, turn the power on!"
Switching to Miles, he just arrived at the generator. He rips the panel off the generator as he sees the power battery inside.
He then charges his fingers on his right hand with electricity, before pudding it at the battery, venom striking it.
Seconds later, the generator sparkles as the power gets activated, quickly flowing down the tubes as the whole place lights up, including the control room and its controls.
"The powers on!" - Miles yells as Peni gets to work, typing on the controls.
"Gwen, go to the lever switch, that's what you need to be ready to pull." - Peni tells her, as she points at the lever on her right, as she turns the power flow on the controls to maximum.
"Alright." - Gwen nods as she walks up to the locked lever.
She rips the lock off and takes off the safety glass, before placing her hand on the lever.
Looking through the broken window, she can see Y/N swinging towards the broken tube, where the electricity is circling, but can't connect since the middle part is destroyed.
Y/N pushes himself off the pillars, as one even gets destroyed by Electro who crashes into it, but misses Y/N completely.
Y/N swings around the corner and lands on top of the broken tube. He fires webs at Electro, cocooning him up, stopping him in air, as it gives him time to do his task.
Y/N takes out the anti-electricity devices and drops down into the space of the broken tube.
Y/N then turns his attention to the discounted wires, as he starts shooting webs at them, at both sides of the tube, while connecting all the webs with the device in the middle.
His spider-sense triggers as Electro has managed to free himself from the cocoon and fires a bolt at him.
Y/N evades it as he drops down in the middle, but being right in the open, Electro hits him with a bolt, as he starts electrifying the teenage hero in place.
Gwen, who was watching the fight, started getting anxious. She knew Y/N cant take another beat up like that again or his death.
"Come on, come on, Y/N." - She muttered as she saw Y/N struggling to connect the two parts, as he gets pushed down on his knees by the electricity while Electro evilly laughed.
Y/N groaned as he pushed his hands closer to each other, his pain tolerance failing as it rose over his limits.
But he succeeds as he brings both sides of webs together as he makes a knot in the middle, all around the device, as electricity in the wires starts flowing through the webs into the device, powering it up, as orange colour lights on the device.
Y/N screams as he points the device at the spot where Electro was hitting him. "Now, Gwen, now! DO IT NOW!!"
As Y/N yells, Gwen immediately pulls the lever. The power starts to go down the generator as it enters tubes.
The electricity's acceleration rises and rises as it travels until it reaches Y/N and enters the device.
Device blows orange as its electricity merges with Electro's pale light blue electricity and starts going into him.
The merge hits Y/N, as it gives him a shock strike, making his body being pushed off the tube and fall towards the ground limp.
Electro screams in agony as the orange electricity starts to circle him, as it starts breaking his body parts, as the pale white energy starts to fade out.
Electro lets out his final scream as he then explodes, as a giant ball of mixed electricity is blown out of him, erasing his body into atoms, wiping him out of existence.
Electro of Earth 1610, one of the most powerful versions of himself, was gone.
As dust and electricity settles down, the camera moves to Y/N, whose body can be seen lying on a pile of some rubble, unmoving as smoke is going off him.
Suddenly, Y/N lets out a breath as his body flinches up. He groans as he slowly starts to move, but this time, he won't be able to shake off the pain this time.
"Aaau...aaau... S-so much p-pain..." - He weakly mutters as he crawls up to one of his knees. "My b-back..."
Now he had bruises, cuts and wounds all over his body, as his suit was completely ripped, barely holding to each piece, as he was smoking as water being exposed to the hot sun.
Y/N weakly looks forward, as he sees Gwen running towards him.
"Gwen, don - -" - Before he can stop her, she comes flying at him and puts him in the hug. "- - AAAU!" - Y/N yelps as she crushes him with her arms around him.
"SORRY!!" - Gwen quickly lets him go as she apologies.
Soon, the whole gang comes to their location.
"Kid, are you okay!?" - Peter asks, worried as he helps Gwen get Y/N up.
"Yeah... just tired." - He responds, a little disoriented. "I smell like fried chicken."
He coughs as the two around him help him to move around a little.
"Thinking about it, I'm hungry for some fried chicken right now."
Y/N tells them like he was drunk. Peter just softly chuckles at the younger hero. "Come on. Let's get you home."
As Peter holds Y/N while they swing up, Miles was already at the control panel as the holographic controls appeared infront of him, taking control of the collider.
The Gang finally arrives as all land around Miles on the ceiling.
"Guess this is it." - Gwen says as she helps Y/N stick to the ceiling as Peter lets him off.
"Well, nice to know we're not alone. Right?" - Peni says, as she hangs off the Noirs back.
They all look around at each other. They want to go back to their dimensions...
But part of them also want to stay. "Yeah."
Miles punches a code into the keypad and twists the goober, while Y/N glances at the goober.
"I forgot you jebeno (fucking) stole it from me." - Y/N says with a sigh as Miles lightly chuckles at his response while he opens the first portal open.
"I got the portal open. You first Peni."
Peni smiles at him as she holds her spider on her arm.
"Thank you, Miles. From both of us."
Peni then salutes before she jumps off the Noirs back and falls into the beam as it glows red from her entering it.
Miles then punches in another code and looks to Noir.
"I, uh, love you all." - Noir struggles at words, but then suddenly holds up a Rubik's Cube from Aunt Mays house.
"No way, bro." - Y/N laughs as he sees the damn cube.
"I'm taking this cube thing with me. I don't understand it, but, I will."
Noir then does a two finger salute also before letting himself go and falls into the beam which lights up white and black colour.
Then Spider-Ham walks up to Miles, while taking up his huge trustworthy wooden mallet out of hammerspace. He is also near tears.
"I want you to have this. It'll fit in your pocket." - He hands it over to Miles who looks at it confused, but appreciates it anyways.
"Pretty sure this dimension does not have a hammerspace." - Y/N says, as he looks at the hammer.
"That's all folks."
"Is he allowed to say that? Legally?" - Peter questions as Ham lets himself drop into the portal as it glitches with a cartoonish effect.
"Earth 616 is next." - Miles punched another code as the trio turned to the experienced veteran hero.
"Uh, yeah. I'm... gonna totally miss you guys." - Peter spoke as he glanced at Miles and Gwen first before looking towards Y/N. "I hope I made your Peter proud, Y/N..."
Y/N sends him a small smile. "You did more than that. You showed me he is still the same person as you are."
Y/N then pauses for a bit as he looks down at Peter's spider emblem before looking back up. "I guess... I judged you too quickly, Peter."
"Did you just call me by my name?" - Peter asks with raised eyebrow, as genuine amusement can be found in his tone.
Y/N rolls his eyes at that. "Don't push it... Pete."
Both the younger and older spider heroes chuckle. Peter then places his hand onto Y/N's shoulder, but carefully, as he doesn't want to hurt him.
"Life may throw you down more times in the future, but that shouldn't stop you from getting back up again. Remember that, kid."
Y/N sends a shy smile as he nods at Peter. "I will sure do."
Peter smiles before putting his mask on and jumps off the ceiling.
"Use baby powder on the suit, Miles!" - He yells just before he was swallowed into the beam.
Miles chuckles before turning towards Gwen.
"Do I get to like the hairdo now?" - He asks, genuinely, which makes Gwen let out a laugh.
She sends him a smile. "By saving are asses there? Sure. You get the pass."
Then Gwen turns to Y/N, who was already glancing at her.
A beat skips, as awkwardness takes over both of them.
Two of them have known each other for over a week, but already have gone through so much together.
Out of all of the spider in this gang, they knew each other the longest,
"This doesn't have to be the last time, you know." - Y/N suddenly says, which confuses Gwen. "What do you mean?"
Y/N takes a breath in as he changes his position to be facing her. "Well, I heard that someone mentioned that Einstein said time was relative, right?"
Y/N spoke, as he glanced at Miles with a facial expression that read "Am I correct?" at which Miles chuckled before nodding with his head, confirming Y/N's assumption.
"So, I guess by the time I make the... goober dimension travel watch, it will pass the same exact time length on each of our Earths?"
Gwen's eyes went wide, as she was surprised, but also hopeful at what Y/N just said. "You can make one?"
"My dad nearly succeeded in it. I guess I will finish it where he left off." - Y/N shrugged before pausing for a bit, before chuckling to himself.
"Minus the whole dimension collapsing thing, of course."
Gwen lets a soft laugh at his response. "Nice."
She turns away, a little uncomfortable with the moment, as they were pretty close.
A smile creeps onto Y/N's face before raising his hand up to Gwen.
"So, we are officially friends now? Both me and Miles?"
A long beat as Gwen considers. She then holds her hand and grabs Y/N's hand.
"Friends." - Gwen said as she smiled.
"Cool." - Y/N spoke as they dropped the hold as Gwen turned to look at Miles.
"See you around Spider-Man." - She tells him, before glancing back at Y/N.
"Bye, Crimson-Spider~." - She tells him before elegantly leaps into the beam.
Y/N watches her go down with a smile on his face until she disappears in the pink blow.
"So it's just you left now." - Miles told him as Y/N moved closer to him.
"Where did you learn to work on this thing anyway?" - Y/N asked as now he was holding onto the ceiling with one hand, while his body hanged down.
Miles nervously chuckles at his question. "Emmm, I didn't. I just... guessed?"
Y/N just playful scoffs at that. "You're just like Lana, you know. Always work on blind."
"If so, any positive things I share with her?"
Miles asked as that got Y/N thinking. He stayed quiet for a moment, before he raised his free hand and pointed his finger at Miles's chest.
"You have a golden heart, Miles." - He tells him as he presses it. "Don't ever lose it."
Suddenly, both teens are hit with a surge of spider-sense.
Both of them look down to see Kingpin on the side of the building as he left the observation room and is now leap-frogging his way across the building to them.
"You're not going ANYWHERE!" - Kingpin shouts as Y/N assess the situation.
"I'll hold him off, you shut this down!" - Y/N suddenly said, catching Miles off guard, as he jumps down from the panel, going towards Kingpin.
"Y/N, that wasn't the deal!" - Miles yells at him as he starts to follow after Y/N.
"Just push the green button, Miles!" - Y/N yells back as he goes through the FedEx truck.
Suddenly, he felt a web attached to him, as he gets pulled back towards Miles.
"Miles, come on!" - Y/N shouts as Miles sends him flying towards another building where they land in the spider pose.
"Y/N, you gotta go home!" - Miles tells him as crawls closer to him-
"This guy could kill you! I can't let Spider-Man die." - Y/N says, as visible worry also spreads across his face.
But Miles was as defiant as him. "Neither can I."
Both stare at each other with the same facial expression.
Y/N lowers his hands down. "It's okay."
"Yeah, it is ok."
Miles, out of nowhere, surprises Y/N with a swipe kick to his legs.
Y/N gaps as he is about to fall off the edge, but Miles catches him. Now they stood exactly like when Y/N holded Miles in the dorm before he tied Miles up.
"You gotta go home man." - Miles tells him, with a sign of empathy in his tone.
Y/N then raises his arm and grabs Miles by the hand that holds him.
"How do I know fate won't repeat itself?" - Y/N asked, saddened and scared of possibilities that may happen if he's not there.
Miles stops for a second before determination creeps into his eyes.
"You won't. It's me, who chooses in my moments, what happens next."
Y/N realising what he meant, let's an impressed scoff.
"Right. That's how our destiny is shaped..."
Miles smiles back at him. Y/N takes his hand off Miless hand and nods, signalling he was ready.
Miles then lets go, as Y/N falls further down towards the beam.
"Not bad, Spider-Man."
Y/N says, smiling as he then disappears into the beam, as red, white and black colours light up the collieder room.
December 23rd, 2018
1 week later...
Footsteps can be heard as someone is walking down the stairs.
"Well, I'm not an expert or anything, but I think it's better if you stay in Midtown high, rather than going to private school."
It is revealed to be Y/N and Lana, as they are carrying the Christmas Tree down the stairs, as they grabbed it from the attic.
"Since when do you hate private schools?" - Lana asks her brother as they reach the floor of the living room.
"Since I made a friend who attends one. He hates it..." - Y/N tells her as they walk over where the fireplace was.
"Now slowly..." - They lower the tree carefully and align it perfectly, as it stands on the floor. "There it goes."
"Now all those boxes with decorations..." - Lana says as she starts heading up stairs.
"Uhhh..." - Y/N groans as he jogs after his little sister.
Now in the attic, as they go through the boxes to find ones with decorations, Lana turns to Y/N.
"Y/N, Jeli te mogu nešto pitati? (Can I ask you something?)"
"Pitaj. (Shoot/Ask.)" - Y/N says as he goes through the boxes.
"Well umm... weird things have been happening since I returned from that field trip. I mean, like physically."
Lana tells him, as she becomes anxious and awkward. Y/N stops what hes been doing and looks at his sister confused as fuck.
"Oh... uh... zašto ne pitaš mamu o tome. Ona puno bolje zna od men - - (Oh... uh... why don't you ask mom about it. She knows much better than m - -)
Lana seeing he completely missed her idea, she stops him. "NE! Ne too, uhh... (NO! Not that, uhh...)"
Lana debates for a few seconds before finally deciding what she's going to do.
"...Mislim da je...bolje da ti samo, um. Pokazat ću ti. (...I think it's...it's better that I just, um. I'll show you.)"
Seeing Lana turning, Y/N thought she was about to remove her clothes, as he tried to stop her.
"Ne... ne, ne, ne - - (No...no,no,no, no - -)"
Suddenly, Lana jumps up... and lands on the ceiling, sticking to it upside down, leaving Y/N stunned, as his jaw was full open, as he looked up at his sister sticking on the ceiling of the attic.
"Prilično je čudno, zar ne? (It's pretty weird, right?)" - Lana says, as she softly smiles at her older brother, while blowing her hair from her face.
Y/N sends her a quick smirk, before he also jumps up and sticks to the ceiling upside down.
Lana stares at him in surprise, as now her jaw is fully open.
Now both L/N siblings are hanging upside down opposite of each other, in the same spider position.
"Ne toliko čudno. (Not that weird.)" - Y/N says as he's smiling at his little sister.
Things just got unreal.
But Y/N is already used to it.
The Sounds of footsteps echoed off the floor in the gleaming corridors of Octagon Laboratories. The camera moved up from his black shoes up to his head, revealing that the young man was wearing grey jeans and knee-length white lab coat. On his chest, there was a logo of the company he worked for and his name;
Y/N Quentin Parker
As he made his way through the bustling hallway, he encountered fellow scientists, exchanging brief nods and acknowledging glances. Some people hurried past him, the urgency in their steps indicating the importance of their work.
In his left hand, he carried a sleek suitcase, its contents shrouded in mystery. Y/N's hand was shaking, either from stress or from the item inside which was sending pulsing waves through the suitcase up to his hand.
Reaching the entrance of a newly constructed room, the titanium walls stood as a testament to the advanced technology housed within, and to its significance.
Approaching the closed doors, Y/N hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on the warning sign that adorned them. It read, 'Caution: Potential Dangers of Multi-Quantum Radiation' Undeterred by the potential risks, he entered the room, and the doors sealed behind him with a pneumatic hiss.
Inside, a vast, dome-shaped chamber stretched out before him. The walls, constructed entirely of polished titanium, exuded an air of technological sophistication. The hum of operating systems filled the air. Rows of computers and generators were manned by diligent scientists,
"Did you bring us coffee, Parker, or you brought us some things to operate on?" Among them was the esteemed Dr. Otto Octavius, his mentor, who always had a remark to make when he came to work last.
Their eyes briefly met before Otto's eyes fell upon the suitcase. "You actually managed to acquire it.." He said in disbelief as you slightly lifted your hand with the suitcase up with pride.
"All you need is a good lawyer my friend" He informed him as softly tapped onto the suitcase which had a label '02-T'. "Don't act like a smartass Y/N, you will be carrying our coffees after this since you came last."
"Yeah, yeah." Y/N rolled his eyes as he walked past Otto towards the centre of the room, where the enigmatic device known as the Mirror Breaker awaited.
Lowering the suitcase to the floor, Y/N's unlatched it and opened the lid, revealing the object of their scientific endeavour. Nestled within a cushioned interior lay the Tesseract, its pulsating blue glow casting an otherworldly aura. Y/N carefully lifted the artefact, cradling it in his hands as he approached the circular centrepiece of the Mirror Breaker.
Who knew a damn blue cube could be this powerful? Thank God for Saul Murdock who helped him in obtaining this out of SHEILD's hands.
Back to Mirror Breaker,
The device itself was a marvel of design, merging sleek futuristic elements with ancient mysticism. Its metallic base housed intricate circuitry adorned with glowing symbols, hinting at the complex nature of its operation. At the heart of the device, a circular chamber beckoned, ready to embrace the power of the Tesseract.
Cannon waiting for its cannon ball you could say.
As Y/N inserted the Tesseract into the chamber, the device hummed with energy, resonating with an otherworldly power. The Mirror Breaker glowed blue, its energy capacity breaking the statistics on a few computers as they couldn't comprehend how much energy it generated.
"Can't believe I'm seeing the Tesseract again." Y/N looked over his shoulder to see Hank Pym walking towards him. "That thing could power virtually anything until the end of times." Pym remarked as he carried his own but red suitcase.
"I never saw you in your suit, Hank" Y/N pointed out as he stared at him in awe at his iconic Ant-Man suit, even though Hank is now old and out of shape, the suit still fit him well enough.
"Well, I had a feeling I had to put it on again." He sighed as he opened his suitcase to reveal 8 small tubes of pym particles. "If something goes wrong, someone will have to redirect the explosion to Quantum levels."
Y/N didn't reply as he didn't need one, both of them knew the risks of this experiment. "I would recommend for you to back away, please" The Young scientists obliged as he didn't have any extra safety gear against Pym particles if they accidentally fell and broke.
As Y/N retreated, watching with anticipation as Hank infused the Mirror Breaker with Pym particles. The particles, renowned for their transformative properties, mingled with the Tesseract's energy, causing the once-blue glow to shift to a deep, foreboding red. The room seemed to crackle with newfound intensity.
Hank and Y/N now joined Otto and other scientists and now all of them were assembled behind the rows of computers and generators. "Beginning sequence one." Y/N commanded, looking towards the guy who was operating behind the computer.
The room's atmosphere became charged with anticipation as the device sprang to life. Energy surged through the conduits and control panels, illuminating holographic displays and causing buttons and switches to respond with a soft, ethereal glow.
A beam of concentrated energy shot forth from the Mirror Breaker, and a few metres away forging a portal that seemed to defy the laws of space and time. The portal pulsed with a dark reddish hue, its mere presence exuding power and potential. Vibrations shook the room, setting off alarm systems that echoed throughout the facility.
The Portal, it was glitching, changing shapes in which it glitched.
Water colours, paper shapes, cartoonish..Lego?
Despite the growing intensity and the alarms blaring in the background, the team remained transfixed, their eyes locked on the enigmatic portal. But just as anticipation reached its peak, the unexpected occurred-the device abruptly shut down. The room fell into an eerie and dark silence,
"What?" Silence being broken only by Y/N's bewildered footsteps as he slowly moved towards the dormant machine. a mix of disbelief and confusion etched on everyone's faces. "This premature shutdown had never occurred before."
Stated Otto as he leaned onto the chair as he inspected the still functioning computer and the data that was shown on the monitor. "There is a chance that Pym particles could have caused the beam to shift into the quantum level of..."
Otto and Hank discussed potential causes for the sudden cessation, Concern etched across their faces. However,
Y/N's gaze fixated on the portal, any sound becoming quieter and quieter as he slowly moved towards the stable oval-shaped portal.
The sight was mesmerising .
Through its ethereal gateway, he beheld a breathtaking sight; A vivid and awe-inspiring sight unfolded before him-a kaleidoscope of galaxies and celestial wonders.
Lost in the spectacle, Y/N's gaze fixated on a radiant, glowing tree nestled within the cosmic expanse. Intricate veins of light pulsed through its branches, illuminating the surrounding cosmos. Suddenly, a surge of energy rippled through one of the veins, followed by a blinding explosion of light.
Startled, Y/N's attention snapped back to the room as the device unexpectedly reignited. "That could be a -Y/N! Get out of-" Hank Pym screamed in horror.
Y/N only had a second to act before a renewed beam of energy surged forth, piercing Y/N's right leg and going through the portal, colliding with the luminous tree.
The shock overwhelmed his body as he fell backwards, the surge of reddish energy deparling from his body, but his right leg being vaporised completely.
The impact triggered a cataclysmic release of energy, reverberating it back through the porta--·&@ @ §~§~×€✓¥∆©×~✓'
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As Y/N world on the thing, his }}[|✓§¢}©[°'×~§¥}¥['=~§¢§€✓¥✓'§¢×€✓¥✓{~§~|o the left and sees as rhubfs placed around gin start to float upwards.
"Koji Vrag?" Hponders as more things start to float and most suprisbgly, to g'}]®✓®✓€×'§¢}}©∆'§mall earthquake. And then, a portal stats opening above him
His eyes ~§¢{€✓®='{}~} to it. He fires his eebs from both hands and he tries to hold init both =✓~✓{'§¢π•|~~€{}€___+_+_()#9($;;'{€✓€=€×=§}}[|✓§¢}©[°'×~§¥}¥£×~§§~[€=©{=©✓¥§~∆~ππ|•[©✓©✓°~\\¢{¥∆'∆~¢{€✓|∆~}%[¥='∆~∆¢✓'{'×€={|'§=€=€§€=¥€∆~∆]%[¥✓×'∆}€[€=∆¢}€✓€§'§¢='§¢{¢§¢×~¢}{'∆~§€}€€[€✓€=€=€{'}¢{
Most people who €✓|∆~}%[¥='∆~∆¢✓oke up up to a freezing rooftp! O swear to god o w sksir sleeping in my mice warm bed!
✓{'§¢π•|~~€{}€___+_+_()#9($;;'{ it wa sksir the behignging of the of fall not winter! There's more even some snow piles on }€[€=∆¢}€✓€§ getting up I istantly started to rubbing my seks
because of the cold. Even my feet were freezing. §€}€€[€✓€=€=€{'}¢ on. @}{'§€∆¥['~∆€={|∆~§~✓∆%]©✓®✓'∆ש°©§'§~✓©}§€×~=∆'{'✓'§€®§='§~×€{§~÷¥§'§✓€\~]¢™€¢§~∆✓€~∆~=✓¥§©€=~§£✓×€§£
The sounds of wood creaking fill his ears as each step began to feel ©✓©✓©§'=€✓©§'∆¢[¥✓§¥'\✓~€}§®[%✓¥§'}¢✓©©\'∆'{[©§¥×''[}€®['§nly slammed his head into the fridge.he takes a step back, but he suddenly hits his head again onto the fiedge
He the falls ∆}¢[©✓©✓©§'=€✓©§'∆¢[¥✓§¥'\ feel like he was at two places at once, his body would fčahs red,blue and green. He was everywhere all at once. [¥✓|{¢{€{¥{®§¢¢§€}'§€[¢\£]¢[€=€, as he suddenly punched the sink in anguish. His body reforms as his first had just snapped the sink in a single punch.
He patns as he looks s ¢✓✓¥=¥÷'}'[¥=€∆£ fist, not a single nrusiey amd yety the ssino wa scomepletyl decimated "W-whats happening to me" §'§€✓€∆¢=✓¥×§¢='{€§©✓¢§¢×€
"You can call me ¥✓€§£{€✓¥§¢{¢{¢{'{€✓€ty who so trying everything to free this planet from Osborn! norman created đe just čoe how HIS spider creature you"
Scarečt pucnjed Li after ™¥×§ struggle and later ducks under a swing of his Balde and double kick Li back.
"Do tell me why ~\[©[®✓¥∆®§~÷°|•[•} him after everything he has done?!"
Dcsrelt was about to speak.. u til above theđx gher seas some wrof ®®∆®][^§'~§=¥[]%✓©✓{¢}£✓©=}€~∆×|°•]|§¢[©✓¥✓~}£]%[©✓'{§~§÷••=•✓√✓¥=°=^}£✓[%[®°°~=^π'§|{•]✓%™¥×§. Everything below the hlivrhing portla stated to float as scarlet shoots a web to the ground as he tries to hold on, but Li was pulled by ¢}¢✓'✓'€✓™~=©[©✓©
✓✓✓✓✓ n kačslfmdlwčšdćfldmd..skdkwčdmdlpdmfmčsčdfmdpšsdžf.sžf.flčdmepsfme.d xkešqšfmkepwlfmdlwđd
"What is happening?"
"Not something you have to worry about."
"So, it is like some sort of event that has to happen?"
"In some way of form, yes Weaver."
"But something is wrong...you interfered."
"I did as I was unable to watch every Y/N in existence have a bad life, if Captain Stacy could, so can Y/N."
"Aren't you worried what kind of problems this will cause, in most of the universes Y/N is the bad guy and now if some pre-evil Y/N gets Spider powers, they will be able to enter the multive-"
"Somebody is watching us."
"How is that even possible?!"
"We are literally standing at the heart of the Web of Destiny, nobody in the multiverse knows about this place!"
"In the Multiverse, that is applied to, but not in the Mirrorverse."
"I'm getting the location of the intruder - Earth 927?! That Universe doesn't have Spider-Man or anyone developed enough to be able to do this!?"
"It is not Earth 927, Weaver. It is its copy, a reflection, Earth 927-M."
"Then why is it not showing up?"
"Because it just got created."
To be continued...
Helo, ShadowMaver here, Darko now has finished his ITSV arc just like Knightmere and DEMGSC and WeabLord, leaving AxeTheRat last to catch up, so I will be writing the script for them for the crossover, which atm is like 11k words? Probably gonna be 15k and that only 2 parts out of 5 in the script!!!
Lmao, that explains my absence from writing my Arcane book..or any other of my books...crap. Anyway if you need more content to read, i recommend checking out other writers' books on their spider-man who will appear in the crossover, try get platinum trophy on some games? Well there is many options to do when waiting for another chapter no?
Anyway, Maver is singing off.
So I finally reached the end of Into the Spiderverse ARC.
Now, there's gonna be a bit longer wait for Edge of Mirrorverse ARC then what we planned so there's that.
In mean time, I will concetrate on Dark Love and 2 MCU books.
Tell me what you thought of finale.
Those who read other books already have 2 and now 3 credit scenes which hint at the crossover.
Can you piece the puzzle of the story of Earth 927-M?
Y/N went through hell in this chapter, didn't he? Most abused reader I ever wrote? Eh, he suffered as did I.
Just look at words count....
(Word Count: 14 312k)
Every year, i broke my Longest chapter record.
2020: 6k words
2021: 8k words
2022: 10k words
2023: 14k words
And I think i either equalled or surrpassed the ship writing of Y/N and Raven with Rebooted Y/N and Gwen.
But what do you guys think?
What will happen next?
What will be consequences of the crossover?
And most importantly...
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