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Loki smirked at the Canadian's threat, knowing very well he struck a nerve in him with those informations he gave to the mortal. As Natasha led Logan outside of the cell, she shot a last pensive look at the god, wondering again if he could be trusted with those informations about the man's past, before walking outside and closing the door behind them.ย
Agent Romanoff let Logan rest leaning on the wall beside the door. The two exchanged a nod again, him confirming her that he truly was alright when, in fact, he was the furthest from all right: Logan just learned that, once, he was loved very much by a woman, a woman that confirmed her love for him by gifting him that watch with the engraved soft words. Probably she had a family, or worst he was all her family. For whatever reason, Logan one day decided to abandon her, promising to come back, but ultimately breaking that promise. And, in doing so, he also broke her heart. She died, alone, waiting for a man that, evidently, didn't love her enough to keep her from that pain. An animal that didn't know what love was, a monster that only knew how to steal and kill for mere survival. But was that really the only way for him to live? As a survivor? Was this actually living?
As Natasha headed back inside the cell room, Logan noticed something on the ground, right beside the door, at his left. He quickly glanced from left to right to make sure no one was watching him, and upon noticing the silence filling the corridor he bent down on his knees and picked up the object on the ground. A small screen that was currently hacking into the cell room's camera. He could see Loki inside his cell through the electronic device's digital screen, and realized this was how Natasha was able to intervene so quickly to stop him before he could free the Asgardian in a rage moment. He smirked as he noticed the redhead had many tricks up her sleeve, and this lead him to know for a fact that she probably left there the device on purpose, but why would she do that? As he asked himself those questions, he saw the redhead walk inside the room and look directly at the camera with an expression Logan couldn't decipher, before directing her focus back on the imprisoned god. The latter was already turned towards the door, seemingly waiting for the agent to walk back inside and, as he smirked a little, he asked her
Loki: "How is the pet doing?"
At that Logan was almost ready to barge again inside and actually act on the rage that was flowing inside of him, but he restrained himself, wanting to know how the redhead would handle the situation. She didn't falter, nor moved an inch. She stood there, with a relaxed yet hard expression, and replied
Natasha: "I convinced him not to kill you yet: we still need to know a few things after all."
Loki had a curious and a mild surprised look as he squinted his eyes, and asked
Loki: "What kind of things?"
At that Romanoff, keeping on her expression, said with a hard yet monotone voice
Natasha: "I wanna know what you've done to Agent Barton."
Loki shrugged and, with both a nonchalant expression and tone, replied
Loki: "I'd say, I've expanded his mind."
After that, Natasha didn't relent as she walked a few steps forward and said
Natasha: "And once you've won...once you're king of the mountain...what happens to his mind?"
She folded her arms as she said the last line. Natasha's expression and demeanor was something Logan never saw: she was relaxed, calm, yet there was a fierceness, a hardness in her eyes. But, somewhat, none of this was easily noticeable, in fact nothing of the redhead was easy to pinpoint: it was something the man never had any experience with. People for him were always clear, he could notice an innocent, someone who drank a bit too much, someone looking for trouble, someone who was heartbroken...but never had he met someone who was that closed, that unreadable to confuse him. And that confusion made him curious.
The god listened to the woman's words and, with a faint smirk, he asked
Loki: "Ohh...is this love, agent Romanoff?"
But Natasha kept her straight face as she replied
Natasha: "Love is for children, I owe him a debt."
Logan kept listening closely at the woman's words, as well as Loki, who walked backwards and gestured to the redhead saying
Loki: "Tell me."
After saying this, the god sat down, ready to listen to the spy's tale. Natasha glanced at the floor in thought, blinking a few times while using her tongue to wet briefly her lips: was she really going to disclose this information to an Asgardian that held the title of 'god of mischief'? Natasha knew she had a mission, she knew that they needed to know what was Loki's play in all of this, because Logan was right. The man deduced that something was off with the whole situation, and she piqued up on that as well when she noticed the quietness and the submission of a powerful individual that, if he wanted, he could've broken free at any time during the fly back. The one Loki was asking about was a heavily classified information since the time Natasha asked personally to Fury not to divulge it. The man assured her that her past, her secret, all of it was safe, and now she was about to tell the enemy the infamous tale of her redemption. But it was always Natasha's story to tell, and she thought she could disclose with Loki the few necessary informations to make the god lower his defenses, leading him this way to a perfect trap.
After briefly gathering the few disclosable informations in her head, she started speaking slowly
Natasha: "Before I worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. I, uh..."
As she was saying this, she turned around and walked towards a chair nearby, glancing in the meantime at the cell room's security camera, directly at Logan, silently telling him that this was for him to hear too. The Canadian understood the final message, and watched as the redhead reached the chair and turned to look back at the caged god and threw him a friendly smirk. The man noticed how well the spy could use her emotions and expressions, this highlighting the already remarkable abilities possessed by Agent Romanoff, who continued her tale
Natasha: "Well, I made a name for myself. I have a very specific skillset. I didn't care who I used it for, or on. I got on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar in a bad way. Agent Barton was sent to kill me, he made a different call."
Logan noticed how natural her expression was, and payed close attention to her eyes as she was recalling everything that she was telling Loki. She didn't share much about her past, but the Canadian was grateful that she trusted him enough to know even that tiny bit of info. The god, after listening to the woman's tale, glanced briefly down at his hands and said, directing his gaze back to Natasha
Loki: "And what will you do if I vow to spare him?"
And the redhead, as a reply, shrugged her head and said with a smirk
Natasha: "Not let you out."
Logan smirked at her answer, while thee god lightly chuckled before talking with his broad devious smirk plastered across his face
Loki: "Ah no, but I like this: your world in balance, and you bargain for one man."
Loki's expression was incredulous as he finished his sentence, not understanding why was the woman so fixated on saving that particular man if not out of love. Natasha's expression instead didn't falter as she answered with her left eyebrow arched
Natasha: "Regimes fall every day. I tend not to weep over that, I'm Russian. Or I was."
Finishing her answer with a brief shrug, Nat waited for the god's reply. He glanced at the floor while wetting his lips with his tongue, then he looked back at the redhead and asked
Loki: "And what are you now?"
Natasha replied while standing up from the chair
Natasha: "It's really not that complicated."
She walked in front of the cell glass and folded her arms as she said
Natasha: "I've got red in my ledger, I'd like to wipe it out."
She finished her line with a small smirk on her face. She threw the god the bait, now it was all a matter of if he was gonna take it. And Loki didn't waste a second to take it as he, with a grim and almost pitiful expression on his face, said
Loki: "Can you? Can you wipe out that much red? Dreikov's daughter?"
Logan watched as the before present smirk on Natasha's face disappeared
Loki: "Sรฃo Paulo?"
He noticed the woman's neck muscles tensing
Loki: "The hospital fire?"
How her breathing became irregular with tension.
Loki: "Barton told me everything."
The god ended his list with a smug expression on his face. Logan noticed the change in Natasha's attitude, her irregular breathing, her lips parting, and her eyes showing something the Canadian didn't notice before then in the spy: fear and panic. How bad was the redhead's spy's past for her to react this way to Loki's words? What was so unbelievably horrible to make the woman tremble so much? While Logan was asking himself these questions, the god started to talk again
Loki: "Your ledger is dripping, it's gushing red, and you think saving a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything?"
He walked forward in his cell, until he was able to see himself reflected on the glass' surface, as he kept talking
Loki: "This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer... PATHETIC! You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors. But they are a part of you, and they will never go away."
Suddenly he slammed his right fist on the cell's glass. Natasha showed clearly the startle as she retracted quickly her folded arms by her sides and looked with horror at the god as he went forward with his speech
Loki: "I won't touch Barton. Not until I make him kill you! Slowly. Intimately. In every way he knows you fear! And when he'll wake just long enough to see his good work, and when he screams, I'll split his skull!"
Natasha rapidly blinked two times as she turned and walked away a bit before stopping and looking down. At that point, Logan was ready to barge inside the room and end Loki permanently, but what stopped him was the look on her face that he could see through the camera. Suddenly she wasn't shocked, nor afraid: she had a small smirk plastered on her face, almost as if she just accomplished what she wanted. Loki ended his speech with a final line
Loki: "This is my bargain, you mewling quim!"
After that, Natasha regained her act as she said in a hushed and shaking tone
Natasha: "You're a monster..."
Hearing that Loki, thinking to have struck a significant nerve, smiled devilishly as he chuckled and replied, giving the redhead exactly the answer she needed
Loki: "No, you brought the monster."
He lowered his hand as he finished his sentence and, after a second, Natasha already knew his play. She raised her head and turned to look at the god with a relaxed expression on her face, as if she just had a normal conversation with a coworker, and said
Natasha: "So, Banner...that's your play."
Loki looked at the spy confused as he asked
Loki: "What?"
To say that the god was pretty confused by the sudden emotional change of Agent Romanoff would be an understatement. The only thing he knew for sure was that, somehow, she figured out his plan, and he was potentially screwed. Natasha brought her right hand to her earpiece and contacted Hill as she walked around the glass cell towards the exit, saying
Natasha: "Loki means to unleash the Hulk. Keep Banner in the lab, I'm on my way. Send Thor as well."
Before exiting the chamber, Natasha looked at Loki, who was still pretty surprised, and said with a relaxed expression
Natasha: "Thank you...for your cooperation."
She ended the line with a small smirk as she turned around and walked out of the cell.
As soon as the door opened, Natasha walked past Logan, knowing pretty well he was there but not having enough time to stop and have a chat. Logan tagged along quickly, still having the digital screen in his hand. As he reached the redhead and walked alongside her, he handled her the device while asking
Logan: "You dropped something?"
Natasha took it and quickly placed it on the large table as they passed by the conference room, not saying anything to him. After a couple of seconds of silent walking, he glanced at her a couple of times, noticing her focused expression, which as always didn't let anything transpire. Since the woman wasn't uttering a word, it was the Canadian that spoke, asking
Logan: "Why did you left it there for me? Why did you want me to watch?"
Natasha didn't stop for a second as she simply answered while looking straight ahead
Natasha: "To prove a point."
The two were near the lab as Logan, nodding questioningly, asked her
Logan: "Which is...?"
She stopped before walking in the final corridor leading to the lab, turned towards the Canadian and, with a straight expression like always, said
Natasha: "Sometimes it's better to forget."
As she pronounced those words, Logan picked on something in the woman's eyes. Something he couldn't define properly, but that certainly had to do with what happened in the cell room. Now he was beginning to ask himself if she was really faking everything back then, or if simply she didn't like others to see her vulnerable side, reason why she tried to hide everything behind a straight face or a small smirk. As she started walking down the corridor, Logan really thought about Natasha's words as he pulled out his dog tags from under his suit and stared down at them dangling from his neck : was it really what he wanted, to remember his past? Was it really worth the effort to be burdened with something he didn't know what to expect from? What if he regretted it later? Was he ready to know who he truly was?
Logan put the tags back where they were as he started walking towards the lab, but the more he walked closer, the more voices he heard arguing with each other. When he finally walked inside, he noticed everyone was gathered there, including Fury, and there was some sort of arguing between Natasha and the doctor, who said to her while chuckling bitterly
Bruce: "I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed."
He watched as Natasha, without batting an eye, slowly walked forward towards Banner and answered back
Natasha: "Loki's manipulating you."
Bruce, still with his sarcastic smirk, asked as he squinted a bit his eyes
Bruce: "And you've been doing what exactly?"
Logan watched the exchange, also smelling a huge dose of adrenalin in the air, also sensing something else as well. The adrenalin was a clear indicator that everyone in the room was getting agitated, but the Canadian couldn't yet understand why. Natasha kept walking towards Bruce as she replied
Natasha: "You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you."
She stopped in front of the doctor as he moved to his left towards a digital screen while saying
Bruce: "Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy."
He then grabbed the side of the screen and turned it towards the whole group, so that everyone could see. Logan's eyes widened as he finally understood what was the topic of the discussion: the Tesseract being used to create deadly weapons. After realizing this he directed his intense gaze first towards Fury, and then towards the redhead, who didn't spare him a glance. Then he heard Bruce continue as he pointed at the screen with his folded glasses
Bruce: "I'd like to know why S.H.I.E.L.D. is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction."
The director didn't falter his gaze at the doctor as he, with a straight face, pointed at Thor and Logan, who were standing beside one another, as he simply answered
Fury: "Because of them."
Thor had his arms folded as he looked at the director with a perplexed face as he pointed a finger at himself and asked after a few seconds
Thor: "Us?"
Logan's gaze returned to Fury when the latter mentioned him. The Canadian squinted his eyes pissed as he listened to what the director was saying
Fury: "Last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned."
He turned to look at everyone in the room as he said all of that. Thor listened at what Fury told as he unfolded his arms and let them stay down his sides, then said to the patched man
Thor: "My people want nothing but peace with your planet."
But Fury turned to look at him and said
Fury: "But you're not the only people out there, are you? And, you're not the only threat."
The last bit he directed towards Logan, who squinted again his eyes as the director continued
Fury: "The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, they can't be controlled."
Steve interjected by sarcastically asking
Steve: "Like you control the cube?"
And then it was Logan's turn to talk
Logan: "How am I included in this alien talk shit?"
Fury turned to him as he widened his eye and sarcastically asked
Fury: "How are you included?"
He then walked a few steps forward as he continued
Fury: "There's no record of you, no info, no data, except for the fact that you've been connected with brutal homicides committed in the last ten years. You go around, you kill whoever you want, and none of the conventional weapons is efficient against you: you might just be another alien, come here only to cause chaos."
Logan didn't let those words falter him as he stood his ground and replied
Logan: "It really pisses you off that you can't control me, right bub? Do you think I didn't figure out that you didn't call me here because you needed me, but just because you wanted to keep an eye on me? Well, the only one remaining at least."
Fury kept his stare at him as he replied
Fury: "I called you in because I believed you could do something good, but the more time you spend here, the more I realize you just act like a mindless beast that now I have to control."
At that Logan tilted his head and asked with slightly squinted eyes
Logan: "Control?"
Then he walked forward and stood face to face with Fury as he said
Logan: "You know, sometimes when you cage the beast, the beast gets angry..."
The one to break their staring contest was Thor, who said to Fury
Thor: "You're work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is the signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war."
Steve turned to look at him as he asked with a confused expression
Steve: "A higher form?"
Fury kept his gaze focused on Thor as he answered
Fury: "You forced our hand, we had to come up with something-"
But he was interrupted by Tony, who stood there with his arms behind his back, that said sarcastically
Tony: "Nuclear deterrent, 'cause that always calms everything down."
Fury merely turned to look at him with a bored expression as he replied
Fury: "Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark?"
That was something Tony detested about himself: that all of his fortune came from weapons manufacturing. That was something he'd change if given the chance, now he could only use that fortune to repair to all the mistakes he made in his life. His past was certainly something he didn't like to talk about, but evidently Steve didn't know that when he walked a few steps forward and, glancing both at Tony and Fury, said
Steve: "I'm sure if he still made weapons, Stark would be neck deep-"
Tony had had enough of chatting about the mistakes he was trying to clear as he advanced as well while extending his left hand, motioning the Captain to stop talking, as he said
Tony: "Wait, wait, hold on, how is this now about me?"
Steve turned to look at him as he sarcastically asked
Steve: "I'm sorry, isn't everything?"
Steve didn't have a nice opinion on the rich man, and the more he thought that his last name was Stark, the more he couldn't believe that Tony was actually his old friend Howard's son, a man who dedicated himself to save the world from the nazi lead by Schmidt: Tony was self-centered, selfish, and only fought for himself. Even if he resembled a bit his father's qualities, he was very different. Thor took a step closer as he commented
Thor: "I thought humans were more evolved than this."
At that Fury lost it as he turned to look at the god and said with a higher and sarcastic voice
Fury: "Excuse me, did we come to your planet, and blow stuff up?!"
And after that hell broke lose, as everyone started to yell and fight and insult each other, and somehow Logan was feeling more and more odd. He couldn't explain what it was, but something wasn't right. Logan did not only have an excellent sense of smell, but his instincts were way more developed that normal, and all he knew about that strange situation was that his head started to feel a bit dizzy. Amongst the confusion, he managed to hear Natasha saying this to the others
Natasha: "Are you really that naive? S.H.I.E.L.D. monitors potential threats."
To which Banner, with his arms folded, replied sarcastically
Bruce: "Captain America is on threat watch?"
To which Natasha replied
Natasha: "We all are."
Right after that Tony spoke to Steve with his iconic sarcastic tone
Tony: "You're on that list? Are you above or below angry bees?"
To which the Captain, having enough of these comments from him, answered
Steve: "Stark, so help me God, you make one more wise-"
But Tony interrupted him again
Tony: "A threat! I feel threatened!"
Everyone continued to yell and fight. Logan felt his head even more dizzy, which was starting to annoy him as he shifted his gaze to Natasha. He couldn't believe that she was working with someone who started the production of highly destructive weapons, which is why he asked her with a slightly high voice
Logan: "How the hell can you work with someone that wants to build nuclear weapons?"
Natasha looked at him with the same straight expression she already had as she replied
Natasha: "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s job is to monitor, control and, if necessary, eliminate people that could potentially be threatening to the world."
He now fully turned to her as he said with squinted eyes
Logan: "So I take it you were ready to nuclearize me as well, huh?"
Natasha tilted her head as she answered with fire in her voice
Natasha: "You go around brutalizing people with no remorse, do you think we shouldn't have done anything to prevent more deaths?"
Logan stood face to face to her as he said with venom in his voice and eyes
Logan: "You know shit about me."
Natasha stood her ground, not lowering her gaze from his eyes, as she replied with the same fierceness
Natasha: "Which is exactly why we don't leave mindless animals like you run around free."
Natasha didn't know why she said that phrase with so much hatred or venom in her voice. It was like the words just came out from her mouth without her control, as if her meanest thoughts towards the man before her manifested into words without her being able to stop them. It was no secret that the man was savage when it came to fights, but the redhead also noticed other qualities inside of him, like his intelligence and his vulnerability, but then why did she say those words? And why the twinge of surprise in the Canadian's eyes at her reply made her feel so bad about what she did? That surprise in his eyes quickly vanished as Logan's eyes became hard once again, but that also vanished as the dizziness and the ache in his head became even stronger after the redhead pronounced those words. As he closed his eyes, he brought his right gloved hand to his face, holding the bridge of his nose. Seeing his discomfort and the stumble step he took, the woman tried to help him by holding his shoulders, but Logan swatted her hands away before they could make contact with him, and then said to her in an angered and hushed tone
Logan: "Don't fucking touch me, Romanoff."
By then all the yelling ceased as Bruce started talking, but Logan's headache didn't stop for a second as he leaned on the wall beside the door for support. The ache was hammering, a never ending, constant, hammering in his head, and the fact that he had no idea what was the cause made him more and more angry and nervous. By the time he managed to stand up straight and actually listen to what was being said, he heard Fury moving his hands in front of him and saying to doctor Banner
Fury: "The cell was just in case-"
But the doctor interrupted him, saying with a high voice
Bruce: "In case you needed to kill me, but you can't. I know, I tried."
And, for the first time, Logan looked at Banner in a new way. For the first time, Logan didn't think about the big, green monster when he looked at him: he saw another scared man that didn't see a way out of his situation. But, most of all, another man who saw suicide as the only possible solution at some point in his life. Everyone's eyes were on Banner, who glanced at them before explaining himself
Bruce: "I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on, I focused on helping other people. I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk."
Logan watched as the man slowly walked backwards to the table on which lied the alien scepter, and suddenly the Canadian felt again the slight dizziness. Bruce moved his gaze to Natasha, without noticing that his hand kept moving backwards, and said with a worrying tone
Bruce: "You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?"
Natasha and Fury, both distressed and nervous about what was going to happen, placed their hands on their holsters, ready to shoot, while Logan got in front of them and, motioning a hand forward, said to the doctor
Logan: "Banner..."
As Bruce's gaze shifted to Logan, the doctor's eyes flashed for a moment a shade of green, and a small growl left his mouth, but the Canadian didn't let this intimidate him as he calmly said
Logan: "...put down the scepter."
The angry expression on the scientist's face dissolved as he lowered his gaze, noticing with surprise that he was in fact holding the god of mischief's scepter. He moved his confused gaze towards the Canadian, that gave him a small nod, signaling him that it was okay. Logan noticed that the scepter was glowing particularly intensely while Bruce was holding it, probably due to the gamma rays reacting to Banner's cells, but Logan couldn't shake this feeling that the glowing was somehow connected to his strange headache...
Right then a 'ping' sound came from the computer on the far end of the room and, as Bruce placed the object down, Tony commented
Tony: "Got it."
After putting the scepter down, Bruce made his way to the computer, with Natasha and Logan tagging along, while Thor asked
Thor: "Located the Tesseract?"
Then Tony interjected, saying
Tony: "I can get there faster."
But Steve tried to stop him
Steve: "Look, all of us-"
But he got interrupted by the booming voice of the Asgardian
Thor: "The Tesseract belongs to Asgard, no human is a match for it."
As Bruce, Natasha and Logan got beside the doctor to examine the notification, the Canadian kept having this unsettling sensation about something bad about to happen, but his attention was soon captured by another argument about to explode between Stark and Rogers, when the latter put a hand on the other's arm and said in order to stop him
Steve: "You're not going alone!"
But Tony pushed the Captain's hand off of him and turned to him, while saying
Tony: "You gonna stop me?!"
Even Fury's attention was now on them as he turned to look at the scene with an incredulous expression on his face. The Captain, the one who was supposed to have the most focused mind in the group, now was picking a pointless fight against one of his teammates for a pointless reason, and Logan's sensation about the whole situation didn't get any better. Steve moved forward, the two men standing face to face as Rogers said to him
Steve: "Put on the suit, let's find out!"
Logan shifted his gaze from them to the scepter that didn't stop glowing yet, then he shifted it again to the two men, as Tony then said
Tony: "I'm not afraid to hit an old man."
Logan looked again at the scepter as Steve said yet again with a more hushed and venomous tone
Steve: "Put on the suit."
His head hurting and feeling dizzy, the group fighting out of nowhere, Steve picking a fight for pointless reasons, the director losing his cool, Natasha comforting him a few moments ago, and then calling him a mindless animal right after...and that damn scepter glowing like crazy all along. Yeah, all of that was connected in some way, and Logan asked himself if the god of mischief didn't have some sort of remote control over that weapon. The god must have had a reason to give up so easily to them, and why didn't he talk during the flight? Why did he push so much on his supposed dead girlfriend to make him mad? And why did he have that wicked smirk when Natasha came to comfort him? The god had payed attention to each and everyone of them all along since he got captured, and that, combined with the suddenly worried expression on Bruce's face as he looked at the screen and, while shifting his horrified gaze him, uttered the words
Bruce: "Oh my God..."
All of that could mean one thing...
Logan: "Everyone out!-"
An explosion interrupted him as he, Natasha and Bruce were sent flying back through the glass, and down to a big area full of metal pipes and iron stairs and platforms. A lot of those pipes fell on them, trapping Natasha's ankle. The bigger pipes fell right on Logan's back, making him unable to move and barely able to breathe. Both the Canadian and the spy released painful grunts once they made contact with the hard floor. Logan tried to move, but he just got more stuck, while Natasha tried with no success to free her ankle. A thin layer of sweat was on both of their faces as they tried and tried to break free from the heavy restraints keeping them immobilized. All of a sudden, Natasha heard her name being called from her earpiece, the voice belonging to Fury. And so she brought a hand on her ear and answered
Natasha: "I'm okay, Logan?"
Asked her while glancing at the Canadian beside him. He raised his gaze and, not being able to talk, merely nodded as an answer. All seemed good, regardless of the situation...until a painful grunt made them both look back. And they saw Bruce on the ground, not particularly hurt, not even under a pipe, squirming and releasing painful grunts while opening and closing his fists, his knuckles turning white. The two exchanged a brief look as she said with a small voice
Natasha: "We're okay, right."
And all that Logan could utter was
Logan: "Fuck..."
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