42. X-Men, Together
3rd Person POV
The woman infront of the vexed man soon crumbled to her knees, revealing that she was not Wanda... but infact Miss Sinister. She was shape-shifting but Y/N's senses allowed him to know what was his wife and not.
Y/N: Don't pretend to be my wife.
A look of fear spread across the woman, tears falling to her eyes before she curled up and groaned to her death.
Wolverine then wasted no time in sprinting out of the forest to find the village, the adrenaline finally secreted in his bloodstream and he began running at full speed.
When he got there he saw so much happening. Gambit, Ororo and Jimmy were attacking a genetically modified pterodactyl, while Jean was trying to fight off the teleporter. And Beast was fighting off the big guy.
In the middle of it, Cyclops was currently fighting off a giant tiger like creature, asit trashed him around the ground. Y/N decided to take the uncommon decision by helping the leader of the team.
Y/N ran full speed before getting on his knees and skidding through, cutting up the creature by the legs with his vibranium claws.
The creature used its mouth to take away Y/N from the ground and slam him against it, causing him to groan. Y/N shut his eyes and kicked the large animal off him, before getting up himself and staring at the creature.
It was a large grey lizard like animal, grumbling lowly from the hurt. Y/N looked behind to see Scott who was weakened on the floor before turning again to face the creature.
Y/N let out a loud erratic scream, gaining his savage qualities before running with his claws out to fight the creature.
The beast came towards him and the two began tussling, the claws went into the chest of the 4 legged creature causing it to scream in pain.
Y/N was now under the beast, allowing it to scratch his face making him scream in pain. He eventually was able to use his claws to slice up the mouth, causing black blood to spill everywhere.
The man kicked the beast off his body and got ontop of him, raising his elbows up before jabbing his claws deep into the creatures chest.
Because of this, it struggled under the angry father's presence. Scott, once able to think, decided to help the others and leave Y/N be.
Everything was mayhem.
Once the animal was killed, Y/N got up, and looked around... he saw that the fight had faded down... the animals were gone and the children of Sinister weren't there.
Y/N ripped off his mask, his breathing toning down. Hank then had arrived with a dead body in his hands.
It was of Kevin's. The young adult.
Before they could react, Magneto arrived landing on his two feet. Angry.
Erik: Where's Charles.
???: Right here.
The X-Men all looked ahead, to see the ominous Mr Sinister, stood there tall with only two of his children by his side. As Y/N had killed one of them.
And in his arms, was Charles.
Mr Sinister: For once, someone has been a nuisance to me.
He mumbled, looking at Y/N... it was no surprise that Mr Sinister was grown to be feared. But Y/N was able to fight through it, all starting from the moment Mr Sinister put him in the lake.
Mr Sinister: But it's too late, X-Men. Once I leave, the Mutant race will be extinct... so I ask you, why try?
Erik used his hands to start levitating, but the three grey skinned, genetically modified psychopaths left, by a purple portal. Leaving the X-Men, unknown of their location.
Did they just lose?
Wanda's POV
Agatha had now brought me into a multicoloured area, via several spells. Without the darkhold's influence, she seemed different and had an urge to be redeemed.
Jeannie was close to me at all times, my hand reassuring everything will be okay.
I had to save my boys and husband. They're out there.
It was so colourful, and it disobeyed any earthly law.
The fellow witch guided me throughout, not able to do as much as she had very little powers compared to mine.
Across the embroidered floors, there it layed glowing in the middle of it. My eyes instantly felt the energy, and the purity of it.
Wanda: The Vishanti.
Agatha: The Darkhold's antithesis. It can give a sorcerer whatever power they need to vanquish their enemy...
I was then confused, sorcerer? I turned to face the black haired woman and she smiled.
Agatha: But you're more powerful than that.
I looked at Jeannie and crouched down to her level, I brushed the red hairs out of her face and looked into her deep eyes of innocence.
Wanda: No matter what happens, I'll keep you safe, okay? But Mama has to try this.
Jeannie: I-I know.
Wanda: Good girl.
I beamed at her and pulled her in for a forehead kiss. I love her so much, and I've been a bad mother.
But this is one more chance to do the right thing.
Agatha: Are you ready, Wanda?
I got up and distanced myself from the two, I looked at the book and took a step towards it... I felt its energy... and more importantly, I could feel two presences from it, calling out for me.
Daken & Tommy.
I slowly reach out for the book, my hand touching its metal surface and making out all the scriptures on it...
My eyes glowed red, as I took it out and flipped through its pages telepathically...
"Find my children."
One member of the X-Men was now killed. And Charles, the guide of our mission was now gone.
Meaning, we were more in trouble.
It's not my children, but every other Mutant child on this planet. Innocent ones.
And that was shattering my heart.
I watched from a distant, as the main X-Men buried the young man, who didn't deserve to die.
As I observed, I felt someone's presence near me, it was Erik. Magneto. I didn't turn but instead continued by looking ahead.
Erik: Charles was too naive... too trusting. He had faith in the essential goodness of man... look at yourselves, risking your lives for a humanity that would rather see you behind bars, or dead. Why do you persist?
He asked rhetorically, which had me thinking slightly... but it wasn't the point anymore.
Y/N: Is your way any better? a mutant dictatorship?
Erik: Be careful with what you say, Wolverine. I have lived under a dictatorship... but when I rule, it will be the betterment of all.
It occurred to me that Mr Sinister and Erik were two opposites, with Charles being in the middle of it all.
Y/N: That's not the point anymore.
Scott and Jimmy had then arrived to where we were talking, presuming we were discussing tactics.
Jimmy: I think cutting these fuckers to death is the best way to go about things.
Cyclops then pushes my brother aside, facing him eye to eye. Obviously Jimmy was slightly not as worried as he was, or maybe Scott has issues with every L/N he meets.
Scott: We get it, Jimmy. It looks like every problem is solved with stabbing people for the guy with knives in his knuckles.
He says, gritting his teeth while also trying to remain authoritative. My brother simply smirked and continued staring down at Scott.
Jimmy: And it looks like it isn't for the guy looking at the world through rose coloured glasses.
A sudden pause grows on Scott, as he tries to refrain from. showing emotion.
Scott: You've been waiting to use that one for a while, haven't you?
Jimmy: Maybe.
Scott: We're outnumbered however.
Y/N: Just stop! The two of you!
I say angrily, causing everyone to look at me, including Gambit, Beast and the two women who were just a few feet away by a lake.
My body faces, Scott, the leader of the team. My respect for him was starting to show and I needed to motivate him.
Y/N: Yeah. I'm not going to lie to you, we're outnumbered... we lost Kevin, we lost the Professor... but if we don't fight now, everything they stood for dies along with them... and I'm not going to let that happen... are you?
I ask Cyclops, staring right through his visor. He seemed a little shocked that I was talking to him this way but he nodded in agreement.
Y/N: Then we stand together... X-Men. All of us.
My inspirational message causes everyone to nod in agreement, some slightly in awe of me doing this. But if I was being honest, I was caring about these people now.
They were like family to me now.
Hank: We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he to-day that sheds his blood with me! Shall be my brother!
The blue skinned man recited loudly, gaining everyone's awkward attention. I then glance back at the men I was standing with.
Jimmy: So what's your plan, Y/N?
Y/N: Scott's the leader, I think he should decide.
I turn to face Summers, who was again surprised by my respect for him. I simply nodded, trying to not give too much of my admiration away.
Y/N: So, what's plan B?
Scott: No, not plan 'B', plan 2... plan 'b' reduces us to 26 plans.
3rd Person POV
Charles' eyes opened slowly, and eventually he found himself in what is Mr Sinister's laboratory.
He looked around to see lots of equipment, highly advanced but also supernatural. But something alerted him.
It was soft sobs of two children, the very two children he were looking for.
Daken and Tommy.
The twins were trapped in a small cell, that had radiation and certain gases being released into them. The boys were petrified and Charles... he was helpless.
He found himself restrained to a chair, not being able to move in it at all, he was faced with his failure.
Charles: Daken, Tommy... I am Charles Xavier, friend of your father.
Daken: H-Help us.
The ten year old started crying, touching his hand against the glass as Charles himself tried to use his powers, anything... but it was all futile.
Charles: It's okay, Daken. Stay with me. Your father and mother will be here soon, I promise.
He spoke as calmly as he could, even though he had no clue what was going to happen next.
Suddenly, the enemy appeared right infront of Charles, causing the traumatised boys to hide away and shut their eyes from the nightmare.
This time, Charles got a closer look at the man who was once a smart human being. How rage and vengeance drove him to the path of tyranny.
Mr Sinister: Ignorance has always been the weapon of tyrants, enlightenment the salvation of the free.
Charles: What do you want, Nathaniel.
Mr Sinister: I could kill you honestly... I could... but I need you, to witness this... and also deliver my message to the humans and the mutants.
He said darkly, making a Cerebro model appear in his hands. Charles, despite his old age remained wise and silent.
Sinister carefully placed the helmet over the bald man's head, before smiling at him, his plan was going to work.
Mr Sinister: Now repeat after me... hear me, inhabitants of this world.
Charles: Hear me, inhabitants of this world....
The message was now being amplified everywhere. Everyone could hear it now, every single person.
Charles started repeating everything Mr Sinister told him too.
"This is a message to every man, woman and mutant."
"You have lost your way."
"But he has returned."
"There is nothing you can do..."
However, Charles was able to adjust the frequency and send a different telepathic message to Jean Grey, who was with the others discussing the plan.
She felt his presence.
"Jean if you can hear me, focus on my voice."
"We're in Krakoa."
"Find us."
"Jean, Find us."
Finally, a location.
Charles looked up at Mr Sinister, who was smiling in glory as Charles told everyone on the planet about his arrival.
"This message is for one reason alone to tell the strongest among you."
Mr Sinister: Those, with the greatest power... will be extinct...
"Those with the greatest power...
Protect those without."
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